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Thread: Typing Hemoglobin

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Default Typing Hemoglobin

    So Aleksei has typed me already on another forum and was basically who got me interested in socionics in the first place...

    I thought it'd be interesting to see what others thought my typing was, perhaps to prove him wrong

    The first two questions are from another question set... I got bored towards the end and just copied those... happens when you start with the last question

    1. What are 5 key qualities about you, and what is each of their direct opposites?

    Observant vs unobservant
    Guarded vs open
    Nurturing vs neglectful
    Confident vs timid
    Calculated vs spontaneous

    2. Now explain why each of the opposites COULD be you and why it might be GOOD to be that opposite characteristic. Own them even if they are negative traits.
    I can be very unobservant some times when it comes to my physical reality. Looks seem to fade into the background, and make way for the truer underlying meanings to come to the forefront.

    When somebody approaches me in a way for my barriers to come tumbling down I become very open. It is good to be open with people because you can develop trust and bond on a deeper level.

    I can be neglectful to people/things when I am too focused on one area in my life: ie work. I become very one track minded and concentrate on that and that alone. In being neglectful I have more energy to get the job done correctly and people feel less need to depend on me. I feel less burdened.

    I can be timid, this keeps me from making stupid decisions and not risk sticking my neck out only to get my head chopped off.

    I can be spontaneous at times and do crazy things for the sake of lulz. This makes me come off less severe to the people around me and they seem to relax a lot more.

    3) What are your interests? Why?
    Tarot; it's a pre designed system that uses symbolism to explain hidden meanings in our day to day thinking.
    Science Fiction/Fantasy novels... it's a different world, whats not to love?
    Learning body language- helps me gauge other peoples motives.
    Metaphysics- helps me get an idea of what to expect (did I mention I was a control freak.... anything to help me predict whats coming and use it to my advantage)

    4) What do you want out of life?
    Recognition for my efforts
    A close knit circle of friends
    My own family
    A comfortable lifestyle
    A supportive partner

    5) What can you not do, because it might jeopardize your survival?
    Show any sign of vulnerability.

    6) What do you like in other people? Why?
    Mental forititude - A strong minded person makes me feel that I can trust them a lot easier.
    Eccentricity- I am addicted to the eccentrics in life. They help me feel alive.
    Passion- A passionate person no matter what their cause makes them much more animated, interesting, and tend to be able to catch my attention faster.
    Sensuality- I like a highly sensual people because they seem to compliment my own behaviour.
    Intelligence- That way I can carry an intellectual conversation with them without getting bored with the mundane.

    7) What do you dislike in other people? Why?
    People who are constantly feeling sorry for themselves, but will not make the effort to fix themselves.... I tend to see them as weak and pathetic.
    Emotional outbursts that have no structure to them...
    People that speak with no substance.
    Disrespectful people that offend my sense of time, resources, and importance. Ie turning up late to my house, dicking me around emotionally etc.
    People who talk about their personal feelings at parties... ugh! OMG whyyyyy?

    8) What would your ideal partner be like?

    I like them a little bit angry LOL! Okay... passionate is the better term. I love it when they are the star of the show, the life of the party. I love watching my partner getting loads of attention and being enjoyed by those around them. I love them to be impressive, intelligent, dramatic, quirky, eccentric, overtly romantic, charming, ridiculous, dominant, daring. I want them to be able to stand up to me and be able to put me into my place. I want them to be able to keep up with me intellectually, and be open to my ideas and writings.. also not mock my personal philosophies which are intensely private.

    I respect honesty and loyalty above most else. I have high expectations about my partner when it comes to loyalty... I can and enjoy watching flirtation but I expect to be number one to that person. I used to hate jealousy in a partner, but now I am realising that it's actually a little endearing... mostly showing that they care.

    Physical appearance isn't overly important to me, I tend to zone in on quirks I like anyway... They need to smell good though, if a person offends my olfactory senses they immediately have no chance with me. I am incredibly picky in that respect.

    I like them to be a lot more emotional than me and to be patient with my emotions... by them opening up first emotionally I feel more secure in opening up my own.. I dislike emotional spillage though when it is negative.. in that respect emotions are to be said in a detached clear and precise manner. No emotional blackmail is acceptable and is one of the things that will cause an immediate termination of the relationship.

    I enjoy arrogance and confidence. I love a man that can think clearly and believe he is right no matter what. I like him to be more dominant than myself... not so much sexually but in thinking, but I have to naturally allow him to be dominant otherwise we're in for rocky waters.

    I also like him to be decisive in what he wants in day to day matters. I want him to be dedicated to what he does, and to me- I want him to fight for me and I want to equally have to fight for him. I want him to be the King in the relationship and myself to be the Queen. Respect is very very important- mental, physicall and emotional boundaries of massive importance.

    (Also sex on a first date is totally fine by me... LOL... shhh!)

    9) Do you enjoy comfort, sensory indulgence, relaxation? Are you physically hedonistic (parties, dancing, binges, good eating, etc.)? Do you focus finely on physical sensations, carefully savoring them?

    I am a creature of comfort.. this is why I am not thin lol. I love food, I love smells... I love to be surrounded by beautiful things, I like to wear good clothes that I know look good on me and eat in the best restaurants. If I like a particular food why should I not eat it? I have a habit of over indulging... food, alcohol (not binge drinking, but I do enjoy it a fair bit) socialising, sex, music... I think I am probably overly hedonistic.. and I tend to share my hedonism, so many others enjoy spending time with me because they know they will be fed well lol.

    I do tend to feel a bit guilty about this and will then do the extreme opposite of going celibate, extreme dieting, water fasting, and periods of isolation to kind of ermmm... restore myself? I seem to have a love hate relationship with my hedonism.

    10) Do you find yourself neglecting bodily concerns and pushing your body beyond reasonable limits (like skipping sleep or meals or the like)? If so, do you appreciate being encouraged to slow down and take care of yourself, or does it make you feel annoyed or mollycoddled?

    If I am limerent I tend to ignore my body and live on very very limited sleep and will often forget to eat. I get really annoyed when people tell me to slow down but deep down inside I feel really loved if the other cares enough about me to tell me to get some sleep and eat etc.

    I kind of also like this trait in others as well as it shows me the passion is returned...

    11) Do you focus more on what you need to take care of at the moment, or on the end goal? Do you prefer an attitude of leaving no stone left unturned, or do you only focus on what you feel is necessary to reach your end goals? Are you thorough or sloppy? If neither applies to you, which do you prefer in other people?

    I tend to focus on the end goal and will focus only on what I feel is necessary to get there... I can be quite sloppy though doing this method. I also have a tendency of doing everything last minute.

    12) Are you forever chasing after new ideas and possibilities, or do you prefer dreaming up imaginative scenarios and fully fleshed-out plans? If neither applies to you, which do you prefer in other people?

    I love to day dream up imaginary scenarios and fully fleshed out plans and I prefer this trait also in others.

    13) Do you look for the hidden implications of concepts in analysis, and what they lead to? Or do you prefer to examine how concepts relate to each other? If neither applies to you, which do you prefer in other people?

    I tend to do the former of the two.

    14) Do you solve all variables, difficulties and contingencies as they come up? Or do you prefer to pick the most likely outcome or most likely conclusion and plan with it in mind?

    I have a tendency to try to predict the most likely outcome and plan all my contingencies around that and the variables that could happen from that one outcome.

    15) Are you prone to uncertainty or indecisiveness? When you have multiple opportunities to choose from, do you analyze them all? Or do you want to cut out the ones that aren’t likely or are least likely; pick just one?

    I am a highly decisive person about pretty much everything... I have a tendency to cut out options and narrow down to the most likely, or most suitable one.

    16) Are you open to any avenue that might offer potential opportunities? Or do you prefer to make sure the odds are in favor of a new avenue bringing benefits?

    I am open, but I do prefer the odds to already be stacked towards me...

    17) Are you assertive? Aggressive? Do you like it when other people are?

    I am very assertive when I want something, I relentlessly pursue it until I get it. When it comes to my emotions though I am currently on massive self preservation mode so I haven't been so aggressive/confident romantically as I have been in the past. I've also noticed that I am having an extra hard time lately gauging how people feel about me.

    In terms of others being aggressive towards me; I like it... but only on my terms. I find it a bit offputting for somebody to be so aggressively pursuing me if I myself am not overly interested. My mind is not easily changed about a person so by pursuing me harder you are only doing yourself a disfavour.

    18) Are you able to relax? Or are you restless and fidgety?

    I think I am able to relax but apparently I have a very stiff body. I'm not so much restless of fidgety I think my mind is always active. People tend to think I am stuck up/angry/annoyed due to my body language.

    19) Do you prefer concepts, principles, rules, procedures, etc. to be precise and lack ambiguity, or do you prefer simple solutions that offer (or as long as they offer) greater efficiency and productivity?

    The former of the two, but I prefer them to be flexible so I can change them if they are not proving to be effecient of productive enough.

    20) Are you a practical person in general? Elaborate.

    I think I am practical because I am adaptable. My survival is the utmost importance to me so by adapting to my environment (work, social, home) I learn what needs to be done. My way of being 'liked' is by being practical minded, as opposed to the common female 'emotional minded'. I struggle with my emotions and well, being a female in general so this forced me to become more practical.

    21) Are you passionate? Emotional? Given to performance or histrionics? Do you enjoy those qualities in other people?

    I am extremely passionate about my feelings towards my friends and significant others. I will go out of my way to write them epic love letters, poetry, shower them with gifts, and spend excessive amounts of time with them if that's what they want. I used to be a very jealous person and would have 'passion fits' if I felt the other was being disloyal. I am now a closet jealous person, I don't tend to act out my jealousy anymore... as I see it as immature.

    I love complimenting people, and I love people that can take the compliments well. It is my way of showing them my appreciation. I also love people that give compliments... I am a bit of a peacock after all.

    I enjoy other people who are similarly if not more passionate then myself emotionally... but are private about it at the same time. I can be extremely controling when it comes to public displays of emotion... (affection is fine though). Any public sign of weakness in our relationship and I go crazy... I hate looking weak and in all honesty, I hate my partner to also look weak... we need to look like an impressive unit.

    22) Are you aware of when you're stepping on other peoples' toes, or offend them? When you're not liked?

    Yes, I am highly aware of how I behave around other people. I have a hard time gauging other people's emotional responses to myself so I tend to watch for body language a lot to give me signals... When I know I am disliked I tend to try even harder to be nice to that person instead of dismissing them.

    23) Are you sensitive to others being emotionally hurt or offended?

    I would like to say that yes, I am in fact sensitive... but the truth of the matter is I am not. I am only sensitive to another person's emotional state when it directly impacts on myself and puts me into an uncomfortable situation.

    24) Would you say that the status of your personal relationships with people, your distance to them, is an important criterion for guiding your behavior?

    Very much so, but I think I already answered this question sufficiently.

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Too much text. Post pics or video.
    My physical appearance is going to help you type me? fascinating...

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    Fuck-up NewBorn STAR's Avatar
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    Show us tits and we give your type

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ashton View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post

    My physical appearance is going to help you type me? fascinating...

    Me at work...


  5. #5
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    LSI INTJ 6w5 CP

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    You definitely seem to be an -ego with T>F, so LSI is my best guess.

  7. #7
    Haikus Computer Loser's Avatar
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    Have you considered SLE? Going by what you wrote, I can see beta values. However, I see EP > IJ. Btw, what was your own self typing?
    Last edited by Computer Loser; 07-20-2011 at 04:33 AM.

  8. #8
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    You’re so LSI it hurts . Everything fits hey you described EIE as your perfect type, you have Se in your ego and a capable but not valued Si, you favour logic over ethics and you value Fe over Fi. The only thing I didn’t think came across strongly was in your answers was Ti > Te but I think that more to do with how the questions were worded vs how I like to type the logic functions. You are a definate beta anyway.

    If I was basing souly off your answers I might also consider SLE, but you come accross more introverted so I would lean towards LSI.

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    Fuck-up NewBorn STAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa33 View Post
    SLE sounds good to me.

  10. #10
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    You look like istj to me.

    But im uncertain upon how the mental dysfunction called Aleksei might have affected you.

  11. #11
    &papu silke's Avatar
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    You sounds like dynamic, Ni-Se valuing type, which put you in Beta or Gamma quadra. From your responses I'd say your Ni is connected to Fi rather than Ti so my guess would be ILI.

  12. #12
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    I don't see how any kind of Extratim is justifiable, tbh.
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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by moredhel View Post
    You’re so LSI it hurts .
    If I was basing souly off your answers I might also consider SLE, but you come accross more introverted so I would lean towards LSI.
    Lolz, well you know me in person so you'd know that I am not very extroverted at all. And yes, lets blame Aleksei's questions

    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    I was scared.
    Ouch, I'm really quite friendly... I promise.

    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    You look like istj to me.

    But im uncertain upon how the mental dysfunction called Aleksei might have affected you.
    Eh, I read the description and LSI seemed to fit *shrugs*

    Quote Originally Posted by siuntal View Post
    You sounds like dynamic, Ni-Se valuing type, which put you in Beta or Gamma quadra. From your responses I'd say your Ni is connected to Fi rather than Ti so my guess would be ILI.
    I'm so far off ILI that this made me lol. Thanks for the contribution though

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    I don't see how any kind of Extratim is justifiable, tbh.
    I think by knowing me in person you might be tainted

    Can you explain please why you think that though?

  15. #15
    Hot Message FDG's Avatar
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    You sound demanding.
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    You sound demanding.
    I am very low maintenance as a girlfriend actually. I earn good money so I don't expect anybody to support me financially nor do I expect somebody to molly coddle my emotions.

    I am only demanding in that they respect my privacy and image.

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    I mean your list, not money-wise, I don't think there's any woman that doesn't want to fend for herself nowadays. Anyway I was partially just bickering
    Obsequium amicos, veritas odium parit

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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    I don't see how any kind of Extratim is justifiable, tbh.
    I think by knowing me in person you might be tainted

    Can you explain please why you think that though?
    4) What do you want out of life?
    Recognition for my efforts
    A close knit circle of friends
    My own family
    A comfortable lifestyle
    A supportive partner

    Italicised introtim. "Comfortable" could be ambiguously SLE, but not in context.
    Know I'm mistyped?

    Why I am now.
    Why I was , once.

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  19. #19
    EffyCold The Ineffable's Avatar
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    True penny SLE woman.
    Shock intuition, diamond logic.
  Scientific Model

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    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Those pics alone remind me a hell of a lot of an Fe-EIE girl I know it's uncanny...

    That said, Beta's really obvious to me, and I want to put you as an LSI of some sort due to temperament, quadra, how much you remind me of your EIE Dual I know... not gonna nail down a subtype yet...
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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I mean your list, not money-wise, I don't think there's any woman that doesn't want to fend for herself nowadays. Anyway I was partially just bickering
    Well it said ideal

    Quote Originally Posted by Cat King Cole View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post

    I think by knowing me in person you might be tainted

    Can you explain please why you think that though?
    4) What do you want out of life?
    Recognition for my efforts
    A close knit circle of friends
    My own family
    A comfortable lifestyle
    A supportive partner

    Italicised introtim. "Comfortable" could be ambiguously SLE, but not in context.
    Thanks Kitty! By the way you left your Reece's Peanut Butter cups snack pack I made for you at my place yesterday

    Quote Originally Posted by CILi View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
    Ouch, I'm really quite friendly... I promise.
    Come to think of it,'s not all that bad, really.

    Some of my favorite people in the world initially scared (and still do scare) me.

    It's just, in my eyes, you sorta overwhelmingly VI as "a woman that means business, dammit".

    Which I guess is pretty invaluable in a world where much business must be meant.
    Well, I am a wedding planner/ events management, so when I get down to business... I really get down to it

    But yeah, I just don't see the point in dicking around so I rather be straight forward with what I like/dislike and what I want in life... no ambiguity. I guess I also do it for the peace of mind for those around me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Those pics alone remind me a hell of a lot of an Fe-EIE girl I know it's uncanny...

    That said, Beta's really obvious to me, and I want to put you as an LSI of some sort due to temperament, quadra, how much you remind me of your EIE Dual I know... not gonna nail down a subtype yet...
    Is there any additional information you request?

  23. #23
    an object in motion woofwoofl's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Those pics alone remind me a hell of a lot of an Fe-EIE girl I know it's uncanny...

    That said, Beta's really obvious to me, and I want to put you as an LSI of some sort due to temperament, quadra, how much you remind me of your EIE Dual I know... not gonna nail down a subtype yet...
    Is there any additional information you request?
    Whatever you want to give me, I'm up for it

    I'm almost certain on the quadra (you come off so overwhelmingly Beta, no further analysis is necessary for me there), I'm almost certain on the temperament, I have you as a Positivist now, and the subtype will happen later - and by later, right now sounds good, gonna go with Se-LSI for you
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
    Thanks Kitty! By the way you left your Reece's Peanut Butter cups snack pack I made for you at my place yesterday
    lol life would be boring without SEI's. I feel as if i'm constantly laughing at them (in a nice way of course ).

  25. #25
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post

    Is there any additional information you request?
    Whatever you want to give me, I'm up for it

    I'm almost certain on the quadra (you come off so overwhelmingly Beta, no further analysis is necessary for me there), I'm almost certain on the temperament, I have you as a Positivist now, and the subtype will happen later - and by later, right now sounds good, gonna go with Se-LSI for you
    You mister! You are correct !

    Se- LSI she looks and seems like istj-se i know very intimately.

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Whatever you want to give me, I'm up for it

    I'm almost certain on the quadra (you come off so overwhelmingly Beta, no further analysis is necessary for me there), I'm almost certain on the temperament, I have you as a Positivist now, and the subtype will happen later - and by later, right now sounds good, gonna go with Se-LSI for you
    Hehe, well I am a bit of a pack animal and I have a very very tight knit but large circle of friends... so I think Beta would be fairly accurate I think I'm also an aggressor. Aleksei's questions didn't really allow me to show off my Ti though

    Quote Originally Posted by moredhel View Post

    lol life would be boring without SEI's. I feel as if i'm constantly laughing at them (in a nice way of course ).
    Naww don't be mean Sam, we laugh with Kitty, not at him!

  27. #27
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    A true SEI does not make distinctions between laughter.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by woofwoofl View Post
    Whatever you want to give me, I'm up for it

    I'm almost certain on the quadra (you come off so overwhelmingly Beta, no further analysis is necessary for me there), I'm almost certain on the temperament, I have you as a Positivist now, and the subtype will happen later - and by later, right now sounds good, gonna go with Se-LSI for you
    Hehe, well I am a bit of a pack animal and I have a very very tight knit but large circle of friends... so I think Beta would be fairly accurate I think I'm also an aggressor. Aleksei's questions didn't really allow me to show off my Ti though

    Quote Originally Posted by moredhel View Post

    lol life would be boring without SEI's. I feel as if i'm constantly laughing at them (in a nice way of course ).
    Naww don't be mean Sam, we laugh with Kitty, not at him!
    You seem though too definite and boxed to the definitions of the type you wish to be. So you dont actually seem aunthentic. But being istj wanting to be istj and corruping the info to make it clear that she is ISTJ. Is just as likely

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    You seem though too definite and boxed to the definitions of the type you wish to be. So you dont actually seem aunthentic. But being istj wanting to be istj and corruping the info to make it clear that she is ISTJ. Is just as likely
    That could very well be the case.

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    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    NewBorn STAR would you like to see the set of questions I filled out before I learned about socionics? That's the set of questions where I was initially typed as an LSI.

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    Fuck-up NewBorn STAR's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Hemoglobin View Post
    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post
    You seem though too definite and boxed to the definitions of the type you wish to be. So you dont actually seem aunthentic. But being istj wanting to be istj and corruping the info to make it clear that she is ISTJ. Is just as likely
    That could very well be the case.
    Well i acknowledge your presence as an istj.

    GO ON TO THE FUNNY CHAOTIC CIRCUS OF THE WORLD AND MAKE IT COLD STERN AND RIGID plactic wonder. A shadow of the crystal paradise it was... The ways you istj people like the world.

    May i lick your boots dominator ?

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    Quote Originally Posted by octopuslove View Post

    Also, are you sure you aren't Herzy?
    Herzy? lol

    Quote Originally Posted by NewBorn STAR View Post

    May i lick your boots dominator ?
    Only if you do it in a circular motion... anti-clockwise.

  33. #33
    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    So weird..

    Damn. You seriously are like the hidden half of me. I love it but I also hate it. I don't know how to explain this... I totally see us getting along but also not at all. You seem almost TOO Se for me? I dunno, some of your answers just seem way too much for me, yet I also see so much of it inside me as well.

    How do I explain, hm.. I just haven't really met an LSI this outspoken. I mean on the surface, it's CLEAR you are Beta and ST, but it almost seems too obvious? I almost see you as an EIE that is trying to be Se.

    You remind me of some LSIs that have had issues with me. What I want to understand is that you say you like an emotional, dramatic person... yet you say things like you can't handle people being melodramatic/feeling sorry for themselves & see them as weak/pathetic? So what exactly are you saying here? It comes with the territory of being a Beta NF, imo, to have both those positive AND negative aspects of high emotionality.

    Dress pretty, play dirty ღ

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    Being emotional and dramatic, and hating people being emotional and dramatic - classic beta.

  35. #35
    Quack quack Hemoglobin's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    So weird..

    Damn. You seriously are like the hidden half of me. I love it but I also hate it. I don't know how to explain this... I totally see us getting along but also not at all. You seem almost TOO Se for me? I dunno, some of your answers just seem way too much for me, yet I also see so much of it inside me as well.

    How do I explain, hm.. I just haven't really met an LSI this outspoken. I mean on the surface, it's CLEAR you are Beta and ST, but it almost seems too obvious? I almost see you as an EIE that is trying to be Se.

    You remind me of some LSIs that have had issues with me. What I want to understand is that you say you like an emotional, dramatic person... yet you say things like you can't handle people being melodramatic/feeling sorry for themselves & see them as weak/pathetic? So what exactly are you saying here? It comes with the territory of being a Beta NF, imo, to have both those positive AND negative aspects of high emotionality.

    LOL hey *turns down the Se a few notches*


    I was actually a bit stressed out when I wrote this question set, so I think that probably influenced it a bit... I was using it as a way of distracting myself... Kind of wish I didn't now haha.

    I wonder if we'd get along just based on the fact that you're female? I tend to repel all the females around me as if I have AIDs or something similar.

    I'm really only massively outspoken in text, in person I'm a lot more reserved unless I'm in a comfortable social situation... even then I hang back a bit.

    Okay the emotional thing... lol...

    I have a love hate relationship with emotional people. I love them to be outspoken emotionally, and tell me exactly whats going on because I have a super hard time figuring it out otherwise... I'm a bit retarded in this aspect.

    I crave the energy they give off, kind of feels like it makes me feel alive... energized? But at the same time I find it stressful as well if it's a constant drag down. I also need the person to be strong in themselves and be decisive when it comes to 'yes, there is a problem and I'm going to let you help me fix it'.

    When people just whinge for the sake of it and constantly looking for somebody to say awww 'poor you' then I find it very pathetic. I'm a 'fixer' when it comes to relationships. I go into a situation and fix somebody... but not necessarily in an affectionate way. I'll sort out their house, look over their finances and create a budget for them, help them find a job... because I know it'll help lessen their stress.

    I am a provider of stability, but they need to be respectful of that at the same time. I need them to want to learn how to be self sufficient and strong enough to stand on their own... leaning on me constantly makes me get frustrated with them and in turn all I see is weakness.

    Yet given everything I just said I finding myself in very emotionally co-dependant relationships with super emotional/needy people. A good example is my EIE friend that is super obsessive over me and we're basically attached at the hip. If he isn't able to see me every weekend he seems to break out into a panic attack of some sort... We're not even in a relationship >.>

    Not healthy I know.

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    pics were too hawt to ignour. SLE>LSI or the kinda LSI-Se female I never ever get to meet irl.

  37. #37
    Infinity Persephone's Avatar
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    Those eyes

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