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Thread: LSE-IEE activity relations (ENFp & ESTj)

  1. #41
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    Quote Originally Posted by Cyclops View Post
    If he's got annoyed it must be a regular occurance. It's not like an ISTp to be that obssesed with time, unless your really taking the biscuit
    Well yeah, this is the famed red head again. I am honestly not trying to paint an odd picture of ISTp's when i talk about him. He basically said bbq at his house at 2:00pm. LSE friend invited me to watch his soccer game, but it started at 3:15 finished at 5:00. I said to LSE friend that if i did that i was certian ISTp friend would be pissed. I smsed SLI and told him i was thinking of watching soccer, not sure if i would get a firery or happy response. I got a decent one (quite relaxed) he even said he and his friend might come. Soccer game turned out to be a ripper and near the end he smsed and said "im going to other friends house maybe another time". I smsed back and LSE phoned but predictably no response. Perhaps im totally over-reating and hes not that pissed. I could just detect a hint in his sms when he said "No one came". Its not the time itself, its the sitting with his mate smoking pot, drinking beers and deliberating for a few hours.*sigh*

    Interesting. I can't recall every disagreeing with an activity partner, but I have disagreed with a mirror on occasion. Are you sure your typing these guys correctly?
    >99% certianty . I have known SLI since i was 5 and LSE since about 7. My core friend group just fit socionics like a glove, im very confident about them all. One problem with me is i dont flesh out my ideas / what i mean. I dont actually argue a lot at all with him but there is occasions. Tonight i said im not sure that teachers in our state should get the same wages as teachers in another state because cost of living in the other state is higher. He disagreed as he said that there is an exodus of people from our state because of the lower wages. A small discussion ensued but in the end we both just agreed we dont really know much about it and we were both right to some degree. I dont actually think i have EVER had a heated argument with him, and that is saying something. I agree disagreeing with mirror seems much more common than activity. Its normally on an area of politics or something like that.

    Its 4:00am here now and he just left. His gf is away and he was playing assassins creed on my pc lol. He doesn't get to do that too often. So why do i talk about my friends so often? Perhaps its a way of me trying to seem awesome to all you folks? Hiding insecurities or something? It probablly peeves some people off. Im actually finding my friend group is unravelling a lot. Its also all i can really offer in socionics because theoretically i have nothing but i do have practical experience.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  2. #42
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    Quote Originally Posted by Christy B View Post
    Things change, but YOU are still the same, even if life has affected you. I mean essentially you are always the same. Nothing as weak as time can change that. Nothing at all can change that. Also, I think "liking" you is different than being your friend. Yes certain things can affect if someone "likes" you or not, but if they are your friend, caring about you may be different than liking you superficially. If people don't care about you, but like you for something so superficial that it could change by the next time you see them, then F-them anyway.
    I completely agree with this. I could run into a friend I haven't seen in 20 years and be like "hey, how are you?" and then turn and introduce him to my husband as "my friend from...." and I wouldn't think there would be anything weird about that. (although now I'm realizing that others might not agree and could think that was strange)
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  3. #43
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    I agree disagreeing with mirror seems much more common than activity. Its normally on an area of politics or something like that.
    I find I'm more likely to disagree with my activity partner, at least initially, then find out we're really arguing about the same thing (as expressed in the other post in this thread before). Most of my mirrors I know in a group work sort of environment, and I barely ever disagreed. We seemed to pretty much unquestinoingly accept what the other was saying because it just, you know, made sense. Like the logic didnt have to be explained. I do recall that we had different opinions on politics/economics, but I still understood his position, even if I can't agree with it.

    Whereas with my activity partner, sometimes I need to break down the logic, parse it into a form I can grasp, and at that point usually discover we agree, just were looking at different aspects/perspectives. I guess I've found my political position to be more similar to that of my activity partner, but I definitely think that's because of the individuals I'm thinking of, and has nothing to do with type at all.

    ...So why do i talk about my friends so often? Perhaps its a way of me trying to seem awesome to all you folks? Hiding insecurities or something? It probablly peeves some people off. Im actually finding my friend group is unravelling a lot. Its also all i can really offer in socionics because theoretically i have nothing but i do have practical experience.
    haha, not adding anything of use except wanted to say I feel that that too! in terms of contributing to this forum. and obviously in a much more limtied way.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by idolatrie View Post
    I find I'm more likely to disagree with my activity partner, at least initially, then find out we're really arguing about the same thing (as expressed in the other post in this thread before).

    I think thats one problem with talking about intertype relations from the point of view of experience. Normal people only have a couple of close real life intertype relations of each type to learn from. This discounts all the individual differences of people. I also think that intertype relations play out differently between the types. So your mirror experience is different to mine because you have a different mirror to me.

    From my real life subjective experience, my only INFj friend LOVES to argue with me. For example i sent him a movie a while back of street fighter and i said "wow check this out that was epic" and he said "it was ok but not epic". Im like for fucks sake of course it was epic he had 1% health the crowd was going wild then he came back". These type of arguments are annoying as all hell and we get into them far too often lol. If i had sent it to any other friend, they wouldn't have baited me by opposing what i said. What im saying though is that if my experience with him for any reason is not typical of a normal mirror relationship then my whole argument goes out the window.
    Last edited by meatburger; 04-20-2008 at 05:00 AM.
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    As far as the activity relation exhaustion thing...I find w/ each ESTj it's different.

    One ESTj I know will talk endlessly, but it doesn't really bother me. Other people think he talks way too much, but to me it's usually amusing stuff, and I tend to agree w/ him. And he does listen intently when I do slip in a few words now and then . I never really felt super exhausted after hanging out w/ him, it simply felt like playtime was over and it was time to go home, lol. And we always had a lot of fun even doing mundane things like going to the mall or grabbing a drink. He would get so excited about stuff so it made it fun.

    Another ESTj I knew was rather quiet, and I don't remember feeling exhausted at all w/ him. One thing I really like about ESTjs is their structure and how they seem to keep the details organized that I let fly out of my head. He had this thing where it always seemed liek he knew exactly where he was going, and never hesitated to make decisions, which rocked (I just hung out w/ an identical the other day, and we wandered the city for about two hours trying to pick a restaurant until we both almost died of hunger! But then found an amazing place luckily).

    But actually, I just made a new ESTj friend and we were hanging out today, and I don't know why, but after about 7 hours I was seriously like "omg I'm going to fall asleep right here." I didn't say it, but I think he noticed. Maybe it was the wine, or all the walking. We definitely had fun. But it wasn't quite as easy as the other ESTjs, not sure why. Part of it I think is that he doesnt seem to like wasting time as much as I do. I felt like I was almost wasting his time with all of my wandering around the city, stopping to watch street performers for like 15 minutes, etc. lol. But that's what I do...

    So I'm not sure if today was an example of being exhausted by activity, but I came home and just like vegged and then felt better.
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  6. #46
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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    But actually, I just made a new ESTj friend and we were hanging out today, and I don't know why, but after about 7 hours I was seriously like "omg I'm going to fall asleep right here." I didn't say it, but I think he noticed. Maybe it was the wine, or all the walking. We definitely had fun. But it wasn't quite as easy as the other ESTjs, not sure why. Part of it I think is that he doesnt seem to like wasting time as much as I do. I felt like I was almost wasting his time with all of my wandering around the city, stopping to watch street performers for like 15 minutes, etc. lol. But that's what I do...

    So I'm not sure if today was an example of being exhausted by activity, but I came home and just like vegged and then felt better.
    I can understand this story. Sometimes you just have bad days aswell. ESTj's can have this stern type of look about them which gets you wondering. I tend to just totally ignore it lol. ESTj's dont tend to like wasting time, they tend to run tight schedules, but i suspect ENFp's are actually handy in teaching them how to do it lol. Yeah but that would be the rational/irrational difference. I mean i felt odd last night with my friend, exactly the same like i was wasting his time. He actually looked bored and i said he could go if he wanted no worries. Wasting time though, he played assassins creed for like 6 hours straight. Haha i think my evil rubbed off on him.
    ENFp (Unsure of Subtype)

    "And the day came when the risk it took to remain closed in a bud became more painful than the risk it took to blossom." - Anaïs Nin

  7. #47
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    haha, very cute, meatburger.

    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    So your mirror experience is different to mine because you have a different mirror to me.
    yeah, I can see that as being so obvious now you say it. and context probably also plays into it a lot - how well I know each of the individuals involved and whether it was just hanging out with friends, or in a group work setting. I think in the former, we potentially could squabble for no reason (though somehow we also end up talking about food a lot...!), but in the latter it just doesn't happen.

    and I feel I do have to say I was just trying to accurately depict my own relationships, not make prescriptive generalisations about activity or mirror relations...

  8. #48


    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    Well yeah, this is the famed red head again. I am honestly not trying to paint an odd picture of ISTp's when i talk about him. He basically said bbq at his house at 2:00pm. LSE friend invited me to watch his soccer game, but it started at 3:15 finished at 5:00. I said to LSE friend that if i did that i was certian ISTp friend would be pissed. I smsed SLI and told him i was thinking of watching soccer, not sure if i would get a firery or happy response. I got a decent one (quite relaxed) he even said he and his friend might come. Soccer game turned out to be a ripper and near the end he smsed and said "im going to other friends house maybe another time". I smsed back and LSE phoned but predictably no response. Perhaps im totally over-reating and hes not that pissed. I could just detect a hint in his sms when he said "No one came". Its not the time itself, its the sitting with his mate smoking pot, drinking beers and deliberating for a few hours.*sigh*
    Wow. Don't feel it's my place to say much, but it's an interesting story. I guess one way to look at it is he must feel tight with the friendship if he's not perhaps being polite as he maybe should..or maybe he doesn't realise it? Or these two things could be wrong Only you can decide, with star wars toys.

    Its 4:00am here now and he just left. His gf is away and he was playing assassins creed on my pc lol. He doesn't get to do that too often. So why do i talk about my friends so often? Perhaps its a way of me trying to seem awesome to all you folks? Hiding insecurities or something? It probablly peeves some people off. Im actually finding my friend group is unravelling a lot. Its also all i can really offer in socionics because theoretically i have nothing but i do have practical experience.
    I don't know how much you know about socionics of course, but in regards to practical experience, don't knock it dude It's pretty important in socionics imo.

    In regards to group unravelling, stuff like that happens, folk getting new jobs, new relationships and stuff. You gotta make sure you're ok.

    Sometimes arranging a sport, like even a weekly soccer enough to make sure people keep in contact despite other things going on in lives - It's something to do, keep in contact and still a common interest I think. But hey, maybe I'm talking nonesense about this? I don't think so, but who can say lol

  9. #49
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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    From my real life subjective experience, my only INFj friend LOVES to argue with me. For example i sent him a movie a while back of street fighter and i said "wow check this out that was epic" and he said "it was ok but not epic". Im like for fucks sake of course it was epic he had 1% health the crowd was going wild then he came back". These type of arguments are annoying as all hell and we get into them far too often lol. If i had sent it to any other friend, they wouldn't have baited me by opposing what i said. What im saying though is that if my experience with him for any reason is not typical of a normal mirror relationship then my whole argument goes out the window.
    lol! I do that all the time... But it's not that I like to argue, because when it comes to movies my position can't be really changed through argument . Maybe that movie wasn't really original, and it was the "same old" type where just at the last minute the hero wins, blah blah.

    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    But actually, I just made a new ESTj friend and we were hanging out today, and I don't know why, but after about 7 hours I was seriously like "omg I'm going to fall asleep right here." I didn't say it, but I think he noticed. Maybe it was the wine, or all the walking. We definitely had fun. But it wasn't quite as easy as the other ESTjs, not sure why. Part of it I think is that he doesnt seem to like wasting time as much as I do. I felt like I was almost wasting his time with all of my wandering around the city, stopping to watch street performers for like 15 minutes, etc. lol. But that's what I do...

    So I'm not sure if today was an example of being exhausted by activity, but I came home and just like vegged and then felt better.
    You probably make a lot of people laugh in real life, don't you jewels? Writing "lol" wouldn't describe how funny this is, so I won't. I can imagine this situation happening in real life, and how ESTj are so time picky, haha.

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    Default LSE & IEE

    IEEs, how do you feel about being in a relationship with an LSE? Have you been in one? Good/bad? Would you consider it?

    Same for LSEs, but, it seems I'm the only one around around right now. I've considered it. IEEs seem to be like a very compatible type for me, and I almost considered them more appealing than my dual because they are a bit more easygoing in some ways. But I'm really unsure as if the rationality/irrationality difference would be too much.

    I was curious if that issue came up much when IEEs and LSEs were in a relationship together, or how so, if it did.

  11. #51


    Sappho dated an LSE once, IIRC. I think her evaluation was "Dweeb".

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    yeah I had a 4 or 5 month thing w/ an LSE once. I'd recommend it. It was also non-socionics things that bothered me. He was quiet for an LSE though -- I've known another one who would talk non-stop and that would annoy me. But if they're the more pensive type, they're similar to SLIs in a way I like, but are more upfront about their feelings and things (so much faster to start).

    We didn't really get tired from the activation thing though because he was always exhausted from working long hours so we didn't ever get to spend enough time to where that would have been a problem.

    But, the downside was, he really wanted me to wear little cardigans. Or he'd want me to wear my hair differently and stuff which was just ridiculous (especially considering some of his own fashion choices -- pleated pants?).
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    They seem potentially a bit type A. But otherwise I'm sure it would be fine. I think I might prefer an SEI to an LSE if I weren't already married to an SLI.
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    If I had to go out with an extrovert, I think an ESTj or ENFp would be my choices. The two problems I ran into with the ESTj I did date once is that 1) he kept wanting me to wear and do things that weren't me, 2) he kept expecting me to respond to him in the exact same way that his ex-wife of many years used to respond to him. (but then, he was still stuck on her and many other things in his life were drastically changing, so I can understand the desire to have something more familiar in his life)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    But, the downside was, he really wanted me to wear little cardigans. Or he'd want me to wear my hair differently and stuff which was just ridiculous (especially considering some of his own fashion choices -- pleated pants?).
    That's rather lame. (I like dockers myself, but I'm not particularly a fan of pleated pants). I make suggestions about what I like, but I don't feel like it's my say to get other people to wear things differently.

    I have had a really good IEE friend for a while now and I think I'd be ok with IEE's fluttering-ness or "Ne-leading". I'm used to certain things going off track or taking more time than they could, and have learned how to be appropriately forward in terms of "let's get a move on!" or when to hold back.

    As far as activity stuff, I am not sure how that would really impact itself long term. I've learned to be able to pace myself and not just instantly jump on these new ideas that could send us into 10,20,30,60 minute turns in conversation. That's something that happens with EIIs somewhat, but they seem to be more energy-conservative.

    I think my best chances with a good relationship, as far as simple socionics typing goes, is with a delta NF. ESI would be in the mix, too, but someone who had a compatible ethical outlook with myself - but I guess that applies to all three of the types I mentioned.

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    Quote Originally Posted by SoapOfSapphire View Post
    I have dated an LSE [this was a few years ago now], and we had an instant connection that was really cool and surprising to us both. I'm not usually a big phone person, but our very first phone conversation lasted for hours and ended w him driving to my house to pick me up bc he said he felt bad for making me miss dinner [I had pretty much forgotten about it while we'd been talking all night]... it was almost midnight by then so we went to an all-night diner, and we stayed there another 4 hours or so talking... this kind of thing happened a lot w us, where we sort of revved each other up, and it was awesome but also exhausting after a long time. But I think LSEs and IEEs can get along really well and have a lot of fun together. In our case, we did break up eventually, but that was due to non-socionics reasons....
    Sounds so romantic. How was he in bed?
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    You've done yourself a huge favor developmentally by mustering the balls to do something really fucking scary... in about the most vulnerable situation possible.

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    My best friend dated an LSE once. He also wanted her to wear other things... leather ones...with lots of metal pieces...and straps... and holes cut in interesting places...

    I think I'd be too spontaneous for LSEs. I find the irrational / rational thing causing friction sometimes between myself and my best friend, and I have no doubt it would be the same with LSEs.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    Same for LSEs, but, it seems I'm the only one around around right now.
    I'm around!

    IEEs make great friends, but I wouldn't want one for a partner. They talk too much and are often wishy-washy. It's too easy to offend them.

    1-6-2 so/sx
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I'm around!
    Oh. Welcome back.

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    My sister is LSE. I think it was and still is a specific relationship.

    We sometimes have an argument on trivial things and widely understood morality. I see her point of view as oversensitivity. For example: she says I won't get ready on time, but then it appears that she is wrong or we don't have to be necessarily on time, because a schedule seems to be flexible enough/ she feels bad, when she has to lie to parents in matters with an average importance and she doesn't approves when I lie (or I ask her for help in it) in order to meet the needs of my adventurous nature. She used to perceive my interests and taste as weird.
    When I see this from the distance, things change a bit. I think that it is mainly the matter of where she puts the limit of the norms. Now she has more dealings with variety and people who have original life style or interests, than before. Consequently, she became more tolerant to outstanding individuals and does more activities, which are crazy. It doesn't mean I didn't try to change her attitiude, but then I was seen as someone abnormal against the background of others.
    Also, we talk about different things with our friends. I like discussing about philosophy, the nature of the world, etc., whereas she talks a lot about relationships and people with her friends (most of them are SEE).

    On the other hand, I've never laughed with anybody that much as with her. When she has a special super humor, she becomes a little playful child and then, she is able to make me laugh, even though I wanted to cry a second before. In this state even her look (facial expression) is ridiculous. But there are periods, when we are tired of each other and any simiar attempts won't be welcomed.
    I don't take kindly to shopping, because I always have a problem with choosing. I'm not really sure if I buy a good quality thing. Here, she helps me a lot. Sometimes we argue in fitting room, but she finds a comprasion which is suprisingly accurate to my look in that clothes.
    She willingly experiments in the kitchen and bathroom (cosmetics, lotions and so on). I always observe and learn from her in this field.

    From my point of view, IEE + LSE relationship are a lot easier from a distance. I don't have as many problems with my ESTj friends than with my sister and that's why I wouldn't want one for a partner.
    IEE. subtype.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    My best friend dated an LSE once. He also wanted her to wear other things... leather ones...with lots of metal pieces...and straps... and holes cut in interesting places...

    You are joking, right?
    6w7 sx/sp (low level of confidence)

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    Not in the slightest. Truth is always stranger than fiction.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    Not in the slightest. Truth is always stranger than fiction.
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  24. #64
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    IEEs, how do you feel about being in a relationship with an LSE? Have you been in one? Good/bad? Would you consider it?

    Same for LSEs, but, it seems I'm the only one around around right now. I've considered it. IEEs seem to be like a very compatible type for me, and I almost considered them more appealing than my dual because they are a bit more easygoing in some ways. But I'm really unsure as if the rationality/irrationality difference would be too much.

    I was curious if that issue came up much when IEEs and LSEs were in a relationship together, or how so, if it did.
    I know 2 IEE/LSE couples (although one of the IEE's is increasingly starting to act EIIish, so don't really know what to make of that)

    The first couple is made up of an LSE male and IEE female - they have been together just over four years. They seem like a very good couple on the whole. There are some temperament issues - she thinks he can be boring, rigid and stubborn, whilst he thinks she's unrealistic, unpredictable, overly emotional and stubborn. Anyway I wouldn't describe them as the perfect couple but they're not far off, very nice together, loving and understanding etc.

    Second couple is IEE male and LSE female - very, very good couple - if it wasn't a case of me knowing them very well and knowing their types almost beyond doubt, I would say that they appeared to have a dual relationship.
    He certainly appears far more rational than he was a few years ago (still sure he's IEE though)- anyway really nice couple again.

    I think I would like to have a fling with an LSE or something, I reckon it would be loads of fun, but somehow I would imagine that it would burn out pretty quick...It would depend on the individuals but for me most LSE's bring out my hyper side (I've no idea why this is)...thus the imagined burning out.

    Quote Originally Posted by tiny_dancer View Post
    My best friend dated an LSE once. He also wanted her to wear other things... leather ones...with lots of metal pieces...and straps... and holes cut in interesting places...

    I went out with an EII once who was into that kind of stuff...It was interesting.

  25. #65
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    I think I date an LSE at the moment and it is great so far. We just don't piss each other and help each other in things we are good at. Although i'm not 100% sure she is LSE, she might be LIE.
    Looking for an Archnemesis. Willing applicants contact via PM.

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    I think I have the hardest time typing LSEs. Our relationship is easy, but I they're a stickler for things that don't matter to me in the slightest. I don't get the warm fuzzy dual vibes from them, but there's not a great deal of friction either, so for some reason I don't feel much of a connection with them at all. Took me forever to realize my best friend from high school was LSE, and so was my office manager.

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    Quote Originally Posted by somavision View Post
    I think I would like to have a fling with an LSE or something, I reckon it would be loads of fun, but somehow I would imagine that it would burn out pretty quick...It would depend on the individuals but for me most LSE's bring out my hyper side (I've no idea why this is)...thus the imagined burning out.
    Yeah, I understand that feeling.

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    Default LSE-IEE

    same disclaimer - spruced up, meaning mangling likely. this one seems a lot more reasonable and less crazy than the SLI-EII one (even if still kinda stereotypical imo).

    Stirlitz - Huxley (Filatov)

    It all started when I wanted to celebrate the New Year with my grandmother, but her parents would not leave me alone – I had just turned 12 years old. So I went with my aunt, whom I simply called Natasha, despite the fact that she was almost 20 years older than I was. On the train to Barnaul, which was a 5-hour drive away, but they flew to me quite quickly.

    It is with such interest and admiration she listened to my stories, arguments, logical construction; it just inspired me. Natasha also told many stories about herself, her friends, with whom she went on camping trips, the hikes themselves. For me it was very interesting, since I myself love to travel.

    That New Year's flying for me is very fast and fun (as well as for Natasha, in her own words). I seem to get a charge of energy, and since I spend every New Year's Eve in Barnaul with Natasha, and within a year I try as often as possible go and see her. If we do not see each other for a long time, then we begin to call each other and find out who of us have been able to attend. For now we just need the first life - the opportunity to sit together and talk. When Natasha arrives, I will immediately save all the work, even if I have an exam tomorrow, because from communication with her I get so much pleasure and such an amount of energy that the following night sitting at my books is easy, without fatigue. And on holidays we can sit together day and night. True, in the end it's me tired - as I used to sleep at night, and Natasha slept more in the morning, and in general can cost three to four hours of sleep per night.

    When we go to the cottage, she will oversleep, then there will be a long time to assemble, and finally she says: "Let's go to the next train!" I certainly do not feel like waiting another two hours, I start to rush, we run to the station, and she wonders why I need to keep up with this train. But I have a plan that is hard for me to alter.

    When I go on holiday I always tidy rooms, decorate them. If you got some sort of a thing, for example, old toys, I'll fix it and put somewhere, and Natasha walks and wonders that I have all things in their place, she says she would never have guessed to do so ...

    But Natasha will I comfort of mind. And it is, moreover, well versed in the causes of human actions. I can only say that someone did this somehow. She can immediately feel and explain why the man did so, but I still think: "Lord, how I had not guessed?"

    Clearly, in the example above, the relationship of activation is perceived by both partners as highly favorable - mostly because everyone gets a strong function of the other that is the support that is essential. Against this backdrop, some discomfort due to the difference of the functions 1-channel is perceived as annoying, but easily avoidable worldly noise, not so important, and it is quite forgivable...But this is not always the case.

    Here is a small example of the relations of the same psychotypes when this discomfort, despite the mutual goodwill of partners, is seen not so rosy:

    My dad is a psychotype LSE, and I belong to the psychotype IEE. When I ask him to explain something to me he does so very lucidly and clearly, but when we need to do something together, I just cannot wait until he finally finishes his part. Especially hard for me is that when he says something: before he tells the very story he introduces in detail the actors, while also tells about their relatives up to third degree, then more background - and he really does not like being interrupted or asked to omit unnecessary details.

    If he does for me any purchase, the thing always appears to be very suitable. But I do not like to go with him to shop - too meticulous and detailed - it all out there to learn ...

    If he had something planned, it is very difficult to adjust, even if the conditions are not changed dramatically in his favor. As we were going to march to the Altai, but learned that this season there was very bad weather. We then had the opportunity to go to Alma-Ata, instead of Altai, but once the father decided to go to the Altai ... there we mokli two weeks.

    In this example, the relationship is, of course, respectful and friendly, but my father, LSE, is obviously too accentuated by his strong features. By virtue of their inertia, he is now and then "stuck" on it, and it turns out that any of his pre-planned decisions have a lot more power than the circumstances themselves! And here, whether he wants to or not, his strong function begins to be a source of discomfort to people close to him, in this situation only by their understanding and love can help avoid a direct conflict.

    In industrial relations the same sphere of activation can be very beneficial - again, provided the individual's psycho meets his old activities. The same IEE as a provider of scientific ideas and LSE as their active developer would have amounted to a great couple.

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    Right, so, IEEs don't like an overbearing father figure.

    These profiles are lame.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  30. #70
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    i was just starting to work on the LSE-EII one but maybe i shouldn't bother. i think it's interesting to read fresh things from russian sources but if they are universally regarded as suckage, maybe its pointless?

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    You can if you want to. It might be fun/ny to see how much they differ or glorify duality, if at all.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

  32. #72
    Haikus Dr PissBender's Avatar
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    My ex best friend is one(LSE). She can fuck off.

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    Quote Originally Posted by meatburger View Post
    ...... To be honest as my Activity i think i must expect them to be nice to me. There are two other ESTj girls at work and i really like them. One even gave me a free longneck beer for helping her.......
    @meatburger What you describe is not unusual. I steered clear of putting these two together on a project because they tended to headbutt even though they're seemed friendly enough socially. LSEs will often try to take control of the team in a not so subtle fashion while IEEs will fight for their freedom from people who they see as wanting to become despots. Activity partners usually have very different perspectives and approaches to almost everything so have a lot of trouble agreeing on what's important, what should be done and who should do it - and even on how things should be said. They don't constitute the worst relationship but they're certainly not in the top half either; they seem to get along better when a third party is in charge or there's nothing important at stake. Activity must refer to them stirring each other up and not usually in an positive way......

    a.k.a. I/O
    Last edited by Rebelondeck; 04-28-2020 at 12:25 PM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Something View Post
    My ex best friend is one(LSE). She can fuck off.
    What did she do to deserve that? Is it socionics related?
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    What did she do to deserve that? Is it socionics related?
    To deserve what? I said "she can fuck off", it's not like I drove her over or anything.

    It might have been, she would get mad at many choices i'd make and I think it was coz I didn't have as much Fi as she wanted. Anyway, I don't appreciate people who just abandon me without saying why. It's horrible.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Something View Post
    To deserve what? I said "she can fuck off", it's not like I drove her over or anything.

    It might have been, she would get mad at many choices i'd make and I think it was coz I didn't have as much Fi as she wanted. Anyway, I don't appreciate people who just abandon me without saying why. It's horrible.
    I don't know if my experiences with LSEs are like yours, but often LSEs drive me mad too, they are too demanding and nothing ever seems to be good enough. I particularly recall this LSE woman I was in a relationship with for a year. She would criticize every little decision of mine. If I drove from A to B, there was always a faster route (which in all honesty was true, on a 15 minute drive I could probably save 30 seconds), there was always extra work to be done. But the worst thing was, her insistence on doing all kinds of things together, like watching pathetically retarded TV programs on gardening and home improvement together. Her idea of what a good relationship is all about. But in this particular instance, I left her. I couldn't take it any longer.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    I don't know if my experiences with LSEs are like yours, but often LSEs drive me mad too, they are too demanding and nothing ever seems to be good enough. I particularly recall this LSE woman I was in a relationship with for a year. She would criticize every little decision of mine. If I drove from A to B, there was always a faster route (which in all honesty was true, on a 15 minute drive I could probably save 30 seconds), there was always extra work to be done. But the worst thing was, her insistence on doing all kinds of things together, like watching pathetically retarded TV programs on gardening and home improvement together. Her idea of what a good relationship is all about. But in this particular instance, I left her. I couldn't take it any longer.
    That'd honestly make me feel castrated and lacking of any trait of independence and "masculinity". I like SLI's are not controlling in THAT way, just in the way I need them to be.

    What's your type by the way? And i'm sorry you went through that hell. I'm glad I was never in a relationship with her and we were besties only (we never liked each other in THAT way even if we'd say the other was really attractive and such.)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aaron Something View Post
    That'd honestly make me feel castrated and lacking of any trait of independence and "masculinity". I like SLI's are not controlling in THAT way, just in the way I need them to be.

    What's your type by the way? And i'm sorry you went through that hell. I'm glad I was never in a relationship with her and we were besties only (we never liked each other in THAT way even if we'd say the other was really attractive and such.)
    I'm IEE. I've been in a long term relationship with an SLI woman once, but both of us were psychologically immature at the time. But there was quite some freedom in that relationship to pursue one's own things.

    I work as a temp cook, at a lot of different places. Sometimes I get to work with SLI chefs, and usually things run very smooth then. The nicest aspect of working with SLIs is that they seem to protect me from myself, make sure I take a rest before I stress out, and generally seem expert at guessing my level of competence without putting me down and don't put any burdens on me that I can't handle. I always get the feeling of there being a silent sort of understanding between us, an understanding without any fuss.
    “I have never tried that before, so I think I should definitely be able to do that.” --- Pippi Longstocking

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    Quote Originally Posted by consentingadult View Post
    I'm IEE. I've been in a long term relationship with an SLI woman once, but both of us were psychologically immature at the time. But there was quite some freedom in that relationship to pursue one's own things.

    I work as a temp cook, at a lot of different places. Sometimes I get to work with SLI chefs, and usually things run very smooth then. The nicest aspect of working with SLIs is that they seem to protect me from myself, make sure I take a rest before I stress out, and generally seem expert at guessing my level of competence without putting me down and don't put any burdens on me that I can't handle. I always get the feeling of there being a silent sort of understanding between us, an understanding without any fuss.
    That's beautiful. Yeah, of course, as any relationship, both gotta be mature.

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