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Thread: help type me (pictures included!)

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    Default help type me (pictures included!)

    Hi there, this is my first post on this forum . I have been taking MBTI tests for a very long time now, but only recently found out about Socionics. I have been to the website and I understand the criticisms of MBTI. Just browsing through the forum I get the sense that socionics is so much more comprehensive, and I am seeing acronyms which I don’t even recognize, but would love to understand eventually. It looks like there are a whole heap of resources about socionics, but I haven't yet put the time or effort into going through them.

    Anyway, I was wondering if you all could offer your thoughts on what type(s?) I may be. Its kind of cool how some people seem to be able to get so much insight into someone through the way they write. Though I realise that knowing this, I may be subtly altering my writing style, but that can’t be helped so I won’t worry about it too much. I have discussions in my own head, describing myself (I even have discussions about having discussions... which gets quite recursive), but I still fear that most of what I say here will be irrelevant.

    What I’m most sure of is that i’m introverted. I'm quiet around new people, and even my close friends, though I can get quite animated with them. I have quite an unrestrained laugh, though only my close friends see it. Usually I'm pretty reserved. Sometimes I wonder whether I am just an intensely shy extravert because I can get quite lonely and feel a deep desire to connect with people. However I'm pretty sure I'm introverted because I can get tired when talking to even my best friends, especially when they get too clingy - but I think if I wasn't so closed off I would also be quite clingy, so I might just be reacting against something I don't like about myself. Sometimes I act disinterested and aloof around new people, even though most of the time I would really like to get to know them. I avoid going to large parties, except when I know there will be someone I can hang around with, or the person organising it is very important to me. On the other hand I love hanging out with a small group of my good friends. Though even then I can feel quite lost and isolated.

    I like working in groups, especially with unstructured tasks. I'm not afraid of voicing my thoughts and taking the lead in a group, especially if it is small and I feel confident in what I am going on about (though I can get quite intimidated by big groups, though I think that's partly because I feel my voice isn't loud enough to carry to everyone...!). Often I am wary about dominating the group's work too much, and hang back just to ensure everyone can contribute. I feel annoyed when others don't offer thoughts on the things I am saying, and just blindly agree. In large groups I get lost and I would be the last person nominated to be a leader by people who don't know me well.

    I enjoy arguing with my friends about opinions and ideas, mainly to understand where they are coming from. I also use arguments with my friends to help form my own opinions. However I become uncomfortable when my friends get defensive (and hurt) and worked up about their opinions. I feel i'm good at seeing both sides of an argument, and I think that's why my own opinions are often vague and unformed, though there are a few things I have strong convictions about. Just generally, my friends say I can never give a simple answer, but I think rarely does a simple answer exist.

    My room and my study table are disorganised as hell, mainly because I think it is *edit: NOT* worth putting effort into keeping things tidy. I misplace a lot of things. I get very frustrated with my mum's obsession with cleanliness. I am much better at starting things than finishing them off. I'm far too lazy to keep a diary or an organiser. However I am usually always on time, rarely miss appointments or deadlines, and feel annoyed when others are late. With things like job interviews I do a lot of planning ahead of time. Others who know me would say that I'm organised. However my mum would definitely not agree with that, lol. I revise things over and over again. I am good at seeing the big picture, and I think this is more important than details, however I am also good at noticing details. I notice a lot of things others tend to miss, especially about people. I have an excellent memory generally, but especially for things my friends have said.

    I empathise a lot with others. All the decisions I've made about my future (e.g. what I study at university) have ultimately been driven by this. However I try not to be too unrealistic with my decisions. I have a lot of backup plans. I place such a huge importance on understanding other's actions because of the extent to which I am affected by the problems people cause. I value mercy, and I do not like judgemental people. I feel people need to accept others a lot more. I value compassion greatly, far more so than intelligence or competence. However I feel uncomfortable about expressing my own emotions, or letting people know my own feelings. I don't think I'd be a very good writer, because I am not good at expressing myself using words... and that might be why I love writing music (though I'm very very bad at finishing things off). Music has a huge affect on me, but then I suspect this applies for most people :wink:

    Anyway ergh I feel so about how much I've written, I could go on for ages talking about myself, but this might be enough for now. just one thing that bothers me about what I've written is the number of fullstops and short sentences I've used... I don't think I normally write like that, but I guess its the easiest way for me to describe myself. Thanks to anyone who bothered reading all this!
    Last edited by hellothere; 12-23-2007 at 02:26 AM.

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