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Thread: Temperaments and Energy by pianosinger

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    Default Temperaments and Energy by pianosinger

    This is all theories that I have come up with, based on some guesswork, as well as a little bit of research and observation. I would appreciate all who are willing to read all this and provide input. Do you think it is valid? Does any of it apply to you or to someone you know?

    Thanks in advance!

    So far, I only have the Perceiving types written up, but Judging type descriptions should be coming within the next week.

    I am going to break things up into separate posts to make it easier to reply...
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    Extraverted Perceivers EP’s operate on two basic types of energy: physical energy and mental energy. Both types of energy are internal and abundant, though the use of these energies differs depending on whether the EP is Sensing based or iNtuitive based. Energy levels also tend to fluctuate throughout the day.
    Last edited by pianosinger; 10-15-2010 at 11:19 PM.
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    Extraverted SensorsESP’s thrive on physical activity and making direct contact with their environment. They are often on the move physically, either participating in some sort of physical exercise, or active socialization.

    When required to do mental labor, the ESP turns to physical activity to stimulate mental activity. ESP school children will do their best learning after recess or other physical activity. ESP children and adults will require occasional breaks to let out their “wiggles” before returning to a mental task. ESP children may be inclined to chat rather than listen to a lecture. They learn well and will focus better with “hands on” activities.

    At the end of a physically intensive day, the ESP may finally be physically tired, but may surprisingly find some residual mental energy preventing him from falling asleep. Reading shortly before bed can help the ESP work off his mental energy and calm his mind. The ESP should avoid any stimulating physical activity at night, though the temptation to stay up late and “party” is strong.
    Last edited by pianosinger; 10-15-2010 at 11:27 PM.
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    Extraverted iNtuitorsThe ENP’s mind often seems to "have a mind of its own," activating itself at irregular intervals and often wandering to places where the ENP would rather it not wander to as she tries to focus on a particular task. To the outside observer, the ENP may appear inert and more introverted, but here’s a tell-tale sign: ENP’s are almost always moving something—a leg, a foot, a thumb—even when otherwise still. ENP’s are also inclined to talk a lot about what is on their minds, provided they think they have an interested audience.

    The ENP also needs physical activity to let off physical energy, but unlike the ESP—who uses physical activity to stimulate mental energy—the ENP is much more inclined to turn to physical activity as an effective way to suppress mental activity and quiet her mind. Depending on the amount of mental activity, light physical activity may not be enough, but more vigorous activity—such as running—may be most beneficial. Solitary sports are better than team sports for the ENP, as a team sport would require the ENP to use her mind as well as her body, thereby canceling the mind-calming effect.

    The ENP can do quite well academically, though she will have a hard time focusing on uninteresting tasks, inadvertently allowing her mind to wander to something infinitely more entertaining, such as a pattern on the rug, or what might happen next in that book she’s been reading. Occasionally, though, the ENP will realize she has lost her focus and manage to shake herself back into reality for a short time, until her mind begins to wander again.

    If she is not careful to give her mind a rest now and then, the ENP may carry on her mental activity to the point of mental exhaustion. Though the ENP may not want to stop entertaining all the interesting ideas in her head, the brain needs a rest just as the body does. For the ENP, exercising shortly before bed can actually help the ENP fall asleep better, due to its mind-calming effect. While it is tempting, the ENP should avoid fueling her mental energy at bedtime with activities such as reading, or web browsing.
    Last edited by pianosinger; 10-15-2010 at 11:22 PM.
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    Introverted PerceiversIP’s also operate on physical and mental energy, but for these types, natural energy levels are low. IP’s will require external stimuli in order to add to their energy reserve and meet demands put upon them by their outer world.
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    Introverted SensorsThe ISP thrives in a relaxed, comfortable atmosphere. When required to accomplish a task, the ISP will prepare herself by first preparing her environment. When reading a good book, for instance, the ISP will find a comfortable chair and might fix herself a mug of hot cocoa. The ISP will find it difficult to focus mentally in a messy physical environment, and so will expend great amounts of energy keeping her outer world in order. She will keep small messes “out of sight and out of mind” by employing strategies such as confining papers to a designated drawer, or throwing boots and coats into a closet.

    When in a public place, such as school, ISP’s will always try to have something familiar and comforting with them. For young children, this means a particular toy or “security item.” For older children and adults, this may mean wearing a particular type of shirt, or writing with a particular pen or pencil. The ISP child may have a hard time focusing in the classroom if something about their environment is perceived as not right: the room is too cold, or her chair creaks. These concerns should be taken and dealt with as seriously as possible—give the child a sweater, or invite the child to trade chairs with another, less particular child, so that she may then focus more easily on the task at hand.

    As bedtime approaches, the ISP will typically follow a nightly routine to prepare herself. This routine will usually include something sensual—such as a warm bath or a back rub—which, when lacking, the ISP will have a hard time settling in for the night. For the ISP child, a “security item” is essential to a good night’s sleep, in addition to a standard bedtime routine.
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    Introverted iNtuitorsINP’s are inclined to find ample energy for mental pursuits that interest them. INP’s are known for their ability to become hyper-focused on some mental task, to the exclusion of all other stimuli. When in deep concentration, the INP may even require such measures as a horn blast in the ear, or a hard jab in the arm, to bring him back to reality.

    When required to work on an uninteresting mental task, the INP may find it helpful to listen to instrumental music, which he will then “tune out” in order to focus mentally. In the absence of this sort of “white noise,” the INP may manufacture his own in the form of soft whistling, finger-drumming, etc. This sort of behavior is, of course, rarely tolerated in a classroom setting, as it can be very distracting to non-INP children. One way around this dilemma could be to allow the INP child to choose his own study material in the classroom—something he will be more willing to settle down and focus on—and save the less-interesting work to be done at home, in an environment where the INP’s noise-making will not distract others.

    After a long day, the INP may initially look forward to bedtime, and will engage in physically restful activities, such as reading, playing a video game, or watching television. By doing this, however, the INP will manage to gain a “second wind,” and then he will not want to stop his mental activity to go to bed. At this point, the INP may again employ the strategy of “white noise” to help settle his mind and focus on sleep. Some light physical activity may also be beneficial.
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    I found that to be an interesting read. Most of what you explained seems plausible and could be type related, and I think taken as a whole it gives a good feel for what it's like to be those particular types. Some of the details are questionable and might make a good topic in "is it type related?" but I'd argue that most of what you said could be. I also saw some parallels between this and what I had just posted here:

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    Quote Originally Posted by pianosinger View Post
    In the absence of this sort of “white noise,” the INP may manufacture his own in the form of soft whistling, finger-drumming, etc. This sort of behavior is, of course, rarely tolerated in a classroom setting, as it can be very distracting to non-INP children.
    Yep, I've been commented a lot on my whistling as being annoying. I whistle a lot.

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    I'm not energetic or talkative, I could care less about getting exercise or sharing my thoughts with people, but I definitely am absent-minded and easily distracted by new thoughts and contradictions. Similar to Einstein's temperament I believe, or many of those lethargic ENTps. Normalizing subtype EPs are the most like this.

    Actually the description is pretty darn good, and you can see the contrast to IP definitely. But I just wanted to contrast it with where others like myself won't fit in a couple small places, because I don't think all EPs need to let off energy or desire to share their thoughts. The mental "on the go" might be rather misleading as well, because I don't think all ENPs will see themselves as hyper-thought provoking as though random thought after thought comes. Temperaments can be tricky though, because they can blur with one another in everybody, so good on you for trying it out. Sounds pretty good.

    Obviously all dominants, for instance, will belong to the ENP temperament (depending on how its defined), but temperament is like the medium which the information feeds itself through, or appears to do so from an observational perspective, so even though all ENPs have as their primary function, they can all have this variation in energy, excitablity, talkativeness, extrovertedness (in the sense of thought manufacturing, in qualities and rates) etc, to where its all but on the surface it can come across rather different, until you really get to know them and see their thought process on the inside (for lack of better word.) Which goes for all types. So you might have an excitable chaotic ENTp, or you might have a serious pensive ENTp.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    Yep, I've been commented a lot on my whistling as being annoying. I whistle a lot.
    Yeah, I actually based the INP description on my ILI husband; he gave me lots of good input.

    I've noticed that my dad and my brother also tend to make noise when they're focusing on something, or even just bored. Maybe they are INP's as well. idk. Although my husband did point out to me that by the time he was in high school, it seemed like everyone in his class had some sort of nervous tic
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    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    I'm not energetic or talkative, I could care less about getting exercise or sharing my thoughts with people, but I definitely am absent-minded and easily distracted by new thoughts and contradictions. Similar to Einstein's temperament I believe, or many of those lethargic ENTps. Normalizing subtype EPs are the most like this.

    Actually the description is pretty darn good, and you can see the contrast to IP definitely. But I just wanted to contrast it with where others like myself won't fit in a couple small places, because I don't think all EPs need to let off energy or desire to share their thoughts. The mental "on the go" might be rather misleading as well, because I don't think all ENPs will see themselves as hyper-thought provoking as though random thought after thought comes. Temperaments can be tricky though, because they can blur with one another in everybody, so good on you for trying it out. Sounds pretty good.

    Obviously all dominants, for instance, will belong to the ENP temperament (depending on how its defined), but temperament is like the medium which the information feeds itself through, or appears to do so from an observational perspective, so even though all ENPs have as their primary function, they can all have this variation in energy, excitablity, talkativeness, extrovertedness (in the sense of thought manufacturing, in qualities and rates) etc, to where its all but on the surface it can come across rather different, until you really get to know them and see their thought process on the inside (for lack of better word.) Which goes for all types. So you might have an excitable chaotic ENTp, or you might have a serious pensive ENTp.
    Thank you thank you! Yeah, I'm an NE base, too, and I understand that there will be varying levels of energy and talkativeness among Ne-base types. For instance, some days I am very energetic and productive; other days I just want to be lazy. However, on the lazy days I notice that come nighttime I am really jittery and my legs get restless. So even on lazy days, I still have to get some exercise.

    I am also not extremely talkative, but that is why I put in the qualifier,

    ENP’s are also inclined to talk a lot about what is on their minds, provided they think they have an interested audience.
    Otherwise, you're right. We do tend to be a quieter lot overall, I think. Hence my comment that we often come across as introverts.

    I will reconsider my "on the go" comment; maybe there is a better way of putting it to make allowances for fluctuations in mental energy.
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    I've seen sth like this in wikisocion, I think

    EP High energy, irregular pattern
    IP Low energy, irregular pattern
    EJ High energy, contant
    IJ Low energy, constant

    Last edited by 1981slater; 10-16-2010 at 09:34 AM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    I've seen sth like this in wikisocion, I think

    EP High energy, irregular pattern
    IP Low energy, irregular pattern
    EJ High energy, contant
    IJ Low energy, constant

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    Default Temperament and Energy (rationals)

    Please also check out my thread on the irrational temperaments:

    DISCLAIMER: I am not putting any of the following forth as fact, but rather personal theory that I am hoping to either find support for or critical input. Thank you for taking the time to read this.

    Extraverted JudgersEJ’s are natural leaders and initiators. They possess high levels of motivational energy and they use this energy to incite reactive energy in others.

    Extraverted FeelersThe EFJ is highly motivated by the thought of actively socializing with and/or helping others to express themselves by taking the emotional lead. The EFJ will take it upon herself to be the “life” of any social gathering.

    In school, the EFJ child loves any activity that promotes emotional expression, such as art, poetry, or acting. The EFJ is easily turned off by more impersonal subjects, such as math. However, turning an assignment into a group project will help motivate the EFJ to get involved in the learning process, and she will also make an effort to keep the rest of the group involved as well.

    The EFJ will become bored or even unsettled in what she sees as an emotionally stale environment, and may take deliberate action to incite an emotional reaction in others.

    Prior to a significant social event, the EFJ will become particularly restless in anticipation, even causing her to lose sleep the night (or several nights) before. Talking about the event with a friend, or writing about it in a journal before she goes to bed, may help the EFJ channel and release her anticipation enough to get some much-needed sleep.

    Extraverted ThinkersThe ETJ’s motivational energy is internal and abundant. The ETJ’s motivation is for efficiency and achieving set goals and objectives. The ETJ is a natural leader in organizing resources and mobilizing people to help him reach his goals.

    ETJ’s make excellent entrepreneurs and salespeople, particularly in the realm of techonology and practical merchandise.

    In school, the ETJ child will have low tolerance for activities such as art that meet no clear objective goal. He may also grow impatient with “busy-work,” such as having to complete an entire page of sums after having firmly grasped the concept after the first line. The ETJ enjoys team projects and will quickly appoint himself as the official—or unofficial—group leader, using his natural talent to organize the group and assign each member a task to perform. If someone else has already been appointed (by the teacher, or the boss) to lead the group, the ETJ will grow irritated if the leader does not lead the way the ETJ would—that is, efficiently and proactively.

    As a deadline for a project looms near, the ETJ will either sleep well, knowing that everything is moving forward on schedule; or else he will toss and turn in worry if certain team members do not seem to be following through, or if some other factor of uncertainty is in play. At this point, the ETJ may give in to his restlessness and try to “do something” about the uncertainty, whether by completing a group member’s assignment himself, or coming up with an alternate solution for a seemingly unsolvable problem. Because of this, the ETJ is often labeled as a “work-a-holic” by other types, but what the others don’t realize is that—in the ETJ’s mind—he wouldn’t have to work so hard if other people were more willing to help and follow through. The ETJ can benefit mentally and physically by understanding that different people have different ways of doing things, and that as long as the end product is acceptable, it doesn’t matter how it came about.
    Last edited by pianosinger; 10-16-2010 at 12:01 AM.
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    Introverted Judgers
    IJ’s are not as full of motivational energy as EJ types. Rather, they possess reactive energy which, when activated, can be very powerful, and even at times overwhelming to the IJ.

    Introverted Feelers
    The IFJ will go through life calmly and steadily, until someone or something causes her to react in defense of her ethical values. Then, she becomes quite lively and eager to speak up. Once the spark is lit, this reactive energy may be difficult for the IFJ to subdue, especially if a conflict ensues. The longer the conflict goes unresolved, the more distressed the IFJ will become.

    The IFJ child will be very impressionable at a young age, as she tries to sort out her inner values. As she ages, she will become more and more committed to particular beliefs, until her value system is finally set in concrete.

    At times, the IFJ may also feel inclined to speak up about her values in a positive way—to share what is near and dear to her with someone whom she perceives as being in need of her message. A positive response to the open sharing will of course energize her further. But if this gift is at any point rejected by its intended recipient, the IFJ will be inclined to take it as a rejection of herself and will be deeply wounded, even depressed.

    It is patently unfair to ever ask the IFJ to “go to bed angry”; rather, personal conflicts must be resolved before she can hope to sleep peacefully. Otherwise, she may end up crying herself into an exhausted and fitful sleep.

    Introverted Thinkers
    ITJ’s are steady and diligent workers, rarely deviating from their strict work ethic. Their natural energy level is low, but constant, and always put to good use by the ITJ’s estimation.

    The ITJ’s focus is on logical consistency, puzzle solving, and putting individual pieces or facts together into a cohesive whole. The ITJ will usually content himself to work within the same logical framework day after day. He may occasionally seek out new information to add to this framework, but more often he will just take it as it naturally comes his way, assessing each new piece individually to find how it fits—or doesn’t fit—with what he already knows and understands.

    The ITJ child will start, at a young age, to eagerly take in all the information he can. As he grows, he will naturally narrow things down to focus on just a couple of interests which he will probably pursue for the rest of his life.

    The ITJ will gladly discuss his views with like-minded individuals, or with those who seem interested in knowing what he knows. He will grow tired and impatient, however, trying to explain himself to illogical or inconsistent people. If this sort of negative interaction happens too often, the ITJ may even come to the conclusion that no one else really understands him, and that he is all alone in the world.

    Because he is not a natural feeler, what is likely to cause him the most distress and loss of sleep, is worrying that he is expressing himself wrongly to the world, not caring enough or not making enough of an effort to show those that he loves how much he really cares for them.
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    polikujm-- I have edited the ENP post. Is it better now? Or do you think it still needs some tweaking? I really want to get all this right, as I am hoping I may be able to use what I have written as a sort of rough guide to guessing other people's types.

    EP High energy, irregular pattern
    IP Low energy, irregular pattern
    EJ High energy, contant
    IJ Low energy, constant
    Thank you, 1981slater, for pointing this out
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    Is this MBTI or socionics?

    Sounds awfully MBTI-ish to me.
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    Anyone with Se has a lot of energy. ESTp's and ESFp's; ENTj's and ENFj's because of Se activation (for periods of activated time); ENFp's and ENTp's for Se Role that manifests in talking a million miles per hour; Se creatives like ISTj's and ISFj's (these two types, are I, so less energy, but when motivated by something they can exert and show lots of sudden energy, my boss, and ISTj, spent 9 hours cleaning his office in one day); also Se demonstratives like ESFj's and ESTj's; pretty much, most E types because they love activity and are activated by responsibility and role in their chosen specialty. I have very low "will" so I'm tired all the time and my body does not regulate energy expenditure very well. Even though I can work for a long period of time without stopping, I can also sleep for a very long period of time in comatose sleep until I recover. My dual is really great at understanding the essence of sensation and energy. IDK, being around them helps me focus my efforts more constructively and I feel more even.
    Last edited by Beautiful sky; 10-16-2010 at 02:53 AM.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

    Best description of functions:

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    Quote Originally Posted by WorkaholicsAnon View Post
    Is this MBTI or socionics?

    Sounds awfully MBTI-ish to me.
    No, it's socionics. If it were MBTI, the 3-letter types would be ISJ, INJ, ITP, IFP, ESP, ENP, EFJ, and ETJ. So, the extraverted types are the same either way, but the introverted types are different. In socionics, the introverted types are ISP, IFJ, ITJ, and INP, which are what I have described in these threads.
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    Idk, these ETJ descriptions sounds so one-dimensionally connected to work, work, work. I relate more to ENPs if I try to look inward.
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    Damn! Graphs generated by websites vanish quickly
    ILE "Searcher"
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    Quote Originally Posted by 1981slater View Post
    I've seen sth like this in wikisocion, I think

    EP High energy, irregular pattern, stable moods
    IP Low energy, irregular pattern, unstable moods
    EJ High energy, constant, unstable moods
    IJ Low energy, constant, stable moods
    Added static/dynamic dichotomy, as in my experience moodiness tends to go with it rather than depend on rationality.

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    EP High energy, irregular pattern, stable moods
    IP Low energy, irregular pattern, unstable moods
    EJ High energy, constant, unstable moods
    IJ Low energy, constant, stable moods
    Added static/dynamic dichotomy, as in my experience moodiness tends to go with it rather than depend on rationality.
    I agree.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aiss View Post
    Added static/dynamic dichotomy, as in my experience moodiness tends to go with it rather than depend on rationality.
    Very well. I'd add what FDG says: dynamics = constant flow of energy, statics = discrete actions
    ILE "Searcher"
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