My roommate and I do not get along very well. She's not an outright bully like one of my other roommates, but it's quite rough relations nevertheless. It seems the only time she's ever initiated conversation with me is the one time she told me that actually, she can't sleep with a dim light on if I have a lot of work and have to do some after it gets dark (contrary to what I heard/interpreted from her earlier. Now I leave the room if I need light at night). I try to initiate conversation with her a lot but often she ignores me and gives off an air of not wanting to talk to me. Other times we've talked and it doesn't seem that way at all. She's just somehow really, really hard to read.

She invites her friend in, and sometimes her friend's friends, while I prefer that if I'm going to talk to people it's in public (although this might be a close friend, who knows). She seems like she likes to stay in the room and not do things much but I'm often running around, even if I'm just doing something mundane like studying (I like having a change of environment pretty frequently), so I'm not exactly sure of how much she's in here or for what reasons she leaves.

I'm fairly confident she's a j because her things are fairly neat. She appears to have things well-sorted, although differently than how I sort mine, and also there is never trash/rotting food/dirty clothes on the floor. However, it doesn't seem like there's as much keeping things neat and pretty as I tend to focus on, since she often has her shoes on the floor facing different directions, or books leaning over, or her brush upside-down. I think that would be sort of a weak j (and even a strong j doesn't have to be completely OCD). However, both of us independently thought the mirror was dirty and not just messed up and tried to clean it in various ways to no avail. I considered using my screwdriver to just take it off the wall but that might look worse than it is (who knows what's behind the mirror) and I'm not sure I'm actually allowed to do that either. The biggest difference between how she organizes her things and how I do mine is she tends to keep things like cleaning supplies, hygiene products, and food out in the open while I tend to keep mine either completely hidden away or not so prominent.

The he way she decorates her room is quite different from how I decorate mine. Her things are more bubbly, chique, casual, and modern but I also get a sort of warm/comfy vibe and not a cool/sleek vibe. She likes white, pastel colors, and pink/magenta and turquoise the best. On the other hand, I have black and grey where she has white and a mix of dark and bright by highly saturated colors where she has pastel, and red/purple instead of teal/magenta. I also have a lot of sort of classy-looking things compared to her.

We we both like to read a lot but our book choices are very different. I have a lot of literature/classics and some nonfiction (all of which is over humanities things: history, politics, music, literature, languages/linguistics, etc.) and some quite eclectic books I have various reasons to read, while hers is mostly YA novels (about half or more YA fantasy, but not exclusively fantasy, and I can't actually tell what all of it is), the sole exception being her book club books.

She also doesn't seem to like to eat real food and makes all her meals in the microwave. I often go whole days barely eating anything but when I want to eat food, I want real food. We both seem to enjoy caffeine but I prefer (plain black) tea and coffee (and stronger is better) and she drinks huge amounts of Vanilla Coke. I do like that I've never seen her buy a plastic water bottle though, instead using her water filter and reusable containers. People who buy plastic bottles of just plain tap water all the time like it's some sort of lifestyle/hobby/culture thing tick me off. Multiply that several times if they don't recycle/reuse the bottles when it's not difficult to do so.

So, please help me figure out what my rooommate's type is and how I can better get along with her. Even if we're not going to hit it off like some of my other roommates I at least want it to not be so tense always.