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Thread: Could I be SLE? LOL

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Default Could I be SLE? LOL

    Honestly though.. I've legitimately been considering it only because I focus SO much on (hidden agenda of EIE) and I seem to have a lot of weird related problems .. which could also be explained by EIE totally disregarding .. ? I think I just wanted to make a type thread haha. Because I still go between IEI and EIE as well.. so why not throw SLE into the mix?! I feel like if you all met me in person, you might believe the possibility more.

    Nah I'm just a kitten trying to roar..

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Honestly though.. I've legitimately been considering it only because I focus SO much on (hidden agenda of EIE) and I seem to have a lot of weird related problems .. which could also be explained by EIE totally disregarding .. ? I think I just wanted to make a type thread haha. Because I still go between IEI and EIE as well.. so why not throw SLE into the mix?! I feel like if you all met me in person, you might believe the possibility more.

    Nah I'm just a kitten trying to roar..
    Here's the thing about the ignoring and why it is named so.

    Dimensionality of functions. Four dimensions(Ex, No, Si, Te), four functions, two modalities. So, let's take an ESI as an example, shall we? FiSeTiNe II TeNiFeSi or in other words: 4D functions are Fi and Si, 3D functions are Se and Fe, 2D are Ti and Ni and 1D are Ne and Te. There is a pyramidal hierarchy to the functions: people are most comfortable in using their strongest functions. It is not until ignoring function(Fe) until the person begins actually prefering the unconscious functions. Unconscious functions being TeNiFeSi yeah. So, you begin your information gathering and processing and expressing function at your base function: Fi. It is the strongest, most conscious function that determines (no exaggeration here) EVERYTHING you do. Everything is a reflection or due to ESI's relationship towards the object, yeah. After that, you semi-consciously use your Si-so don't be alarmed if you catch yourself in the hedonistic streaks, sunbathing or such. The point is that you use Si EXCLUSIVELY for your own benefit-if you were a SEI, you'd build your entire world(instead of your entire concept of entertainment) around it-meaning you'd use it when interacting with others fully consciously. After your Demo function(Si), you use Se-this is most visible when you are NOT in the comfortable situations, dealing with strangers, that sort of thing(otherwise, you revert to Si). This is best visible when some kind of emergency comes up-you end up using some weird mashup of Si and Se. Consciously, it's mostly Se, but don't be fooled. There's a lot of Si there as well. After Se we come down to the "IGNORING" function-namely Fe. Why is ignoring function named so? Here's a comely example:

    Your significant other has made a blunder in a public eye. Your S.O won't back down and keeps on crusading against the masses? What do you do? Naturally so! Most Fi doms completely reject their social graces(which are not little by any standard!) and choose to backup their S.O. Maybe they will even try to disarm the situation by calming their S.O. down. But they won't do what an ESE would do(perhaps even SEI): ESE would apologise to the public for the unacceptable behaviour of their S.O. and practically perforate their relation because COMMUNITY MUST NOT BE HARMED! Do you see the difference? Naturally! And why is it so?

    Because when put into such a situation, ESI's Fi completely eclipses their Fe and they go into a sort of a tunnel vision-even if they don't act like it usually. The same happens with ExE Fe and their Ign Fi, SxE Se and their Si. THAT is why it is called "Ignorant" situation. It's not that you completely ignore it 24 / 7-the hell no. It's too strong to be ignored! It's just that it goes vs an unfortunate adversary, a completely imbalanced matchup to be sure: vs the base function. It's only natural that it gets stomped. But it only gets stomped in the "EITHER OR" situation(some kind of a crisis-perceived or real). Otherwise, you can and most likely will use your Ign function-even if use unconsciously.

    So, in a "crisis" situation what gets eclipsed? Fi by Fe, Ne by Ni or Si by Se? I could describe few of such situations-in fact the Fi-Fe situation has already been described.

    Did any of this help?

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    make a video interview so your type could be checked

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    I think you are EIE. You're a bit more assertive/wild than the typical IEI but yeah you don't really "roar" like an SLE or whatever. Also female SLEs are still females so they aren't going to come off as "strong" as the male ones. But I still can't see you as SLE at all. As they are more naturally logical, and you clearly have so much Fe.

    I think you just need some attention , so /hug.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Honestly though.. I've legitimately been considering it only because I focus SO much on (hidden agenda of EIE) and I seem to have a lot of weird related problems .. which could also be explained by EIE totally disregarding .. ? I think I just wanted to make a type thread haha. Because I still go between IEI and EIE as well.. so why not throw SLE into the mix?! I feel like if you all met me in person, you might believe the possibility more.

    Nah I'm just a kitten trying to roar..
    That's so weird, that you think your HA could be your main function. I just noticed something similar with one of my oldest friends, who I typed SEE bc it was so obvious to me. She is super, super Ni-seeking, hippie, pleasant to be around and knows tons of people. By chance we started talking about personality theory, and she told me with complete confidence, "I'm INFP!"

    It really made me think about how we understand and project socionics - so much of it is based on how we choose to understand ourselves.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Honestly though.. I've legitimately been considering it only because I focus SO much on (hidden agenda of EIE) and I seem to have a lot of weird related problems .. which could also be explained by EIE totally disregarding .. ? I think I just wanted to make a type thread haha. Because I still go between IEI and EIE as well.. so why not throw SLE into the mix?! I feel like if you all met me in person, you might believe the possibility more.

    Nah I'm just a kitten trying to roar..
    EIE is definitely prone to having some issues with Fi/Ti. (It's really the low Ti and the ignored Fi together)

    You are way too confident in Fe expression to be SLE. A bit too scattered to be Ti ego, as well

    Quote Originally Posted by maithili View Post
    That's so weird, that you think your HA could be your main function. I just noticed something similar with one of my oldest friends, who I typed SEE bc it was so obvious to me. She is super, super Ni-seeking, hippie, pleasant to be around and knows tons of people. By chance we started talking about personality theory, and she told me with complete confidence, "I'm INFP!"

    It really made me think about how we understand and project socionics - so much of it is based on how we choose to understand ourselves.
    Yeah, that, and the way one conceptualizes typology theories. Mistaking HA for Base though is a relatively common mistake, or so I hear. I sometimes almost start to consider Ni base for myself, lol. I realize though that it's just me focusing on Ni stuff in that moment; also noticing some superficial similarities to other types that are not specific enough to type and are not at all to do with the core of Model A.

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Here's the thing about the ignoring and why it is named so.

    Dimensionality of functions. Four dimensions(Ex, No, Si, Te), four functions, two modalities. So, let's take an ESI as an example, shall we? FiSeTiNe II TeNiFeSi or in other words: 4D functions are Fi and Si, 3D functions are Se and Fe, 2D are Ti and Ni and 1D are Ne and Te. There is a pyramidal hierarchy to the functions: people are most comfortable in using their strongest functions. It is not until ignoring function(Fe) until the person begins actually prefering the unconscious functions. Unconscious functions being TeNiFeSi yeah. So, you begin your information gathering and processing and expressing function at your base function: Fi. It is the strongest, most conscious function that determines (no exaggeration here) EVERYTHING you do. Everything is a reflection or due to ESI's relationship towards the object, yeah. After that, you semi-consciously use your Si-so don't be alarmed if you catch yourself in the hedonistic streaks, sunbathing or such. The point is that you use Si EXCLUSIVELY for your own benefit-if you were a SEI, you'd build your entire world(instead of your entire concept of entertainment) around it-meaning you'd use it when interacting with others fully consciously. After your Demo function(Si), you use Se-this is most visible when you are NOT in the comfortable situations, dealing with strangers, that sort of thing(otherwise, you revert to Si). This is best visible when some kind of emergency comes up-you end up using some weird mashup of Si and Se. Consciously, it's mostly Se, but don't be fooled. There's a lot of Si there as well. After Se we come down to the "IGNORING" function-namely Fe. Why is ignoring function named so? Here's a comely example:

    Your significant other has made a blunder in a public eye. Your S.O won't back down and keeps on crusading against the masses? What do you do? Naturally so! Most Fi doms completely reject their social graces(which are not little by any standard!) and choose to backup their S.O. Maybe they will even try to disarm the situation by calming their S.O. down. But they won't do what an ESE would do(perhaps even SEI): ESE would apologise to the public for the unacceptable behaviour of their S.O. and practically perforate their relation because COMMUNITY MUST NOT BE HARMED! Do you see the difference? Naturally! And why is it so?

    Because when put into such a situation, ESI's Fi completely eclipses their Fe and they go into a sort of a tunnel vision-even if they don't act like it usually. The same happens with ExE Fe and their Ign Fi, SxE Se and their Si. THAT is why it is called "Ignorant" situation. It's not that you completely ignore it 24 / 7-the hell no. It's too strong to be ignored! It's just that it goes vs an unfortunate adversary, a completely imbalanced matchup to be sure: vs the base function. It's only natural that it gets stomped. But it only gets stomped in the "EITHER OR" situation(some kind of a crisis-perceived or real). Otherwise, you can and most likely will use your Ign function-even if use unconsciously.

    So, in a "crisis" situation what gets eclipsed? Fi by Fe, Ne by Ni or Si by Se? I could describe few of such situations-in fact the Fi-Fe situation has already been described.

    Did any of this help?
    I could not read any of this lmao.. I'm sorry.

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by BulletsAndDoves View Post
    I think you are EIE. You're a bit more assertive/wild than the typical IEI but yeah you don't really "roar" like an SLE or whatever. Also female SLEs are still females so they aren't going to come off as "strong" as the male ones. But I still can't see you as SLE at all. As they are more naturally logical, and you clearly have so much Fe.

    I think you just need some attention , so /hug.
    Teehee yes, I did want attention *hug back. How does SLE seeking come across? Is it not also sort of ploying for that sort of affection/attention? I've always had a real problem with knowing how people feel about me unless they express it very obviously/intensely.. Aren't Fe Egos more skilled at this? I know I'm confident at displaying myself, but it's almost like I deeply crave it from others as well, to the point where it feels like my hidden agenda.. ?

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by maithili View Post
    That's so weird, that you think your HA could be your main function. I just noticed something similar with one of my oldest friends, who I typed SEE bc it was so obvious to me. She is super, super Ni-seeking, hippie, pleasant to be around and knows tons of people. By chance we started talking about personality theory, and she told me with complete confidence, "I'm INFP!"

    It really made me think about how we understand and project socionics - so much of it is based on how we choose to understand ourselves.
    If she is SEE, her HA would actually be , not

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    from toronto with love ScarlettLux's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    EIE is definitely prone to having some issues with Fi/Ti. (It's really the low Ti and the ignored Fi together)

    You are way too confident in Fe expression to be SLE. A bit too scattered to be Ti ego, as well

    Yeah, that, and the way one conceptualizes typology theories. Mistaking HA for Base though is a relatively common mistake, or so I hear. I sometimes almost start to consider Ni base for myself, lol. I realize though that it's just me focusing on Ni stuff in that moment; also noticing some superficial similarities to other types that are not specific enough to type and are not at all to do with the core of Model A.
    Can you describe what you mean by low Fi/Ti issues? I agree I am scattered

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I could not read any of this lmao.. I'm sorry.
    But why not? It can't be shortened because a problem needs to be identified, analysed, contrasted with a similar problem(so its properties become visible) and ultimately elaborated / defined. That is just what I did...or?

    It contains some pretty insightful things .

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Teehee yes, I did want attention *hug back. How does SLE seeking come across? Is it not also sort of ploying for that sort of affection/attention? I've always had a real problem with knowing how people feel about me unless they express it very obviously/intensely.. Aren't Fe Egos more skilled at this? I know I'm confident at displaying myself, but it's almost like I deeply crave it from others as well, to the point where it feels like my hidden agenda.. ?
    I've heard EIEs say it before that they do want to get some of what they put in back from others. Perfectly reasonable as well. Maybe this is what you are talking about?

    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    Can you describe what you mean by low Fi/Ti issues? I agree I am scattered
    Boundary issues, regulating relationships, etc. What are your "weird Fi related problems" like?

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I could not read any of this lmao.. I'm sorry.
    I'm supposedly Ti ego and I've had some difficulty understanding some of @nondescripts post myself lol.

    As I see it, he basically said that the ignoring function gets put on the back burner in most situations in favor of the base function. Because the ignoring function usually gets, well, ignored, this can lead to consequences when you ignore it when it turns out to be the more appropriate option, hence your Fi problems. However you can still use it when you are in a situation where there is a very clear and obvious demand for it, unlike the polr function which is completely helpless.

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    If you ask @Ananke, she still believes you are SEE.

    I've considered SEE for you as well as SEI. No, I don't necessarily think you're my dual. I've considered other types than ILE for myself. I don't necessarily think we're even in the same quadra. But for you, I can definitely see either Se or Si first. And no, I don't see any Ti. None. No ability to summarize, synthesize, or classify information. You are pretty much devoid of Ti. SLE is way out of the question. Yes, little kitten, save the roaring for the real SLEs.

    I can see either EIE, IEI, SEI, ESE, or SEE. It depends how you classify Fe versus Fi and Se versus Si. I'm more likely to type you as a Sensor than Intuitive. I don't see much Ni or Ne. Beta NF is still *possible*, with Fe-subtype for either Beta NF. But one thing is certain - no Ti. None. Definitely not SLE.

    No ability to classify, synthesize, or summarize information eh? That makes me sound absolutely retarded hahahhaahah.

    So why do you think S > N

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    1. Pretty much everything you do is in-the-moment. I don't see any Ni Beta NF warnings of the repercussions of starting something which will lead to a disaster later down the road, or patience when it comes to different viewpoints. Your style is drastically different than someone like Starfall. She might like you and 'claim' you as a Beta NF because she likes you, but that doesn't mean functionally that you're a Beta NF. Consider how she or other IEIs or ILIs act when they don't like someone or don't like an idea - they may distance themselves from it or criticize it passive-aggressively. But no, you tend to charge head-on into the conflict. Even an EIE can be more behind-the-scenes, if you consider someone like Jadae - you, however, are more in-the-moment.

    2. There's little to no understanding of patience over time or seeing the sequence of how things progress. I haven't seen any ability from you to delve to the true essence of things, or to vocalize your impressions in the way Ni egos do.

    3. You have little patience for pure theory, preferring to learn conversationally. @nondescript already spelled out a very theoretical answer for you which you blatantly shot down with a smug "I could not read any of this lmao.. I'm sorry." It's not a *bad* thing, it's just people learn in different ways - and typically Sensors struggle more with pure theory.

    4. There's also very little randomness or generation of new connections/ideas/theories for you to be Ne-ego. Ne-ego for you is also completely out of the question. You don't easily see how things are connected or related to one another.

    Those are simply my impressions. I think being SF is much more likely for you, be it Gamma SF or Alpha SF - again, however you classify Fe & Fi and Se and Si. I would personally lean more towards SEE for you - it has the same Se-leading which you are now considering, but no Ti.

    And not to be rude about it, but to hammer my point home of no Ti - I also think there is something to be said of a start date of October 2005, and almost 10 years later, in September 2015, to be still wondering one's type, and whether you have the ability to analyze new pieces of information like a Ti ego would. I don't think a true Ti-ego would be wondering their type 10 years later - at least not likely, without a valid reason.

    I apologize if any of this was overly critical or rude, but I'm trying to keep it constructive. Have a good day.
    LOL Nah I didn't take any of this as rude, cause I know you and you're a harmless friendly dude.

    But let me respond:

    1. Your description of Beta Ni "warning of impending doom" is extremely stereotypical and honestly -- when the heck did other IEIs ever do this on the forum? I've always kinda disliked that description of anyway and I don't think it makes real sense unless you're in a battle situation or something lol.. In re: to different viewpoints -- how is this an related thing? If anything, I know of many IEIs who are VERY staunch on their specific ideologies, etc, and that is due to their HA. Very, very common on this forum as well -- take strrrng for example. Gilly was an EIE and he PLUNGED into conflict similarly to me. However, again -- I always felt akin but also different to the EIEs on this forum, as well as IEIs. I agree I am "in the moment".

    2. I have no patience, this is true LOL.. everyone IRL knows this about me. But is it related to type? Who knows. However, I definitely display ability to process and vocalize impressions related to time.. I'm very obsessed with patterns, nostalgia, "delving into the essence" of something as you describe... aka what is the meaning of so & so movie or song? I am constantly very attuned to things like that.

    3. Pure theory .. Socionics is pure theory LOL! Nondescript's essay just hurt my head and that is not to me. It almost sounded foreign, and I couldn't follow it, also he was using the example of an ESI for 80% of what he wrote... so I didn't get the logic there. I have never struggled with theory in my entire real life -- I have only struggled with the practical portion of learning. I am currently in a Master's of Science Occupational Therapy program & the only thing I have difficulty with is "common sense" stuff.. I have always excelled academically .. like REALLY excelled -- scholarships and such to do my undergraduate degree in psychology.. graduated w/ high distinction, etc. I suppose I come across as a little ditzy not only on the forum but also in person at times, until I really buckle down and feel like having a good conversation or debate.

    4. Nope, I agree I do not have strength in or value

    And to address the thing about me questioning my type 10 years later (OH GOD I'VE BEEN ON HERE 10 YEARS) ... I really haven't, I've set on Beta NF, EIE for the longest time.. it's just been a bumbling thought in my mind and I wanted to create a type thread about MOI. I do know that I was considering SEE as well.. that's also possible -- I truly think that if someone were interacting with me IRL, their first impression would be SEE.. but deep down I can't be.. I value incredibly too much and it's obvious

    Also let me add that reading over old and current posts I make - I know I come across very exaggerated, and this is how I speak IRL 100%.. I'm not the best at being articulate verbally, and I have again, that problem of coming across ditzy.. but when I sit down and write a paper, or even a journal entry, it come across really quite beautiful (not to brag, but yes to brag) ... I've always been much better at the written word but on the forum I just don't care and I don't think before I type.

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    I keep thinking of things I want to mention.. I've always thought this was dual-seeking.. I have a HUGE need for structure and others to BREAK SHIT DOWN for me in a very easy, step by step manner.. synthesizing information.. I am an exceptionally curious person and always am asking others to provide me factual information or WHY so & so is such & such way. I really admire people who are simply .. knowledgeable. It's so calming.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    But why not? It can't be shortened because a problem needs to be identified, analysed, contrasted with a similar problem(so its properties become visible) and ultimately elaborated / defined. That is just what I did...or?

    It contains some pretty insightful things .
    i found it hard to read as well. (ie i skipped it, i just tried rereading, and it still seems skippabled)

    maybe you need to work on your presentation skills.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I keep thinking of things I want to mention.. I've always thought this was dual-seeking.. I have a HUGE need for structure and others to BREAK SHIT DOWN for me in a very easy, step by step manner.. synthesizing information.. I am an exceptionally curious person and always am asking others to provide me factual information or WHY so & so is such & such way. I really admire people who are simply .. knowledgeable. It's so calming.
    break down what?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Satan View Post
    i found it hard to read as well. (ie i skipped it, i just tried rereading, and it still seems skippabled)

    maybe you need to work on your presentation skills.
    My problem reading it was the presentation actually. It would have been easier to read broken down into smaller paragraphs and without so many words in all CAPS.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by Aylen View Post
    My problem reading it was the presentation actually. It would have been easier to read broken down into smaller paragraphs and without so many words in all CAPS.
    Why, that post oughta be a test of Fe ego lol! Almost every Fe ego reacted the same, while others reacted normally. Question: Do you Fe-egos have trouble reading the likes of Gulenko, Jung and the like as well?

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Why, that post oughta be a test of Fe ego lol! Almost every Fe ego reacted the same, while others reacted normally. Question: Do you Fe-egos have trouble reading the likes of Gulenko, Jung and the like as well?
    I understood what you wrote. I just like it broken into smaller paragraphs and without the caps. The caps were distracting for me since they seem to jump off the page. When I read I can take in a lot of words all at once. I kind of see each paragraph as a whole volume of info but the more words in it makes it harder to get the over all essence of what is being said, I don't read much Gulenko on my own since I don't have a big draw to him. I will read quotes. I have no problem reading Jung except most of it looks like a wall of text online.

    Edit: I don't mean to criticize you. I used to be a spelling, grammar and punctuation Nazi but then one day I decided there was more to life than getting hung up on such things. I rarely proofread before posting anymore because I used to get paralyzed by my own proofreading. Used to take me an hour to post a short paragraph. Let me tell you that was stressful. So go on and do your thing. Those drawn to read it will and those who aren't won't. That's just the way it is...
    Last edited by Aylen; 09-03-2015 at 08:23 PM. Reason: lol @my word choice edit

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Why, that post oughta be a test of Fe ego lol! Almost every Fe ego reacted the same, while others reacted normally. Question: Do you Fe-egos have trouble reading the likes of Gulenko, Jung and the like as well?
    It was tricky to follow and relied to heavily on terminology abstraction in place of actual substance. Having sais that, you made some great points about dimensionalities of the functions with appropriate IE for ESI in particular. Still, you never gave any insights into her type as you failed to mention much about her as a person.

    Also, I feel this question your are asking is irrelevant. Fe egos are perfectly capable of grasping complex written language. Are you seriously comparing your analysis with Gulenko's and Jung's? Not really in the same league.

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    Quote Originally Posted by wacey View Post
    It was tricky to follow and relied to heavily on terminology abstraction in place of actual substance. Having sais that, you made some great points about dimensionalities of the functions with appropriate IE for ESI in particular. Still, you never gave any insights into her type as you failed to mention much about her as a person.

    Also, I feel this question your are asking is irrelevant. Fe egos are perfectly capable of grasping complex written language. Are you seriously comparing your analysis with Gulenko's and Jung's? Not really in the same league.
    When it wasn't meant to say anything. It was supposed, as was clearly written at the end, to make her question herself whether she shuts down the Fi or Si during the "critical" moment.

    Also, thank you for your comments .

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I agree I am "in the moment".
    What is that like for you?

    I have always excelled academically .. like REALLY excelled -- scholarships and such to do my undergraduate degree in psychology.. graduated w/ high distinction, etc
    Well that's not really S/N related because I'm similar to you with that. Maybe the issue you have with "common sense" stuff is S/N related, depending on what sort of stuff exactly that is.

    4. Nope, I agree I do not have strength in or value
    Are you not able to easily handle Ne without really valuing it?

    And to address the thing about me questioning my type 10 years later (OH GOD I'VE BEEN ON HERE 10 YEARS) ... I really haven't, I've set on Beta NF, EIE for the longest time.. it's just been a bumbling thought in my mind and I wanted to create a type thread about MOI. I do know that I was considering SEE as well.. that's also possible -- I truly think that if someone were interacting with me IRL, their first impression would be SEE.. but deep down I can't be.. I value incredibly too much and it's obvious
    Why would you think the first impression would be SEE? How do you value Fe?

    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I keep thinking of things I want to mention.. I've always thought this was dual-seeking.. I have a HUGE need for structure and others to BREAK SHIT DOWN for me in a very easy, step by step manner.. synthesizing information.. I am an exceptionally curious person and always am asking others to provide me factual information or WHY so & so is such & such way. I really admire people who are simply .. knowledgeable. It's so calming.
    This is generic T superid, you mention both Ti and Te aspects.

    Can you answer my post too? (Post #13)

    PS: not saying you must be SEE, I hardly know you; just curious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Why, that post oughta be a test of Fe ego lol! Almost every Fe ego reacted the same, while others reacted normally. Question: Do you Fe-egos have trouble reading the likes of Gulenko, Jung and the like as well?
    Jung and Gulenko don't write in the manner you do. They actually flesh out what each concept means.

    I didn't have a problem reading your post, tho', it was just a highly personalized expression of your understanding of the theory

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    Quote Originally Posted by Muddytextures View Post
    I'm supposedly Ti ego and I've had some difficulty understanding some of @nondescripts post myself lol.

    As I see it, he basically said that the ignoring function gets put on the back burner in most situations in favor of the base function. Because the ignoring function usually gets, well, ignored, this can lead to consequences when you ignore it when it turns out to be the more appropriate option, hence your Fi problems. However you can still use it when you are in a situation where there is a very clear and obvious demand for it, unlike the polr function which is completely helpless.
    I'd note again that the low Ti also factors into the issues along with that Fi ignoring. I would think the ignoring function usually easily contributes to the base function's needs, it is only ignored in the sense that it's a slave to the base by letting the base function have the products of the ignoring function shaped into its own agenda. But yes, when the base function does not need any contribution from the ignoring, it will get completely ignored and will appear weak then.

    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    If you ask @Ananke, she still believes you are SEE.
    Honestly on its own it means nothing what one person types another person. Not really very relevant reasoning to contribute to a final conclusion.

    Lol about Ti egos not considering types 10 years later, @Satan has just posted in this thread, he's a prime example of such a Ti ego.

    I agree on the low Ti, definitely 1D, nothing new there. As for charging into a conflict, I don't see that as any sort of decisive factor for typing, again. I've seen EIE do this. (Definitely EIE, not SEE) What we need to consider here is whether that in-the-moment thing is Se orientation without Ni or Fe orientation without Ti.

    Why bother with weakish correlations of concrete examples and traits here when they will never result in an unambiguous typing?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    Jung and Gulenko don't write in the manner you do. They actually flesh out what each concept means.

    I didn't have a problem reading your post, tho', it was just a highly personalized expression of your understanding of the theory
    Of course they do! I can barely read them(especially Carl) due to heavily academised speech pattern. But I have all sorts of trouble reading and even understanding what alpha NTs want or say. I...lose attention almost immediately when they open their mouth.

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    Quote Originally Posted by nondescript View Post
    Of course they do! I can barely read them(especially Carl) due to heavily academised speech pattern. But I have all sorts of trouble reading and even understanding what alpha NTs want or say. I...lose attention almost immediately when they open their mouth.
    They do... write in the manner you do or they flesh out the concepts?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Myst View Post
    They do... write in the manner you do or they flesh out the concepts?
    What I meant was that "of course they do write differently / of course they do don't write like me". It's weird, I know.

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    Also, I should really stop derailing. It goes vs my beliefs, but my wishes to speak my stances are so strong!

    Meh derailing trollmaster 9000.

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    Quote Originally Posted by ScarlettLux View Post
    I keep thinking of things I want to mention.. I've always thought this was dual-seeking.. I have a HUGE need for structure and others to BREAK SHIT DOWN for me in a very easy, step by step manner.. synthesizing information.. I am an exceptionally curious person and always am asking others to provide me factual information or WHY so & so is such & such way. I really admire people who are simply .. knowledgeable. It's so calming.
    Well then Ti-DS fits you well. Ti/j reduce things to the essential, letting you know just what "you need to know" - which you probably agree with.

    Separately: I know your problem here is with Fe Ego, but just saying that I find your type most likely ESE. Beta NFs hold much on their image, while you were always sincere and direct. I am not saying here that Beta NFs may not be themselves, on the contrary, just they are different (their self is somewhat "synthetic", instead of "organic"). I was reminded about and advanced into thinking that recently, in your "single and looking" thread, whatever it was called. You don't play the dating game. Seriously? If the dating game is just one thing then it is Beta NF! It's in the descriptions how what matters most to these types is how they present themselves to others (including themselves). If it counts, it's also my experience, I am always advised by them (Beta NF) how to behave and handle these situations "smoothly". Yea right!

    I know the ESE type is (wrongly) deprecated within this community, so I have no high expectations from this. But hey, I am telling the most reasonable thing I can.
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    Glad to know I'm not the only potential ILE who thinks she may potentially be Alpha SF.
    Cool! Note that I would rather go with EIE than SEI as a second option.
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    Quote Originally Posted by The Ineffable View Post
    Beta NFs hold much on their image, while you were always sincere and direct. I am not saying here that Beta NFs may not be themselves, on the contrary, just they are different (their self is somewhat "synthetic", instead of "organic"). I was reminded about and advanced into thinking that recently, in your "single and looking" thread, whatever it was called. You don't play the dating game. Seriously? If the dating game is just one thing then it is Beta NF! It's in the descriptions how what matters most to these types is how they present themselves to others (including themselves). If it counts, it's also my experience, I am always advised by them (Beta NF) how to behave and handle these situations "smoothly". Yea right!

    I know the ESE type is (wrongly) deprecated within this community, so I have no high expectations from this. But hey, I am telling the most reasonable thing I can.
    Great observations that are true of me. My image is of great importance to me. But I was not aware of how greatly image was behind all that I did and said. Until I began examining myself. Now I am able to step back and understand why I say and do things. I am a little kinder to myself thanks to Socionics. Attention to your IMAGE is frowned on in my world. But thankfully I can be at peace with myself.
    You seek a great fortune, you three who are now in chains. You will find a fortune, though it will not be the one you seek.
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    You shall see things, wonderful to tell. You shall see a... cow... on the roof of a cotton house. And, oh, so many startlements.
    I cannot tell you how long this road shall be, but fear not the ob-stacles in your path, for fate has vouchsafed your reward.
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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    Your statement is true, but Ananke isn't just any 'one person'. Not sure if you've gotten the opportunity to interact with her in your year here so far, since she hasn't been as active lately, but Ananke is a girl who self-types as SLE and is commonly accepted as SLE within the community. So her opinion regarding SL potentially typing as SLE is extremely relevant in this thread. Furthermore, Ananke has been vocal in the past about typing SL as differently than Beta/Beta NF and had typed her as SEE before, and Ananke's typings are ones I view as interesting and important to consider (even if not infallible).

    Of course, not to imply that judgment based on consensus won't ever lead to errors, since it certainly can and often does, but being accepted by the people of a certain type AS that type, and having them see similarities first-hand between you and themselves, is important to consider. I hope you can see the relevance of a female SLE typing someone as not an SLE would make sense in this discussion. I mentioned Ananke with the hopes she may see this and weigh in on her opinion currently, but we will see if she appears or not.
    I'm not wondering about SL being SLE because clearly she is not. But whatever other type any forum member has in mind for her on its own is not going to say much. The reasoning behind will say more.

    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    You tell me then. What is the point in being here? If you can throw darts blindly in the dark, should you, or is it better not to throw the dart at all?

    Proficiency increases over time.
    I don't think proficiency in hitting the target by throwing darts blindly in the dark will improve over time. What's more, this isn't the only option to typing.

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    Quote Originally Posted by William View Post
    Not sure if you're intentionally trying to sound Te-ignoring and Ti-leading, but you do. Perhaps you're a strange LSI e8 combination afterall. Anyway, hopefully Ananke can provide her own Ti-reasoning for you, not just against the SLE typing but in favor of the SEE typing, if that's what she still considers, or if she has another type in mind that she considers more favorable now for SL.
    Not intentional. Yeah, if Ananke chimes in here I'll be happy to read about her thoughts.

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    Hey Scarlett : )

    I have no strong evidence about your type, just wanted to chime in with observations of your writing style over time. There's something in the way you make new threads, new inquairies about your type and love life that is so random and with a happy go lucky attitude - like you don't have a specific agenda behind it, a specific goal you want to reach with these threads, you're just kinda entertaining yourself. Me for example, whenever I make a thread, I have a strong opinion and want to convince everybody of it, so if I'd for example made a thread "Am I SLE?" that would mean "I am sure I am SLE at this moment in time (which may very well change in a few minutes ) and you better all agree with me mofos" And if I'd be somehow subtle about my intentions, it would be just not to appear too obnoxious.

    It seems like you don't particularly care where the threads will go and what type people may suggest for you - , it won't hurt your feelings either way : )You are also always looking for outside imput almost without reservations, it seems you are very dependant on it - like if enough people would say you must be SLE (the same goes for some other types), you would seriously consider it. This kind of unassumingness is something unusual for Beta NF's - and again, speaks against image concern.

    Things I think you're definitely not: IEI, SLE
    Possible: SEE/EIE > Alpha SF (i know, i know lol)

    As far as I see you, there's a strong chance you're SEE (just the less obviously extroverted kind) and it's the Se and Fi enthusiastic combination that's giving the false impression of Fe. EIE is not a bad typing, but there's always this nagging voice in my head that you're a sensor - the way you approach the theory, talk about your life...

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    Oh and yeah....where exactly does the idea about ESE's (as alpha SF's) not being image conscious comes from? They're like people who most of all try to look and act perfect at all times. And they're not particularly humble or always genuine either.

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    Wow hahah people really still don't think I'm EIE. I honestly never knew until now people had doubts about that.. seems like SEE is the main type being considered, and now ESE is being suggested..

    I really, really, really am not ESE. I am the anti-thesis of ESE, imo. I have strong and very, very weak that manifests in itself being very concerned / uncomfortable with health, food, day to day activities.. Unable to relax, unable to take care of these "trivial matters" as I see them... I can't understand the sensations in my body and I'm hyper aware as a result, I have had bouts of hypochondria and such. Also, I completely resonate with Beta quadra themes -- very passionate, conquering despite suffering, the drama + emotionalism..

    To be perfectly honest I *KNOW* I'm extraverted Beta and yeah, I do tend to come across random I suppose and happy go lucky... but that's when I'm actually happy in life. I've recently gone through a very dark time in my life and now this is the true me, I suppose.

    Sorry, I'll reply more later.

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    No? LOL


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    I am not going to comment on your type since I don't have much to go on. You weren't really around when I joined and you don't seem to frequent the forum as much as others.

    I do know that SEE, IEE and ESE can feel right at home in a room full of betas and totally vibe with them. I am only going by people I know irl though. Social and sexual instincts might be in play too when this happens.

    “My typology is . . . not in any sense to stick labels on people at first sight. It is not a physiognomy and not an anthropological system, but a critical psychology dealing with the organization and delimitation of psychic processes that can be shown to be typical.”​ —C.G. Jung

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