Quote Originally Posted by Singu View Post
I think Socionics has genuine negative effects on people that should be somewhat seriously considered.

Socionics prophesizes that you will have either positive or negative relations with certain people, but it does not predict (i.e. it explains why).

Socionics prophesizes that you will be successful or unsuccessful at having certain innate abilities, but it does not predict.

Is it justified to say that "F types" or "T types" or "S types" or "N types" are no good at doing certain things, and so therefore they "need the help of their duals"? (which is often thrown around as insults around here?). Is it justified to create so much self-doubts in people's abilities? Is it justified to say that the reason why people have so much negative relations, is because of something so innate and in-born and determined that they can't really do much about it?

And to put the icing on the cake, is it justified to say "Well, this is all objectively true!", even though they have little convincing reason or arguments to backup those claims?
I can agree with this. This is Socionics major shortcoming because it doesn't take non Socionics psychological factors that can override it. I learned this the hard way, it was so disappointing. Socionics needs to be taken with a grain of salt.