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    Default New Here/Introduction

    Hi Everyone

    I was going to post on the prior introductions forum , but it is empty.

    I am not sure what to say here, I was referred by a friend. I am not even sure what personality type I am. How do I tell?
    WHat information do I need to give you to help me figure it out.?

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    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Well, if you're not too worried about privacy, a few pictures for Visual Identification, along with a self-description (as long as you can make it; the more info, the better, generally speaking), would be a good place to start.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    I am not sure what to say here, I was referred by a friend. I am not even sure what personality type I am. How do I tell?
    WHat information do I need to give you to help me figure it out.?
    Well, for starters, are you actually a mouse? That could skew your personality type, as it was designed for humans. (Also, if you're a mouse, how do you type?)
    Quote Originally Posted by Logos
    Holy mud-wrestling bipolar donkeys, Batman!

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    I pity your souls

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    I used to know a girl, a little tomboy she was, named mouse. Used to hit some mean homers. You like baseball, mouse?
    "Those who make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities..."

    - Voltaire

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    Tell us your life story mouse.

    Only then you we can judge you we.

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    Default OK......

    Now about me.....
    Well I know I am outgoing and I tend to get in a lot of trouble with my mouth (Thats why the name Mouse, I'm always getting myself trapped)

    I piss people off allot, not intentionally and I really wonder if I have some Histrionic mental thing going on at times. I sometimes lie, well for no reason what so ever. I seem to stay in a constant state of depression and crap going on. I have a passion for EMS career, and there are no open doors!

    Ive had a crappy past and only just recently (as in the last few years) have decent friends. Well I get really close, really quickly and jump before I'm asked too. I am somewhat bitter. I also wear my feelings on my sleeve and they get hurt. I seem to burn bridges everywhere I go... I have a family here in my apt complex that Im close to, and last night we had a blow up. I basically been making them mad and THANK GOD everything has blown over. Well yea...
    I sometimes need to be the center of attention - well alot. So yea im a mess, a messed up psychotic mess. Analyze that lol

    Pictures, I can do that (other than the profile picture)

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    The pictures did not show up. Oh hell just go to the website lol

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    Default Life Story?

    Well for starters I was the complete social outcast in school. Other than that, I had a mother who could not stand me (still can't) we still fight. UGH Im not sure really what else to say........ Sorry

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Now about me.....
    Well I know I am outgoing and I tend to get in a lot of trouble with my mouth (Thats why the name Mouse, I'm always getting myself trapped)

    I piss people off allot, not intentionally and I really wonder if I have some Histrionic mental thing going on at times. I sometimes lie, well for no reason what so ever. I seem to stay in a constant state of depression and crap going on. I have a passion for EMS career, and there are no open doors!

    Ive had a crappy past and only just recently (as in the last few years) have decent friends. Well I get really close, really quickly and jump before I'm asked too. I am somewhat bitter. I also wear my feelings on my sleeve and they get hurt. I seem to burn bridges everywhere I go... I have a family here in my apt complex that Im close to, and last night we had a blow up. I basically been making them mad and THANK GOD everything has blown over. Well yea...
    I sometimes need to be the center of attention - well alot. So yea im a mess, a messed up psychotic mess. Analyze that lol

    Pictures, I can do that (other than the profile picture)

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    Hmmm...IEI is my first guess. "Wears her feelings on her sleeve," candid about her own negative aspects, inclined to be involved in controversy/emotional turmoil with people she is close to...I dunno, that's my stab in the dark.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  11. #11
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    And what would IEI Mean

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    What do you do for fun in Texas?

    btw, why do you think you don't have such a good relation with most people?

  13. #13
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    Mouse, if you like, take a look at some descriptions of the type (IEI/INFp) that I proposed (sorry for the bad translations in advance):

    Intuitive- ethical introvert: LYRIC POETRIES
    IEI has the scattered, pensive or dreamy view at times it is noticeable emotional luster in the eyes. Eyes are very expressive, is studied collocutor. But this attentive view IEI does not seem importunate or shrill. The expression of a certain estrangement softens it.
    Smile is natural, but somewhat acted unsure, shy. It seems affectionate, at the same time restrained. The mimicry of face is variable, is expressive, frequently face has melancholy expression. In the contact the collocutors usually are located to itself affable smile.
    The motions, as a rule, soft, smooth, languid or lazy, which on the whole creates the impression of complaisance, weak will. Gestures are elegant, lungs, only theatrical.
    Gait is important-looking or is rapid, but is light, is flattened flatten. Behavior IEI is nedemonstrativnoye, is modest, frequently timid or shy. There can be the unexpected drops in the mood and then behavior is unpredictable, even extravagant. Speech usually is quiet, is insinuating, frequently is emotional, intonation affectionate.

    Intuitive subtype appears by the calm, tactful, sluggish, uncertain of itself person. It seems torn from the reality, inert and little fitted out to the life. But this impression is erroneous, since it possesses the excellent intuition, which helps to it to establish useful connections and to find support in men of weight. It acts on those surrounding uspokaivayushche and rasslablyayushche. It is outwardly serene, but in the soul it is sentimental and inclined it takes a long time to survive its confusions. Mimicry is somewhat monotonous, frequently are expressed light surprise or complete interest by collocutor. View dreamy, slightly stressed, with the luster. It is frequently sad, attentive or only ironic. Speech measured off, smooth, intimate- sincere. On face almost constantly is present polite, locating to the confidence poluulybka. The gestures are modest, are timid, nedemonstrativnye. The gait is slow, is smooth.

    Ethical subtype produces the impression of soft, charming and emotional person. It usually appears voodushevlennym and optimistic. It possesses a good feeling of humor. About its problems and failures it can tell with the smile. It is ironic, sly, not predicted and inconsistent in the behavior and the conversation. Creating original contrasts, it can unexpectedly prick and so rapidly embrace, kiss. Artistichen, obayatelen, are natural in the contact, now and then even with the nuance of familiarity and unceremoniousness. It knows how to draw together distance. It is courteous, amiable and thoughtful. At times it is simply fascinating, is so great of its skill pleasing and of locating to itself people. It knows how to persuade. It presents requests in such form, which to it is difficult to refuse. Motions are elegant, even theatrical. The gait is graceful, is rapid. The speech is emotional, is rich in nuances, sometimes melodious.
    The "Idealist" and "Diplomat" are what we call "subtypes," or distinct groups that tend to exist within one type. Most people tend to identify with one more than the other, but what's important is the overall picture of the kind of person being described here.

    Here's another:

    1. A somewhat idealistic romanticist. He is a person prone more to reflection than action. An individualist. He is little concerned with the present; he is more excited by brilliant perspectives of "bright cities, which may be built one day". His emotionality is of a high enough level, he understands very well the feelings of another and does not hide his own. But his emotionality is always somewhat restrained in order to observe the effect it produces. He expresses emotions not when another’s patience would get exhausted, but when he himself (she herself) considers it necessary. His way of handling emotions is very creative: for example, he may consider rage to be ethical, and restraint non-ethical.
    2. Easily infatuated. What makes another stand out for him is forcefulness, drive, insightfulness, naturally if this force lends itself to the influence of his emotions. He is very tolerant to people, understands them and tries to forgive their weaknesses.
    3. Tutankhamon’s smile. His line of defense in extreme conditions is his skill to demonstrate his attitude toward the situation, to reveal its comical aspects. So he has a fine sense of humor and possesses a very characteristic transparent smile, which appears at critical moments. His smile is warm, warming and exciting. However, his smile is in most cases caused by inner anxiety; the natural purpose of this smile is to raise his partner’s fighting spirit, to stir him up.
    4. Elegant. He comes off as steady and upright. He practically never squints his wide-open eyes. Typically, he is not prone to lower his arch-shaped eyebrows. Elegance is an every day thing with him, not something reserved for outings and special occasions. One can seldom see him in a non-aesthetic pose, his voice intonations are also refined, and movements are plastic and even rhythmic. In the light of the aforementioned two things are amazing: he does not care much for the elegance of others (his dual, The Commander, is emphatically non-demonstrative); chaos reins in his living quarters; both things and people which enter his home should find their places by themselves, or with the help of someone other then the Lyricist.
    5. A struggler for the emotional naturalness of people. He feels responsibility for mood of his friends and relatives, for their vital tonus. He uses his fine sense of humor to make them laugh, shake them up. In a company he scans the attendees not in order to find out what they are wearing, but in order to remark how each is feeling: this is exactly what he needs to relate to others. In general, he dreams of bringing harmony into society. History means to him history of the arts. He strives for beauty, which may be – poetry, arts, even nice trinkets. He himself strives to be refined. He adores communication with artists, poets, bohemians, and in general with exotic people.

    Again, the idea is to look at the overall picture of the person, not necessarily the details of the descriptions.

    Here is a link to another:

    Let me know what you think of these
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Hmmm...IEI is my first guess. "Wears her feelings on her sleeve," candid about her own negative aspects, inclined to be involved in controversy/emotional turmoil with people she is close to...I dunno, that's my stab in the dark.
    perceptive; i like it. thats as good as a call as you're going to get with what you've got so far.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    What do you do for fun in Texas?

    I raise fancy rats ok and they are my babies, I love em to death. Im a very caring and compassionate person

    btw, why do you think you don't have such a good relation with most people?
    Because 9 times out of 10 I push myself, want to be the center of attention and act like a 3 year old child. Now how much of it I can help Im not sure. As I said, I truly believe I have some mental things going on.... But people try, my friends TRY AND TRY and I end up pushing them away =(

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    IEI SOunds like me according the wikipedia description. So what do I do to change it? I mean - realistically I dont want to keep running people off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by niffweed17 View Post
    perceptive; i like it. thats as good as a call as you're going to get with what you've got so far.

    Also she reminds me somewhat of Joy for some reason in her pictures; something about the eyes. My first inclination was IEI, but I almost wanted to say "Ni type, not Fe leading or last" before I read over the self-description again and decided that LIE was pretty unlikely.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

  18. #18
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    Ew doctor pepper, yay bowling ally.

    I have a couple questions for you Mel:

    What is your absolute favourite past time?

    If you had to pick something that you would say you are the best at, what would it be?

    What is it about EMS that interests you and why?

    Do you tend to "space out" a lot or do you stay in touch with what's going on around you in some way? Also, if you went for a walk by yourself what would happen? What would you see or think about? What about if you were with a friend?

    When in a group of people are you more concerned about getting to know people individually or are you busier enjoy the mood and contributing to the group atmosphere?

    These are all really generic questions that I'm sure people are going to grumble about, but I think they're good starting points.

    EDIT: Yeah, George, I agree that IEI is a good guess off what we have so far. The "I piss people off allot, not intentionally and I really wonder if I have some Histrionic mental thing going on at times." Made me think of Nick
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    fwiw, IEI was my impression

    Definitely valuing with a need for constant verbal affirmation

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    Quote Originally Posted by mn0good View Post
    Ew doctor pepper, yay bowling ally.

    I have a couple questions for you Mel:

    What is your absolute favourite past time?

    Not sure I have one. I guess I would say just going out with friends and hanging out
    If you had to pick something that you would say you are the best at, what would it be?
    I am very good at computers and I'm artsy.
    What is it about EMS that interests you and why?
    I like to help people and I really want to save lives.
    Do you tend to "space out" a lot or do you stay in touch with what's going on around you in some way? Also, if you went for a walk by yourself what would happen? What would you see or think about? What about if you were with a friend?
    If I was with a friend I would more than likely be whining about how depressed I am etc...
    When in a group of people are you more concerned about getting to know people individually or are you busier enjoy the mood and contributing to the group atmosphere?
    I want to get to know the group. And indivuduals, I like the one-on-one thing too.

    These are all really generic questions that I'm sure people are going to grumble about, but I think they're good starting points.
    I agree. Thanks

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    Someone will show me the least little bit of attention and I will be all over them cuz ive NEVER had it. Not from family, friends nobody and I'm really not sure how to handle myself around people......... I jump to conclusions. And my friends here try to help, they really do...... But they get frustrated cuz I dont listen. I intend to, I try to - I really do...... But it usually does not work for me...... Ya know? Im very stubborn. I think I try too hard to be friends. If I can just be myself people will like me for who I am-0 Thats what youre always told right. but its not true when "yourself" pushes people away.

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    You guys tereg is the one who referred me. We know each other in person and he knows what Im like and well .... yea something like that

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    Well that definitely reinforces Fe, which isn't that surprising. And the introvyrt stryfe, as Kam would put it, of the Fe IPs. Ni/Se vs Si/Ne? Not really sure there's been much evidence either way other that isn't kind of circumstantial. But I'm willing to say IXFp is pretty definite.
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    it's not cool to blame rude behaviour on some cooked up mental thing

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    IEI SOunds like me according the wikipedia description. So what do I do to change it? I mean - realistically I dont want to keep running people off.
    Well, first off you can't "change" your personality type; it's just part of "who you are," at least if Socionics is "right" about personality types. However you do seem to be manifesting some typically negative traits of IEI: tendency towards inadvertently creating drama with intimates, excessive attention-seeking, etc.

    With IEIs, and their Mirrors (a type that is very similar in thinking style but places slightly different emphasis in interaction), EIEs, the thing about them that is often at the root of this kind of behavior is a tendency to pen-up their emotions and release them in ways that aren't really related to what caused them to feel those emotions in the first place (this is related to weakness in Introverted Sensing in my opinion). For example, maybe the clerk in line at the store pisses you off by being rude or inconsiderate, and you shrug it off, only to blow up at someone later who doesn't deserve it.

    Personally, I tend to treat strangers nicely and use my natural charm to ingratiate myself with people I am still getting to know, but take out the negative consequences that I experience as a result of "forcing it" on people close to me, who I know won't drop me and run just because I have an outburst or throw a fit. It's a security thing, in a way; I am nice to people who don't know me that well so I can get to know them better, have more influence with them, be seen as "good" by more people, etc, but when I feel secure that someone won't just ditch me for being a little bit of an asshole, I feel safe letting my negative side "hang out" with them.

    A good way of dealing with this would probably be to be more genuine "in the moment" with your negative emotions. If you are a little more blunt with people you don't actually care about, then you won't have as much pent-up negativity that ends up getting taken out on/around people you care about. Likewise, if you can genuinely "open up" with people you care about instead of just taking things out on them, and let them try to help you with whatever is bothering you as opposed to simply venting on them (remember, if you feel safe enough to blow up at them, they probably won't think less of you for being vulnerable with them ), then it's a win-win situation: you let people get closer to you, you try to solve your problem in a practical manner, and you don't blow up or get mad at people you care about.

    Also I have found spiritual practices great for this kind of stuff. Studying eastern religions and learning more about acceptance, not just in a general sense of seeing that people are "ok for who they are," but also coming to understand why people act the way they do and be an active observer of what is going on inside them, and using that as a way of coming to terms with, and not having to reject and feel angry about, people treating you poorly or in ways that you don't agree with, is a great way to avoid the kind of unnecessary angst, negativity, and outrageous behavior that drives people who are close to me absolutely batshit loco

    Well, maybe I am off about your type (or mine ) and the above doesn't really apply to you, but it has really helped me, and I think it is at least partially relevant to psychological types, so take it for what you will.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    it's not cool to blame rude behaviour on some cooked up mental thing
    But see, thats not my intention. I never try to be rude I just - I don't know what the deal is. Im a very kind person..... I just i dunno. Thats why I came here is for some - idea - some suggestion somkething to help me get along with people better.

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    Well That is what I try to do. I guess it just takes time?

    As far as Religion goes, I am 100% Christian and no- I'm not up for negotiation or change on that.

    A friend gave me some advice and said to just sit there and shut up until you are talked to. Maybe that is what I need to do?

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    Also, I've seen how she responds in very direct, environments (which her extended family exhibits imo), and it has quite a positive effect on her.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    it's not cool to blame rude behaviour on some cooked up mental thing
    Can it, darkstar; you don't even know this woman, so don't try to judge her like you know what the fuck goes on in her head.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post
    Well That is what I try to do. I guess it just takes time?

    As far as Religion goes, I am 100&#37; Christian and no- I'm not up for negotiation or change on that.

    A friend gave me some advice and said to just sit there and shut up until you are talked to. Maybe that is what I need to do?
    Well, I used to be Christian as well (my father is an Episcopal minister), so maybe I can be of some help finding related material in the Bible.

    For example, Jesus talks about "turning the other cheek;" this isn't just about being meek and submissive for the sake of nonviolence, but is also, in a way, about acknowledging the other person's violence against you, coming to terms with them, and offering them a form of understanding and, in a way, therapy for the evil inside them that is causing them to want to harm you, as opposed to persecuting them for whatever obviously uncontrollable circumstances might have caused them to do you harm in the first place. This kind of empathy with other people's negativity and refusing to give the evil in the world power over you is the exact same kind of acceptance that I am talking about. If you can be at peace with the negativity of others, then being at peace with yourself, and those you love, becomes unfathomably easier.

    And no, don't take your friend's advice; that will only make the problem worse, I can pretty much guarantee.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    You know my blood family - they love you to death of course. But the thing is, I know they love me but . well You remember that night mom yelled at me and I was laying on the couch crying and a complete emotional wreck. It happens all the time......... But nobody ever sees it

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    Quote Originally Posted by Mouse View Post

    You know my blood family - they love you to death of course. But the thing is, I know they love me but . well You remember that night mom yelled at me and I was laying on the couch crying and a complete emotional wreck. It happens all the time......... But nobody ever sees it
    Her mom reminds me a lot of Slacker Mom, for reference.

    Her dad I think is probably an ISTp or maybe an Alpha NT.

    And yes, I do enjoy their company.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    Also, I've seen how she responds in very direct, environments (which her extended family exhibits imo), and it has quite a positive effect on her.
    Yep. You mean Randy, Mom all of them.. Well we had a falling out this weekend when Faye came down. I pissed them all off (EVEn randy) and well...... Its all smoothed over for the moment but I cam ereally close to losing them all thbis weekend.

    Of course it could be due to the fact I was drunk on MAD dog 20/20

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    I am only going on what she has said so far.

    I don't need your advice, If you don't know why I say it then don't fucking judge me like you know what my reasons are.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Darkstar View Post
    I am only going on what she has said so far.

    I don't need your advice, If you don't know why I say it then don't fucking judge me like you know what my reasons are.
    LOL it's blatantly obvious why you said it, now just get over the fact that you were being insensitive and move on.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
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    Under cerulean skies...

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    Quote Originally Posted by Gilly View Post
    Well, I used to be Christian as well (my father is an Episcopal minister), so maybe I can be of some help finding related material in the Bible.

    For example, Jesus talks about "turning the other cheek;" this isn't just about being meek and submissive for the sake of nonviolence, but is also, in a way, about acknowledging the other person's violence against you, coming to terms with them, and offering them a form of understanding and, in a way, therapy for the evil inside them that is causing them to want to harm you, as opposed to persecuting them for whatever obviously uncontrollable circumstances might have caused them to do you harm in the first place. This kind of empathy with other people's negativity and refusing to give the evil in the world power over you is the exact same kind of acceptance that I am talking about. If you can be at peace with the negativity of others, then being at peace with yourself, and those you love, becomes unfathomably easier.

    And no, don't take your friend's advice; that will only make the problem worse, I can pretty much guarantee.
    Just in case you missed this, Mouse.
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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    Why do you guys think she is an introvert? Fwiw I don't know any IEI at all that is over the top outgoing.

    If your sea chart does not match reality, go with reality (Old mariner saying)

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    I figured it was bad advice.

    And FOR THE RECORD I felt like crap after the MD. _ NO MORE ALCOHOL_ that is not a solution to anything at all

    But I do appreciate the advice and suggestions. THats why I came here, and I will do everything I can to put into practice what you guys tell me.

    Another thing is - Im very stubborn and hard to please. Also, I tend to mis=judge situations alot.

    Squeeking Off...

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    Im extremely outgoing. I will go up to complete strangers and just have conversation.

    Squeeking Off...

  40. #40
    Let's fly now Gilly's Avatar
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    Yeah, drugs/alcohol are not the answer to these kinds of things, lol; I'm a living, breathing, post-rehab-waste-of-$80,000-in-tuition example of that

    Like I said, I deal with a lot of these same things you are talking about; feel free to send me a message any time and I will be glad to share my experience/whatever advice I have to offer
    But, for a certainty, back then,
    We loved so many, yet hated so much,
    We hurt others and were hurt ourselves...

    Yet even then, we ran like the wind,
    Whilst our laughter echoed,
    Under cerulean skies...

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