I'm an INTJ. I feel that my personality steers my musical preferences.

As I am typing this, I am listening to an Enya album. I think that she is an introvert's musician.

I am embarassed to admit it, but I actually enjoy Yanni and Kitaro.
Ask most people, and they will say that these artists are like the guys who make elevator music.

I also enjoy classical chamber music. And twentieth-century symphonies.

But what is puzzling is my fascination with "Pink Floyd" and "U2" and other rockers. Floyd makes a little sense, but not the others.

I refuse to listen to (most) rap music as well as most (other than the classics, like Cash) country. IMO, rap is like polka, too silly to take seriously. And a lot of country is just plain hokey.

What types of music fit you as an INT~?