LII because I'm antisocial, detached, pensive and lazy.

ILE because I'm wacky, irregular, emotional and inconsistent (and I fit ILE reinin dichotomies).

Because I do believe myself to fit the most with traditional alpha NT IM interpretations, and probably alpha quadra descriptions. I relate strongly as N, and semi-strong with T. I don't feel I have the hard logic, any sense of confidence and consistence, or strong system development to be an LII, and I don't feel I have the expressiveness, energy and active creativity to be ILE, yet I feel like I should be alpha because those two IMs and the values seem to vibe with me the best. So would I be more Ti-ILE or Ne-LII? What is it, if alpha? ILE seems like it might make more sense you know because I always create and adopt new logical viewpoints all the time, and am pretty Ne, good at inventing things when I'm in the mood, but I'm really not all that outer-world focused or extroverted, I spend way to much of my time alone contemplating or just reading and can't stand always "sensing" things around me, but in my little area and my mind. I still like to explore the outside by myself in an adventurous light, and can be somewhat active then, and might sometimes pace or do activities to think, make up games for mental stimulation, but overall I'm not activated. I'm not fed by sensory stimulation, I am the opposite. I think if lived by myself I'd be a lot more free to roam around, and play games, I guess I just like being alone, but when I am alone I can then be quite wacky and energetic, and esp try to find sugar stimulants. But that still makes me all in all with proof that I'm not and I keep to my thoughts and am low energy. Like I said I'm wacky, irregular, emotional and inconsistent, and also antisocial, detached, pensive and lazy. You know me and how I am on the forum, but if you didn't know that I'm quite introverted its true, but if that doesn't stop you from thinking what type I am, let me know. I fit I N T and P dichotomies the most, but reinin makes it to where E N T and P fit the most, and I've always gotten that, even though it doesn't directly make much sense (unless I'm misinterpreting what E really means in Socionics) ? Or I'm misinterpreting J ?