Quote Originally Posted by Rocky
Quote Originally Posted by Expat
However, I disagree with you about socionics.com as a whole. When he does not write about VI and gets into types and relationships, he can make a lot of sense. For instance, he explained that the way to solve the usual INTj/INTp controversies is to look whether you see an ESFj or ESFp as your dual or conflictor, which is precisely the right appraoch IMO.
Oh yes, but that's basic socionics. He then goes on to say that INTPs also like to be in thrill-seeking enviroments whereas INTJs prefer friendly enviorments, which is of course bull. He also says that INTPs look for knowing whereas INTJs look for understanding, another load of crap. Everyone knows that the word "understanding" just means a deeper level of learning something then "knowing", which means that Ganin's view of socionics is basically a pathetic athempt to strole his own ego. You can tell by the self-centeredness of his view on the types.
precisely. i'm not sure where exactly you find this claim that attempting to find your conflictor is a good approach to distinguishing between quasi-identicals. however, when i looked at his INTp/INTj article, it was full of misinformation and entirely unhelpful.

admittedly i haven't looked very thoroughly at his site because the little that i have seen of it has demonstrated nothing but ganin's complete ignorance on the subject of socionics.