Quote Originally Posted by octo View Post
I've recently met a straight male identical and my body finds him ridiculously flood-my-basement attractive. Does anyone else feel that way about their identicals? Or am I really narcissistic and my body's just super excited at the prospect of being able to bang myself? It's a weird sort of primal attractiveness - I can't even visualise how it would happen (IEI + IEI is like...who would even initiate here?).
You've basically answered your own question; this is not a matter of Socionics type, but rather body type.
Haha. You are not attracted to their personality, but their appearance.

I bet every one of us could find a physically attractive Conflictor smoking hot on a primal physical level.
There is this trope of being ridiculously sexually attracted to someone you unfortunately hate and cannot get along with by any means at the same time. That would be classic Conflictor-love.

To answer your question more directly: On a personality-level, I do not find Identicals too attractive myself. Some do, some don't. It's a hit or miss thing, I've noticed. Those who are very balanced or narcissistic (I guess), will be more drawn to someone like themselves. Those like myself who need someone to balance out their weaknesses more (I am too much Ni subtype, it might be different if I was Fe-IEI), I don't find Identicals romantically appealing.

Now, physically? If the Identical is hot, they are hot. And I'll be physically attracted to them (to some degree). As simple as that. That's the nature of sexual attraction, haha. Btw, men tend to experience this more on a regular basis, given women are biologically less "visual" and more wired to find personality traits and other cues more appealing in a partner. But hey, women can still be sexual creatures, and lust after someone just because their body is nice.

P.S: Perhaps you are asking this question, because your dualization has made you more receptive to and aware of Se: picking up on the physical properties of hotties, haha.