Disclaimer: The "maxims" are my own personal observations. If any of them are plagiarized it is accidental coincidence.

Leave your computer running 24/7, and set your hard drive to never stop spinning. Heat stress from thermal expansion is one of the leading causes of hardware failure in computers, and it is better for them to be warm continuously (i.e. they will last longer) than to be on-off-on-off etc. The exception to this rule is monitors, which last longer if they are turned off when not in use.

Fight dirty. Chivalry is a scheme promoted by cutthroats to improve their odds of winning. If someone formidable attacks you, blind them, cut them, injure them. Fighting has always been a dirty business, and survival should be valued above honor.

The best antivirus at the moment is Panda Cloud. It is install-and-forget and requires no configuration other than making an account in order to access the virus signature cloud. Uninstall whatever garbage program you are currently using and replace it with Panda Cloud.

Unless it is related to work, agree with everything your boss says. If it is work related, only disagree politely and in private.

Bad breath does not go away unless you scrape your tongue every morning to remove plaque.

Talking about something is not the same as doing it. This seems absurdly obvious, but many people do not seem to understand it.

Your opponent is not your friend. Friends are people we lift up, opponents are people we crush. Love your friend and hate your opponent. Only once he has been defeated can an opponent be lifted to his feet in friendship.

The best website for downloading useful programs is Filehippo.

2^0 = 1
2^1 = 1x2
2^2 = 1x2x2

Do not spend money without asking yourself if there is some other expense that takes priority. It is easy to forget about bills when two hundred dollars rest in your wallet.

Math is always simple. When you look at math that seems complex and intimidating, it is exactly like looking at a foreign language that you have not yet learned to read. Once the language is learned, it becomes easy.

When assembling Magic decks, do not add cards merely because they "seem cool." Instead, examine as many cards as you can from the sets you will be using and find cards that work well together. Those cards will form your game strategy, and other cards should only be added in such as way that minimizes interference with the interaction of your core deck cards.

Always assume your opponent could be better than you.

Once you have learned from them, stop thinking about past mistakes. You are just wasting your time.

When in cold weather, the most important part of the body to keep warm is the chest, followed by the neck, followed by the head.

It is better to aim for mostly correct than always correct. The latter goal will lead to over-analysis and anxiety. Pick the most reasonable option and stick with it.