Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange View Post
I don't advocate not changing anything on our society. Joe Rogan is the one who wants to live in a barter society. I just suggested that he walk the talk, and he can live in those places tomorrow if he wants. All he needs is a plane ticket. Oh, and maybe some vaccinations, but maybe he doesn't believe in them. IDK.

And what is that infant mortality caused by? Not office work, I think.

So let's talk about how a person can become un-alienated from the means of production, which is what this thread seems to be about.

Rogan seems to want to make pottery, even though I'll give odds that he's never tried that and has no idea of what is involved.

My solution would be to make education to whatever level a person wants free of cost to them (the number of people who would take advantage of this would probably be close to the number of people in prison today, so the cost to society would not be significant and we might see a profit) and to print money to give everyone who wants one a job. The jobs don't even have to be productive, they just have to engage a person, because unemployment of any kind is destructive to a human being.

People tend to want to get more stuff from applying less work. This impulse increases productivity, so while basic food production once required over 90% of society's output, it is now much less, and people are free to find some other things to do. This productivity progression is not going to stop anytime soon, at least not before we run up against hard resource or pollution limits (used all the world's Phosphorus to make bones, or cook in our waste heat), so now that you are free from being attacked by your neighbor for your chickens or having your kids die of smallpox or starving because the McD's have all closed, what are you going to do to fulfill your next level on Maslow's pyramid of needs?

Or what is your suggestion for what the rest of us can do to make your life more fulfilling?
By stating that Joe Rogan wants to live in a barter society, you've already misrepresented his video. I'm stopping here.