Chat conversation, going from bottom to top.

14/10/2010 02:30 <labcoat> debatable whether it's more important

14/10/2010 02:30 <labcoat> Trev it's about on the same level

14/10/2010 02:30 <Trevor> isn't like P/J the most important when it comes to intertypes

14/10/2010 02:30 <labcoat> statics and dynamics think in completely different ways... it is the most fundamental divide

14/10/2010 02:29 <Vero> It also divides the idea of "clubs"

14/10/2010 02:29 <labcoat> the intertype rule is "quadras get along well" but also "statics complement dynamics"

14/10/2010 02:29 <Trevor>

14/10/2010 02:28 <Bionicgoat> i just don't love it

14/10/2010 02:28 <Bionicgoat> actually i don't hate meatloaf

14/10/2010 02:28 <Bionicgoat> meatloaf for dinner tonight

14/10/2010 02:28 <labcoat> trev, it divides quadras up in a way that gives rise to duality

14/10/2010 02:28 <Bionicgoat> i hate meatloaf

14/10/2010 02:27 <ArchonAlarion> It is fundamental, seeing as it directly relates an element to another by functional organization

14/10/2010 02:27 <Bionicgoat> dead things but they know where you are and come at you

14/10/2010 02:27 <Trevor> foundation? how so?

14/10/2010 02:27 <Bionicgoat> yeah vero

14/10/2010 02:27 <Bionicgoat> undead zombies who want to give you scabies

14/10/2010 02:27 <Vero> It would be pretty insane. Especially when you started running into loved ones

14/10/2010 02:26 <labcoat> most people are too dense to even realize Static/Dynamic is the foundation of socionics

14/10/2010 02:26 <Bionicgoat> not virus zombies

14/10/2010 02:26 <labcoat> trev, a second Static/Dynamic dichotomy that NO ONE knows about

14/10/2010 02:26 <Bionicgoat> undead zombies

14/10/2010 02:25 <Bionicgoat> imagine how unbelievably creepy real zombies would be

14/10/2010 02:25 <Trevor> loosely i intuit all this shit is important

14/10/2010 02:25 <labcoat> yeah dead rising is the ultimate feelgood game

14/10/2010 02:25 <ArchonAlarion> yeah vero

14/10/2010 02:25 <ArchonAlarion> *eve

14/10/2010 02:25 <ArchonAlarion> yes they itch. especially in the ve

14/10/2010 02:25 <Vero> Party of me wishes, just for a day, that I could live out the video game dead rising. Honestly, when they have virtual reality video games, I hope they recreate dead rising so I can play it

14/10/2010 02:25 <Trevor> i have no firm opinion on the matter

14/10/2010 02:24 <ArchonAlarion> they could call the movie "ded bugs" or something.

14/10/2010 02:24 <Bionicgoat> do they itch?

14/10/2010 02:24 <ArchonAlarion> im a new form of zombie... not a mutant rabies zombie, but a mutant SCABIES zombie... MY NE PERCEPTION IS EXPANDING

14/10/2010 02:23 <labcoat> even smilex thinks it's just superficial object/field distributing stuff

14/10/2010 02:23 <Bionicgoat> scabie apococalypse! flee!

14/10/2010 02:22 <Bionicgoat>

14/10/2010 02:22 <labcoat> no one else cares to investigate this

14/10/2010 02:22 <Vero> people, take out your shot guns, they've burrowed into his brain

14/10/2010 02:22 <labcoat> trev, this is revolutionary stuff. only you and I have this power

14/10/2010 02:22 <Trevor> but would like to be enlightened

14/10/2010 02:22 <Vero> at scabies talking

14/10/2010 02:22 <Vero> I loled

14/10/2010 02:22 <Trevor> i dunno wtf are you talking about

14/10/2010 02:22 <labcoat> this makes Taciturn/Narrator the most underrated dichotomy

14/10/2010 02:22 <labcoat> Static/Dynamic is the most powerful dichotomy in socionics

14/10/2010 02:21 <labcoat> Taciturn/Narrator is like the counterpart to Static/Dynamic

14/10/2010 02:21 <Trevor> Merry is Taciturn N narrative S

14/10/2010 02:21 <labcoat> yes, generally put Alpha NTs and Beta STs

14/10/2010 02:20 <Trevor> So do ENTp and ESTp

14/10/2010 02:20 <labcoat> but when I check it with my ISTj brother, it's there.

14/10/2010 02:19 <labcoat> this is something no one ever realizes

14/10/2010 02:19 <labcoat> there you go, deep secret no1

14/10/2010 02:19 <labcoat> INTj and ISTj have Taciturn N - Narrative S duality

14/10/2010 02:19 <Bionicgoat>

14/10/2010 02:19 <Bionicgoat> shit. conversation killer sorry

14/10/2010 02:18 <Bionicgoat>

14/10/2010 02:18 <labcoat> like saying INTjs are psychopaths

14/10/2010 02:18 <ArchonAlarion> lmao

14/10/2010 02:18 <ArchonAlarion> i may care, if i understand them better

14/10/2010 02:17 <Bionicgoat> that's just the scabies talking

14/10/2010 02:17 <ArchonAlarion> oh i dont care about the dichotomies. Just his book presented the types in a way that made things clearer and more generally applicable

14/10/2010 02:17 <labcoat> Taciturn Logic, the Logic that Delta ST and Alpha NT have in common

14/10/2010 02:16 <labcoat> like the ability to conjure up new function symbols out of nowhere

14/10/2010 02:16 <Trevor> or functions have types

14/10/2010 02:16 <labcoat> i think it harbors very deep secrets

14/10/2010 02:16 <Trevor> type has functions

14/10/2010 02:16 <labcoat> Taciturn/Narrator is the craziest dichotomy in socionics

14/10/2010 02:16 <labcoat> Static type has Static functions

14/10/2010 02:15 <labcoat> it's already in the IE definitions so kinda redundant

14/10/2010 02:15 <Trevor> man you come right out of a comic book

14/10/2010 02:15 <Trevor> so static/dynamic is rubbish?

14/10/2010 02:15 <labcoat> i'd say only Process/Result, Positive/Negative and maybe Taciturn/Narrator are worth looking into

14/10/2010 02:14 <labcoat> most of the dichotomies hardly exist in any meaningful way

14/10/2010 02:14 <labcoat> the names he introduced are the only useful thing about his work

14/10/2010 02:13 <labcoat> reinin is overrated

14/10/2010 02:13 <Trevor> even they can do nothing against reinin dichotomies