Hello guys, new member here.
Sorry I didn't post in the "introduction" section, but what would be the point anyway, since I'm introducing myself here.
So long story short, few months ago I was introduced to MBTI, took the test, got my type, though it fitted pretty well, life was beautiful.
Then I started to research the topic, discovered tests were useless, started doubting my type because you know, "this type may fit better after all", discovered socionics, researched even more, discovered just how much more complex socionics is with respect to MBTI, took a number of tests from different sources, discovered enneagram, started to doubt between 5-6 typings, and now my life is miserable .

I basically realized that to get out of this rut and be satisfied I would need to study socionics for an amount of time that at the moment I do not posses.
So, what can help me, I think, is some fresh outside perspective which could ease my pain while I study the subject further .

I think it would be more interesting, for me and perhaps for others as well, if I just answer a questionnaire and talk about stuff, and only after receiving (hopefully) some feedback discuss about socionics or say what I think my type might be.
So, without further ado:
Member Questionnaire 1 (BIONDO)
What is beauty? What is love?
Beauty is perfection. Now clearly perfection is just a concept, to have any meaning in the human world it must be relativized. So beauty is what works perfectly/very well for the intended purpose.

Love is a a feeling of biological origin that us mammals posses in order to cooperate, procreate, ensure the survival of the species, this kind of stuff.

What are your most important values?
To conquer this fuvcking world

Do you have any sort of spiritual/religious beliefs, and why do you hold (or don't) those beliefs in the first place?
I am not religious in the traditional sense, I refuse to believe on something because someone tells me or because it's written in a book. I am spiritual in the sense that I want to explore what is not known, but it has to either have an "experiential" nature or a practical utility of some sort. Basically I am not interested in your theories about life after death because in the end I will never know if they hold any truth or not until I die, and by then, well by then I will have my answer anyway. Now things are different if you can show me what's life after death like somehow (that would be the most interesting thing ever), or if your life philosophy can improve my life before death by giving me concepts through which I can approach things in more effective ways, be happier, etc.

Opinion on war and militaries? What is power to you?
I do not have any opinion on war, I think war is as old as men itself. When you go to the grocery store and see people fighting for their place in the line, that there is war, on a smaller scale. It's just aggressiveness that is intrinsic in humans, animals, probably life itself is aggressive in that it destroys the inanimate nature of the matter. Anyway, nothing can be done about it, it's just part of us.

Power is when you control your environment more than your environment controls you.

What have you had long conversations about? What are your interests? Why?
I always enjoy a good discussion about politics. I also love when people teach me about something I am interested in, or talk about places I'd like to see. One area that I talk about a lot lately are relationship, I think I tend to ask for advice because I am not very good at understanding other people, so I want to know how people view mutual friends, what do they think of their relationship, etc. That's why I'm here I guess, to understand myself and others.

And of course I like to talk about sports! I'm not very serious most of the time. I like to tease people and crack stupid jokes. Most of the time I enjoy interactions just for the sheer emotional exchange, you can always come to me and tell me whatever you like. I like small talk.

My interests are socionics and whatever can improve my condition and that of those close to me, so for example i follow finance and try to make some small trades on occasion, I am interested in nutrition and healthy lifestyle, technology, I read a lot of books about self-improvement... Now the follow up on those things is not always great but I try to get the benefits... I am not interested in the secret life of Madagascar bats...

Interested in health/medicine as a conversation topic? Are you focused on your body?
I am a medicine student so ehem, I don't actually have choice

I am in a medical condition since many years due to a surgery that went bad, basically I have quite bad back problems that I try to fix exercising regularly and keeping an healthy lifestyle. I personally believe that health is the most fundamental thing in life and that we should do our best to preserve it.

What do you think of daily chores?
Well I'm not delighted by them but I like the feeling once it's done plus the order and cleanliness.

Books or films you liked? Recently read/watched or otherwise. Examples welcome.
Fight Club, Big Lebovsky, Battle Royale, Fragments of an unknown teaching.

What has made you cry? What has made you smile? Why?
I cried the other day after probably 15 years, dunno why. I find a lot of things in this life funny and smile very frequently.

Where do you feel: at one with the environment/a sense of belonging?
Alone in the night on a sailing ship adrift the ocean, staring at the moon.

More commonly, at the park after the LSD trip.

What have people seen as your weaknesses? What do you dislike about yourself?
Slowness, slackness, indecisiveness.
About myself I dislike the fear of not being able to keep up with the perfection in my mind.

What have people seen as your strengths? What do you like about yourself?
About myself I like the fact that when I fall, I stand up and try harder.

In what areas of your life would you like help?
The concept of wanting help from others feels incredibly alien to me, I believe I'm the only one capable of improving my situation.
If I could instantly improve some areas of my life, they would be health, independence, ability to better control myself, ability to make better use of my time, improved social skills.

Ever feel stuck in a rut? If yes, describe the causes and your reaction to it.
I feel stuck in a rut anytime I cannot do thing by myself and must depend on others. I dislike that feeling.

What qualities do you most like and dislike in other people? What types do you get along with?
I like honest, direct people with a good heart. I like people that you can bond deeply with.
I truly dislike meaninglessly aggressive people, liars and whoever tries to emotionally manipulate me.
I have no idea which types I go along with.

How do you feel about romance/sex? What qualities do you want in a partner?
Sex I like.
Romance I like as well, problem is for me can be hard to trust the partner.
Qualities I look for are the same, an honest good natured person that I can bond deeply with.

If you were to raise a child, what would be your main concerns, what measures would you take, and why?
Dear son, this is a tough world. Grow up strong and don't let anybody step on your toes.

A friend makes a claim that clashes with your current beliefs. What is your inward and outward reaction?
Outwardly I may aggressively try to correct his point of view if I am totally sure of mine, the subject is relevant and I consider him of sufficient intelligence to understand what I'm saying. If I'm not sure of where reality stands or if the subject is of low importance I would probably discuss it in a light hearted way. If he's not intelligent enough I won't bother.

Inwardly I rarely get emotional about opinions, I may think he's stupid or that I do not understand him.

On the other hand I am very sensitive about ACTIONS that I consider wrong or disrespectful towards me or people I care about.

Describe your relationship to society. How do you see people as a whole? What do you consider a prevalent social problem? Name one.
This is a funny question since I always had weird beliefs that are more or less inconciliable with what is commonly accepted by society. I see people as a part of a more complex system, we all follow the rules of this society but many of us do not acknowledge that those are indeed rules, not truths. They surely live happier but I can't help myself but question: where the truth lies? Just to make an example, they tell you that you should eat grains, bread, pasta and the likes, but where this food comes from? Why it is even food for us humans? Before the invention of windmill for sure we were not picking up grains and eating them raw, and biologically speaking we are no different than men were back then. So what was not food back then, is a food now? I am not saying that grains are evil and will kill you, what I'm saying is that people do not even question what they stuff into their mouth the whole day. Same with religion, I have no problem with it, if anything I think it covers a great social need, problem is, people either believes it because it is the truth, or hates it because it's old and outdated. But how many actually read the bible and THINK about what they are reading? Anyway, I'm rambling.

How do you choose your friends and how do you behave around them?
You can't really choose friends, you get what life gives you and consider yourself lucky if you get a few true ones you can trust.
Acquaintances I do not choose either, I go by gut feeling..
My behavior for the most part stays the same whoever I'm with. I crack jokes, I'm rude, very blunt and honest and I almost never lie. Some will like me, some will hate me.

How do you behave around strangers?
Depends on the stranger. I will observe them and get a gut reaction, that can range from very warm to very aggressive with anything in-between.