Quote Originally Posted by male21
Are you a strong-willed person? When there is something what you want, are you able to constantly push your self to achieve it ...

Quote Originally Posted by male21
... and even if others will be disappointed when you ignore them for your own good?
Not sure.

Quote Originally Posted by male21
Are you a generator of ideas ...
No, but this ability is developing at my age (adolesence).

Quote Originally Posted by male21
... and do you easily understand new ideas ...

Quote Originally Posted by male21
also are you good at getting the most of the characteristics of a man you have know for a while?
I believe so.

Quote Originally Posted by PearlEighty
Skeptical, critical, independent, determined, paranoid, sometimes stubborn… yep, that's me!

My family has joked that I BELIEVE NOTHING AND NOONE. Although I don't have to see and feel everything to believe it, I do require overwhelming proof and a healthy respect for your intelligence to be persuaded.
I'm sceptical, critical, determined and sometimes stubborn. I'm not paranoid. A better word would be "wary" or "slightly distrustful". I'm "getting there" with regards to independence.

As for the second point, I don't require "overwhelming proof" but I do require convincing proof and a respect for the source.