There are a lot of rants on the forums, which is to be expected, I think people will naturally tend to rant more here than in real life.

However, I would like to address the balance here, say what stuff about the universe you like, that makes you go 'ahh', and the things that give you that little warm fuzzy feeling inside

I will start,

I like the beauty of nature, trees, flowers and sunsets.
I like colourful artwork, and artwork that captures emotion.
I like chocolate
I like how the human race is intelligent enough to make incredably complicated pieces of metal and plastic we call computers, that can enhance our lives in so many different ways.
I like how society attempts to have a formalised system to help all people with various problems, such as physical health and mental health problems.
I like how society is encouraging individuals to go after there particular hobbies and interests, making a greater range more socially acceptible.
I like the internet, and that I can talk to people around the world who are interested in socionics, something I might not be able to do with my friends in real life.