Quote Originally Posted by InkMyUmbrella View Post

I was wondering if there are other SEI and ESE types who struggle to make friends, contrary to what our type seems to indicate our strengths are?

I am very sensitive to how others perceive me and the overall "image" I display, and this has actually manifested to social anxiety since I interpret little details in facial expression and tone to mean the person may dislike me/not want me around. I used to strongly desire having a wide group of friends, but pretty much gave up after many years, and decided to attempt a life of solitude (to little avail, as it is natural for me to still desire strong friendships). So is this anyone else's experience?
I'm not sure if I'm alpha SF - many people here have proposed that type for me - so take what I say in context with the type uncertainty.
I am fairly good at making friends but I do have a bit of social anxiety when in unfamiliar milieus. I have been there and done that and have functioned well, but it does take a lot out of me and once in a while such an experiences has felt awkward (usually because I found the people there boring or uninteresting). Other times I have made lifelong friends that I keep in touch with to this day. These efforts do require a lot of energy that I've realized I do not have. I think this has me convinced of my introversion at this point.

I have sometimes reconsidered going to an event where I don't know anybody, in favor of just curling up in my cozy sanctuary that is my abode.

Also negative interpersonal experiences with toxic people over the years have made me much more cautious about making new contacts, in general. I have zero desire to invite negative drama into my life (that is often difficult to get rid of), and being more conscious of how devious and manipulative some people can be, I approach new acquaintances much more carefully than I used to.

Therefore, I am somewhat in a similar situation as you, in which I am enjoying my life of relative solitude with a few trusted friends. I could seriously spend weeks at a time in my home and being alone outdoors and maybe have a friend or three over and be happy and not get bored, and I find it hard to justify disturbing that peace with potentially toxic individuals.