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  1. #1

    Default Classical Music

    So here me out on this one, I've been reading up a bunch on classical music, specifically that its "dead" or "boring" or "old"....

    I went into google and typed "classical music is" and saw the most popular results....

    Among them were Dead, Boring, Old, Dying, Good for You, and Something about babies being smart.

    The two viewpoint most commonly taken up about this genre of music are...
    1) Its dead, boring, old, dying - like something not full of life or enthusiasm
    2) Its something you should listen to because its good for you and will make you smart

    I once asked someone about what they thought of every type of music, and they said they enjoyed everything but classical music, when I asked them what came to mind with classical music they said "flight of the bumblebee"... it made me laugh cause I pictured people cruising around in their cars jamming out to flight of the bumblebee....

    At any rate, why is classical music so loathed? Why is it the soundtrack for old people and embodies lifelesness or is considered something akin to raw vegetables - something that tastes bad but you should eat because its good for you.

    How did it get to be that way? Is classical music really dead or are people dead to classical music?

    Consider that it practically paints the portrait for every scene in movies. The music for Star Wars for example is a well known cultural icon and is essentially just classical music. Also why did people invent lifeless music, surely there was enthusiasm for the music when it was created first.

    For this reason I think its much more likely that people are dead to classical music. And no I don't want to force everyone in the world to listen to classical music now to make sure they appreciate the masterpeices of classical music - honestly I could care less what people listen to, I just find it sad that people become deaf to old forms of music, honestly I find some classical music to be much more profound and beautiful than fucking miley cyrus britney spears commercialized bullshit that is all about bouncing around all happy go lucky and getting fucked because you are so sexy. More on this later, but for now I'd like to elaborate on being "Dead to classical music".

    Basically I think that people don't understand what language the music is speaking. Its like people are expecting to be spoken to in ebonics but instead you are getting spoken to in shakesperian english and your confused. Instead of actually attempting to understand what is being conveyed by the language you roll back and resort to simply listen to how the language sounds but not what it says. You think "Oh wow this old english guy sounds like he is from 500 yrs in the past, he all old and proper and stuck up". That what people get when they hear classical music, they get "OH wow people walking around in formal wear and tophats, and a bunch of old proper stuff".

    I read that one person said classical music is old and non-creative, its nothing new or fresh -- that didn't make sense to me though because if your listening to a classical song for the first time its obviously new to you.

    Anyways the point of this is all isn't that I want to fight the progression of culture or that I want to impose my opinions on people "You should listen to this masterpeice instead of that pop crap you whippersnappers listen to"... its just that I find it disturbing that people can't reach back to a different time era and connect with the actual message of art created by another human being expressing something profound and creative because they are too focused on the surface details and cheap entertainment and thrills. No wait its not even the fact they are immune to art, its the fact that they openly diss it as if it were crap and treat it like old rusty trash; people would rather throw away an old functional tool for one that doesn't work but looks cool.

    I am not a huge classical buff - I listen to a wide variety of music, but I really like a certain number of classical songs and soundtrack tunes in addition to more "typical" modern music and I've always been embarassed it will make me look old/lame for listening to it because of this stereotype, I feel classical music gets a label it doesn't deserve, people shouldn't be so critical and just enjoy music, attempt to listen to what its trying to say. Like in certain peices of beethoven I always get this extremely powerful dark feeling of cynical/anger/frustration/dread contrasted with a certain playful like joyful child innocence that goes back and forth, its an entire narrative between the two contrasting feelings that eventually gets resolved by the end of the peice, and it makes me think that was perhaps who we has and what his life was like, the feelings he experienced.... to most people its simply boring uncreative elevator music that embodies livelessness thats only use is to look more sophsticated/pretenious or to attempt to turn your child into a prodigy thus garunteeing that everyone will be sure to hate the music for being the soundtrack for snobbery and parential pressures. My antagonistic side says that people dislike it because it requires reflection/concentration to understand it.

    Blah anyways I am rambling here..... if you find this interesting, agree, disagree, or have other thoughts please comment.

    Sorry if you feel like this is a huge rambling rant waste of your time, but I just want to get other peoples opinions on this, surely someone can serve up an opinion for better or worse.

  2. #2
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    Classical/Baroque/Romantic/etc music is seen as boring and dull today because most of the music today has an emphasis on rhythm and repetition as opposed to melody. 18th/19th century concert music is much less 'primal' I suppose, in that there's no real physical interaction with the music, whereas modern culture is so Africanized that its music needs some sort of raw energy in order to be capitvating.

    As for people who believe "classical music making you smart," they have no idea what they're talking about. They're associating high art with intelligence and failing to realize that correlation is not causality.

  3. #3


    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    Most people with the slightest music education, even if it is just education of its history versus actually knowing anything about the theory or how to play an instrument, appreciate classical music. Classical music is an acquired taste by many, but it's not exactly laymen's music. Of course, there are different types of classical music. Some I like more than others, some I don't like. But to call it dead, old, or boring, to me, usually means you don't have a lot of knowledge about music and are likely just another radio/pop junkie.
    Yep of course this is the typical view... that it takes time to understand.

    But honestly classical music isn't something I feel comfortable about promoting to a person over modern music. You can't really defend your liking for classical music by claiming its an aqquired tase.

    Like if I were to come up to some guy that was all listen to some Paul Wall rap crap about grillz and I were to say "I don't really like that song, its stupid, I don't dislike all rap/hip-hop but that song is a self-agrandizing thoughtless song about putting gold into your mouth with a sterotypical beat" -- then he responds "Oh ok what song do you listen to" -- me; "Oh I've been listening to Gustav Mahler" -- him; "Hahah, that shit is whack, some dead old people music, good luck getting bitches with that " -- me; "Oh well I like modern music too, its just I find it beautiful, sometimes I listen to music for reasons other than image and getting bitches" -- him; "Oh shit, sorry holmes, I lost what you were saying, I am going to get laid now, bye".

  4. #4
    wants to be a writer. silverchris9's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    How did it get to be that way? Is classical music really dead or are people dead to classical music?
    The latter. Classical music is no more dead than Shakespeare or Charles Dickens or Walt Whitman. People ignore the classics because of the big counter-cultural thing where absolutely anything old was classified as "bad" and associated with uncool parents. Hopefully people will get over that soon, because classical music is awesome.

    Beethoven's music is absolutely drenched in Fe. It IS Fe.
    Not a rule, just a trend.

    IEI. Probably Fe subtype. Pretty sure I'm E4, sexual instinctual type, fairly confident that I'm a 3 wing now, so: IEI-Fe E4w3 sx/so. Considering 3w4 now, but pretty sure that 4 fits the best.

    Yes 'a ma'am that's pretty music...

    I am grateful for the mystery of the soul, because without it, there could be no contemplation, except of the mysteries of divinity, which are far more dangerous to get wrong.

  5. #5


    Quote Originally Posted by Arctures View Post
    Classical/Baroque/Romantic/etc music is seen as boring and dull today because most of the music today has an emphasis on rhythm and repetition as opposed to melody. 18th/19th century concert music is much less 'primal' I suppose, in that there's no real physical interaction with the music, whereas modern culture is so Africanized that its music needs some sort of raw energy in order to be capitvating.

    As for people who believe "classical music making you smart," they have no idea what they're talking about. They're associating high art with intelligence and failing to realize that correlation is not causality.
    See I don't know about that, classical music has rhythm but its harder to catch than modern music.

    Anyways you are correct about beats, most modern music has its appeal in a strong beat, good lyrics, and a catchy melody/chords... its appeal is different. Thats why I say its a different language.

    Also people that say classical music is making you smart is just stupid, our society is obsessed with finding little routines to make us smarter, stronger, faster, better.... people should just find what they like and are good at and do that instead of try to make them something they aren't and something they don't care about. Intelligence comes from being passionate about intellectual pursuits, and thats pretty much it.

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    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I'd like to hear some typing arguments for Chopin

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by silverchris9 View Post
    The latter. Classical music is no more dead than Shakespeare or Charles Dickens or Walt Whitman. People ignore the classics because of the big counter-cultural thing where absolutely anything old was classified as "bad" and associated with uncool parents. Hopefully people will get over that soon, because classical music is awesome.

    Beethoven's music is absolutely drenched in Fe. It IS Fe.
    Amen brother, and like I said I don't want to be counter-counter-cultural.... I just want to feel like I have a right to enjoy the classics without being ostracized.

  8. #8
    you can go to where your heart is Galen's Avatar
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    I feel that much of the appreciation of this sort of concert music is derived from the fact that everything is actually being played by real people. The intricacies of a piece become so much more apparent when you're watching the musician perform.

  9. #9


    Quote Originally Posted by aixelsyd View Post
    I disagree completely. That's like saying all modern music is the same. You cannot tell me Britanny Spears and The Beatles are the same even though they both were of the latter half of the Twentieth Century.

    Classical music spans several centuries. And personally, I don't think I need to defend my liking for Claire de Lune, or Der Meistersinger, or Night on Bald Mountain, or Polovtsian Dance, or Largo from New World Symphony to any idiot off the street. I'd volunteer to drag them to a live symphony that can play these pieces well and challenge them to give me bull about me thinking these pieces of music are beautiful.

    I say overall, classical music is acquired, but some things, I think, are something you listen to and can acknowledge it is beautiful.

    Now I'll tell you what some tastes are that I have yet acquired: R&B music, hip hop, metal, punk rock, country, a lot of smooth jazz, a lot of techno, and the vast majority of modern music. However, I don't need to acquire anything to appreciate 'Yesterday' from The Beatles just as I don't need to acquire anything to appreciate the second mov. of Beethoven's 7th, at least the main melody part. I mean, it's easy to generalize, but generalizations rarely work.
    Nope, while I don't think any person should need to personally give justification for their like of a particular style of music.... they are completely right to like whatever they like.

    I think that when a person is in a crowd of people the game is different

    I am saying that if you express your opinion about something that is incoherent with the crowd its easy for them to express their opinion back at you and you may get overwhelmed by negative criticisms for your viewpoint.... thats what can happen.

    But I feel like thats a bunch of crap. People shouldn't be so critical about what music people listen to, I blame it on this thought that people use music as an image for their persona... that songs are a soundtrack for that persons life.... while this can be true some of the time, I think people take this all to seriously. For example I don't want to be flipping through the radio channels and eventually leave the station on some random song just to hear it out of curosity and have someone come up to me and make a bunch of sweeping generalizations about my personality based on a single song, but people do this.... its the same idea of why people blare gang rap to make themselves look more "Street" "thug" or whatever. People use music as an expression of personality and when that music is classical the message some people get is "I am a stuck up unhip sosphicated snob that probably hangs out with 50 year old people". Not everyone, but the people who do this, annoy me.

    Thats what I am talking about, I am totally in agreement about their not needing to be a personal justification though. I am just saying if you are trying to justify it to an outside party.... while you feel enthusiasm at the thought of listening to a classical song you like, some people (the annoying ones) feel boredom towards you when you feel enthusiasm at the thought of listening to a classical song you like.

    Hopefully this makes sense.

    I am tired though so I'll probably get back to this topic tommorow.

    Oh and have you ever played any peices by rimsky-korsakov?

  10. #10
    ~~rubicon~~ Rubicon's Avatar
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    I think that a lot of people who think of classical music as "elevator music" do so because they only hear it in elevators.. and you have to play soft, unobtrusive music that doesn't assault your consciousness in elevators, you know? That way you can carry on thinking about your life or lackthereof, or that otherwise-slightly-awkward silence that's present when there's just the two of you riding from the 1st to the 51st floor will be slightly more palatable, and the moment when it hits you that you have nothing intelligent to say to each other may be postponed until it's too late. Lovely. Well you never see people getting out of an elevator, wild-eyed with the desire to find out what music they were playing in there. And then there's the penguin-suited snobs who appear to have sat down on upright broomsticks, or at least clap at the end of classical concerts like they have. An offputting image if there ever was one. But anyhow, I would recommend that people who think.. well people in general.. I recommend that they go drink slightly too much alcohol, and sneak into a Beethoven symphony concert in the intermission. Or pay if you're that way inclined, then slouch as far back in your seat as comfortably possible, close your eyes and focus on nothing but the music for the entire duration and see how you're feeling by the end. But yeah, the downside is that that's sixty minutes of your life down the drain that you'll never get back. Sixty minutes that you could have spent uh.. straightening your hair while bopping to... But not to diss multi-tasking either. I also recommend listening to select classical pieces at a higher-than-normal volume while driving a vehicle with the windows rolled down. And if you still don't like it, turn it up. :-P Nah.. but the thing is that most classical music is not about instant gratification the first times around, so that poses a problem. The beat isn't in your face, the melodies probably aren't going to stamp themselves in your memory when you're hardly listening, like good advertising does. Depends how easy you like to come by your entertainment I guess. :-P But how awesome is it to be able to completely immerse yourself in a piece of music over and over again - the complexity of it such that you hear different things each time?!
    Last edited by Rubicon; 11-29-2009 at 05:02 PM.
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  11. #11
    Subthigh Enters Laughing's Avatar
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    Perhaps erm the majority of the people most of the time like to listen to the music of their Age? They may recognise that preceding music forms inspired those that succeeded in terms of popularity, they just prefer the alterations to the form and stuff...which is presumably why alterations and innovations are made.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    Perhaps erm the majority of the people most of the time like to listen to the music of their Age? They may recognise that preceding music forms inspired those that succeeded in terms of popularity, they just prefer the alterations to the form and stuff...which is presumably why alterations and innovations are made.
    Why should it make sense that the majority of people prefer the music of their Age? Brainwashing! :-P
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    Why should it make sense that the majority of people prefer the music of their Age? Brainwashing! :-P
    Because it would necessarily be so! Even if the music of their Age was the same as the music of the previous Age, the music of their age would still be somewhat reflective of their taste in music (although of course people are at least partly influenced by their environment, and it is unlikely for example that the electric guitar could have been a feasible proposition before the 16th century AD.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    Because it would necessarily be so! Even if the music of their Age was the same as the music of the previous Age, the music of their age would still be somewhat reflective of their taste in music (although of course people are at least partly influenced by their environment, and it is unlikely for example that the electric guitar could have been a feasible proposition before the 16th century AD.
    Yeah.. but taste is one thing and how much attention you give to music is another. Perhaps people don't really know their taste in music if they haven't given much undivided attention to it. Kind of like how a stupid movie may pass your time in a semi-enjoyable manner, but you'd be hard-pressed to give it a positive evaluation if you examined it critically.
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    A lot of people don't like music where you have to think, or even feel the emotions within the music. Most people prefer something silly sounding, where they can just enjoy their own vibe and the beats keep their foot tapping, which is alright.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    People use music as an expression of personality and when that music is classical the message some people get is "I am a stuck up unhip sosphicated snob that probably hangs out with 50 year old people". Not everyone, but the people who do this, annoy me.
    Stuff White People Like #108 - Appearing to enjoy Classical Music
    Quote Originally Posted by Stuff White People Like
    Though white people do not actually listen to classical music, they like to believe that they are the type of people who would enjoy it. You can witness this first hand by going to any classical performance at your local symphony where you will see literally dozens of white couples who have paid upwards of $80 for the right to dress up and sit in a chair for hours reading every word in the program.

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    I find more people making fun of me for liking pop music designed for teenage girls (Miley Cyrus), than people ripping on others for their love of classical music. I think you're talking about some adolescent thing that most people grow out of.

    Even as an adolescent, I never liked black music about fucking. It was just so banal to me. I do like songs about general romance, all 52634985892658965891265198519856129087429018472904 25629187 of them.

    *sigh* Love is great.

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    I listen to video game music sometimes. like FF7 music. It's actually pretty good stuff. That and hitta got me listening to beethoven. Other composers are too snobby for me to get into, of the one's I've heard.

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    Lyrics??? GTFO.

    Actually I'm pretty sure all music has lyrics, they just haven't been discovered yet, and thank God for that. I'm also pretty sure that a lot of songs got the lyrics wrong. Like, occasionally I critique the lyrics of popular music, knowing it could be better and more heartfelt, and more meaningful.

    Idk, makes sense that Balzac doesn't like lyrics, because he's always trying to neutralize the emotion. Classical fits my emotion finely, indescribable. And I never listen to the lyrics. My people say, why do you like this song, it's horrible? And for you, commenter, how does this have a horrible melody? I don't understand.

    I don't need no shoddy lyrics to relate to. What gets me in my mood of sadness is knowing how far civilization came just to play me this piece of monumental proportion, and I long to learn. Public music is all lyric: rap. The better thing is always the person behind it, the crafter of the sound. If I want to read, I'll read a theoretical book. Rhymes are too easily mastered. Music and theory is esoteric to me.

  20. #20
    Ti centric krieger's Avatar
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    Beethoven and Chopin are good.

    Absolute favorite:

    Background music in this (Beethoven's funeral march - possibly 3rd party edit, not sure):


  21. #21


    Rubicon your british aren't you? you write very british, when I am reading what you say its like I am picturing a british person telling me this all in a narrative voice.

    But yea diving into your post....
    I'll get very involved so before I dive in I should just be clear.....

    all I am saying is that its all a matter of personal taste, I don't care if other people don't like classical music - thats their right to have that taste, I just hate when they nag on other people with different tastes.
    I just don't want to get misunderstood in this regard

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I think that a lot of people who think of classical music as "elevator music" do so because they only hear it in elevators.. and you have to play soft, unobtrusive music that doesn't assault your consciousness in elevators, you know?
    Yep, thats exactly it... but the thing is I honestly don't mind music that is gentler on the senses, sometimes I want the music to be sensitive and touch softly on the senses, I don't always want to be raped by hardcore beats.

    I like to just put a song on a drift away so to speak, I also don't mind driving to music like that. Its like your gliding through the air. Hit an overpass going 80mph right when it reaches the climax and you feel like your falling foward into the sky.

    I don't know why people loath music that requires them to be more reflective/calm/relaxed and less beats/primal/fun/excitement. I mean I am not ALL about reflective/calm music, sometimes it gets too much and I will to listen to music thats just fun and rhythmic - for me its variety. But what confuses me is why more people get the primal/beats/fun/excitement music and less get the calm/relaxed/reflective music, to them its just nice background stuff - I guess they can't really immerse themselves in it and experience it, they don't get anything from it, its just uh nice and thats it, they don't see the finer details in it and stuff. Its like comparing hardcore porn against erotica... if your so desensitized by hardcore porn you will be dulled down to more subtle erotic things, to you its just nice because your senses are filled down. Lol, porn analogies, great.... too much time on the internet.....

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    But yeah, the downside is that that's sixty minutes of your life down the drain that you'll never get back. Sixty minutes that you could have spent uh.. straightening your hair while bopping to... But not to diss multi-tasking either.
    Lol its only down the drain if you don't want to go to it, I wouldn't suggest people go around wasting their time like that....

    Really I'd only suggest that people not judge classical music so critically, its not boring to everyone, those that get it experience something from it, those that don't get it won't, and thats fine, people have different tastes, but all I am establishing is that there is nothing bad with having a taste for classical music.

    Most people think having a taste for classical music means three things
    1) Your more sosphicated and classy than other people (which is why people pretend to like it)
    2) Your intelligent (which is why parents play it to their babies in hopes of growing a prodigy like they were shining sunlight on some crops to yeild a more robust harvest)
    3) Your Old, Lame, and Boring

    All I am saying is that its ridiculous, why can't people just have a taste for classical music just because they like it and that to be fine.... why does it have to be so pretenious and complicated to most people?

    Person: "OMG you like classical music, your like smart - you must be one of those geniuses, and your soooo sophisticated"
    Classical Music Lover: "No actually I have an IQ of 90 and I've never worn a suit"
    Person: "HAhahaha I get it sarcasm! you classical music types are so witty"
    Classical Music Lover: "No I was being serious, I am just an average guy, only I like classical music"
    Person: "Hahahah oh please stop"
    Classical Music Lover: "No its really not that complicated"
    Person: "You joker - hey guys check out this guy I meet, hes like a genius"
    Classical Music Lover: "I hope you die in a car crash"
    Person: "Lol genius' are so misunderstood! - Hey say something smart"
    Classical Music Lover: "I want to die right now"
    Person: "AWWW isn't he a cute little sophisticated genius"
    Classical Music Lover: "If I am apparently so 'smart' why won't you listen to anything I am saying if its so brilliant"
    Person: "Oh wow, look guys hes philosophizing, lets get a picture"

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I also recommend listening to select classical pieces at a higher-than-normal volume while driving a vehicle with the windows rolled down. And if you still don't like it, turn it up. :-P Nah..

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    but the thing is that most classical music is not about instant gratification the first times around, so that poses a problem. The beat isn't in your face, the melodies probably aren't going to stamp themselves in your memory when you're hardly listening, like good advertising does. Depends how easy you like to come by your entertainment I guess. :-P
    Sure, its just a matter of taste I think.

    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    But how awesome is it to be able to completely immerse yourself in a piece of music over and over again - the complexity of it such that you hear different things each time?!
    Alot of music is like that I think; with modern music entire albums are comparable to what a symphony is in classical music terms... both are entire musical journey, you can just explore them over and over and get things from them different times around.
    Last edited by male; 12-01-2009 at 06:57 AM.

  22. #22


    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I find more people making fun of me for liking pop music designed for teenage girls (Miley Cyrus), than people ripping on others for their love of classical music. I think you're talking about some adolescent thing that most people grow out of.

    Even as an adolescent, I never liked black music about fucking. It was just so banal to me. I do like songs about general romance, all 52634985892658965891265198519856129087429018472904 25629187 of them.

    *sigh* Love is great.
    True... you've got it worse in this regard; so your ability to carry on with pride for your miley cyrus pop music in spite of harsh criticism will be an inspiration to me.... I will light a candle every night this week in commemeration for your strength, and if by the seventh night the moon sets in the west I'll mold the candle wax into a miley cyrus idol which I'll carry to remind me of your courage brave warrior, until someone messes with me then I'll melt the candle wax and pour it down their mouth while they are asleep and when they wake up with candle wax in their mouth I'll ask them "What did you have to say about my music". OR maybe I won't, depends on my mood. Love is great, awkward transition but you get the point ad infintum. etc. amen. lets eat. and so forth
    Last edited by male; 12-01-2009 at 07:00 AM.

  23. #23


    Quote Originally Posted by polikujm View Post
    A lot of people don't like music where you have to think, or even feel the emotions within the music. Most people prefer something silly sounding, where they can just enjoy their own vibe and the beats keep their foot tapping, which is alright.
    Yep, I can respect other people enjoy their vibe so long as their vibe doesn't prevent others from enjoy their vibes...

    basically, go ahead, I don't care if 99.9% of the population likes different forms of music

    just don't rag on me for liking what I like is all I am saying

    Why do people do this with taste in music but not like ummm taste in fast food?
    No one ever divides up into subcultures between taco bell, mcdonalds, and wendys

    No is like "hey you people who go to wendys.... you're fucking gay, us mcdonalds people have cones, you can't put a frosty in a cone and plus it tastes like trash, and taco bell doesn't even have ice cream, except that one mexican ice cream taco which SUCKED, all they have are cinnamon twists, yep pork rinds with cinnamon.... great, great for ******s like you"

    Thats ridiculous, but people do this with music..... you know like rockers for rock, emo for emo music, rap music for the street people, etc...
    Last edited by male; 12-01-2009 at 07:02 AM.

  24. #24



    Simply Yes

  25. #25


    Quote Originally Posted by Subterranean View Post
    Perhaps erm the majority of the people most of the time like to listen to the music of their Age? They may recognise that preceding music forms inspired those that succeeded in terms of popularity, they just prefer the alterations to the form and stuff...which is presumably why alterations and innovations are made.
    Sure but my gateway to classical music was soundtrack music... when I was in grade school the remastered star wars came out, I saw it for the first time and liked the soundtrack, and started to collect soundtrack music and developed an ear for orchestrial music.... so technically orchestrial music still is heard in this day and age.

    But what you say makes sense.....

    Alot of people don't go that path though that I went, alot of people first experience music by listening to the radio, finding a station/music type they like and developing a taste for that.... buying cds, etc etc etc..... I never listened to radio much as a kid - a little but my first big introduction to mainstream music was downloading stuff on the orginal napster.

  26. #26
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    i haven't read this thread, but haveluciddreams must be channeling me because i was obsessed with this last night:


    those who are easily shocked.....should be shocked more often

  27. #27


    Quote Originally Posted by labcoat View Post
    Beethoven and Chopin are good.

    Absolute favorite:
    YouTube- Broadcast Yourself.
    lol its funny you mention the 3rd movement of moonlight sonata....

    I was studying for a physics test up late the night before and I put on classical music because its not distracting... I especially like beethoven because its all very uh analytical sounding. But I had that song stuck in my head the entire time I was taking the test, so I was like thinking through things and working on the test and I kept hearing that melody, it was all frantic and fast so I felt fine under pressure working the test.

    Here is Rimsky-Korsakov Scherezade

    for those not interested in listening to the whole thing straight through
    I'd suggest

    The first video:
    The buildup starting with the solo at 4:28-6:30
    Also the buildup at 7:36-end

    both of these are the main idea of the first movement

    The second video:
    It kicks in around 3:30-4:30 and goes fast

    main idea of the second movement

    The thrid video:
    It kicks in similarly to the second video 0:15-1:30
    The "love" melody 3:55-4:55

    love melody is main idea of the thrid movement

    The fourth video:
    The oboe/violin duet which starts in third video 9:37 and resolves by 1:48

    The fifth video:
    starting around 1:00 where it gets frantic and builds up to around 3:00

    recap of the first movement stated more grandiose, 4th mvnt
    Last edited by male; 12-01-2009 at 06:23 PM.

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    Morrowind theme is like Dniworrom on a Friday. Golden.

  29. #29


    Here is Immediate Music;

    They write trailer music, this song it very intense/rhthymnic

  30. #30
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Rubicon your british aren't you? you write very british, when I am reading what you say its like I am picturing a british person telling me this all in a narrative voice.
    hahahaha Awesome! I'm quite thoroughly British I can assure you. :-p
    Yep, thats exactly it... but the thing is I honestly don't mind music that is gentler on the senses, sometimes I want the music to be sensitive and touch softly on the senses, I don't always want to be raped by hardcore beats.
    Yeah.. :-)
    Person: "OMG you like classical music, your like smart - you must be one of those geniuses, and your soooo sophisticated"
    Classical Music Lover: "No actually I have an IQ of 90 and I've never worn a suit"
    Person: "HAhahaha I get it sarcasm! you classical music types are so witty"
    Classical Music Lover: "No I was being serious, I am just an average guy, only I like classical music"
    Person: "Hahahah oh please stop"
    Classical Music Lover: "No its really not that complicated"
    Person: "You joker - hey guys check out this guy I meet, hes like a genius"
    Classical Music Lover: "I hope you die in a car crash"
    Person: "Lol genius' are so misunderstood! - Hey say something smart"
    Classical Music Lover: "I want to die right now"
    Person: "AWWW isn't he a cute little sophisticated genius"
    Classical Music Lover: "If I am apparently so 'smart' why won't you listen to anything I am saying if its so brilliant"
    Person: "Oh wow, look guys hes philosophizing, lets get a picture"
    loll .. but I don't normally get that reaction. :-p More like:

    Person: What kind of music do you like?
    Me: ohh... some classical
    Person: haha no really
    Me: yeah really
    Person: Really?
    Me: mm
    Person: weirddd
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  31. #31


    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    loll .. but I don't normally get that reaction. :-p More like:

    Person: What kind of music do you like?
    Me: ohh... some classical
    Person: haha no really
    Me: yeah really
    Person: Really?
    Me: mm
    Person: weirddd
    Lol yep I can imagine that one.

    I guess I get the other reaction because some people know I do physics as a major and I can give off a "philosphical" vibe... so they just figure I like classical music because of some pretenious reason like I am white,sophisticated, and intelligent. When in reality I am pretty typical, I just like classical music from time to time, and I decided to major in physics. The whole ridiculousness stems from this whole idea that has its roots in baby boomer parenting. People, at least in the US, are very obsessed with forcing their children to do "sophisticated" activities (that they don't even enjoy) like listening to classical music, taking piano, etc.. to try to grow their very own child prodigies. Its ridiculous because by the time they rebel as teens they hate all that stuff, and I can't blame them lol. Also is it so ridiculous that people can just have normal childhoods, instead of being prodigies?

    Anyways this literally happens because this one high school kid I worked with at a summer job when I was in college asked me what kind of music I listened to... I listed the usual suspects and at the end I was like, and some classical/soundtrack music occasionally, and he was like "its all good, I used to play piano".... BAM, perfect proof... his parents probably made him play piano as a kid in hopes he'd be a little mozart prodigy they could display to all the other moms on the block to prove their prowess at parenting.

    Wow I really have a need to rant on everything surrounding this issues, but I don't care, I'd write rants all day if I could, They should have a rant blog.

  32. #32
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    Person: "OMG you like classical music, your like smart - you must be one of those geniuses, and your soooo sophisticated"
    Classical Music Lover: "No actually I have an IQ of 90 and I've never worn a suit"
    Person: "HAhahaha I get it sarcasm! you classical music types are so witty"
    Classical Music Lover: "No I was being serious, I am just an average guy, only I like classical music"
    Person: "Hahahah oh please stop"
    Classical Music Lover: "No its really not that complicated"
    Person: "You joker - hey guys check out this guy I meet, hes like a genius"
    Classical Music Lover: "I hope you die in a car crash"
    Person: "Lol genius' are so misunderstood! - Hey say something smart"
    Classical Music Lover: "I want to die right now"
    Person: "AWWW isn't he a cute little sophisticated genius"
    Classical Music Lover: "If I am apparently so 'smart' why won't you listen to anything I am saying if its so brilliant"
    Person: "Oh wow, look guys hes philosophizing, lets get a picture"
    Hmm I am not a music major nor do I study melody intensively. But Classical music is overrated in my opinion in terms of how sophisticated the melodies are. There are some bad opinions on contemporary music, but most musics from the 70's all the way up until now are indeed better than those in the classical Era if you take don't take the factor of the time it was produced (this will depend on how popular it is) and just the piece itself. Shakespeare's Hamlet was probably one of the most famous Play in it's time. yet demands were so low at that time, that such a play that would be considered ordinary in today's entertainment but at that time it was the play of the century. I do believe we are living in the Golden ERA of entertainment with so much fulfilled creativity being met into it's potential. If people were struggling to get a good meal, such creativity are bout to be unfulfilled.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  33. #33
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Anyways this literally happens because this one high school kid I worked with at a summer job when I was in college asked me what kind of music I listened to... I listed the usual suspects and at the end I was like, and some classical/soundtrack music occasionally, and he was like "its all good, I used to play piano".... BAM, perfect proof... his parents probably made him play piano as a kid in hopes he'd be a little mozart prodigy they could display to all the other moms on the block to prove their prowess at parenting.
    How did you know his mom forced him? I have known plenty of people back in high school that also played the piano but I didn't think their mother/father forced them.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  34. #34


    Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
    How did you know his mom forced him? I have known plenty of people back in high school that also played the piano but I didn't think their mother/father forced them.
    lol well notice I didn't say "His mother absolutely forced him beyond any doubt".... I strategically placed the word probably -- that is, I am not sure, I was just guessing; is that allowed?

    I mean I pretty much have no way of knowing for sure, but it was just kind of the vibe the guy gave off, I just couldn't picture him in front of a piano playing a song and really enjoying the experience. But maybe I'm wrong.... don't know for sure.... be I surely don't care enough to know for sure.

  35. #35
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    lol well notice I didn't say "His mother absolutely forced him beyond any doubt".... I said strategically placed the word probably -- that is, I am not sure, I was just guessing; is that allowed?
    Sorry boss, it is allowed, it will never happen again.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  36. #36


    Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
    Hmm I am not a music major nor do I study melody intensively. But Classical music is overrated in my opinion in terms of how sophisticated the melodies are. There are some bad opinions on contemporary music, but most musics from the 70's all the way up until now are indeed better than those in the classical Era if you take don't take the factor of the time it was produced (this will depend on how popular it is) and just the piece itself. Shakespeare's Hamlet was probably one of the most famous Play in it's time. yet demands were so low at that time, that such a play that would be considered ordinary in today's entertainment but at that time it was the play of the century. I do believe we are living in the Golden ERA of entertainment with so much fulfilled creativity being met into it's potential. If people were struggling to get a good meal, such creativity are bout to be unfulfilled.
    Nah I disagree honestly.... trying to objectively make a case for modern music > classical music is senseless in my opinion. Art is just a matter of taste/opinion; about the only case you can make objectively is to say musicians these days are more creative or the quality of instruments is better, both of which are ridiculous. The only thing thats changed is society has a great amount of musicians and creative works than before and things have changed/evolved to a different style.

    Just say you don't like classical music compared to modern music; its ok, I won't attack you, its actually quite understandable/reasonable/common....
    Last edited by male; 12-03-2009 at 10:50 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Nah I disagree honestly.... first of all lets be objective... I don't care if you personally prefer type X music over type Y music; but I disagree on the objective point.... which is;

    Historically people had lower standards to music because they were exposed to it less, whereas nowdays people have higher standards due to the massive influx of creativity.

    It just seems stupid, when you really consider it.... first of all people were exposed to music for a very long time, music is probably as old as language. Only the instruments change. Classical era music involved an orchestra, modern music uses electronic beats and other elements..... and how can one say that electronic beats > orchestras (or vice versa)? I mean it would be different if we were arguing about say the quality of craftsmenship of certain instruments has increased due to technological advancements and therefore the music produced is higher quality....

    but the tools of the trade haven't increased in quality so what has?
    This is a very good point I have not thought about.

    the musicians?

    So people 200 years ago were less creative? Less talented? Doesn't that seem a little.... um ridiculous? people haven't evolved too much in 200 years, society has but people have not.
    Whoa you are putting words in my mouth, people in group generally don't change in terms of intelligence IMO, why did you think I make the statement about people centuries ago that if they can't have a good meal, how can you put emphasis in things like music? you just answered the point I was trying to make in ↓↓ paragraph.

    it was challenging to put together an orchestra and write music so it was more challegning, today its very easy for people, so there tends to be alot more material out there. Its possible alot of it is crap, but the musicians that are really creative and prolific likely produce music that is no better/worse quality than a highly creative/prolific person would produce 200 years ago.
    Again, Because of your assumption that you have on me that I dislike classical music, you then assume that I have a opinion on musician's talent based on time.

    Plus its reasonable that since society has evolved, the current music speaks more to the current state of society than older music, so more people are likely to get "modern" music.
    Umm no, as matter of fact, you falsely assume things about me again. If your assumption were right about me I would honestly tell you that you were right. My honest opinion is that I dislike the current music trends compared to a decade ago. regardless of what genres we are talking about. I have no biased on Raps, pops, country and classical music as long as it is GOOD music. (but I do tend to like softer music because for me at least it is easier to listen to and it gives me a very relaxing state of mind)

    I have about 1,000 classical musics that I currently listen to, so don't assume that I'm one of those people who never heard a piece of classical song to make a judgment. But I think classical music, without biased toward other elements such as the musician's time, is indeed not as rich as the music they have now (but you did make a good point about the instrumental effect which makes the current music better(which is my point, and my point is not that it is unfair to compare artist from different time).

    Its societies perception of what is quality music that has changed not the quality of music itself.
    When I compare comptemparary music to classical, I hold no such social preception but to it's medlody itself, the rhythm and how it stimulates my mind.

    Just say you don't like classical music compared to modern music; its ok, I won't attack you.... but honestly trying to make an objective point on it is sensless imo.
    I think you assume too much because based on that one post I have made, you determine that I hate Classical music. Well, I can give you an honest opinion that I am a music fan in general. I basically listen to a lot of pop music and classical music right now, and when I was younger I listen to more Rock/Hip hop/techno music.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

  38. #38
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Lol yep I can imagine that one.

    I guess I get the other reaction because some people know I do physics as a major and I can give off a "philosphical" vibe... so they just figure I like classical music because of some pretenious reason like I am white,sophisticated, and intelligent. When in reality I am pretty typical, I just like classical music from time to time, and I decided to major in physics. The whole ridiculousness stems from this whole idea that has its roots in baby boomer parenting. People, at least in the US, are very obsessed with forcing their children to do "sophisticated" activities (that they don't even enjoy) like listening to classical music, taking piano, etc.. to try to grow their very own child prodigies. Its ridiculous because by the time they rebel as teens they hate all that stuff, and I can't blame them lol. Also is it so ridiculous that people can just have normal childhoods, instead of being prodigies?
    lol.. I am a product of that kind of parenting. :-p And I did grow up hating playing, though I enjoy it now. Being forced to do something is certainly a major turn-off!
    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Wow I really have a need to rant on everything surrounding this issues, but I don't care, I'd write rants all day if I could, They should have a rant blog.
    Rants are awesome. (-:
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

  39. #39


    Quote Originally Posted by 07490 View Post
    blah blah blah.
    Basically, I am not putting words in your mouth... I am trying to think through your point.

    This is what I will say....

    I don't think you can say an artist's work from 200 years ago is inferior to an artist's work today. I think you can say quality work that comes from musicians is much more abudant and full of variety today than it was 200 years ago. One is a view concerning the individual the other is a view concerning society at large; I personally view music by the artist and the work more so than by the society which produces it and the "scene" of the music.

  40. #40
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Basically, I am not putting words in your mouth... I am trying to think through your point.

    This is what I will say....

    I don't think you can say an artist's work from 200 years ago is inferior to an artist's work today. I think you can say quality work that comes from musicians is much more abudant and full of variety today than it was 200 years ago. One is a view concerning the individual the other is a view concerning society at large; I personally view music by the artist and the work more so than by the society which produces it and the "scene" of the music.

    I don't know what your problem is really, reread my response over if you really want to know my point and not just Rant about it, because this is exactly what you want to do, and you quote me so I want to put my points across. You are still thinking that I am comparing the artist's ability between time. It is basically your whole point without me ever arguing or disagreeing you about that. I have never brought up this point but then you ran with it.

    But this is what I do claim. I think majority of the classical music produced isn't as good as music being produced in the modern Era. I would say from the 70's and on, when entertainment was at it's height.

    Now I am not saying it is fair to compare the artist between time, which is a point you still think I am making, which I am not, as it is indeed unfair to compare it. Economic situations, the amount of talents there is compared to then. and the instruments/ collaboration between people to make the music.
    (D)IEE~FI-(C)SLE~Ni E-5w4(Sp/Sx)/7w8(So/Sp)/9w1(sp/sx)

    Quote Originally Posted by Jarno View Post
    A girl who I want to date, asks me: well first tell me how tall you are?
    My reply: well I will answer that, if you first tell me how much you weigh!

    A girl I was dating said she was oh so great at sex etc, but she didn't do blowjobs.
    My reply: Oh I'm really romantic etc, I just will never take you out to dinner.

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