Quote Originally Posted by Without Warning View Post
This is super informative! Thank you! I see exactly what you mean now - and I believe your guess was right. Theatrical romantic seems quite fitting.

I’m very well known to love wearing tank tops like the one pictured above when it’s warmer and people tell me I pull it off. I also have a swearer similar to the one in the last pic. I could very well picture myself doing (and enjoying) a “Romeo” style. This post is really just pushing me to go clothes shopping again.
Glad it helped Yes. If you wanna go for more glamorous Romeo style I think buying something like that might fit really well:

Special occasions:

Daily life, I selected something similar to what you usually like to wear:

(except the V-neckline of course)

^this is so you. My god. Make sure to bring out your curly hair as well, it picks up the rounded lines as well that's why

So you can do both, edgy and "prince-like". You can get If you're clueless what to select in the store, think of Orlando Bloom, Johnny Depp, and Michael Jackson and everything they could pull off, they're also Theatrical Romantics. You can never throw enough intricate jewelry on them so if you have a lot of bracelets or necklaces, go all out. I remember I noticed your Ankh immediately, likely because it is perfect for your style.

(The hair needs more curl everything else is on point)

^everything is flowing. Theatrical romantic + waterfall-like fabric looks just right while other types could never xD

Everything where fabric is gathered together is good like in the winter jacket^

The beige shirt I'm guessing would look awesome on you as well. Your only guideline literally is: small ornaments to make you look like you just walked out of Shakespeare's play.

Whatever silk scarf with a lot of detailed print on it you have, you can dust it off and combine it. At the neck, belt, your bag, as a bandana, everything. Go crazy