If reality is comprised by the eight functions, then accordingly each of the eight functions is a property of every point of reality that can be perceived. Every point in space has attributes of extroversion, introversion, sensation, intution, thinking, feeling, judgement, and perception. Therefore the ball possesses all of these properties, and is of a personality of its own.
Wait wait wait. The eight functions are different - sensing, intuition, logic, and ethics in their extraverted and introverted varieties. Actually, to be exact, functions are qualities of the psyche, while information elements are qualities of reality, so we're actually talking about information elements (so-called "facets of reality").

You could look at it like this:
- what the ball looks like
- what the ball is doing (how it is moving)
- what the ball feels it might do (hahaha)
- what the ball is in the first place
- how the ball fits in with its surroundings
- how the ball compares to other balls
- what might happen to the ball
- whether you like or dislike the ball (or whether it likes you...)