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Thread: Fear, Movies, and Enneagram Types

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    Default Fear, Movies, and Enneagram Types

    Type 6 - Zombies/Body Snatcher/Social Paranoia/Trust/Survival Horror/Disease
    I can see how the type 6 could be oriented towards this particular fear, it underscores the idea of everyone around them being untrustworthy/contamenated. Usually in these genres, there is a tight nit group of people which the protagonist can trust and then others that cannot be trusted. This seems to relate to intensity triad (issues of trust intimacy) and the fear/anxiety/dread of thinking types.

    Zombie Movies, Body Snatcher (Aliens in Disguise), Survival Horror, Outbreak/Disease, Catastrophy Survival, Being Decieved

    Type 5 - Mystery/Dread/Psychological/Investigation/Internal/Existental-Nihilistic
    Type 5 I think is more psychological in its fears, less focused on the exterior world, but more internally focused, like being psychotic and not knowing it, loosing control. They are competency triad. Also since they are investigators the fear of a 5 is more slow-building and investigative, like a slow building dread. Movies with a 5 style of fear go for some unknown source of fear or dread that is slowly investigated, whilst a mounting tension arrises. Also fears helplessness, being trapped and confined. Also existential fears, like not really existing.

    Existential (Not really existing), Being Crazy/Psychological Unstable and not knowing it, Investigating Old yet Mounting Problem (associated with dread), Being Helpless/Confined/Trapped/Isolated, Loosing psychology health due to isolation, Being Watched/Observed/Controlled by something unknown, Being Alienated, Loosing Touch

    Type 7 - Comedy
    Type 7's usually don't prefer to focus on fears, so if there is any horror they must deal with they're preferred outlet is comedy... keeping it light and fun.

    Horror-Comedy, General Comedy

    Type 4 - Drama/Dark Fantasy/Seduction/Gothic/Melancholy/Existential-Nihilistic
    4's are dramatic and not fear oriented... they are likely to engage into moody/absorptive/dramatic things, usually taking a darker/melancholy mood when they feel something similar to fear. The difference is the focus is on emotion or drama rather than the dread and fear... although 5/4 mixes contain an element of both. Say the phantom of the opera in ways contains elements of the 5 with the gothic nature and mystery, but its 4 since the focus is on drama and dark fantasy/seduction/self-pity.

    Self-Pity, Gothic, Melancholy, Alienation, Being Fundmentally Useless/Ununique/Flawed -- Not Existing, Dark Fantasy, Indulging in Taboo, Loosing sense of self/identity

    Type 3 - Not Measuring Up
    3's fears are not measuring up, when I think of 3's ways of dealing with this fear I think of happy melodramatic movies like liar liar. Where the protagonist is a typical american commercial man, that tries but who has problems/issues that leave them feeling unworthy, eventually with a little luck they overcome their issues. This is very similar to the 7 in that its outlet is optimistic. However 3's in general outside of american culture where the 3 meshes well with the 7, tend to have a more 4/3 sense of horror, narcisstic/gothic ideas, focused around feeling unworthy and being fake in a darker sense.

    Loosing Identity to Image, Becoming Rejected for being useless/worthless, Gothic, Self-Rejecting, No Internal Grounding

    Type 2 - Abadonment Anxiety
    Like the 3, but this one has to do with being all alone, alienation essentially but not in a 3/4/5 way, not in a kafka way. The 2 is basically clingy and fears to be seperated and left alone and rejected. 2's don't make good art surrounding this fear usually as when they fear seperation they become possessive and selfish, for them their medium for dealing with this abadonment anxiety is helping out. Usually 2's are portrayed indirectly in other genres by other types in a sympathetic light in as being the "suffering servant"... matyr like in quality. Usually its to make the audience feel pity and there is really no true horror, very few movies are made which gives insight into the psyche of a 2 fearing abadonment. The closest thing would be some lifetime movies or something where the idea is to encite empathy in the audience for the mother/women who tries to help out but is reject, thus making isolated house wifes feel better about their plight vicariously.

    Matyr, Suffering Servant, Abused but well meaning caretaker, Victim, Self-Pity

    Type 1 - Moral Decline
    Self Explanatory.....

    Social Destablization, Loosing Control -- Giving into Evil/Debauchry, Social Infrastructure becoming broken, Moral Decline

    Type 9 - Gentle Souls
    Usually don't have a normal sense of fear as the 9 is a gentle soul, usually in such a stable low energy state so as to not cultivate fear or nightmares

    Type 8 - Sociopath/Predator/Hunted-Hunter/Master-Slave/Epic/War/Action
    Fear others dominating, hunting, taking control of them. Not a highly intellectualized fear like that seen in the 4-6 spectrum, but when combined with 4-6 can be. Essentially centers around being hunted/stalked and so forth. 8's prefer to deal with this by similar themes of survival as the 6... except action/battle/dominance/heroism takes center stage rather than survival and trust. The wings and tritype add different flavor to this; a 8/7 is likely to go for a more action/comedy fun idea. While an 8/6/5/4 tritype stacking will focus on the issue of survival, trust, and being hunted/watched.

    The fear spectrum spreads from

    8 - Action
    7 - Comedy

    6 \
    5 - Issues of Dread/Fear
    4 /
    Fades between
    3 \
    2 - Social Interaction Issues
    1 /

    9 - Relaxation
    8 - Action

    7/8/9 are three seperate methods of dealing with fear.... Comedy/Action/Relaxation

    6-1 is a fading spectrum

    - Issues of Dread
    Fades from external paranoia (trust, worry from environment) to internal parnaoia (control, existential, psychological) at 6 to 5
    Fades from dread to drama at 5 to 4
    Fades from internal drama to external drama at 4 to 3, and leaves issues of dread

    -Social Fear
    Fades from personal worth to social worth at 3 to 2
    Fades from social worth to moral worth at 2 to 1
    Fades from moral worth to needing peacefulness at 1 to 9

    Then goes from needing peacefulness to having to act
    Then goes from having to act, to enjoying life (acting) and seeing the lighter side of things
    Which goes to dread and the cycle continues again.
    Last edited by male; 06-16-2010 at 07:53 AM.

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