The reason I ask this question is because I've pretty much diagnosed every single family member and close friend with at least one psychological disorder (including myself - I'm aware of my strengths and flaws). I'm not going to share what they are because it's personal of course.

Also, the reason I've noticed this only among people close in my life is because you have to spend a lot of time with someone to realize their strengths and flaws and you won't figure it out easily with a stranger unless you're forced to spend a lot of time with them as well. Also, after spending a long period of time with certain co-workers, I've discovered what their psychological disorder was as well.

So the question I ask: Are me, my family members, close friends, certain co-workers all psychologically disordered and an exception to the "normal person" or does every single person in the planet have at least one psychological disorder and psychiatrists are just propagating the false idea that you have a "disorder" so they can cure it for you with a pill?

The alternative to this possibility is that only a minority of people are raised properly and thus a majority of people will likely end up with at least one psychological disorder as a result. This is a puzzle that's been bugging me for quite a while and I feel this is the perfect place to ask for some rational discussion on this matter.