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Thread: What is my socionics type? (questionnaire and pic included)

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    Default What is my socionics type? (questionnaire and pic included)

    purpsh.jpg sheepsh.jpg bluesh.jpg

    What is beauty? What is love?
    Beauty is subjective and aesthetic. Love is a feeling. Affection, attachment, mutual understanding, etc.

    What are your most important values?
    Loyalty and honesty

    Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
    I'm pretty skeptical and tend towards existentialism. I was raised in a a household that practiced a rather stupid, conservative religion so it's hard for me to take religion seriously, but my seeming inability to believe in anything I can't prove causes me anxiety.

    Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
    I think war should be a last resort and I'm glad to live in a country with an intimidating military even though I think too much money is spent on it. Not that I claim to know much about it. My family is not into the military. Not sure if it's because of selfishness or peaceful nature, probably both but mostly the former. Not that I'm better. I would never consider joining the military.

    Power is fear and respect.

    What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
    Personality, drug testing, religion, politics, etc. Common sense stuff to me, though I usually avoid discussing the controversial stuff with people who strongly feel the opposite.

    Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
    Definitely. I'm obsessed with diseases and physical abnormalities, etc. My body, yes. I'm pretty aware of minor weight loss/gain, abnormalities, knowing my exact height and measurements at all time as well as heart rate which I tend to monitor regularly...At a time I was somewhat compulsive about such things, particularly the weight (and measurements, body fat etc.) and heart rate. I tend to think there might be something wrong with me because I am very skinny and have rapid heart rate. Also I just find it interesting.

    What do you think of daily chores?
    It's very hard for me to get started. I put off mundane activities for a long time, but once I get started it's nice to do something active and mindless so I can think clearly with no distractions.

    Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.Book:
    I dig Stephen King and John Grisham and other genre fiction like that. I love Harry Potter, Hunger Games and other YA stuff as I hope to be a YA author, so I consider it research. I also read a buttload of nonfiction.
    Films, I like superhero movies and comedies, but no romance or overly stupid comedies. Drama is okay if it's not too trivial or TOO dramatic. No horror. I'm honestly not a huge movie fan in general though. I prefer television series. My favorite movie of all times is probably The Dark Knight.

    What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
    I cry maybe once a year IRL, usually over some argument that really wasn't that serious, but I feel the need to cry since I haven't done so in a year. I wait till I'm alone and then it is usually like a single tear lol. As a kid/young teenager I cried fairly often when I didn't get my way or during an argument with parents, but I suppose that's normal. However, I cry easily during books and movies, even if it is not a sad story. I cried during Wreck-it Ralph...aheh. I'm easily touched, but my life is pretty sweet and almost never cry about my own life. I also cry in funerals even if I barely knew the person who died, especially if it is someone close to a friend of mine.As for what makes me smile, lots of things. I'm a pretty happy person and I love a good laugh. It doesn't take much to make me laugh either. I like people, I like myself, I like a good comedy.

    Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
    I get easily wrapped up in work social groups. I love having a job where I know everyone and I know the job and everyone is my friend for the most part, though maybe I have an enemy or two as well to complain about. That's when I feel like I belong.

    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I have been described as insensitive by most everyone I know. I argue a lot for fun, but sometimes get too intense and hurt peoples' feelings inadvertently. My girlfriend complains that I "see things in black and white" though I don't personally agree. I just refuse to accept feelings as facts, I think that's fair. When it comes to subjective issues I see things in shades of grey, but I see most things as black and white. Like the definitions of words. We recently got in an argument over whether the town we are living in would be considered rural. I scoffed and said of course not. The population density is high, there's no agricultural activities within the confines of the town, and we can walk anywhere we need to in twenty minutes or less. Eventually I managed to severely prove her wrong but she still claimed to be right because she didn't mean technically by definition we lived in a rural town, but it felt rural to her, so neither of us were wrong. :/ Yeah, okay.
    Also, I am not the most responsible or tidy or conscientious person in the world. Or even the room if I were alone in a room with a dog or a child, though I improve on this with age.

    What I dislike about myself:
    I find it hard to focus. I have a lot of interests and projects and I rarely finish anything I start. I also suck at math, directions, and spatial orientation in general, e.g. loading a dishwasher, playing tetris, packing bags, bagging groceries, finding my way without gps, long division, drawing, etc. And I find it hard to keep my mouth shut sometimes, though I am shy around strangers.

    What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
    I'm loyal, generous, fun, easygoing, good conversation, open minded, don't take myself too seriously, creative, pretty undramatic, practical, etc.

    In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I spend too much money (mostly on food and drink and books), probably drink too much, can't resist temptation, have little tact, am not great at dealing with peoples' feelings, am compulsive about many things, can't focus, you name it.

    Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
    From an outsiders' perspective you could say I am always in a rut, but I don't mind. I tend to like security and routine and safety so I can enjoy my own interests and hobbies freely, mostly having to do with learning and reading and writing.

    What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
    I really don't appreciate lying or fronting in any way. I like people who are loyal and interesting and intellectual and honest. I can't stand people with overly strong personalities. I like to dominate in a way. At the same time though, I can't stand people with bland personalities who agree with everything you say. Blech. I usually get along with introverts more, but then when they are ready to leave the party early or something, I am disappointed.

    How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
    I am not the most romantic, at least not in a normal way. I am easily flustered by expressing feelings that I consider embarrassing (by making me vulnerable) or negative. I also find most romantic gestures cheesy. I am quite sexual however. In a partner I need someone to match wits with, reliable, domestic, nurturing, openminded, and ambitious.

    If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
    Main concerns: I would probably be a bit overprotective physically. No dangerous sports, no walking alone, I meet your friends and dates, no swimming in rivers or jumping from trees into ponds, stuff like that. Wear helmets and seatbelts. Also, I'd be concerned with teaching them music and verbal (and reading) skills at an early age, as well as foreign language. I was taught to read (books and music) at a very early age and I am still ahead of the crowd because of that. I think it's important to teach that stuff early on before they pass the point of ideal brain development. Also, my mother was very protective of me, and I think she went overboard, but I'm glad about certain things. She was careful to make sure I was never molested or severely injured.

    A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
    There will be a friendly debate, at least friendly on my part. Most beliefs however I am not that serious about and am willing to change my mind if you can make a good argument.

    Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
    I have always been a bit rebellious. I don't care for rules in general. I like most people, but I really dislike some as well. I think most people are generally good, but they are looking out for themselves above all, not that I'm any better. A prevalent social problem to me would be...I don't know. Pay discrepancies in men and women?

    How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
    I am a bit irreverent. Anyone who is drawn to that rather than repelled by it is friend material. Around friends I am very outgoing and playful. I like to poke fun at everyone and really get to know them.

    How do you behave around strangers?
    I am oddly shy around strangers, especially if I am alone. I hate approaching strangers. I hate to make mistakes or look stupid in public. If I'm with a group of friends I am very confident around, I gain social confidence around strangers as well.
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 10-28-2014 at 05:32 PM.

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    I've done a bit more research, and I think I am probably an SEE but still not sure. Do I look like an SEE? The main problems I have with this typing is that

    -I have a poor sense of aesthetics.
    -I am not materialistic. I'm more likely to hoard information than objects.
    -I'm usually not very forceful, though I can be if I'm comfortable with the situation and people.
    -I'm not very emotional, though I could be considered a push-over and maybe even tender-hearted. For example, I make a cool manager but I can't really enforce any rules. I have a real soft spot for kids and I will go out of my way to make kids happy. But in general, my own emotions are pretty steady, though I am usually upfront about them.
    -I'm technically an extravert but not a great networker. I'm like a "quasi introvert". I'm energized by people, but I usually choose to sit at home and play computer.
    -Don't really care about comfort or anything like that.
    -I am usually more interested in theory than action, but the sort of theory I am interested in usually has a practical, tangible application. And I'm quite literal, as well as detail-oriented (not really a big picture person), have a good memory for facts and details (though not numbers usually) But not a HUGE "doer"
    -I think I am probably ethical over logical, but sometimes this is hard to believe. I am very rational, mostly objective, unemotional, etc., however I do have a fair bit of compassion for others.

    In MBTI I generally test as an ESFP, but also get ESTP, ISFP, ENTP, INFP and ENFP fairly frequently.
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 10-28-2014 at 04:53 PM.

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    dude, only SEEs have cheekbones like that

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    mmm I guess IEE-Fi. too cute to be true. Enneagram 2 so/sx or so/sp .

    how does your obsession with diseases and physical abnormalities manifest itself?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Agni View Post
    mmm I guess IEE-Fi. too cute to be true. Enneagram 2 so/sx or so/sp .

    how does your obsession with diseases and physical abnormalities manifest itself?
    I have also considered IEE, and sometimes consider ENFP in MBTI but not sure. I mainly consider it because of my interest in people over processes, psychology and sociology and other soft sciences (as well as medicine and biology and what have you.), and verbal abilities.

    I have read pretty much every wikipedia article about every disease or physical abnormality known to man. Some of them more than once. Just last night I had over fifty tabs open and I had a delightful time reading about anthrax, small pox, gangrene, typhoid, dengue, puppy pregnancy syndrome, meningitis, heterochromia, malaria, cowpox, sepsis, and a bunch of others. Mostly topics I already have some knowledge on but I just kept clicking and clicking...Sometimes it will be paraphilias or strange animals or psychological disorders though. I plan to go into physical therapy, but I find diseases and human anatomy in general very interesting. Though disturbing. I can be squeamish.

    My paranoia is not so bad any more, but I have gone through periods of anxiety where I thought I was going to die in my sleep or something because I had an undiagnosed heart problem, but that was totally hypochondria. Nowadays I largely ignore these thoughts and lean more towards paranoia about the afterlife or lack thereof. I've been in a pretty healthy mental state the last year or two though.

    Enneagram I am definitely no 2. I am a 7w6 so/sx, but an argument could be made for 6w7 as well and maybe sp/sx.

    Thanks for the input! Why would you say IEE over SEE or vice versa?

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    Also, although no one has ever pegged me as a core E2 before, a lot of people seem to think I am 729 rather than 749 like I think I am. I wonder if that is true. The thing is, in my life I am not that optimistic usually. I am almost cynical a lot of the times. And though I am generous with money (and time if you ask because I can't say no, but I'm unlikely to volunteer), I am not sensitive to other peoples' needs at all. Things have to be spelled out for me.

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    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Have you read about the information elements at all? What about the Reinin dichotomies?

    I could see some sort of Exxp (not ESTp I think), but it's really hard to tell from a few pics and a questionnaire. Looking into the information elements to see what you relate to, as well as seeing where you fit in the Reinin dichotomies (particularly Merry/Serious) should help you to figure things out, though.

    This test might be useful, as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
    It seems pretty unlikely that I lead with an introverted function, but it is possible. I seem to have a lot of Fi.

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    Quote Originally Posted by PistolShrimp View Post
    Have you read about the information elements at all? What about the Reinin dichotomies?

    I could see some sort of Exxp (not ESTp I think), but it's really hard to tell from a few pics and a questionnaire. Looking into the information elements to see what you relate to, as well as seeing where you fit in the Reinin dichotomies (particularly Merry/Serious) should help you to figure things out, though.

    This test might be useful, as well.
    Thank you, I will definitely look into that! No guesses yourself though?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Why do you look so familiar
    I do frequent other typology forums, often under the same username. It's possible I could have posted a pic before. Your name and avatar also seem vaguely familiar to me.

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    Espf final yeah
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by roastingmallows View Post
    I have also considered IEE, and sometimes consider ENFP in MBTI but not sure. I mainly consider it because of my interest in people over processes, psychology and sociology and other soft sciences (as well as medicine and biology and what have you.), and verbal abilities.

    I have read pretty much every wikipedia article about every disease or physical abnormality known to man. Some of them more than once. Just last night I had over fifty tabs open and I had a delightful time reading about anthrax, small pox, gangrene, typhoid, dengue, puppy pregnancy syndrome, meningitis, heterochromia, malaria, cowpox, sepsis, and a bunch of others. Mostly topics I already have some knowledge on but I just kept clicking and clicking...Sometimes it will be paraphilias or strange animals or psychological disorders though. I plan to go into physical therapy, but I find diseases and human anatomy in general very interesting. Though disturbing. I can be squeamish.

    My paranoia is not so bad any more, but I have gone through periods of anxiety where I thought I was going to die in my sleep or something because I had an undiagnosed heart problem, but that was totally hypochondria. Nowadays I largely ignore these thoughts and lean more towards paranoia about the afterlife or lack thereof. I've been in a pretty healthy mental state the last year or two though.

    Enneagram I am definitely no 2. I am a 7w6 so/sx, but an argument could be made for 6w7 as well and maybe sp/sx.

    Thanks for the input! Why would you say IEE over SEE or vice versa?
    I went by a kind of warmth I usually associate with E2. Mostly through VI. Reading everything you said more attentively I don't find a E2 typing obvious. Maybe 6w7 though? Usually 7s have a more chaotic (but also upbeat) energy and look less organized in their thought process, it may come across as an overflow, something they're stimulated to bring in for others without going in much detail, then jumping to a new idea and so forth.

    I don't really see much Se
    in your post (force sensing, will sensorics, interest in power structures and/or challenging experiences). That makes me say IEE over SEE, but since you seem to be some sort of ambivert (Fi subtype), I don't totally discard this possibility. As you said yourself, SEEs usually have a developed sense of aesthetics and materialism, too.

    This could be Si-seeking (in an obviously Fi-valuing quadra):

    "I am not the most romantic, at least not in a normal way. I am easily flustered by expressing feelings that I consider embarrassing (by making me vulnerable) or negative. I also find most romantic gestures cheesy. I am quite sexual however. In a partner I need someone to match wits with, reliable, domestic, nurturing, openminded, and ambitious."

    Maybe that form of hypochondria has to do with what one could call "weak Si"? (many are a bit disoriented or anxious about Super-id functions...). Also I could see that interest as an argument for E6 (or at least a 6 wing)... you look much too bright, open, and widely vibrating with a smooth fluid energy for sp/sx imo.
    Last edited by Amber; 10-28-2014 at 11:47 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Agni View Post
    I went by a kind of warmth I usually associate with E2. Mostly through VI. Reading everything you said more attentively I don't find a E2 typing obvious. Maybe 6w7 though? Usually 7s have a more chaotic (but also upbeat) energy and look less organized in their thought process, it may come across as an overflow, something they're stimulated to bring in for others without going in much detail, then jumping to a new idea and so forth.

    I don't really see much Se
    in your post (force sensing, will sensorics, interest in power structures and/or challenging experiences). That makes me say IEE over SEE, but since you seem to be some sort of ambivert (Fi subtype), I don't totally discard this possibility. As you said yourself, SEEs usually have a developed sense of aesthetics and materialism, too.

    This could be Si-seeking (in an obviously Fi-valuing quadra):

    "I am not the most romantic, at least not in a normal way. I am easily flustered by expressing feelings that I consider embarrassing (by making me vulnerable) or negative. I also find most romantic gestures cheesy. I am quite sexual however. In a partner I need someone to match wits with, reliable, domestic, nurturing, openminded, and ambitious."

    Maybe that form of hypochondria has to do with what one could call "weak Si"? (many are a bit disoriented or anxious about Super-id functions...). Also I could see that interest as an argument for E6 (or at least a 6 wing)... you look much too bright, open, and widely vibrating with a smooth fluid energy for sp/sx imo.
    In my element, I could definitely be described as "chaotic and upbeat". I've been in a weird place this last month or so, trapped in a hotel room and now studio apartment with my girlfriend in a foreign country. I'm supposed to be writing a novel while she gets her masters, but I've found myself exploring the entire internet instead, and starting two different stories! and getting wrapped up in typology again which was a bad idea lol. Anyway, my element. I am not great at meeting people and I usually need to be forced to be around people to find a social group, but when I do I tend to relate strongly and become very attached to its members, and when I'm around them I am pretty much the most obnoxious person ever. I like to put ice down peoples' shirts, hide their stuff, pester them, follow them around, have long probing conversations about their secret sexual fetishes...When I'm forced to be alone and inactive for a long time, I get out of sorts.

    Recently I had a bit of a crisis about whether or not I was a 6w7 rather than a 7w6 though I've identified as 7w6 for years. With my forced isolation from my peer group, I've started to display 6ish qualities, but my core fears and motivations have of course remained the same. I can relate to the 6 behaviors (though they seem new to me) but not the motivations or fears or anything like that. My main flaws have always been lack of tact, compulsive behaviors, addictive personality, hedonism and lack of focus and my biggest fear is that I will one day have to accept that my life is empty and meaningless and I'm just trying to distract myself from my own insecurities and anxiety. The 6 fears of being without guidance have little meaning to me. If I don't seem like a 7 in writing to you, it is probably because I write every day and work hard to organize my thoughts, often coming back and editing my posts several times to make them more readable lol. Also, my 6 wing is undeniably very strong oddly enough since if I had known about the enneagram in high school I'm fairly certain I would've typed as 7w8. I was a lot more forward/blunt/aggressive in my teen years than I am now. I suppose I've become more self-aware.

    "force sensing, will sensorics" are unknown concepts to me, but power structure and challenging experiences are interesting to me for sure. I am wildly competitive for one thing, and I do consider myself a physical person as well. I am known to challenge everyone to displays of strength, wit, flexibility and speed if they will play along. And I am a sore loser. I like to win and I usually like to be in charge. But yeah, aesthetics and materialism, no. I buy things for the pleasure of buying things and consuming, but I don't usually care to have or accumulate things. I don't care what my environment looks or even feels like most of the time. My girlfriend for example must live somewhere warm and with trees or she is unhappy. Indoors she likes white, uncluttered, neat spaces. I have preferences for those things, but they have little impact on my mood. I prefer dark colors and heavy wood furniture inside and mountains outside myself, but like I said, it's inconsequential to me. And my sense of style in the past has been in your face and colorful, usually over sized unusual things from thrift stores, but with the help of my girlfriend (an MBTI ENFJ and 3w2 so/sp btw, still not sure about socionics obviously), I have adopted a more subdued style. I like to look good but I tend to need help knowing if I do, you know?

    I would say I probably have weak si. And my sp is definitely either first or last since it seems to be my most uncomfortable instinct. Sometimes I am obsessed with it, but mostly I ignore it completely. This is confusing at times because it is easy (at least for me) to confuse E6, SP instinct, and Si. I definitely agree with So/sx, but I am open to sp/sx as a possibility. I am pretty confident I am sx second for some reason. I have been told many times I just "seem" so/sx, which I agree with.
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 10-29-2014 at 12:43 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roastingmallows View Post
    Thank you, I will definitely look into that! No guesses yourself though?
    Well, I don't know you, and honestly after watching my own type me thread go on for six pages with people suggesting different types from all quadras for me (and not the right one!), I'm hesitant to even attempt to type anyone on here. The most specific I can get with a guess is ExFp, as has been suggested already. You seem Fi valuing to me.

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    Tbh the IEE does SOUND more like me. Is it possible for me to be an ESFP in MBTI and an IEE in socionics? Or will I need to rethink my MBTI typing as well if I turn out to be IEE? I know they don't correlate perfectly but I don't know exactly how it works. And am I the first person in the history of online typology who would RATHER be a sensor? I don't know why, but I've never much liked the idea of N. When I think of intuition and especially Ne I think of a lot of stuff I consider ridiculous, but in socionics it doesn't seem so bad.

    My one last attempt at proving I'm not an Ne user:
    Just because I'm not an aesthetic person, that doesn't necessarily mean I'm not a sensor, right? I'm more into taste and feel. I am a good cook. I love good food and wine. Sensation is definitely important to me but visually not so much. I almost feel like vision is not a proper sense in my mind. It's the most boring of all senses. Also I am into music. I sing and play a few instruments, have a very good ear for music and pitch. I'm horrible at visual arts for sure.

    I have no appreciation for the "unknown" and I hate to make assumptions. The one exception would be the soft sciences and even a bit of "pseudo science" like astrology. And socionics. But no ghosts, aliens, psychics, reptilians, angels, anything like that (these may seem like extreme examples, but all the dominant N users I know believe in at least one). And I'm not future oriented. I'm unlikely to plan ahead or even really care about the future because I'm happy now and I could be dead tomorrow. I never feel disconnected from the physical world, though I can be a little spacey. I need to keep a planner if I'm going to remember dates/appointments, but I would be a model police witness. I always remember peoples' physical stats (height, weight, eye color etc.) and am good at eyeballing heights/weights and well as the length of objects, but am horrible at knowing how much time has passed.

    Oh, and I'm honestly not particularly "imaginative". In my writing, I usually go whining to my gf that I can't think of any original ideas or I've dug myself into a plothole and she thinks of solutions and ideas in like a minute, and I'm like "why didn't I think of that? D:", but it's up to me to implement the ideas of course, and that I am capable of.
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 10-29-2014 at 12:20 PM.

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    I agree that I look like an IEE (from minimal research. The VI thing is still new to me. And I feel I also look like some of the SEEs).

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    Quote Originally Posted by Starfall View Post
    Why do you look so familiar
    She reminds me of this Frezned dude that was obsessed over on these MBTI forums years back.

    But that's probably not who you are thinking of considering this is just a shot in the dark and I'm just being wrong and offensive. It's who I instantly thought of though....
    Last edited by Contra; 11-01-2014 at 06:44 AM.

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    You're roasting marshmeloows and you didn't invite me I feel bad now. I love marshy mellows.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by roastingmallows View Post
    What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself? I have been described as insensitive by most everyone I know. I argue a lot for fun, but sometimes get too intense and hurt peoples' feelings inadvertently. My girlfriend complains that I "see things in black and white" though I don't personally agree. I just refuse to accept feelings as facts, I think that's fair. When it comes to subjective issues I see things in shades of grey, but I see most things as black and white. Like the definitions of words. We recently got in an argument over whether the town we are living in would be considered rural. I scoffed and said of course not. The population density is high, there's no agricultural activities within the confines of the town, and we can walk anywhere we need to in twenty minutes or less. Eventually I managed to severely prove her wrong but she still claimed to be right because she didn't mean technically by definition we lived in a rural town, but it felt rural to her, so neither of us were wrong. :/ Yeah, okay.
    Well I was about to say clear IEE but this passage pretty much contraindicates that and points to ILE instead.

    Typing with no video is hard.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Contra View Post
    She reminds me of this Frezned dude that was obsessed over on these MBTI forums years back.

    But that's probably not who you are thinking of considering this is just a shot in the dark and I'm just being wrong and offensive. It's who I instantly thought of though....
    Lol I can see a bit of myself in this guy. I'm not quite so shameless though.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nefnaf View Post
    Well I was about to say clear IEE but this passage pretty much contraindicates that and points to ILE instead.

    Typing with no video is hard.
    I actually do TEST as an ILE almost every time. I don't give much credence to tests, but it is possible.

    I could possibly post a video if you think it would help...

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    Here is something I just posted on another (MBTI) forum:

    -I am literal, specific and detail oriented. I remember all the specifics (particularly exact words people say), whereas my gf, an ENFJ, has a way of only remembering the general "feeling" or "mood" of a situation or conversation, leading us to have many wacky misunderstandings/arguments. "You said this!" -me "But I MEANT THIS!" -her "I don't care what you MEANT. I can't read your mind! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN." -me
    This does also apply to physical details. I am likely to remember a persons height and eye color and what they were wearing. However, I'm less in tune to the environment than to the people in it.
    -I believe Ni is my weakest function.
    -I want to go into Physical or Occupational therapy and that's what I'm studying to do.
    -The Ne dominants I know are insane. Or I consider them insane. Hence my apprehension in identifying as one of them.
    -I consider myself a rather conventional thinker. My thought process is linear. I'm very methodical. I don't skip around too much.
    -I am something of a slave to my senses. I like to drink, eat sweets, do sexy stuff, and just generally have fun all the time.
    -I am competitive. I like to challenge people physically. For example: Races, holding breath, holding body parts under ice water, touching hot surfaces, holding notes, wrestling, lifting, flexibility, balance, etc.
    -Though I read and enjoy literature, and I myself am a good writer, I struggle with metaphors and other figurative language. Sometimes in real life conversation I will try to use a metaphor which often has hilariously disastrous results.
    -I'm bad with money and I spend it all pretty quickly on food, drink, maybe clothes, things on the internet, etc. I like to buy things, but don't care too much about HAVING things, so most of what I buy is consumable instant gratification stuff.
    -In general, I relate much more to an SP than NF. I didn't do too well in the public school system for one thing, and I feel I lack the typical compassion of an NF.

    -I like psychology and personality theory probably more than anything else.
    -I am physically lazy and sit at home on the computer most days, especially like during the summer if I'm unemployed. This inactivity WILL eventually drive me nuts. But I'm very prone to inertia.
    -In socionics I tend to test/be pegged as an Ne dom.
    -I read a lot and am more likely to learn something from reading about it than trying to experience it firsthand.
    -I am very interested in what makes people tick.
    -I enjoy discussing theory/concepts as long as it is not too OUT THERE. I enjoy talking about any and all psychological theories, but can't stand metaphysical talk or anything relating to religion (outside of the reasons religion is nonsense), philosophy, ethics, etc. I can't stand thinking/talking about things that require a lot of reaching, filling in the blanks, faith or opinion. Too much wondering hurts my head and soul.
    -I spend a lot of my time alone, thinking or researching. And yet I am definitely an extravert, but hesitant to leave the house at times. If I am not in a FUN social situation though, you could mistake me for an introvert, and supposedly ENFPs are more "ambiverted".
    -I am horrible with directions and spatial orientation. I suck at: tetris, putting things together, packing boxes, loading the dishwasher, drawing, etc.
    -I'm not very pushy or forceful unless I am in my element.
    -I don't care for material belongings so much. I have a crappy car, thrift store clothes, no fancy gadgets besides my $300 laptop. If Se doms are necessarily materialistic, I am no Se dom. I can have fun with nothing.
    -I am aesthetically challenged to say the least, and I don't care too much about the appearance of my surroundings, or even the comfort so much. I am inclined to believe this has more to do with me being Sp last in my instinctual stacking though, as well as the last point.
    -I'm not 100% sure this is related to Ne at all, but since I was a kid, I've been rather "out of it". I was never able to pay attention in school and I was always off in my own world doing my own thing, wandering off and getting lost, making crafts in my desk (which inevitably got my desk turned around), reading fiction secretly, writing stories (often not appropriate for school), etc. It's possible I had childhood ADD. If so I believe I have grown out of it, at least for the most part.

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    Lol I just read this about ILE women that I relate to.

    "A woman of this type often looks like a good-looking, slender boy. During her childhood, she even behaves not like a girl should: often runs around with boys, climbs trees and garages, plays pretend war games, scorning traditional girlish entertainment. As a general rule, she remains a “boy” for the res of her life. Slenderness and a certain skinniness are characteristic of the majority of ENTp women at any age. "

    I am frequently compared to good looking, skinny boys. Doesn't bother me one bit. Aaron Carter was once my fashion icon haha.

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    could LII be possible? TiNe? just throwing it out there since you seem to relate to Ti and Ne, but not totally Ne-dom, and you dont seem Si-DS.

    Dont listen to me, though, I have recently scrapped what i thought i knew of socionics.

    p.s. you look a lot like a colleague of mine

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    Quote Originally Posted by Suz View Post
    could LII be possible? TiNe? just throwing it out there since you seem to relate to Ti and Ne, but not totally Ne-dom, and you dont seem Si-DS.

    Dont listen to me, though, I have recently scrapped what i thought i knew of socionics.

    p.s. you look a lot like a colleague of mine
    I doubt I lead with an introverted function but anything is possible. I do relate to Ti, but I've always kind of idealized Ti more than any of the other functions so my guess is any Ti I feel I have or even seem to project is more wishful thinking than anything else. My dad is a textbook TiSe and I have always had a lot of respect for him intellectually. Although I am logical and somewhat intellectual, I struggle to figure things out on my own. I'm a compulsive instruction follower and map user, you know?

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    I support the IEE type on the feeling that your answers are similar to mine in some underlaying way.

    Edit: Then again, I don't see HP cog necessarily in your questionaire.

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    Quote Originally Posted by roastingmallows View Post
    Here is something I just posted on another (MBTI) forum:

    -I am literal, specific and detail oriented. I remember all the specifics (particularly exact words people say), whereas my gf, an ENFJ, has a way of only remembering the general "feeling" or "mood" of a situation or conversation, leading us to have many wacky misunderstandings/arguments. "You said this!" -me "But I MEANT THIS!" -her "I don't care what you MEANT. I can't read your mind! SAY WHAT YOU MEAN." -me
    This does also apply to physical details. I am likely to remember a persons height and eye color and what they were wearing. However, I'm less in tune to the environment than to the people in it.
    -I believe Ni is my weakest function.
    -I want to go into Physical or Occupational therapy and that's what I'm studying to do.
    -The Ne dominants I know are insane. Or I consider them insane. Hence my apprehension in identifying as one of them.
    -I consider myself a rather conventional thinker. My thought process is linear. I'm very methodical. I don't skip around too much.
    -I am something of a slave to my senses. I like to drink, eat sweets, do sexy stuff, and just generally have fun all the time.
    -I am competitive. I like to challenge people physically. For example: Races, holding breath, holding body parts under ice water, touching hot surfaces, holding notes, wrestling, lifting, flexibility, balance, etc.
    -Though I read and enjoy literature, and I myself am a good writer, I struggle with metaphors and other figurative language. Sometimes in real life conversation I will try to use a metaphor which often has hilariously disastrous results.
    -I'm bad with money and I spend it all pretty quickly on food, drink, maybe clothes, things on the internet, etc. I like to buy things, but don't care too much about HAVING things, so most of what I buy is consumable instant gratification stuff.
    -In general, I relate much more to an SP than NF. I didn't do too well in the public school system for one thing, and I feel I lack the typical compassion of an NF.

    The bolded parts are a pretty clear indicator that you are not IEE. I actually think you might be SLE-Ti. They are more subdued than the Se subtypes and, I think, can be mistaken for ILEs.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

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    yeah actually, rereading everything, i agree with @Kim. "Linear thought process" though sort of suggests CD thinking which SLE isn't supposed to be (though jury is still out as to how meaningful cog styles are in isolating type). IDK i guess that term (linear thinking) could be open to interpretation.

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    Thanks so much for all the input, you guys! I've gotten so much more constructive input on this site than any other site. *cough* personalitycafe *cough*. I do love the attention. Keep it coming lol. I will also post a video tomorrow when I'm alone, probably.

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    I think I probably ought to just accept that I am an IEE. I will post a video when I can though! Thanks again!

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    I think you're IEE 7w6, but then again there are some things that point towards ILE. Still, I would be very surprised if you aren't Fi valuing.

    I have to say, even before reading anything, my first thought when I saw your picture was Delta Fi face

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    Aren't we all in our own special way, in areas we our skills are best developed? It took me a while too to realize a statement like this actually doesn't mean anything. My advice: forget everything MBTI says about the 8 Jungian functions, it's all Forer effect. Not that the Socionics community has arrived at unanimous consensus about the information elements, but most descriptions are quite specific (regardsless of the question whether or not they are wrong):
    Yes, I am just now realizing this as a matter of fact! My orientation to details is specific to people, which actually makes IEE seem more likely. I have a crazy memory when it comes to things people have said (and words in general), general facts and statistics as long as they are about people but otherwise no. And I notice things most people wouldn't, but again, only about people. When it comes to the physical environment, I'm probably worse than most!
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 11-04-2014 at 05:59 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by darya View Post
    I think you're IEE 7w6, but then again there are some things that point towards ILE. Still, I would be very surprised if you aren't Fi valuing.

    I have to say, even before reading anything, my first thought when I saw your picture was Delta Fi face
    I am coming to that conclusion myself! My difficulty in accepting it has mostly to do with having identified as ESFP in MBTI for so many years and I didn't want to have to change it D:. But I have accepted I am probably an ENFP as well. I was twisting the definition of Se and Ni to suit my own needs, and really it is Ne and Si I (probably) use. I can't believe I was so blind to this. I believe I am Fi valuing. I only wish I used Ti. Feeling is a sensitive point for me. :/

    And, while I am skeptical of visual identification, there is no denying how much I resemble an IEE! haha SEE, sort of. ILE and SLE not at all in my opinion, so that is very interesting.
    Last edited by roastingmallows; 11-04-2014 at 05:08 PM.

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    I wish I could say I'm usually much more charming. I am usually slightly more charming if anything.

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    I don't understand how people can read this,

    I have been described as insensitive by most everyone I know.
    hurt peoples' feelings inadvertently.
    I just refuse to accept feelings as facts
    We recently got in an argument over whether the town we are living in would be considered rural. I scoffed and said of course not. The population density is high, there's no agricultural activities within the confines of the town, and we can walk anywhere we need to in twenty minutes or less.

    have little tact, am not great at dealing with peoples' feelings
    and then go on and say you're IEE. I think you're definitely some kind of logical type. Probably intuitive, too. Maybe ILE or ILI.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lucky Strike View Post
    I don't understand how people can read this,

    and then go on and say you're IEE. I think you're definitely some kind of logical type. Probably intuitive, too. Maybe ILE or ILI.
    Yeah, I question this myself all the time, and yet in reality I think I may have a habit of relying more on T even though it is undeveloped, particularly because I don't like being thought of as irrational. It is true that I am annoyed by people who rely too much of subjective feelings, especially in arguments, however. But, I feel I might be too "soft" to be a T, and too reliant on outside validation of my own logic to be Ti. I most likely have weak Te that I depend on. But maybe not...At least we can all agree I am an Ne dom...right? aheh

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    Also, to be clear, I hate to hurt peoples' feelings and would never do it intentionally, but when I am having an argument, winning the argument becomes the most important thing, and it's hard to care or notice if someones' feelings are getting hurt. They shouldn't have gotten into an argument with me then. And I really hate it the most when we are in an argument and they don't stick to the guidelines (i.e. MY guidelines) of what is and is not relevant.

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