Has anyone else noticed that INTjs seem to be stereotyped as pathetic weaklings?

All of the ones that are in my family (my ESE mom's dad and uncle, and myself) share a similar body type; tall with broad shoulders, but very slender. They both stand at 6'4", while I am 6'8". However I'm also only 185lb, so you can imagine how slim I am at my height.

I guess my point is that while I completely relate to most PoLR problems (in particular a complete lack of awareness of my surroundings), I don't necessarily think I "feel" weak. I will admit though that I am very insecure about my ability to act forcefully in a fashion.

To give you an idea of the body type that runs in my family, here is a picture of my mom's uncle (if you were to take off the coat, he would look quite lanky):


And yes, he is a research scientist (in Sociology); a pretty archetypal LII career-wise.

I guess the point of this thread is to ask: has anyone here ever met an INTj who DIDN'T look like a fragile-boned geeky little kid? Or is that stereotype really accurate for the most part?