Well actually my question is more about NOT making eye contact. Here is the scenario:

So I'm sitting across the table from an old friend in a restaurant (otherwise empty, no other people there). We're talking to each other, going back and forth in conversation. The majority of time, in particular when the friend is speaking, she is looking sideways/upward, and only briefly once in a while, swings her eyes to make eye contact.

If i didn't already know that she's a kind, gentle, if somewhat quirky soul, I'd think she was mega-rude, disinterested, bored, and/or crazy. I think she does that because she's shy, just totally oblivious to social conventions, and has a poor ability to recognize how she is coming across.

Wondering if this hesitation with eye contact might be type related. Not sure if it is...

(I'm having a hard time coming up with her type actually).