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Thread: I shall now takeclose or actually myme to discuss my own reasons for my type.

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    Alomoes's Avatar
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    Lightbulb I Type Myself.

    I have taken, over the course of now 8 or so years, an increased interest in the ideas of personality, in an attempt to improve my productiveness, which I feel is hampered by personality. In that goal, I have learned a great deal.

    First, there exists a placebo effect. It can cause a person to behave as they perceive.

    Second, I fell for it. That is why I am here now, to legitimately discuss my type.

    So uh, yeah, I’m now going to say what I am.

    I am rational to a fault. I do not forget things important to me, but, given the extremeness of my emotional outbursts, I can lose information in the heat of things. I can second guess myself. It is odd. Oh yeah, I really love logic. I can generally point out holes in an argument. I do not use feeling in this. Logic is a learned skill (?) Nobody is born with the innate ability to read a lawyer’s work.

    I have a habit of rewriting posts, which increases time immensely. This is my argument for feelings. I also am incredibly easy at gaining intense atchment of others.

    I can make myself feel whatever I want. This is a skill I learned in kindergarten.

    This is how I empathize with people. I look at them, and do exactly what they are doing. This was learned recently, because I have poor eyesight, and as such never looked at people in the detail required to do this.

    I believe because I could not see, I did not learn these behaviors. I actually somehow passed the eye exams, even though I do not have any memory of my sight changing. It is a known problem that eye issues can go undiagnosed. Something did change in that time, where I have forgotten how to pass the eye exam without glasses.

    Knowing that it is a switch between ethics and logic, I will say what I have said to my friends, which they know. I have never gotten into a fight, and am an unconfirmed pacifist.

    The way I perceived conflictors is mildly incorrect. It is a matter of not being able to conceive of their thought process. Also, the way socionics works, it ignores the fact that politics, culture, and all those things matter. If I was speaking to Mussolini, while I would be polite, I’d probably be different than to how it’d be with some guy on the street. Status and perceived status are of importance in this meaning.

    I will state something that does weigh on my mind, I do feel as though I am a parasite on society. I’ve decided that it’s pretty true, as my conscientiousness is pretty garbage. However, It is and has been a point that I will not marry for money, but rather for love. That is going to kill me. Anyways, jokes. My romantic life is very odd.

    So, uh, I have at times gotten REALLY concerned with otherworldly things. Seems good art, art that has been given awards is good art for me.

    1. Based on my knowledge of people, just people I know, there are more types than this theory picks, even with subtypes.

    2. There are more cognitive functions than are predicted by the theory. For example, Mi, Mind in, which is the process of actively thinking about the self. While it can be Fi, I differentiate it by my way of remembering things. It seems more reasonable to say I hash things by way of feelings and I think to myself by words. Don’t you dare say that is intuition. IF anything, it is Ti, but I doubt it. Intuition is likely sense based, and does not generate senses, but internally projects them. <<< I’m not making that more easy for you, that’s how it works, contradiction and all. I would also like to o separate memory from feeling and senses, because then I’d be entirely a memory sensory user. Take that advice you may. There are also physical functions, which I do not care to go into, but I am actually good at them. Similarily, there is a cognitive process to ignore the concsequences of actions. I’ll label it R for repression. It can be used to do repetitively acts that may or may not help, and ignore things. Think of a Woman who is physically able to do great feats of physicality short term that will cause long-term distress. I am learning it from my mother and it runs in my family. Uncle has it too. I’d hesitate for it to be Si, but that would make sense.

    I have had a psychosis before, but really, that is because of sociological factors. It has helped though. I would imagine that INFj is the most likely to do so in the circumstances in this world.

    Obviously, I think of functions as being processes that occur in the mind, much like a computer, and it is the way I believe they should be taken.

    So, as usual, that went out hand, but yeah, I’m probably either INTj or INFj, even though there is an argument for logic. Don’t confuse logic with rationality.

    In otherwords, what type is Sigmund Freud? A person who analyzes things with the greatest of vigor. Tends to never consciously forget. Someone who cannot contain their emotions. Never projects. Can recall things semi-randomly with a ton of weight on one side. Projects to bouts of repression. Really likes trait psychology, the art of labeling. Thinks of this as condensed trait psychology. Think she there is something wrong with society. It is systematic, and sociological. I can say why by facts, but it takes time. Tends to think of weird words for common phrases, which is a problem with my mom, who doesn’t think so quickly, but rather uses physical reflex for most things. INTj? INFj? I picked INFj EII. By the way, Sherlock Holmes is stupid, the Doctor is stupid and stupidly lucky, Mycroft Holmes is good. Good, not excellent. You see his mistakes when Sherlock Holmes solves things for him.

    Oh yeah, I am the process that chooses what to accept, which is why I disassociate with actors such as Jim Kerry, who practically have no self exception for that which pleases theor audiences. That is probably a sign that I hate a part of myself.

    Confidence is above 5, which is why I post again. Sorry if quality is poor, I did this on a slow phone. Like at times it lags.

    It means you people all disgust me on some level because the information given is misleading on what INFj is and can be. Pretty much I’m angry because you are wrong. Probably the best way I can write it in five seconds. I’ve found several INFj presidents, from Woodrow Wilson to Benjamin Harrison (confirmed) to possibly Jefferson. Notable traits, do very little, but are very uncompromisingly moral. We’re the Mary Sues of the world and that is true to a fault, such that we’re willing to kill our parents for us compromising a value to avoid their scorn, suffer multiple psychosises to mend a family, whack a kid in the knees to charter eye for an eye, and then go home and cry about it compromising a moral value of not dealing pain. Autism is probably a god diagnosis. Finally, if one of us is talking to you, you are being analyzed immediately. Just hope you are not in Nazi Germany, because they, have some different values from what I’ve been told.

    Oh yeah, sorry for bothering the Gammas. The internet practically bleeds Te, so I can just use that as to say I have a ton of it, because I have the internet in my hands, eidetic memory, and way too much free time. I’ll post more honest and well written posts. I have been practicing because of afformentioned free time.

    TL;DR I think I’m INFj.
    Last edited by Alomoes; 02-08-2018 at 03:19 PM. Reason: Screwed up the title. Damned auto correct.

    An optimist - does not get discouraged under any circumstances. Life upheavals and stressful events only toughen him and make more confident. He likes to laugh and entertain people. Enters contact with someone by involving him with a humorous remark. His humor is often sly and contain hints and double meanings. Easily enters into arguments and bets, especially if he is challenged. When arguing his points is often ironic, ridicules the views of his opponent. His irritability and hot temper may be unpleasant to others. However, he himself is not perceptive of this and believes that he is simply exchanging opinions.

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