I'm curious whether Expat can see him as his identical.

I am really curious about this guy and am going to count up typings of Kasparov from Russian forums.

OK, here are the results:

typings in some sort of publication format: IEE - 2, SEE - 1, ILI - 1

cumulative typings from a number of different forums and counting the mentioned publications:

IEE - 7
ILE - 6
EIE - 5
LIE - 5
SEE - 2
LII - 1
SLE - 1
ILI - 1

So, people are split 50-50 on ethics and logic. Almost everyone thinks he is an intuitive extravert. There is a slight preference for irrationality.

Here is a collection of all the meaningful comments I found:

"K. is an ILE with an aggressive role function"
"People who know him personally speak of his great charm."
"A charismatic."
"There's too much impulsiveness and illogic in K."
"What is illogical about K.?"
"K's actions were quite destructive. We have him to thank for destroying the world championship game system. His attempts to create an alternative didn't lead to anything. And then there's his preoccupation with extravagant historical theories."
"A standard sensing sanguinic."
"Megaemotional person."
"He's IEE like many experts say. Look at his emotionality and powerful intuition. Plus, he doesn't get stuck in relationships with anyone; he's a kind of self-sufficient extravert."
"Nonsense. Looking at his chess game, that's [intuition] his weak spot. Wherever the overall position and its possible future transformations need to be assessed, he is weaker than Karpov and other chess players. He's a logical player. He strives to calculate options, and not foresee the position."
"Kasparov is good at calculations, but he has problems with intuition. He usually just grabs people by the throat gradually or immediately and that's it."
"Impressions of an IEE who saw him in real life. His mentality is one of intolerance to everything, an inhuman self-opinion and arrogance. Plus, it's physically unpleasant to be closer than 4 or 5 meters from him. Kasparov has an awfully stinky, black energy coming from him -- it's so bad that you can't remain calm around him."
"What nonsense! Nothing of the sort. He is a very interesting, understandable, smart, and sensitive person. And an IEE for sure."
"K. is EIE. Such passion, and then all of the sudden rational moralizing."
"EIE -- and with obvious psychological disorders."

Take that as you like. I was interested in Russian's perception of the man.