Quote Originally Posted by Sol View Post
Fe types are too demonstrative emotional, what makes them overdramatic in my taste.
Many times they are not ACTUALLY emotional, only showing the image of something, such as expressed surprise : O . In that instance they are not actually surprised, just giving the cues for surprise. I could say the same of a LSE who is being over dramatic about some small work detail that is a HUGE ISSUE.

Also they try to manipulate your emotional state, while Te types often see their emotions as annoying.
Using the word manipulate in conjunction with the term "Fe" is also annoying. Any IE is used to manipulate. Since we are on the topic, how about manipulating someone to do the task your way because it really is the RIGHT way to do it... again, I'm not understanding why Fe types have annoying emotions, as if that is the only facet of their personality. How is their reactions any different from let's say a SLIs when you use their towel..? Te and Fe are not opposing information elements, they can and do go hand in hand.

Also they lesser care what you'd like
Not true at all.

and sometimes are senselessly not polite.
I'd have to know in what context because politeness is case dependent. Perhaps being polite is not the appropriate reaction. Although, I'm hard pressed to think of an instance where the ESE I know, or the SEIs that I know, were not polite.

S types among them don't distinguish your emotions, like between when you are calm or sad
Calm and sad seem like EXACTLY the kinds of feeling states Si-Fe types would notice, but okay. If you are meaning to discuss how someone is REALLY feeling, their inner sentiments, then yes, Si-Fe types may fall short. Not Ni-Fe types, however.

, - so by trying to do better they do worse
Possibly. Their producing functions might not be adequate enough for what you are needing, sure.

; same hurt they do when you feel bad indeed while they press you additionally by weird emotionality.
As a pure logical type I can understand how this would be a struggle for you to navigate.

I want more base Fi near. To heal my psychic traumas caused by Fe-s.
I hope you heal your traumas. : D