Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
Sorry, but Joe Rogan is a f*cking idiot. He's complaining about not being emotionally fulfilled by modern society and seems to feel that making pottery and trading it for chickens would be a superior life to working in an office. He seems to forget that the office is an implicit part of an integrated society that gives his kids a free education and has eradicated smallpox and will give him a very good shot at living past the age of 30 if he doesn't purposefully abuse his body with drugs because he lacks the imagination to create a fulfilling life in paradise.

If he walked the talk, he'd give up all his worldly wealth and move to India or Afghanistan or Somalia, where he really could spend his days trying to make pottery and hoping to trade it for chickens. But he would have to watch out for the religious police, because marginally productive societies don't have much slack to tolerate thought deviants who want to do something different from what has worked for them for the past five thousand years.

IDK, maybe this didn't occur to him, but he should ask himself why so many people in the world would trade places with him in a heartbeat. But he won't do the same with them.
Adam Strange's assessment: don't like modern society? Go to Afghanistan! Don't try to change anything.

Never mind the average lifespan stats that are influenced heavily by infant mortality rate. Never mind that when taking that into account, primitives live on average as long as we do and have fewer degenerative diseases....