1.) Yes. This topic obviously has something to do with my change of my self-typing. Not that it matters, but I did bring this exact point up a couple years ago for the exact same reasons. I can't find the topic that she posted with the video, but here are a couple of topic in which in reference it:
http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...tml#post215511 and http://www.the16types.info/vbulletin...me-videos.html (I've also probably always had it listed as a possibility on my wikisocion type list.)

2.) I know that 95% of the responses to this particular topic are most likely going to be "you're crazy, Joy". That's fine. That's the response that people always get when challenging long "established" typings.

3.) Where's Herzy's focus on Ti? Other than writing a couple of type descriptions (and finishing translating one), there really hasn't been a whole lot of discussion about Socionics from Herzy. There certainly hasn't been much focus on the Ti aspects of Socionics, in any case.

4.) If there's one thing that Herzy is good at, it's inspiring mood in others. And that's sort of the bottom line of all of this. She's always been really good at that.

Anyways, I think Herzy is most likely Fe dominant.