I have a friend who, for the longest time I was sure is SEI. In fact, I'm still about 80% sure he's SEI but lately I've been thinking about SLI.

Oh, where to start. He gardens. He's a designer. He's happy with a simple life but really would like to do more traveling and have more adventures (hey but wouldn't we all). He looks DIRECTLY at you when you're talking as well as when he's talking to you. Right in your eyes but it never feels unnatural. He's very grounded in the here and now. Talks about what his kids are doing, funny things they did or said or troubles they had with kids at school), traditions, sometimes he'll tell about extended family, etc. He likes sports but isn't obsessed. Coached soccer and watches other sports on tv. Likes tv a fair bit actually (but that could be his generation--he's older) Draws. Did his art thesis on math in art (Escher) and at one point thought he wanted to be an architect. Also loves animals, has always had a pet (dog person, doesn't like cats) and at one point thought he wanted to be a vet (but found it too boring--said all they do is spaying and neutering, lol). Likes crazy people, seems interested in any new topic or scientific discovery or whatever. That's at his best when he's very happy and comfortable.

And yet he also holds his feelings in much of the time. He comes across as very stoic and cold when he doesn't feel like interacting. Never gives a reason for it, just goes about his way. He doesn't feel that he has to ever explain himself. He'll lie to get someone off his back if they ask what's bothering him. Basically wants to be left alone unless he's in the right mood. Very moody. You never know how he's going to be when you see him. He might be in a fun mood, anxious to talk, or he might be quiet and hold everything inside the entire time. Unpredictable.

He notices EVERYTHING even without looking around. It's weird. But he almost never makes comments so most people don't realize this. On several occasions he's noticed that I was upset even though I was trying to hide it. I could tell that he could tell. lol I think he has a really sensitive heart but you have to know him pretty well to know this. Seems that he prefers to communicate non-verbally whenever possible. I think words just mess him up. Doesn't hug much. I hugged him once and afterwards his face was kinda red and he seemed flustered like he almost couldn't get his bearings. I felt bad but just kept on asking him questions so he could pull out of it. He loves to talk but you have to find a topic he'll go on about and he has to be in the right mood.