Quote Originally Posted by Maritsa View Post
You're taking what I'm saying out of context. I'm saying it would take one person who thinks that the state of affairs could be improved or optimal if people in certain categories were the only ones to survive ****** ILE and also ESE are perfect examples of people who think this way but it would take one of these people who obviously grew up in a circumstance where they were bitter to do the type of destruction.

My sister is ESE I wouldn't say that of her Aylen she cares about her family and such but I would say this about some very bitter ESE that I know of
so really ILE and ESE are only the most evil if they are raised in bad circumstances, whereas other types raised in bad circumstances are less evil and destructive? (you're still judging by a fixed system and pinpointing the "most evil" types. and if you look at people of these two types - as identified by you - as though they have this evil potential that other types don't have it is still very biased. i just really, deeply, disagree.)