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Thread: Driving Styles

  1. #1

    Default Driving Styles

    I am probably ILE, most of the time I drive I like to listen to music or think, I find normal driving by itself to be boring unless it has an element of excitement/danger (like if I am trying to go fast in busy traffic because I am in a hurry). For everyday driving though where I am not in a hurry or in need for physical action, I usually prefer to settle in at an average speed and listen to music and drive with the flow of the music, or I prefer to think things through if I'm by myself or converse in the car about stuff if there is another person.

    I've noticed a lot of people in my parent's neighborhood drive differently, they are usually very rushed, and I believe its because they don't think in the car, they just go go go without much thought. It's like they are bored so they create unnecessary excitement by driving really fast, whereas I think about stuff OR get into more of the trance with a music (mental stuff).

    Are different styles of driving type related?

    What are your observations of the way different types drive?

  2. #2


    Are different styles of driving type related?

    What are your observations of the way different types drive?
    I believe different styles are type related. I've not analyzed it much though. Generally, I think intuiters may find learning how to drive a bit overwhelming at first due to sensory overload.

    I'm a reasonable driver, and I do like music while I drive. However, I admit it's difficult to stay focused, and I spending alot of time thinking about other things while I drive. Today, returning home from out of town, I took a few new challenging back roads 'off the beaten trail'. It was enough to grab my attention to stay grounded and safe. I notice my husband, who is a sensor, always remains focused, whatever the conditions. His driving is smooth, actions precise.

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    I drive slowly and above all resourcefully, but my maximum speed is often faster than other people. It's more like I slow down slower and at a lower rate than most everybody on the road, and I speed up slower than everyone else on the road, but I ultimately catch up with them anyway (and I'm pretty sure I don't waste as much gas as they do). Oh, and I never remember what I just did when I was driving. Like I'll get to school and not even know how I did it, I wasn't conscious of it. I often don't listen to music, except on long trips. I don't like when people play their music in my car. Most music sucks. If someone is playing rap next to me, I'll put on my classical and blast it. I've been known to drive 12+ hours without getting bored, and without really stopping at all, because my mind and my dynamic surroundings entertain me. I do like to stick my arm out the window and feel the breeze. I have proven to drive really wild and crazy before, at least in the sense of "we're just having fun, don't worry I'm being careful and there aren't any cops." Most of the time though I'm careful, even though I don't really pay attention to rules: I have my own driving rules. I rarely stop all the way at stop signs. Sometimes I go faster than everyone on the freeway: like on trips. Or if I'm doing normal freeway things I drive pretty slow. I go pretty slow around my town. Driving does help me think and feel more alive and I've been known to drive for the sake of driving. One time I drove 13 hours just to go visit another town and feel alive.

  4. #4


    Quote Originally Posted by cinq View Post
    I believe different styles are type related. I've not analyzed it much though. Generally, I think intuiters may find learning how to drive a bit overwhelming at first due to sensory overload.

    I'm a reasonable driver, and I do like music while I drive. However, I admit it's difficult to stay focused, and I spending alot of time thinking about other things while I drive. Today, returning home from out of town, I took a few new challenging back roads 'off the beaten trail'. It was enough to grab my attention to stay grounded and safe. I notice my husband, who is a sensor, always remains focused, whatever the conditions. His driving is smooth, actions precise.
    Hmmmm interesting as an intuitive type I've never struggled with driving... but the thing I do struggle with is I find it hard when there isn't a lot going on my mind will wander, which is how I get stuck thinking about random stuff.

    I can be fairly lax about driving laws when I am just cruising if there aren't a lot of people around; I'll just look left and right when I approach a stop sign and breeze through it if it clear. I'll just change 3 lanes in one swift movement without signaling if the path is clear.

    It's a different game if people are occupying the area.... then I try to be really rigid about the law. Not because I'm a boy scout but because I don't want to have to dedicate too much thought to paying attention to what they are doing... I can just go on autopilot and do the "drill" out of muscle memory.

    I get frustrated when this gets interrupted.... people who break the pleasant flow of the drill and require me to invest tons of attention into mundane manual tasks... especially since I drive manual because that means shifting through several gears if you have to slow down a bunch and speed back up. (Watch truck drivers in stop and go traffic... they are never eager to speed up or slow down too fast, because it requires a lot of shifting work)

    In fact manual is such an important thing to the way I drive... it's like as I'm approaching a red light or stop sign... I just put the clutch in and coast... sometimes I've been so pro at this that if the stoplight lies on a hill I can have it so that the car will stop without any break right at the stoplight just due to it gliding. After I've driven so much its just like muscle memory to get that feeling of timing... that perfect time to just let off the gas and coast judging by feel of gravity on you, it just becomes a compulsion you feel physically.

    Half the time though, as an intuitive, I'm not even aware of this stuff.... it's like as ingrained into my muscle memory like how to walk or how to breath.

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    Personally, I am the best driver I know. I can not stand being most peoples' passenger, because I am not comfortable with how they drive. I can't stop to think that I would have done something differently, or they didn't use their blinker, or they're not using their high beams on a dark road (or turn them off when approaching an intersection with a stop sign and/or you plan on turning), or they're tailgating, or they didn't warn oncoming drivers about that cop by flashing their high-beams, or I would have chosen a more efficient route, or drive a little faster/slower, or use your hazards when pulled off to the side of the road (and only when you are pulled off to the side of the road), or use your high-beams to signal the tractor-trailer you plan to pass them, etc etc etc.

    It's not that I am vocal about (most) of these concerns, because I hate people telling me how to drive so I will more than likely suffer in silence unless you are absolutely crazy and I feel you are putting my life in jeopardy. If I'm driving, unless you are giving me directions to a location I am unfamiliar with, or helping me scan for traffic, shut the fuck up and let me worry about the driving.

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    You sound like you have Ed. Extroverted driving.

  7. #7


    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Hmmmm interesting as an intuitive type I've never struggled with driving... but the thing I do struggle with is I find it hard when there isn't a lot going on my mind will wander, which is how I get stuck thinking about random stuff.
    Well, my comment was a loose generalization I admitted from the start. In any case, I think there is a lot about driving that is not type related - some of it is age and/or gender based, and well documented.

    Another thing I've noticed is what appears to be seating design issues in most cars leaving many women with poor viewing of the road. You see many women driving, head slightly tilted back, as if they can barely see above the dash. I'd imagine poor viewing would be enough to make them nervous and cautious on the road. This is not a problem for me as I'm above average in height and have no issues finding a good viewing position in most vehicles.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Capitalist Pig View Post
    Personally, I am the best driver I know. I can not stand being most peoples' passenger, because I am not comfortable with how they drive. I can't stop to think that I would have done something differently, or they didn't use their blinker, or they're not using their high beams on a dark road (or turn them off when approaching an intersection with a stop sign and/or you plan on turning), or they're tailgating, or they didn't warn oncoming drivers about that cop by flashing their high-beams, or I would have chosen a more efficient route, or drive a little faster/slower, or use your hazards when pulled off to the side of the road (and only when you are pulled off to the side of the road), or use your high-beams to signal the tractor-trailer you plan to pass them, etc etc etc.

    It's not that I am vocal about (most) of these concerns, because I hate people telling me how to drive so I will more than likely suffer in silence unless you are absolutely crazy and I feel you are putting my life in jeopardy. If I'm driving, unless you are giving me directions to a location I am unfamiliar with, or helping me scan for traffic, shut the fuck up and let me worry about the driving.
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    "Information without energy is useless" Nowisthetime's Avatar
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    I was actually thinking about this today.

    I think SEIs can have problems with driving. I knew one H-SEI how didn't want to drive at all, because she was so bad at it.

    I'm sometimes worried about my driving. I drive in a smooth way, but this smoothness can fool me to think that everything is under control, when in fact, it's just the feeling of control.

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    My ESE sister, cousin, and boss - speed and quick manuvering
    My ILI mom - 75 in 65 zone
    Me -Extremely cautious, observe speed laws and follow them, and most of the time, piss my sister off, who then calls me "a gradma driver"

    When she drives, I fear for my life and when she quickly manuvers in and out of things I get antsy and can just see the accident happening. I always sort of feel that she isn't paying as close attentiontion as I am, because I will look a second time before I proceed, which also drives her crazy, because she thinks I take too long.
    Dual type (as per tcaudilllg)
    Enneagram 5 (wings either 4 or 6)?

    I'm constantly looking to align the real with the ideal.I've been more oriented toward being overly idealistic by expecting the real to match the ideal. My thinking side is dominent. The result is that sometimes I can be overly impersonal or self-centered in my approach, not being understanding of others in the process and simply thinking "you should do this" or "everyone should follor this rule"..."regardless of how they feel or where they're coming from"which just isn't a good attitude to have. It is a way, though, to give oneself an artificial sense of self-justification. LSE

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    Quote Originally Posted by Nowisthetime View Post
    I was actually thinking about this today.

    I think SEIs can have problems with driving. I knew one H-SEI how didn't want to drive at all, because she was so bad at it.

    I'm sometimes worried about my driving. I drive in a smooth way, but this smoothness can fool me to think that everything is under control, when in fact, it's just the feeling of control.
    I relate to this somewhat. I drive smoothly too, but I also rammed smoothly into the back of someone once on a country road because I was too relaxed and not expecting someone to stop in the middle of the road. I think I'm mostly a fine enough driver though. :-p I try to not get into people's way or terrorize them. I avoid running over people. I try to avoid fines. When I was a kid, I told myself that I'd never learn how to drive, that I'd just ride a bike everywhere, because it seemed like everyone was a bit pyscho and angry on the road. But I've since decided that my mother is possibly the exception to the rule. I rather like driving now. Especially long trips on which I can erm daydream or listen to music. I hate jerky drivers. I like going fast with people who know what they're doing.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I relate to this somewhat. I drive smoothly too, but I also rammed smoothly into the back of someone once on a country road because I was too relaxed and not expecting someone to stop in the middle of the road. I think I'm mostly a fine enough driver though. :-p I try to not get into people's way or terrorize them. I avoid running over people. I try to avoid fines. When I was a kid, I told myself that I'd never learn how to drive, that I'd just ride a bike everywhere, because it seemed like everyone was a bit pyscho and angry on the road. But I've since decided that my mother is possibly the exception to the rule. I rather like driving now. Especially long trips on which I can erm daydream or listen to music. I hate jerky drivers.

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    I thikn my idea for driving is you're meant to "upset" the balance of any passengers until they stop resisting. Speed up, break. Take corners way too fast and tight. And generally drive kind of haphazardly. And then to mellow out a bit for a while until people get comfortable then you have to shake them up a bit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    "Language is the Rubicon that divides man from beast."

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    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    Try a hard hat

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    Yah know, I'd like a roll cage in my car, not to actually race. But just to unsettle people a little more.

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    I don't know how people actually enjoy driving. Enjoy something that risks your life?

    However, I am a fine driver if I am concentrating, but if I become distracted, my driving goes on the back burner, and that is when accidents can happen. But it is not that bad. When I was younger, I never wanted to drive because it was scary, and learning how to drive was probably the most torturous thing in the whole world for me.
    D-SEI 9w1

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  18. #18


    Quote Originally Posted by Rubicon View Post
    I relate to this somewhat. I drive smoothly too, but I also rammed smoothly into the back of someone once on a country road because I was too relaxed and not expecting someone to stop in the middle of the road. I think I'm mostly a fine enough driver though. :-p I try to not get into people's way or terrorize them. I avoid running over people. I try to avoid fines. When I was a kid, I told myself that I'd never learn how to drive, that I'd just ride a bike everywhere, because it seemed like everyone was a bit pyscho and angry on the road. But I've since decided that my mother is possibly the exception to the rule. I rather like driving now. Especially long trips on which I can erm daydream or listen to music. I hate jerky drivers. I like going fast with people who know what they're doing.
    lol I can really relate to the long trips thing... I think that could be something Si-related possibly.

  19. #19


    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    I don't know how people actually enjoy driving. Enjoy something that risks your life?

    However, I am a fine driver if I am concentrating, but if I become distracted, my driving goes on the back burner, and that is when accidents can happen. But it is not that bad. When I was younger, I never wanted to drive because it was scary, and learning how to drive was probably the most torturous thing in the whole world for me.
    Do you think this at all relates to being SEI?

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    Your DNA is mine. Mediator Kam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by HaveLucidDreamz View Post
    Do you think this at all relates to being SEI?
    It relates to me.
    D-SEI 9w1

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    Well, here's the styles I have seen:

    Cautious (unexperienced driver): EII, SLE, IEI

    Reckless (unexperienced driver): LSE, SEI

    Skilled (experienced driver): LII

    Lazy (experienced driver): EII

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    Quote Originally Posted by Kamajama View Post
    I don't know how people actually enjoy driving. Enjoy something that risks your life?

    However, I am a fine driver if I am concentrating, but if I become distracted, my driving goes on the back burner, and that is when accidents can happen. But it is not that bad. When I was younger, I never wanted to drive because it was scary, and learning how to drive was probably the most torturous thing in the whole world for me.
    Wow, you hit it on the spot for me, too.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Random Ness View Post
    Wow, you hit it on the spot for me, too.
    what's the point of being alive if you're not going to live.

    what's the poitn of life if there is no death?

    why do you exist!

  24. #24


    Here's my typology system which in no way is necessary related to socionics.

    Inexperienced Tier

    Reckless Driver
    • Overestimates their ability
    • Takes bold chances without thinking through them
    • Ends up in bad circumstances as a result of impatience
    • Gets frustrated easily
    • Quick to blame others
    • Cuts people off in traffic
    • Steals other people's right of ways
    • Tailgates slow cars
    • Changes lanes in an erratic manner without signaling
    • Lacks fluidity in their movements; jerky, forceful
    • Erratic Lane Changing
    • Runs stop signs and lights
    • Doesn't allow drivers to merge with them
    • When put into a circumstance with merging traffic, always chooses to go first, even when it's ridiculously unnecessary

    Lazy (Day Dreamer) Driver
    • Underestimates their ability
    • Timid and likely to slow down and stop at the slightest sign of danger
    • Ends up in bad circumstances as a result of indecisiveness
    • Gets lost easily, day dreams, bad situational awareness
    • Quick to forgive themselves when they do something stupid and potentially dangerous
    • When entering highways fails to accelerate to the speed of traffic
    • Typically stops in the entry lane of a highway in order to join the flow of traffic
    • Changes lane into a faster traffic flow without accelerating to that speed
    • Occasionally passive aggressively blocks drivers in by driving parallel to other traffic and then pretends not to notice
    • Bad situation awareness, likely to accidentally drive into another drivers lane, doesn't check blind spots, runs stop signs out of ignorance
    • Fails to use their right of way, stops in unnecessary situations where they have the right of way
    • When merging, nervously waits for traffic to clear so that they may enter
    • May use a cellphone, text message, listen to music, talk to friends, put on make up, and so forth with poor multitasking
    • Lacks fluidity; windy, whimsical, swerves

    Normal Tier

    Type A Driver
    • Impatient, Busy, Frantic
    • Takes chances if they feel it will help improve their time with little consideration to risk
    • Susceptible to Road Rage, although can maintain a calm disposition
    • Vindictive and Aggressive when provoked, brake checks tailgaters, tailgates people when blocked in
    • Understands basics of right of ways, but occasionally cuts drivers off when frustrated or when they go too slowly for their taste
    • Changes lanes in an erratic manner if they are behind a car that is going too slowly for their taste
    • Tries to make lights before they turn red, half-asses stop sign stops
    • Occasionally gets competitive with merging traffic
    • Less jerkiness, more fluidity. Direct forceful steamrolling like energy with poor control during stops. May have trouble turning and stopping in weather conditions due to poor habits.
    • Merges with traffic in line ups by sticking part of their car between two cars and forcing their way in.
    • Speeds up quickly on approach to traffic jammed traffic like they would normally do when traffic is not jammed.

    Type B Driver
    • Not in a particular hurry, leasurely, inattentive
    • Twitchy, defensive, nervous when faced with difficult situations.
    • Deals with road raged drivers by passive aggressively messing with them and pretending like they don't notice
    • Understands basics of right of ways, but lacks confidence, typically tries to "feel out" who is going to go at an intersection.
    • Sometimes changes lanes without clearing traffic and can unintentionally cut off other drivers
    • Poor situational awareness, freezes up, misses turns and lanes, inadvertently blocks key busy areas. Typical drivers who are in the wrong lane and try to fly over into other lanes
    • Likely to multi-task while driving (cellphone etc). Leads to poor situational awarness
    • More controlled driving style, less swervy driving and more whimsical, detached driving.
    • Slow to move out when a light turns green

    Experienced Tier

    Alpha of the Road
    • Tries to keep up a fast pace, is excited by fast speed and passing through traffic
    • Take chances but with reasonable consideration to risk, thinks of escape routes if things go wrong
    • Susceptible to Road Rage, remains calm but tries to maneuver by drivers they find bad
    • Aggressive when provoked, prefers to pass traffic they dislike, if drivers compete, allow them to pass. Ignores tailgaters.
    • Changes lanes aggressively to promote fast movement, but clears and signals first.
    • Moves fast through traffic to position themselves in a good place from which they can react best
    • Understands right of ways, confidently takes the right of way when it is theirs, however is susceptible to getting frustrated and aggressive when their right of way is forcibly taken
    • Good timing, typically passes through yellow lights. Accelerates fast out of stop signs and stop lights.
    • Merges intelligently with traffic, tends to be direct and assertive
    • Bulletlike rocket energy, fairly good control

    Chill Driver
    • Laid back cruising energy
    • Opts to not take chances when unnecessary
    • Tries to get in a lane, stay their for a while, and cruise, even if it means ignoring traffic around them, only stopping to consider traffic in important situations
    • Signals well in advance before changing lanes, strategically chooses how to merge
    • Keeps good situational awareness around them, but ignores the entire picture if it's not important to them
    • Understands right of ways, but occasionally decides to let other drivers go. Usually coupled with hand motions and blinking flashers to communicate to other drivers
    • Smooth energy, fairly good control

    God Tier

    Action Pro
    • Pro level control
    • Can make their car do unusual maneuvers (drifting etc)
    • Intuitive second nature feel for how their car responds
    • Masters various traffic scenarios
    • In normal traffic, very much like the experienced tier except with greater capacity to act defensively without having to sacrifice their need for speed

    Smooth Pro
    • Pro level control
    • Can make their car do unusual maneuvers (drifting etc)
    • Intuitive second nature feel for how their car responds
    • Chill rhythmic cruising
    • Like the experienced tier but with greater awareness and fluidity, cooperates with drivers better without being stiff and nervous and still staying chill.
    Last edited by male; 09-16-2010 at 04:31 AM.

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    I'm not a driver, I'm a biker. I'm experienced and assertive. If they don't get me an adequate bike lane, I'm going to block traffic.

    If I got in a vehicle, I would be inexperienced, assertive, and only slightly faster than I am on a bike.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    I've tended to observe that people reveal a lot about their personalities while they are driving (whether they consciously realize it or not)

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I've tended to observe that people reveal a lot about their personalities while they are driving (whether they consciously realize it or not)
    my driving shows my mood ...

    like sometimes i'm more aggressive ... and sometimes i'm pretty mellow and go under the speed limit ...

    although when i say aggressive i speed less than a lot of people ... i just accelerate quicker ... i like to keep constant speed .. and get impatient when people go weird or distracted in front of me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    my driving shows my mood ...

    like sometimes i'm more aggressive ... and sometimes i'm pretty mellow and go under the speed limit ...
    I always ignore the speed limit. Not the speed bumps, though. They're a major nuissance.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I always ignore the speed limit. Not the speed bumps, though. They're a major nuissance.
    gah some areas here have HEAPS of speed bumps .. it's really annoying ..

    when they're really close together sometimes i'll get up to speed in between them and sometimes i'll go a bit under .. but it's annoying .. and makes for more gear shifts. . 2nd 3rd .. 2nd .. 3rd .. 2nd ... 3rd ... or just doing high revs in 2nd ...

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    my driving shows my mood ...

    like sometimes i'm more aggressive ... and sometimes i'm pretty mellow and go under the speed limit ...

    although when i say aggressive i speed less than a lot of people ... i just accelerate quicker ... i like to keep constant speed .. and get impatient when people go weird or distracted in front of me.

    But we show different moods everywhere, not just when we're driving.

    The point I'm trying to make is what aspects of your decision making process gets emphasized and which ones tend to get pushed away when certain situations happen? I think that every person (even the most cautious and safest of drivers) has something that can bother them during the course of a driving experience. What do those tend to be and how do you handle those situations? That is what I think is revealed about a person's personality when they drive.

    Edit: I think that those moments come out more readily while a person is driving.

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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    when they're really close together sometimes i'll get up to speed in between them and sometimes i'll go a bit under .. but it's annoying .. and makes for more gear shifts. . 2nd 3rd .. 2nd .. 3rd .. 2nd ... 3rd ... or just doing high revs in 2nd ...
    I don't have gear shifts.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    But we show different moods everywhere, not just when we're driving.

    The point I'm trying to make is what aspects of your decision making process gets emphasized and which ones tend to get pushed away when certain situations happen? I think that every person (even the most cautious and safest of drivers) has something that can bother them during the course of a driving experience. What do those tend to be and how do you handle those situations? That is what I think is revealed about a person's personality when they drive.
    the thing i find most bothering is when there's glare coming in from the sun at a low angle and it's hard to see .. which can be a problem at certain times of the day at certain times of the year here .. when driving towards the sun ...

    it tends to put me on edge a bit .. like i like being able to see normally..

    but like night driving .. is fine .

    thing is when you're temporarily blind often you have to think through a lot more things and use your hearing more .. and expect other people might not notice you etc. . .be ready to break more etc ..

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    I don't have gear shifts.
    i thought you rode a bike?

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    i thought you rode a bike?
    Not one with gear shifts.

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by tereg View Post
    I've tended to observe that people reveal a lot about their personalities while they are driving (whether they consciously realize it or not)
    Same, unfortunately you get all their neurotic bullshit and disorders as well.

    I am a fairly good driver, but I'm a little Type A (not the Type A in my post above though), I have high standards for other drivers and get easily frustrated when people mess up, I even gesticulate unintentionally when frustrated (I don't flip people off, that seems trashy to me). I usually always have an escape route in mind if something goes wrong or someone attempts to cut me off. I hate it when drivers are twitchy and nervous in unnecessary situations, when drivers are competitive with other drivers who want to be left alone, when drivers don't understand how to merge/yield/how right of way works/and cooperate, and when drivers are timid and nervous and stop cluelessly in critical places that need good traffic flow.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Not one with gear shifts.

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    Darn Socks DirectorAbbie's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by mercutio View Post
    Weirder than a dead goat.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    Weirder than a dead goat.
    goats are cool. don't kill them abbie.

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