Hello dear Gammas,
I have a problem with my fellow ESI dude. He seems to really set his eyes on me despite the fact that I told him multiple times that it is not possible cause it will simply not work in a long run. I tried to seem as irresponsible as possible, pointing at the fact that our values do not match at all. He is more of a family guy, I am a party girl so to speak. He still believes that I will change in the future and is willing to wait.

I am something from Ne/Si department, and I am unable to deal with his pressure in a long run - my methods simply do not work.

I do not want to strain our relations, we are really great friends, and we are interconnected in many areas in life (I do not want to go into further details). Falling apart would be disastrous and with fatal consequences.

If you have any suggestions, except of course the ones that would mean cutting it off with him, that would be really great. I know I may be perceived as a wuss about it, but as you are fellow socionpeople, you probably know that any attempt of using my not so strong functions as Se for example will only be ridiculous.