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Thread: Romancing Styles for ISTp-ENFp, INFj-ESTj dualities

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    Default Romancing Styles for ISTp-ENFp, INFj-ESTj dualities

    I saw these on a Google translated Russian forum

    *English translations by Ssmall*



    Outwardly severe and businesslike, this sociotype contains in itself a tendency towards two quite different types of love: Pragma and Eros: fire and ice, realistic calculations and passionate affection makes him an internally contradicted person. He prefers to be ruled by reason and does not follow his feelings. Businesslike interests usually prevails over feelings and even over the pleasure from the contact with a loved person. However, periodically it arranges for its sensations a real celebration.

    This is a caring and reliable partner. He does all that is possible for the one he loves. His partner might feel a lack of compliments and verbal expression of feelings, but Controlling proves his love in practice, taking on himself most of the concerns and is fully satisfied if his partner is involved in the common matters and is accomplishing the tasks which require only attention and patience.

    He needs a partner - assistant which won't force his own will, methods or will dictate his own terms. Controlling might appear totally dry, controlling and demanding person if he wouldn't be to a degree softened by the presence of sensual love - Eros. Inclination towards this form of emotional behavior sometimes makes him romantic and generous in relation to the object of his feelings.

    He is capable to be faithful to his partner if the partner satisfies him sexually or if he values such partner in life for practical reasons. His feelings can burn long and vividly, although healthy pragmatism is not alien to him. In the absence of reciprocity he is capable of being guided by the feeling of duty, able to resist a new interest (in a person). He obeys to Pragma his erotic feelings also although he can recall his past lover for a long time.


    Combination of diplomatic Storge and inventive Filia makes him an ideal life partner for Controlling who is quite a difficult partner. On one hand Humanist allows him to be the head of the family but on the other hand he demands from a partner mutual understanding and respect to his interests. He specifically checks that he would not have differences with Controlling in worldview, personal behavior in regards to others, in upbringing of children, on future plans and everyday matters.

    In union with Storge - faithful family love, such manifestations of love of Filia hardens even more the union with quick tempered, proud and authoritarian Controlling partner. Humanist like no other finds approach to his dual. He can hold himself in control and do not say something unnecessary.

    Humanist presents his claims in such a form that his partner becomes embarrassed by his unethical behavior and sharp statements. Talks about relationships in this case ends up not with a quarrel but with a reconciliation or with a promise to reexamine his behavior.

    Humanist has an inherent patience and tact, caution and diplomacy but he is natural with those who he loves and prefers to speak the truth or to keep silent. His love Storge seeks happy harmonious family life, full of kindness and mutual concessions. But not onesided! Humanist - not a Victim sociotype. Even if he allows to be guided in practical matters due to his weak ability to deal with difficulties or absence of forceful qualities and confidence in itself, this does not mean he will allow his partner to cross the line dividing a caring friend from a heartless dictator.

    Humanist uses up a lot of mental forces on re-education of his partner and in time makes him closer to his ideal. If the partner does not go for compromises, does not listen to his counsel he can break this union. Controlling is set to the creation of durable family: upon sensing such a threat he can do everything in order to fix the relationship.

    The spiritual side of love for the Humanist means much more than the erotic one, furthermore he is shy and therefore needs an initiative taking partner who will actively show his desires. In love Humanist is restrained, mistrustful, observant. Little deviations in the behavior of the partner he receives painfully and does everything he can in order to preserve reciprocity in feelings. Even if in order to do this it is necessary to demonstrate offense and alienation. Humanist forgives regretting dual and tries to never remind him of the reason for their disagreement.

    Controlling can't stand discussion on personal matter and furthermore discussing relationship problems. Due to this he is inclined to do hasty conclusions and frequently commits ethical slips which complicates his relationships with people surrounding him. Lack of patience and self-control sometimes makes him sharp and tactless, he doesn't have enough not only diplomacy but also self-criticism. Due to this he needs the patience and perseverance of the Humanist who will tactfully and consistently re-educates his dual. Humanist acts not only as an educator but constantly he acts on the conscience of Controlling who is sufficiently sensitive and high moral principles are not alien to him.



    Like the Humanist, has a combination of forms of the love Of [filia] and [Storge].

    But [Filia] here predominates and determines the tendency of inspirer toward the harmonious of <[semeynoy]> of love only when it perceives complete spiritual proximity with the partner. In contrast to the humanist, this is - passionate, irregular, unrestrained in his emotions person. As ethics and ex-grassRT, it experiences great interest in the new people. Therefore for its partner it is necessary to be sufficient to competitive in order to for a long time hold the attention of this uncommon and agitated satellite of life.

    Inspirer - large romantic can for long be in the captivity of his illusions. He is capable to idealize his love and its object so strongly, which can for long store faithfulness to its ideal in the soul, even having no hopes for reciprocity. True, it will not sit, idly. It will conquer reason, soul and, if it is must, then the body of the human, who is for it super-value, and it will make this until it attains reciprocity. After being disappointed in its ideal, it deeply and strongly survives.

    To it now and then is not sufficient the common sense, it is capable to accomplish rash behavior and to go on to occasion in its feelings. At the same time, because of the presence in its emotional behavior of the component of the love Of [storge], he tries to spare its close ones and not to create complications in their life. It so will penetrate by empathy which can for the good of others endow by its own interests.

    Inspirer little is adapted to the life and greatly he needs concern, attention, sensitivity, patronage and support of more realistic, more practical and quicker in the everyday problems person. But it will not carry, when they roughly govern it, something to it they tie, force it to suffer. It instinctively moves away itself from the partner, who causes sufferings to it.

    It is not capable it takes a long time to be jealous and to compete with the possible rivals. It will not begin to tie itself and to attain reciprocity, if he feels, that it they disregard. Because of the tendency toward the love Of [filia] it is approached equality in everything and if someone for it much means, then it must be out of the competition for its elected official. Will not otherwise obtain development the other side of its relations - [Storge].

    It is disposed to the sincere relations and it heavily transfers fraud in any form; therefore its satellite must be accurate and truthful. For the inspirer, as for the humanist, is very important the spiritual side of love, but it attaches also great significance to erotic relations. The absence of initiative from the side of partner, makes it necessary to doubt the completeness of his feelings.

    Inspirer is capable to convert love into the poem, to make by its sense of his life, but he can unexpectedly be disappointed in his satellite, without having met complete reciprocity, or if that does not satisfy its high ethical requirements. This makes with its unpredictable partner.


    Master, who combines extremes - the forms of love eros and pragma - as no one other is capable to give to its partner everything which is necessary for the family happiness. From the erotic of enjoyment, capability for prolonged sensual and spiritual inclination - to the stability and the reliability in the personal life, the complete touching concern, the attention and the mutual aid in everything. In contrast to the manager, in it is less than the pragmatism and it is more than tendency toward the harmonious relations with the partner.

    Master greatly worries about the sincere comfort of close people. It is usually constant in its attachments, it is restrained in behavior and statements. Greatly it survives, if it involuntarily offends someone. True, it is not always capable to immediately recognize its fault. Pragma makes the conservatism of love with its sufficiently difficult partner, but it willingly goes towards the dear person and it attempts to restore lost harmony, if it sees that this desire is mutual. Love eros forces to his much to pardon his elected official, but another feeling - pragma follows the fact so that these sins would not exceed the scope of that permitted.

    It is very restrained in the manifestation of feelings, but large sensuality is hidden under the mask of coldness. Master is disposed to the durable and harmonious relations, such as only can give two most suitable for this forms of relations - [Storge] and pragma. It is also ready to divide the interests of its partner and to reach with it the necessary spiritual proximity for complete harmony in the interrelations, which for this dual pair - main value in the life. Both partners it actively are approached.

    Trying in everything to be such, such as it they loved and they respected, demanding to himself master strives for personal increase and development. Thus he becomes sufficient to competitive in order to maintain constant comparisons with others. Furthermore, master loves passionately and sincerely, true, not for the outside eyes. He knows how to wake up the sensuality of inspirer, who frequently doubts his desires and who badly realizes them.

    Inspirer now and then seems it by the capricious child, to educate whom with the constant condescension and the love - one pleasure. Imperious and confident in themselves people do not please master, their activity - even in the erotic - suppresses it and does not leave place for its own creation. This realist, who too sensibly looks at the life, the optimism of eternal child- inspirer, which helps commands to avoid grief and despondency.

    Last edited by Marie84; 12-09-2009 at 09:40 AM. Reason: added English translation for LSE/EII
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    Fourth quadra: "Holmes (Stirlitz, LSE), Watson(Dostoyevsky, EII), Gaben (SLI) and Huxley (IEE).

    Playful behaviour, laughter, tingling of partner etc. all of this is included into sexual program of Delta quadra. Holmes shows more energy but less creativity in order to shake up shy Watson and is less restrained in comparison to Gaben. Gaben himself, while saving energy, along with his dual shows more creativity, both of them look at it as

    great art. It is characteristic for Huxley women to have twisty, coquettish and cat-like movements. Greatly impacted by outside stimulus - films, literature, music. The soft spot of Huxley is compassion: partner can succeed by talking about their suffering/problems. In such situation Huxley becomes gentle, feels great need to bring relief.

    at least to someone. By the way another nickname for "Huxley" is "Don Giovanni": he can successfully court a woman but at the last moment can shy away from intimacy. Only his dual "Gaben" or activator "Holmes" can take the initiative into their own hands.

    Caring woman or Woman-mother.
    (Stirlitz, Gabin)

    Inclined to take care of their male partner. Attracted to weak but intelligent men who obey her in everyday matters. She enjoys to protect, support and cheer them up. Character traits which are not respected in theese men in public mind, this woman either forgives or considers acceptable.

    "Infantile" woman, or woman-daughter
    (Dostoevsky, Huxley)

    The ideal for this woman is a man who is goodnatured, experienced and well adapted to real life, usually older than her. In such man's presence she feel like a little girl who is totally dependent on him. In love games prefers psychological factor - open/intimate talk, fitting music, the creation of conditions for relaxation. Above all values forgiveness and care.

    Caring man or Man-father
    (Stirlitz, Gaben)

    Partner who is experienced and attentive to the spiritual world of a woman, able to draw her to him by caring/protective courtship. In love games greatly values feminine tenderness, awaits admiration for his life experience and skill.

    "Infantile" man, or man-son
    (Dostoevsky, Huxley)

    Dependent, naive in wordly affairs, expects work-related and emotional support from a woman. Involuntarily emphasizes his lack of attention, lost abilities, inadequacy for real life struggles. In women respects experience and responsiveness to his problems.

    Caring woman

    Does not accept from a man strong but coarse caresses. Forceful erotic play which is deprived of foreplay diminishes her sexuality, for this reason men-supermen disappoint her. Behaviour of a man who is compatible with her has to be infantile-like, ie timid, hopingly inviting. Such woman loves caresses which are expressed in childlike strength, gentle touches of erogenous zones. Relationship with a Victim does not satisfy her as his capriciousness, tricks and provoking of force surprise her and repel. Relationship with caring men with identical psycho-sexual desires also in time disappoints her, although in principle she does not have anything against it. Sooner or later among all that comfort surrounding her she will feel a lack of spirituality.

    "Infantile" woman (child)

    In erotic life of women of this type most importance is for subtle caresses and psychology of relationship. She demonstrates fragility and childish naivety with her actions without having any special intentions. Infantile woman easily accepts affairs and hobbies of a man she is attracted to. In love games she with pleasure accepts the initiative of Caregiver man by showing her own finesse and imagination. For supermen ie men of Agressor type, such woman obviously shows interest but getting closer to them is afraid due to their instinctivness and roughness. Men of Victim type satisfy her only partially: starts romantically but then leads to misunderstandings about with his displays of suffering and unpredictability. With Infantile men she will definitely feel discomfort due to lack of care about her daily needs. Such pair will have alienation slowly growing.

    Last edited by Marie84; 12-09-2009 at 09:38 AM.
    EII INFj
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    Far out I'm sick of trying to interpret machine translated Russian =/

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    Slippery when wet Simon Ssmall's Avatar
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    If I will have enough patience ill try to translate it in the next few days, no promises though, I'm not famous for following through.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    If I will have enough patience ill try to translate it in the next few days, no promises though, I'm not famous for following through.
    Thanks Ssmall.

    The artifact which is the source of my power will not be kept on the Mountain of Despair beyond the River of Fire guarded by the Dragons of Eternity. It will be in my safe-deposit box. The same applies to the object which is my one weakness.

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    There is a somewhat improved version of these somewhere on this forum, and perhaps also on the wiki socion. Search for "types and love", or something like that. It was all about the stogre, eros, pragma, etc, and how they related to the types.

    Humanist presents his claims in such form, which the partner becomes shameful for his incorrect behavior and sharp statements. The explanation of relations in this case finishes not by quarrel, but by reconciliation or by promise to reexamine its behavior.

    In humanist are inherent patience and time, caution and [diplomatichnost], but it is artless with those, whom it loves and prefers to speak truth or to keep silent
    Definitely accurate in my book.

    Therefore it is necessary patience and the perseverance of the humanist, with whom that tactfully and consecutively re-educates its restive [duala]. Humanist appears not only in the role of the educator, he constantly acts on the conscience of manager, who is sufficiently sensitive and it is not alien high moral principles.

    Last edited by UDP; 12-01-2009 at 10:43 PM.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    In the love the humanist is restrained, distrustful, observant. Least deviation in the behavior of partner receives it painfully and does entire possible so as to preserve reciprocity in feelings. Even if for this it is necessary to demonstrate offence and alienation. Repented [duala] humanist pardons and tries never to not remind one of the reason for their differences.
    One of the few times I can say that a type description depicts something that is true in my case. I'm assuming that last sentence means that the "humanist" (I hate that word btw) feels bad about this behavior, which is true in my case as well.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    If I will have enough patience ill try to translate it in the next few days, no promises though, I'm not famous for following through.

    Thanks for the links, the second one doesn't appear to be working though

    I suppose only the second post I added is fairly new than...

    btw why the emotion? Were you agreeing or disagree with what the article stated?
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    Fourth quadra: "Holmes (Stirlitz, LSE), Watson(Dostoyevsky, EII), Gaben (SLI) and Huxley (IEE).

    Playful behaviour, laughter, tingling of partner etc. all of this is included into sexual program of Delta quadra. Holmes shows more energy but less creativity in order to shake up shy Watson and is less restrained in comparison to Gaben. Gaben himself, while saving energy, along with his dual shows more creativity, both of them look at it as

    great art. It is characteristic for Huxley women to have twisty, coquettish and cat-like movements. Greatly impacted by outside stimulus - films, literature, music. The soft spot of Huxley is compassion: partner can succeed by talking about their suffering/problems. In such situation Huxley becomes gentle, feels great need to bring relief.

    at least to someone. By the way another nickname for "Huxley" is "Don Giovanni": he can successfully court a woman but at the last moment can shy away from intimacy. Only his dual "Gaben" or activator "Holmes" can take the initiative into their own hands.

    Caring woman or Woman-mother.
    (Stirlitz, Gabin)

    Inclined to take care of their male partner. Attracted to weak but intelligent men who obey her in everyday matters. She enjoys to protect, support and cheer them up. Character traits which are not respected in theese men in public mind, this woman either forgives or considers acceptable.

    "Infantile" woman, or woman-daughter
    (Dostoevsky, Huxley)

    The ideal for this woman is a man who is goodnatured, experienced and well adapted to real life, usually older than her. In such man's presence she feel like a little girl who is totally dependent on him. In love games prefers psychological factor - open/intimate talk, fitting music, the creation of conditions for relaxation. Above all values forgiveness and care.

    Caring man or Man-father
    (Stirlitz, Gaben)

    Partner who is experienced and attentive to the spiritual world of a woman, able to draw her to him by caring/protective courtship. In love games greatly values feminine tenderness, awaits admiration for his life experience and skill.

    "Infantile" man, or man-son
    (Dostoevsky, Huxley)

    Dependent, naive in wordly affairs, expects work-related and emotional support from a woman. Involuntarily emphasizes his lack of attention, lost abilities, inadequacy for real life struggles. In women respects experience and responsiveness to his problems.

    Caring woman

    Does not accept from a man strong but coarse caresses. Forceful erotic play which is deprived of foreplay diminishes her sexuality, for this reason men-supermen disappoint her. Behaviour of a man who is compatible with her has to be infantile-like, ie timid, hopingly inviting. Such woman loves caresses which are expressed in childlike strength, gentle touches of erogenous zones. Relationship with a Victim does not satisfy her as his capriciousness, tricks and provoking of force surprise her and repel. Relationship with caring men with identical psycho-sexual desires also in time disappoints her, although in principle she does not have anything against it. Sooner or later among all that comfort surrounding her she will feel a lack of spirituality.

    "Infantile" woman (child)

    In erotic life of women of this type most importance is for subtle caresses and psychology of relationship. She demonstrates fragility and childish naivety with her actions without having any special intentions. Infantile woman easily accepts affairs and hobbies of a man she is attracted to. In love games she with pleasure accepts the initiative of Caregiver man by showing her own finesse and imagination. For supermen ie men of Agressor type, such woman obviously shows interest but getting closer to them is afraid due to their instinctivness and roughness. Men of Victim type satisfy her only partially: starts romantically but then leads to misunderstandings about with his displays of suffering and unpredictability. With Infantile men she will definitely feel discomfort due to lack of care about her daily needs. Such pair will have alienation slowly growing.

    More to come...Please comment on sentences you find difficult to read. After I'm done with this Ill work on EII-LSE part as it seems there is little talk about this dual pair in here.
    Last edited by Simon Ssmall; 12-04-2009 at 01:07 PM.
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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    In erotic life of women .....
    heheheh, you said erotic.

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    hehehe...I also said erogenous zones.
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    lol, you did too.

    Nominate this thread as NSFW, lol.

    Edit: Good work with the translation

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    Wow that just makes the IEE male sound pathetic.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    Wow that just makes the IEE male sound pathetic.
    Where is it wrong though?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    Where is it wrong though?
    I'm not dependent on anyone and I don't think I would really like the idea.
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  17. #17


    I am OK with type descriptions, but I am skeptical of relationship descriptions, too many other dynamics and how can anyone meet enough dual pairs to write a fairly encompassing description?

    Intertype relations are probably as good as it gets. Dual descriptions for particular pairings can probably be done, but it's awful hard to get it right or to check it in comparison to the other descriptions like type and general intertype ones I reckon.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    I'm not dependent on anyone and I don't think I would really like the idea.
    Ditto this sentiment.

  19. #19


    How about "helpless" instead of "dependent"? I find things like forms and applications and oh god whatever else endlessly disorienting.

    Dependent, naive in wordly affairs, expects work-related [I'm not working just yet] and emotional support from a woman. Involuntarily emphasizes his lack of attention, lost abilities, inadequacy for real life struggles [since these are apparently involuntary... I can't comment ]. In women respects experience [realism also works] and responsiveness to his problems.

    Bolded bits definitely apply for me.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Coolanzon View Post
    How about "helpless" instead of "dependent"? I find things like forms and applications and oh god whatever else endlessly disorienting.

    Dependent, naive in worldly affairs, expects work-related [I'm not working just yet] and emotional support from a woman. Involuntarily emphasizes his lack of attention, lost abilities, inadequacy for real life struggles [since these are apparently involuntary... I can't comment ]. In women respects experience [realism also works] and responsiveness to his problems.

    Bolded bits definitely apply for me.
    Guess I'm starting to question my type. Forms don't phase me. I can't really speak on emotional support because my only experience is being the one dispensing it (so much so that in all of my relationships it's just felt weird when the roles have been reversed), lack of attention can be a problem long term as I find it damned hard to keep interest levels up unless something randomly provokes a resurgence. I tend to help people with "business-y" related stuff, like loan applications, tenders, contracts, business plans.


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    Quote Originally Posted by Marie84 View Post
    Thanks for the links, the second one doesn't appear to be working though

    I suppose only the second post I added is fairly new than...

    btw why the emotion? Were you agreeing or disagree with what the article stated?
    It reminds me of some EIIs I know, particularly in terms of their interaction with me.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    I realize that part of the attraction to EIIs is that they seem like very grounded people who can give me unfiltered moral advice. That's really what I'm looking for, but it's hard to trust that people can really be what I need, even though it's what I actually want.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    I realize that part of the attraction to EIIs is that they seem like very grounded people who can give me unfiltered moral advice. That's really what I'm looking for, but it's hard to trust that people can really be what I need, even though it's what I actually want.
    You need someone that will whoop your ass, that's what you need.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    You need someone that will whoop your ass, that's what you need.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Or, perhaps, that is actually case in point. Hmmm......

    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    Guess I'm starting to question my type. Forms don't phase me. I can't really speak on emotional support because my only experience is being the one dispensing it (so much so that in all of my relationships it's just felt weird when the roles have been reversed), lack of attention can be a problem long term as I find it damned hard to keep interest levels up unless something randomly provokes a resurgence. I tend to help people with "business-y" related stuff, like loan applications, tenders, contracts, business plans.

    could you possibly be ENTp? My ex was good at the list of things you mentioned and frequently dispensed advice on those things. Or maybe you're just a super-ENFp with abilities most ENFps lack. I mean, there are ENFp lawyers and bankers and engineers, so it shouldn't surprise me. But I am surprised every time I meet an ENFp with one of those jobs. Amazing they can do that all day w/o their head exploding (or maybe it's just that I'm particularly bad at those subjects). But we're all really different despite sharing a type.
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    could you possibly be ENTp? My ex was good at the list of things you mentioned and frequently dispensed advice on those things. Or maybe you're just a super-ENFp with abilities most ENFps lack. I mean, there are ENFp lawyers and bankers and engineers, so it shouldn't surprise me. But I am surprised every time I meet an ENFp with one of those jobs. Amazing they can do that all day w/o their head exploding (or maybe it's just that I'm particularly bad at those subjects). But we're all really different despite sharing a type.
    Yeah... I'm really starting to think so. I think maybe in the past I over compensated which made me appear [at least to me,] NeFi.


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    Ssmall, you're amazing. I might go read it again later and look for things to improve, but for now I just wanted to say that.
    Oh, to find you in dreams - mixing prior, analog, and never-beens... facts slip and turn and change with little lucidity. except the strong, permeating reality of emotion.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ssmall View Post
    Caring woman or Woman-mother.
    (Stirlitz, Gabin)

    Inclined to take care of their male partner. Attracted to weak but intelligent men who obey her in everyday matters. She enjoys to protect, support and cheer them up. Character traits which are not respected in theese men in public mind, this woman either forgives or considers acceptable.
    hahahaha!!! wow...

  30. #30


    Sweet, I'm a weak yet intelligent, and highly submissive man! So there is hope for Gul

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    hahahaha!!! wow...
    What's weird about that?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Wrong Way Ticket View Post
    Yeah... I'm really starting to think so. I think maybe in the past I over compensated which made me appear [at least to me,] NeFi.

    well, if it helps at all, you seem like a huge douchebag.
    <Crispy> what subt doesnt understand is that a healthy reaction to "FUCK YOU" is and not

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    Quote Originally Posted by Director Abbie View Post
    What's weird about that?
    Having someone tell me what to do every day would be a nightmare for me at least. I'm an independent person.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Lobo View Post
    Having someone tell me what to do every day would be a nightmare for me at least. I'm an independent person.
    In everyday in "elbows off the table," "push that chair in," and "get your shoes out of the hallway." Little things bug you?

    1-6-2 so/sx
    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Everyday matters would be more like making sure there is food happening, taking care of money stuff, etc.

    Lobo I believe is feeling a bit un-independent and imasculated by the wording of things.
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by thePirate View Post
    well, if it helps at all, you seem like a huge douchebag.
    I just don't understand how you could be IEE and write something like that. Where is the Fi?
    Hi! I'm an ENFP. :-)

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I just don't understand how you could be IEE and write something like that. Where is the Fi?
    Obviously hiding behind a bad mood. I think his dog died.

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    Johari Nohari

    Quote Originally Posted by Ritella View Post
    Over here, we'll put up with (almost) all of your crap. You just have to use the secret phrase: "I don't value it. It's related to <insert random element here>, which is not in my quadra."
    Quote Originally Posted by Aquagraph View Post
    Abbie is so boring and rigid it's awesome instead of boring and rigid. She seems so practical and down-to-the-ground.

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    Quote Originally Posted by jewels View Post
    I just don't understand how you could be IEE and write something like that. Where is the Fi?
    I know another delta NF on the forum who seems to share similar thoughts . . .
    Posts I wrote in the past contain less nuance.
    If you're in this forum to learn something, be careful. Lots of misplaced toxicity.

    ~an extraverted consciousness is unable to believe in invisible forces.
    ~a certain mysterious power that may prove terribly fascinating to the extraverted man, for it touches his unconscious.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Ryu View Post
    I know another delta NF on the forum who seems to share similar thoughts . . .

    Wrong Way Ticket, on the other hand, is most definitely an ENFp.

    There are some things I enjoy that might be unusual for an ENFp, such as dealing with finances.
    “Life shrinks or expands in proportion to one's courage.”
    ― Anais Nin

  40. #40


    Quote Originally Posted by glamourama View Post
    what, people that have Fi in the ego block don't ever insult people? (i have no opinion on thePirate's type.)
    Being a belligerent asshole kinda goes against the "principled kindness" Delta thing.

    That said, I myself used to be a belligerent asshole, back when I was in a Beta-dominated community with lots of Alpha friends, so, you know. It's not necessarily a good indicator of type, from experience.


    Not that I'm saying being a belligerent asshole has anything to do with being a Beta. It was just the way the community was, largely I think due to being dominated by teenage males.

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