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Thread: hotelambush Questionnaire (Muddy)

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    Default hotelambush Questionnaire (Muddy)

    hotelambush Questionnaire
    Please save your answers offline so you do not accidentally lose them!Instructions:
    Tell me about yourself
    I'm your typical guy who works for a living and can appreciate a good time. The thing most people notice me for is my height which is around 6'6 and they always ask me if I play basketball (Spoiler: I don't).
    What do you study or do for a living? How did you come to do that? What do you like or dislike about it?
    The only thing I really study is socionics lol. I work at Best Buy unloading trucks and picking online orders from the store. I ended up with that job because it was the best non-minimum wage I could find that didn't require college or busting your ass at factory. It can be stressful when there is tension among co-workers but aside from that I have no good or bad comments to make about.
    What are your values, and why?
    Staying healthy in general and not being a douche. That's about it.
    What else do you do on a daily basis? What are your interests and hobbies? Why do you do them?
    Watch TV, play video games like borderlands and league of legends, going to the gym, eating eat, taking a stroll by the river, target practicing with my guns and crossbow. I love to collect survival gear as I'm one of those people who likes to fantasize about the end of society.
    What do you look for in friends? In romantic relationships?
    In friends I just look for people who are overall pleasant to be around and treat me with respect. Some goes for romantic relationships with just more attention paid to the hotness factor.
    What conflicts have you encountered recently with other people? Why did they happen? Which kinds seem to happen on a regular basis?
    Last conflict I had with somebody was when my supervisor wrote me up for something I felt I wasn't properly instructed on how to do correctly. I general don't have conflicts with people very frequently.
    How would your friends describe you?
    Tall, badass and kinda quiet. In school I was seen as a bit more as a smart kid but I've since then had no interest in anything academic and invested myself in other areas.
    What are your weaknesses? What criticism do you often face from others? What do you dislike about yourself?
    I'd definitely say carelessness. They are a lot of times where I simply don't care about some specific detail that I view as petty and someone ends up getting butthurt because of the lack of fucks I gave. ("Nasus look at the minimap you idiot!",- what my teammates typically say to me in
    In what areas of life can you manage well on your own? In what areas of your life would you like help?
    I can live well alone and manage most of my basics needs, except for things like setting up doctor appointments lol. They aren't any areas I feel I need help with right now expect for just ideas of stuff to do.
    What things do you find to be a chore? What things do you enjoy more than others?
    Anything someone unexpectedly ask for my help with that I don't myself see as important. I can enjoy doing anything that directly benefits myself more then something that doesn't.
    What goals, aspirations, or plans do you have for the future? How did you come to have them?
    Getting more pay, reaching peak physical pay, getting laid, buying more cool items like swords and crossbows.
    If you had enough money to live comfortably for the rest of your life without working, what would you do with your time?
    Go the beach, go the shooting range, take expeditions.
    What traits do you find endearing that others might dislike? What traits are considered positive/neutral by others but tend to annoy you?
    I don't mind it when someone is a bit reckless and loose, I find it more amusing then anything else. I tend to get annoyed by the "Active and take charge" type of people, since their desire to keep people to do something a certain way commonly comes into conflict with my desire to do whatever the hell I want.
    What kinds of things do you do to manage and/or beautify your environment (your room, your house, etc.)? What do you think of daily chores?
    Pretty much nothing. At most I might hang up a cool poster.
    How do you behave around strangers?
    Like a normal person should. Treat them with politeness and answer any questions they have a thats that.
    How do you react to conflict? What do you do if somebody insults or attacks you?
    I get angry and start having thoughts of revenge against the person I'm conflict with. If someone insults me I just suck it up the best I can and continue plotting my vengence.
    What is one common misconception that people have? Explain why it is wrong.
    That this generation of people is worse then the last. People aren't very much different from how they were before, the past just tends to get glorified in our memories.
    What did you do last Friday?
    Worked, that's about it.
    Please save your answers offline so you do not accidentally lose them!Part 2
    What is your biggest accomplishment?
    The fact that I own a car and house without any debt whatsoever at 21 years of age.
    What is something you regret?
    Not being able to obtain my highschool crush. Still haunts me to this day.
    Who do you admire, and why?
    Ragnar from the show Vikings. He nevers backs down from fights when necessary, shows mercy towards his friends ( Spared floki after he killed Athlestan), shows interest in other cultures and religions then his own, is smart enough not to fall for religious nonsense but can still appreciate what it does his people, and all the badass things he does.
    What's been on your mind? Has anything been worrying or concerning you? What problems have you encountered lately?
    Just work related stuff. It's been busy because of the holidays so most of my attention has been centered on that.
    What are your religious or spiritual beliefs and why do you hold them?
    None, simply don't see any them factually matching up with reality.
    What are your political beliefs, and why? To what extent do you care about politics?
    I'd consider myself a bit towards the libertarian side but I'm not very much invested in politics much at all.
    Would you ever be interested in starting a business? Why or why not? What role would you play in it? What kind of business would it be?
    No, too much hassle and work.
    What kind of work environment do you prefer? What do you look for in a job?
    In environment where there is a good variety of both action and relaxment, and where everyone feels kindship towards one another and gets along. I look for jobs that pay well and are easy.
    What is or was your favorite school subject and why?
    History and PE. History because I like learning about all the wars, and PE because I have fun getting exercise and competing with others.
    How do you approach responsibility? What do you tend to expect of others?
    I don't whatever I see as necessary and will keep me in harmony with those around me. All expect of others is to just help me when in pinch situations and to not unexpectedly disturb me with something.
    Where did you go on your most recent vacation? What did you do there? How did you like it and why?
    Ummm, I can hardly even remember my last real vacation lol.
    What were you like as a kid? How have you changed since you were a child?
    Pretty the same as I am now, just a bit more weird lol.
    What was your high school experience like?
    Absolute shit. Parents moved to hilly billy town and I forced to go to school with a bunch of assholes I didn't know. I wasn't involved in anything in high school and pretty much just do nothing but sleep as soon as I got home everyday. I did well as far grades go but meh.
    Talk about a significant event from your life.
    Only thing I can really thing of was my dad dying. All the way up to his death I would hang out with him despite his drinking problems. I was quite a surreal experience watching go downhill the way he did and it definitely made me think about things a little more then I did.
    Do you like kids? Why or why not?
    No, too much screaming and disruption of the peace.

  2. #2
    c esi-se 6w7 spsx ashlesha's Avatar
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    I don't type you anything, but have you considered SLI? Only because reading this reminded me of someone, no real solid justification for suggesting.
    Pretty fucking awesome that you own a house btw.

  3. #3
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    Quote Originally Posted by lump View Post
    I don't type you anything, but have you considered SLI? Only because reading this reminded me of someone, no real solid justification for suggesting.
    Pretty fucking awesome that you own a house btw.
    I've gotten SLI on some test before yes. Its one of the more likely types I would certainly say.

    Technically I only own half of my house as my brother and I are co-owners. Still good enough for me to consider an accomplishment though lol.

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    My impression was also SLI, you sound like a down-to-earth, mostly laid-back guy who likes his peace undisturbed and freedom to indulge his hobbies.

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    Quote Originally Posted by reverie View Post
    This did make me think SLI, but what do you think of Fe?
    I generally don't have a problem with Fe/Fe egos from what I can tell, in fact I get along pretty well with most people here who are (or at least self-type as) an Fe ego. I will say however that when I read about Fe it sounds kinda alien to me and is not something I focus on or attach much importance to. Being able to express myself is not something I ever really concern myself with, though I don't mind some pleasant communication every now and again with people I like.

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    I always thought you were ILI, but then I suck at typing.

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    Interested in your opinion if you have have one. Yes, I know, there is no video but I lost my phone and don't even have a means of recording video lol. Any feedback is fine.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    Yes, I know, there is no video but I lost my phone and don't even have a means of recording video
    Without a video made according to my recommendations a typing is not serious. Instead of opinions based on inferior material it's better to think on youself and to do tests. You may buy a cheap webcamera, what with good light may give acceptable result.

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    Also thought of sli, but could also be lsi

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    I've thought for quite a while that you are LSI (as you may know/remember).

    Your questionnaire does not change my view.
    It just adds an Enneagram. Sp/Sx 6w5, most likely.

    Your SP instinct being first makes you seem more Si lead-like, and being SO blindspot makes you seem less Fe valuing than you truly are.
    New Youtube [x] Get Typed! [x]
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    *********** 21-04-19:
    "Looks like a mystic that just arrived to battle and staring out at the battle, ready to unleash"

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    Quote Originally Posted by Olimpia View Post
    I've thought for quite a while that you are LSI (as you may know/remember).

    Your questionnaire does not change my view.
    It just adds an Enneagram. Sp/Sx 6w5, most likely.

    Your SP instinct being first makes you seem more Si lead-like, and being SO blindspot makes you seem less Fe valuing than you truly are.
    I could see why you could think LSI, however a lot the behaviors LSIs are commonly described of having are things I am actually quite opposed to. Usually the only times I act aggressively towards someone is when they act aggressive first, I really don't get any pleasure from this whole "pressuring" people business. I basically just return the attitude anyone gives me, I'll be nice to nice people and be difficult with difficult people.

    I also find rules/laws to be a huge annoyance and would much rather rip up and destroy a social hierarchy then create or enforce one. Could be related to contra-flow stacking though, as you stated.

    Anyway you still could be right, you definitely don't seem like someone in my opposite quadra.
    Last edited by Muddy; 12-12-2017 at 12:37 AM.

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    @thehotelambush Would also be interested in hearing your thoughts whenever you get the chance.

  13. #13
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    Not a ton of info but this confirms once again that you definitely aren't Alpha NT. There are a lot of Se themes - getting what you want, autonomy, fascination with war, physical activity, harsh language. I actually like the suggestion of LSI. Perhaps ESI is also worth considering.

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    Quote Originally Posted by sorrows View Post
    You sound and write like SLI to me.
    FWIW, loving both history and PE is quite SLI-Si.

    "No, too much hassle and work."

    "In environment where there is a good variety of both action and relaxment, and where everyone feels kindship towards one another and gets along. I look for jobs that pay well and are easy."

    "History and PE. History because I like learning about all the wars, and PE because I have fun getting exercise and competing with others."

    "All expect of others is to just help me when in pinch situations and to not unexpectedly disturb me with something."

    "No, too much screaming and disruption of the peace."

    You definitely sound like a logical type and a sensory typer. So LSI was a consideration, but LSIs don't care about inner disruption, noise, peace, harmony etc. And I don't know any LSIs who are interested in history....of course it is always possible.
    You could argue for Si in the sense that I don't like sudden disruptions and annoyances, such as being asked to do something some unexpected task during these "zone out" periods I like to have on my days off from work.

    On the flip side, Si often gets associated with attention towards things likes home decor, food, color patterns, comfortness of room or clothing, etc. I can say with zero doubt that I don't see those type of things as being important. If those things mentioned above are truly Si related then I simply in no way see myself as an Si lead.

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    @Muddy I think it's clear that you're XTxP, I would suggest ILI or ILE. You don't seem SLI/LSI to me. You seem introverted but ILE too can be introverted. I know a friend that is very similar to you (I've had an idea of your personality from your posts). He's this smart, tall, lazy guy who's obssesed with war/sniper games and seem detached most of the time. But I wasn't that close with him so I left it with XNTp and he def isn't SLI. I kinda lean more toward ILI for you but contrary types have many similarities. Do you have any idea if you value Ne or Ni? Or what you think of people who have them as ego functions? As Ne valuer I tend to see Ni ego types as trying to narrow things down into one final thing (like only one perception is correct) which seems somewhat restricting to me. But talking with other Ne ego it's quite the opposite, I feel like my perceptions are only expanding which gives me a sense of freedom.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    Do you have any idea if you value Ne or Ni?
    I can't really say I have a strong preference for either function, from what I know about Ne and Ni.

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    You posted something about having reclusive/shut-in tendencies the other makes me wonder if ILI would be better. I think that or Se creative (LSI primarily) are the main possibilities.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    You posted something about having reclusive/shut-in tendencies the other makes me wonder if ILI would be better. I think that or Se creative (LSI primarily) are the main possibilities.
    I'd say my shut-in tendencies stem from me being the type of person who acts based upon the level of urgency of the situation I'm in, and can't really function if I'm in stagnant situation where I have nothing to react towards. In other words I feel much better geared towards dealing with situations where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me, then in situations that demand a high level of both initiative and creativity. I believe my reclusive tendencies originate from the fact that I'm quite poor at coming up with ideas. (Unless I'm in a situation where the objective task is to come up with ideas, such as posting ideas in an online forum such as this one) When I'm at home alone I simply don't have any ideas for stuff to do, which results in me just doing nothing and being a shut-in as a result.

    I'm sure this is all strongly related towards introversion and weak and/or devalued Ne but I'm unsure whether any of this could be tied specifically to either Ne polr, Ne ignoring, or perhaps even Ne suggestive. As I said I think I'm decently able to come up with ideas when it's the topic for discussion, but when it comes to day to day life I'd definitely say I'm quite poor at seeing possibilities and alternatives to dig myself out of holes.
    Last edited by Muddy; 03-25-2018 at 04:32 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I'd say my shut-in tendencies stem from me being the type of person who acts based upon the level of urgency of the situation I'm in, and can't really function if I'm in stagnant situation where I have nothing to react towards. In other words I feel much better geared towards dealing with situations where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me, then in situations that demand a high level of both initiative and creativity. I believe my reclusive tendencies originate from the fact that I'm quite poor at coming up with ideas. (Unless I'm in a situation where the objective task is to come up with ideas, such as posting ideas in an online forum such as this one) When I'm at home alone I simply don't have any ideas for stuff to do, which results in me just doing nothing and being a shut-in as result.

    I'm sure this is all strongly related towards introversion and weak and/or devalued Ne but I'm unsure whether any of this could be tied specifically to either Ne polr, Ne ignoring, or perhaps even Ne suggestive. As I said I think I'm decently able to come up with ideas when it's the topic for discussion, but when it comes to day to day life I'd definitely say I'm quite poor at seeing possibilities and alternatives to dig myself out of holes.

    This is all strikes me as more ILI than any other type.

    Maybe you just need to try an SEE to get you moving.

    Plus, IIRC, your enneatype and mine are very similar. I wouldn’t expect that to be the case if you were LII.
    Furthermore, you once said something in chat that resonated so much with me that I wrote it down. That seems an unlikely response to an extinguishment partner.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I'd say my shut-in tendencies stem from me being the type of person who acts based upon the level of urgency of the situation I'm in, and can't really function if I'm in stagnant situation where I have nothing to react towards. In other words I feel much better geared towards dealing with situations where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me, then in situations that demand a high level of both initiative and creativity. I believe my reclusive tendencies originate from the fact that I'm quite poor at coming up with ideas. (Unless I'm in a situation where the objective task is to come up with ideas, such as posting ideas in an online forum such as this one) When I'm at home alone I simply don't have any ideas for stuff to do, which results in me just doing nothing and being a shut-in as a result.

    I'm sure this is all strongly related towards introversion and weak and/or devalued Ne but I'm unsure whether any of this could be tied specifically to either Ne polr, Ne ignoring, or perhaps even Ne suggestive. As I said I think I'm decently able to come up with ideas when it's the topic for discussion, but when it comes to day to day life I'd definitely say I'm quite poor at seeing possibilities and alternatives to dig myself out of holes.
    If you actually like "situations where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me" that would definitely suggest valued Se, and if you're good at acting and thinking on your feet in such situations it would suggest strong Se also. That's where I would look to distinguish Se suggestive vs. creative.

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    @Olimpia I've been reading up on enneagram a little more lately and I wondered what your opinion would be about me being a core 9w8 rather then a 6w5. I don't relate to some of the manners in which 6s are described. I'm a person who leaves their fat wallet in their unlocked car without thinking much of it lol. Isn't that very un-six like?

    Meanwhile I relate a lot more to how 9w8 is described. I like being a bit playful sometimes and maintaining positive feelings with those around but can also lash out at those who really rub me the wrong way, hence the 8 wing. As for my heart type I'm fairly certain I'm a 3w4 but I don't think it's my core.

    I'm actually uncertain what my head type is currently. Do you think a case could still be made 6w5 in spite of my careless tendencies regarding security and trust or do think something else could be more plausible?

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    My guess is SLI. I get a very strong Te-valuing attitude (like here: "I can enjoy doing anything that directly benefits myself more then something that doesn't."). You're pragmatic, down-to-earth, have a job, a car and a house and you're proud about it. All points that make me think Te > Ti. From my perspective, you're obviously a Sensor (actually it is better to say that you're not an Intuitive, that's what I get). Still not sure about the Temperament. Delta ST (SLI/LSE) should be the area to analyze (I wouldn't doubt that you belong to the ST Club). Read theory, descriptions and find your best fit.

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    Having a car, house and being pragmatic doesnt exclude beta

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    Quote Originally Posted by Number 9 large View Post
    Having a car, house and being pragmatic doesnt exclude beta
    Te valuing does

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    Ok whenever u get those things u can give em to me since ur te ignoring

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    So I see you as xLI for sure. Previously I did think SLI made more sense overall than ILI, though I could see 1-2 points for ILI too. It's possible I didn't differentiate between Irrationality/Rationality vs Ne/Si Se/Ni valuing or if you just have both, though.

    Anyway, I have zero idea where the LSI suggestions are coming from. You are such an obvious Ip type. And Fe PoLR is very obvious too in the way how you show no openness to Fe in any of your lines really. You are instead voicing a lot of pragmatic opinions that really disregard the type of emotional concerns that Fe has, it truly comes off to me as you not seeing any point to orienting by emotional expressions of others.

    Could you please describe more on how you imagine things like a movie? That you mentioned in the mental imagery thread. The way you said it sounded like it was really a natural thing for you to do. This is where I seriously got to consider ILI for you over SLI.

    A few bits from your questionnaire / my comments on your questionnaire and other things in this thread:

    "I don't mind it when someone is a bit reckless and loose, I find it more amusing then anything else."

    Irrationality and/or Ne valuing.

    Why: you don't seem to need a direction/aim for it. You don't mind the unpredictability either. And this theme is going to come up a lot below about how to differentiate between the Irrationality/Rationality and Se/Ni Ne/Si.

    "I tend to get annoyed by the "Active and take charge" type of people, since their desire to keep people to do something a certain way commonly comes into conflict with my desire to do whatever the hell I want."

    OK, this one was stereotypically Se ignoring of SLI... Or just Irrationality, I'm not sure.

    "In environment where there is a good variety of both action and relaxment, and where everyone feels kindship towards one another and gets along. I look for jobs that pay well and are easy."

    What kind of relaxation do you need with the action? Why?

    And again that thing for me with Ne/Si vs Se/Ni valuing or Irrationality vs Rationality or both.

    To be very clear here, the things about relaxation, easy things, peace etc point towards Ip, but it doesn't say if Ni or Si, though stereotypically you'd say Si valuing.

    Otoh, it is funny how in high school your two favourite topics were stereotypically Ni (history and imagining wars) and Se (the PE stuff the way you described it).

    When your friends describe you as "badass", what do they mean by that? It makes me think of MBTI ISTP stereotypes (ISTP ~= SLI or introverted SLE), but I'd rather clarify what exactly is meant here.

    "The fact that I own a car and house without any debt whatsoever at 21 years of age."

    This is cool, yeah, I have similar pride in similar material things for myself, btw.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    You could argue for Si in the sense that I don't like sudden disruptions and annoyances, such as being asked to do something some unexpected task during these "zone out" periods I like to have on my days off from work.
    Actually, Ni lead also doesn't like it. They don't want their inner mental harmony/peace disturbed. As far as I understand, they often achieve this by having consistent principles (of the Ni type, very abstract, kind of philosophical stuff even) on seeing things but it can also manifest as physically avoiding environments that are in conflict with their mental peace.

    On the flip side, Si often gets associated with attention towards things likes home decor, food, color patterns, comfortness of room or clothing, etc. I can say with zero doubt that I don't see those type of things as being important. If those things mentioned above are truly Si related then I simply in no way see myself as an Si lead.
    Well ok so what's wrong with ILI?

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I'd say my shut-in tendencies stem from me being the type of person who acts based upon the level of urgency of the situation I'm in, and can't really function if I'm in stagnant situation where I have nothing to react towards. In other words I feel much better geared towards dealing with situations where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me, then in situations that demand a high level of both initiative and creativity.
    Low initiative is Introversion, perhaps also low Se, I don't know. Please give an example of a "situation where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me". An actual example that actually happened, if possible.

    I believe my reclusive tendencies originate from the fact that I'm quite poor at coming up with ideas. (Unless I'm in a situation where the objective task is to come up with ideas, such as posting ideas in an online forum such as this one) When I'm at home alone I simply don't have any ideas for stuff to do, which results in me just doing nothing and being a shut-in as a result.

    I'm sure this is all strongly related towards introversion and weak and/or devalued Ne but I'm unsure whether any of this could be tied specifically to either Ne polr, Ne ignoring, or perhaps even Ne suggestive. As I said I think I'm decently able to come up with ideas when it's the topic for discussion, but when it comes to day to day life I'd definitely say I'm quite poor at seeing possibilities and alternatives to dig myself out of holes.
    Could also be Se suggestive, depending. The last part of the last sentence is put as stereotypically Ne suggestive but ILI can be weirdly very conservative and "forgetting" their Ne, it's just their introversion with low Se in their case.

    It's like, Ni leads see a course/direction for things but they forget how the course could be changed. Their Se duals are good at showing the opportunities for that.

    Here's a decent ILI profile:

    Se suggestive bits that you've expressed in this thread so far:

    "The INTp respects strong, willful people, who know their goals and who do not cower before difficulties but rather act confidently, actively creating their path ahead.

    Neither will he suffer direct pressure applied to himself. (Willful pressuring of ESFp, realized by ethical manipulations, is not perceived by the INTp as suppression of his own personality. While direct volitional actions – "volitional sensing" of Zhukov (SLE), Maxim (LSI), or Dreiser (ESI), just as the demonstrative energetic nature of Hugo (ESE) – are oppressive for him.)

    A typical state of the INTp is one of constant semi-relaxation. He prefers not to make excessive efforts and tries to expend his physical energy very economically. He won't invest more effort and strengths in anything over what is dictated by objective necessities, not even into the most captivating work. The ILI is not the type of person who will thoroughly apply himself, "wholly put himself out", solely on basis of enthusiasm. The ILI always seeks respect for his own labor and a worthy payment.

    Money for the INTp has an important meaning. (Although some representatives of this type relate to its absence with philosophical calmness: "Money comes and goes.") Nevertheless, the ILI typically approaches this topic very seriously, for he is acutely and deeply aware of the advantages of money as a real lever of force and authority. (...) Accumulation of money for the INTp is also a method of "conservation" of the labor he has invested, a possibility to preserve and maintain a reasonable distribution of his own strengths: for the ILI it is the "equivalent of force" saved during young years in order to support himself in the old age."

    Here's one very typical ILI thing about Ne, do you relate to it? "Of all the observable possibilities, the INTp unconsciously notices only those, in which he suspects concealed problems. (In this the ILI sees his main function and destiny.)"

    I'm not sure I see this in you at all, but you would have to confirm it of course:

    Ne suggestive of SLI

    "Dislikes it when his own abilities and possibilities are being criticized - this evokes internal protest in him, since he usually tries to all-inclusively develop and evolve his own talents. With seriousness engages in self-education and self-improvement.

    Examples of other people's successes and achievements are convincing to a SLI only in a from that is presented by his dual, the IEE. Only the IEE is able to inspire and motivate the SLI, suggesting and showing to him original, unique, and intriguing idea, captivating the SLI by new, unexplored possibilities."
    Last edited by Myst; 05-05-2018 at 08:31 PM.

  27. #27

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    Quote Originally Posted by Daisy View Post
    As Ne valuer I tend to see Ni ego types as trying to narrow things down into one final thing (like only one perception is correct) which seems somewhat restricting to me. But talking with other Ne ego it's quite the opposite, I feel like my perceptions are only expanding which gives me a sense of freedom.
    Self typed IEI on this forum (doesn't post often tho') keeps saying she likes different perspectives all the time. I've observed other IEIs tend to align with this kind of thinking, too. I would say perspectives is an Intuitive thing in general but Ni does stop at one point and doesn't chase all ideas just to keep expanding. However, narrowing things down into one final thing is possibly Ni with Rationality. Ni leads themselves instead report what I've described here now. Irrationality plays into not wanting to restrict too many things fully / with finality. Specifically, as far as I understand, Ni leads do see a direction things are going in, but compared to Rationality+Ni they are more often laidback about the direction changing (I guess that's how they get along with their Se base duals, too).

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    Not a ton of info but this confirms once again that you definitely aren't Alpha NT. There are a lot of Se themes - getting what you want, autonomy, fascination with war, physical activity, harsh language. I actually like the suggestion of LSI. Perhaps ESI is also worth considering.
    You seem to ignore the strong Irrational themes and the Fe PoLR. I know you in general ignore Irrationality/Rationality but where do you see any openness to Fe in this guy, over the Te pragmatism?

    Quote Originally Posted by thehotelambush View Post
    If you actually like "situations where I need withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me" that would definitely suggest valued Se, and if you're good at acting and thinking on your feet in such situations it would suggest strong Se also. That's where I would look to distinguish Se suggestive vs. creative.
    Yeah the ILIs I've known are not great with thinking on the move even though otherwise they do like Se. I can't however say that I want situations where I'm to withstand an onslaught of things being thrown at me. Something is really off for me in that wording. I think the randomness is what is off for me. Just things being randomly thrown at me?! I'm ok with having to react to whatever comes up if it doesn't totally fuck up my important plans, if it does I'll be very angry, and I can hardly say I prefer such a situation lol. I'm not Irrational enough to change all that shit around easily let alone happily. I like challenges and fights otherwise yeah. And I wouldn't describe it as just withstanding the stuff either, btw. That's a bit too passive and maybe more a Ni orientation but I don't know.

    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I could see why you could think LSI, however a lot the behaviors LSIs are commonly described of having are things I am actually quite opposed to. Usually the only times I act aggressively towards someone is when they act aggressive first, I really don't get any pleasure from this whole "pressuring" people business. I basically just return the attitude anyone gives me, I'll be nice to nice people and be difficult with difficult people.

    I also find rules/laws to be a huge annoyance and would much rather rip up and destroy a social hierarchy then create or enforce one. Could be related to contra-flow stacking though, as you stated.

    Anyway you still could be right, you definitely don't seem like someone in my opposite quadra.
    If you are ILI and gamma, she wouldn't be in your opposite quadra. But yeah you prefer to be left alone more than engage actively for managing things in society like Se creative does. I agree that you are really anti-Ti too, lol.

    Quote Originally Posted by User Name View Post
    My guess is SLI. I get a very strong Te-valuing attitude (like here: "I can enjoy doing anything that directly benefits myself more then something that doesn't."). You're pragmatic, down-to-earth, have a job, a car and a house and you're proud about it. All points that make me think Te > Ti. From my perspective, you're obviously a Sensor (actually it is better to say that you're not an Intuitive, that's what I get). Still not sure about the Temperament. Delta ST (SLI/LSE) should be the area to analyze (I wouldn't doubt that you belong to the ST Club). Read theory, descriptions and find your best fit.
    You are emphasizing the Gamma attitudes yeah, though the part about having pride in those materialistic things is also stereotypically Se valuing. You'd care about neither for its own sake according to the theory. That is, your motivations would not align with that even if life forces you to pretend to care.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Self typed IEI on this forum (doesn't post often tho') keeps saying she likes different perspectives all the time. I've observed other IEIs tend to align with this kind of thinking, too. I would say perspectives is an Intuitive thing in general but Ni does stop at one point and doesn't chase all ideas just to keep expanding. However, narrowing things down into one final thing is possibly Ni with Rationality. Ni leads themselves instead report what I've described here now. Irrationality plays into not wanting to restrict too many things fully / with finality. Specifically, as far as I understand, Ni leads do see a direction things are going in, but compared to Rationality+Ni they are more often laidback about the direction changing (I guess that's how they get along with their Se base duals, too).

    You seem to ignore the strong Irrational themes and the Fe PoLR. I know you in general ignore Irrationality/Rationality but where do you see any openness to Fe in this guy, over the Te pragmatism?
    That's a good question - I'm still not sure. But the suggestive function is not always obviously valued - for example I don't necessarily see openness to Fe in your own behavior but I see you as LSI for other reasons. I do think that @Muddy has "lightened up" a bit and started joking around more on the forum lately (like see his spreadsheet entries).

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    I think now that lack of Fe in others actually tends to piss me off quite a bit. I find myself tending to care less if a person I talk with has any valuable information to say and more about their attitude. I get very easily pissed off by people who behave rudely and coldly and it's next to impossible for me to like people like that regardless of others factors. In the other hand, if someone is pleasant and sincere I feel as though I could forgive them for just about anything else that might be unfavorable about them.
    Last edited by Muddy; 05-28-2018 at 06:02 AM.

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    I always found it cruel when ESE would be in the process of fucking me over (work related usually) but have the weirdest smile. Now I realize they're expecting it to make up for whatever on precisely the above basis

    that's actually a huge mystery solved, because I've never seen someone state Fe suggestive so directly, but it makes perfect sense. ESE is not really evil, or trying to mock, they're simply trying to make up for it with positive emotions (and they don't know where the breakdown is, its like they just know they're in a bad situation and are trying to Fe rather than Te it)... its like if you can't figure out exactly where the breakdown is, the idea is positive emotions may make up for it or at the very least get the LxI to explain or overlook it or otherwise expend surplus effort in order to fix things. It always just frustrated me further though

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    Don't know if it's something multiple sociotypes would relate to but I relate a lot to this old post of you :
    In this post you exude this research : caring and encouraging teammates, aka Fe; and hostility to rude and/or pressuring behaviour, aka Se and/or Te.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddy View Post
    I think now that lack of Fe in others actually tends to piss me off quite a bit. I find myself tending to care less if a person I talk with has any valuable information to say and more about their attitude. I get very easily pissed off by people who behave rudely and coldly and it's next to impossible for me to like people like that regardless of others factors. In the other hand, if someone is pleasant and sincere I feel as though I could forgive them for just about anything else that might be unfavorable about them.
    Actually, the bolded sounds Fi. IEEs are way more like this than EIEs, for example, lol.

    FWIW... I personally don't necessarily get pissed off by people who behave rudely or coldly. I'm not trying to like all people, so no problem. If they do treat me or someone unfairly is when I get pissed off, but not just because they come off rude or cold.

    I really do not see you as any kind of Fe valuing type, after enough observation. You never react to emotionally directly engaging stuff from people, you do not really have any openness in that way.

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    I think you’re ILE @Muddy
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