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Thread: Negative traits of Gamma NTs

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    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    LIE dating a LII? Friends of course, but dating, long-term relationship? Are you completely sure about both your types? Sounds like a extremely uncommon match.

    Do you remember when I suggested to you considering EIE? In this case you would be semiduals, which makes much more sense. Also I'm surprised about your appreciation of Ti dom. Very unusual for a Te dom to speak about Ti in such terms, when both groups have a radical different approach to the same problems.

    And Te role (for you) instead leading sounds better for a person who self-describes as very cautious in the process of making decisions. Gotcha
    You're wrong here.

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    Not trying to create a discussion about your type here. But take in consideration my words, just in case.
    MensSuperMateriam, are you LSI?

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    Quote Originally Posted by Spider View Post
    which is which?
    Both are ESIs.

  3. #43
    A man chooses, a slave obeys MensSuperMateriam's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENJoymENT View Post
    @MensSuperMateriam: If you must get me yet not get me, then so be it.
    It seems you could have taken the "gotcha" sentence a bit too seriously. It was a joke.

    I don't believe relationships of Extinguishment are as uncommon as you assume. Radically different approaches to the same problems--yes, but more often than not, ending up with and valuing the same conclusion. And a Te Dom would absolutely speak admiringly of a Ti Dom if it had been proven, over time, that the LII was in fact more often correct. Things which can be measured over time--such as GPA, investment decisions, entrepreneurial success, an ENTj is most certainly capable of valuing, admiring and appreciating. I met the LII in business school, so right from the beginning it was apparent to me that he had a firmer grasp on internal logical reasoning, which was extrinsically valued as a necessary ingredient for business success.
    Yes they are, at least in such close distance as a long-term couple.

    True that intertype relations are not black&white. There are gradiations and many circumstances that could affect to the final result. But all things equal, there's always a statistical trend for certain relations to work better than others.

    It is incorrect that Ti doms and Te doms usually ends up with and valuing the same conclusions. They could agree of course. They could agree a lot. But they start with a different approach, so it's easier for them disagreeing than agreeing. Probably quasis could agree more easily than extinguishment partners, as the strength/weakness distributes in the same way. Ti leading implies Te ignoring, and vice-versa. Leading function represents the core of the worldview; its opposite worldview goes to ignoring.

    All the "LII success" you're mentioning is only a proof that this particular individual is intelligent, not that Ti function is superior. If you have mentally stablished such correlation well... the logic of such reasoning is extremely weak (if not fallacious), and very suspicious for a supposed LIE.

    And by the way, it seems you're a bit status-focused according to the list of characteristics you consider makes worthy to this person. Not entering in if this is good or bad; simply that this a relatively common behavior in both E3 but also beta Se.

    A simple truth: every person has the potential for becoming (good) friend with anyone, given the right circumstances. But a couple is another thing. Lasting at close distance requires psychological attraction which is more unconscious than conscious. It is a sort of "symbiosis", a positive feedback that simply happens or not. You do not choose it, you cannot modify (too much) by making conscious reasonings. Physical attraction is another issue, and if you like someone and also have a superficial positive interaction, you can end as a couple. But if the pshycological compatibility is not present, it will be unsatisfying and probably will not last.

    Probably the most common and successful relation between opposite quadras is superego, as temperament is shared. But still it's not too good, and others are as bad as this if not worse.

    The fact that you easily became attracted, even to the point of admiration, to Ti (assuming your ex has been properly typed), points towards dual-seeking function. That is, leading Fe. Judging it as worthy does not imply you will feel attraction to it, this happens if it's unconsciously valued.

    With respect to my ENTp father, I could call him any time my vehicle broke down and he would insist on meticulously explaining the repair so that next time I could perform said repair myself (as my mind glazed over). How could I not appreciate such practical eptitude, when I knew I lacked his ability, and it resulted in me getting back in my vehicle, turning the ignition key, and carrying on my way?
    First to all, ENTps are not excepcionally good at pragmatical tasks. So your type is questionable. Possible, but questionable. Have you considered beta ST for him?

    But that's another topic. Let's assume he is, in fact, an ILE. More arguments in my favour: ILE=EIE benefactor. Benefactors quite easily cause admiration and psychological attraction. The reverse is not true. And LIEs are, on average, reasonably good with pragmatical tasks (statistically better than ILEs). If you say you're not by default, unless some Ti type gives you the procedure, then the bell starts to ring.

    As for being cautious and second-guessing myself, I shudder in embarrassment at the times in my youth where I confidently insisted I was correct, and it has now become apparent that I was not. For instance I vividly recall insisting to my father as a teen that rutabagas were the hardest vegetable, as I struggled to get a knife through it. My father responded "oh, are you sure they are...or do you think carrots are harder, yet just easier to cut since they're smaller". I insisted I was sure I was correct...however every time I slice up a rutabaga I relent that its flesh is indeed more rubbery than that of a carrot. Such measurable evidence of a capacity to believe oneself to be right, yet subsequently coming to accept that one was indeed mistaken, is undeniable, and happily accepted by the LIE; for being correct is more important than being "right". Such humility has been added to my personality model, in that I now listen more, and consider others' views as I've matured. Confidence, boldness, and acting in haste is never an adequate substitute for correctness and accuracy.
    Anecdotal evidence, proof of nothing.

    There are many circumstances which could justify such behavior. Any assertive individual, which applies to your case as you're Ej anyway and also E3, will have an inclination to think "I'm right" or "I can do it" because assertivity gives confidence.


    I'll explain why your LIE type makes even less sense than before. Let's start from a LIE-EIE undefined state.

    There is no 1:1 correlation between X characteristic and Y function. But there are certain characteristics that are more common in certain types. Even if you start as equally likely LIE or EIE, every time you add a characteristic which is more likely in X type, even if not final, the scale leans towards one side:

    -You're more emotionally modulated than the average LIE. Just observe how you express yourself in comparison with clear examples here > EIE.
    -You self-type as 3w2, an enneagram quite unlikely for an LIE. In fact, I have never seen the same combo in any typology forum >>> EIE.
    -You have manifested psychological compatibilitiy, in the form of intense admiration and/or attraction, to Ti types >>> EIE.
    -You apparently have poor pragmatical skills >> EIE.
    -Apparently you value status-enhacing qualities > EIE.
    -Fear of choosing wrong timing or making bad decisions, mistakes >> EIE (also ILI, but in this case, EIE as not LIE).
    -Overthinking possibilities >> EIE (in line with the previous one).

    All of these aspects are statistical indicators of EIE over LIE, not definitive. But everyone added makes less likely to be a LIE. Now two options:

    -Still consider yourself as EIE, and justify it as the exception to the norm, overlooking the odds. Not impossible, afterall... (like the LIE-LII couple rationale). Lottery winner, so to speak.
    -Be suspicious of EIE typing, and consider that more likely, you've mistunderstood how certain functions work, archetypes, and/or how to interpret certain behaviors.

    But if you choose the first option, you are adding more gasoline to the fire, because such way of thingking is anti-Te. Ti works as absolute thinking; a truth is true by its own nature. By the other hand, Te develops as situational thinking; there is no truth but only things that work or not according to particular circumstances. Which ends manifesting as statistical truths.

    I could be wrong, but all clues point to one direction. You are free to disagree, of course. But if want to keep arguing, please refrain yourself from adding more "anecdotes" which are proofs of nothing and also from using the "not impossible" rationale which is more or less grasping at straws. Try to justify why my reasoning is wrong in your opinion, or if not then better let's agree to disagree.
    Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 09-05-2014 at 01:00 AM.

  4. #44
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    Quote Originally Posted by fighter View Post
    You're wrong here.

    MensSuperMateriam, are you LSI?

    I don't think so.

  5. #45
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    It seems you could have taken the "gotcha" sentence a bit too seriously. It was a joke.
    Sorry--differing views of what is humourous.

    Yes they are, at least in such close distance as a long-term couple. It is incorrect that Ti doms and Te doms usually ends up with and valuing the same conclusions. They could agree of course. They could agree a lot. But they start with a different approach, so it's easier for them disagreeing than agreeing. Probably quasis could agree more easily than extinguishment partners, as the strength/weakness distributes in the same way. Ti leading implies Te ignoring, and vice-versa. Leading function represents the core of the worldview; its opposite worldview goes to ignoring.

    O.B. Slinko, "The key to heart - Socionics"

    Extinguishment partners are very much alike. Their interests often intersect over a very wide area. However, those functions that are in the creative block of one partner, form the Id block of another. Thus, your extinguishment partner talks about those things that you implement subconsciously and find too commonsense to talk about. This can be re-phrased as follows: extinguishment partners have opposing views on same topics. Often such a partner seems attractive; he has much in common with you, and at the same time is able to offer a fresh and very different approach. Thus, friendships and romances between extinguishment partners are quite common.

    All the "LII success" you're mentioning is only a proof that this particular individual is intelligent, not that Ti function is superior. If you have mentally stablished such correlation well... the logic of such reasoning is extremely weak (if not fallacious), and very suspicious for a supposed LIE.

    All the LII success I mentioned--grades, success of investment choices, job position achieved, and earnings were listed as evidence that in this particular case, the Ti Dom outperformed the Te Dom in areas that were unbiasedly measurable.

    And by the way, it seems you're a bit status-focused according to the list of characteristics you consider makes worthy to this person. Not entering in if this is good or bad; simply that this a relatively common behavior in both E3 but also beta Se.
    I believe that the hidden agenda of the LIE is to be wealthy. And I only chose those particular examples as evidence of the superior results of the Ti Dom, since I (apparently erroneously) assumed they would be irrefutable.

    A simple truth: every person has the potential for becoming (good) friend with anyone, given the right circumstances. But a couple is another thing. Lasting at close distance requires psychological attraction which is more unconscious than conscious. It is a sort of "symbiosis", a positive feedback that simply happens or not. You do not choose it, you cannot modify (too much) by making conscious reasonings. Physical attraction is another issue, and if you like someone and also have a superficial positive interaction, you can end as a couple. But if the pshycological compatibility is not present, it will be unsatisfying and probably will not last.
    I do believe I mentioned that he was my Ex.

    The fact that you easily became attracted, even to the point of admiration, to Ti (assuming your ex has been properly typed), points towards dual-seeking function. That is, leading Fe. Judging it as worthy does not imply you will feel attraction to it, this happens if it's unconsciously valued.
    As a Thinking female, his preference for logic was a safe and reliable feature, and the main source of our mutual understanding. I also appreciated his calmness and his competence across many parameters. And his sense of esthetics was no better than mine, thus we were a couple who valued job performance over having a well-manicured lawn or flower beds. There is no way I am Fe-Dom; I run for the hills in its sugary presence. When amongst a group of animated and talkative SLEs, I can be found taking cover on the perimeter. It just seems to be trying too hard to "will" a good time, and I'm happily left on the outskirts of those who know how to Fe. The other two LTRs in my life have both been with SEES--one-on-one intense Fi is definitely what I am attracted to. If I was EIE, I believe I would have approached my neighbour (who I like by the way), to deliver the card as opposed to being denied the feel-good experience of having a part in my friend's farewell.

    First to all, ENTps are not excepcionally good at pragmatical tasks. So your type is questionable. Possible, but questionable.
    Straight from Wikipedia:
    "Keirsey descriptions[edit]

    Inventors are introspective, pragmatic, informative, and expressive. They can become highly skilled in functional engineering and invention. Of all the role variants, Inventors are the most resistant to doing things a certain way just because it was done that way in the past. Intensely curious, Inventors are always looking for new projects to work on, and they have an entrepreneurial character. Designing and improving mechanisms and products is a constant goal of Inventors."

    And LIEs are, on average, reasonably good with pragmatical tasks (statistically better than ILEs). If you say you're not by default, unless some Ti type gives you the procedure, then the bell starts to ring.
    I said my father was adept at fixing my vehicle. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that there aren't many ENTj car mechanics...female ones even less so. So yes I'm saying I'm not, but aren't mechanically inclined individuals typically Ne valuers?

    -You're more emotionally modulated than the average LIE. Just observe how you express yourself in comparison with clear examples here > EIE.
    The only emotion I observed was your compulsion to write "Gotcha" following one of your contrast to my "so be it".

    -You self-type as 3w2, an enneagram quite unlikely for an LIE. In fact, I have never seen the same combo in any typology forum >>> EIE.
    I'll refrain from "using the 'not impossible' rationale" as requested, if you refrain from using the "I have never seen it, therefore it cannot be so".

    -You have manifested psychological compatibilitiy, in the form of intense admiration and/or attraction, to Ti types >>> EIE.
    I have not manifested psychological compatibility with Ti types; my father and I had a tumultuous relationship, and as I said the LII and myself are Exes. I do however admire their unique abilities.

    -You apparently have poor pragmatical skills >> EIE.
    -Apparently you value status-enhacing qualities > EIE.
    Yes, you mentioned both of these twice.

    -Fear of choosing wrong timing or making bad decisions, mistakes >> EIE (also ILI, but in this case, EIE as not LIE).
    -Overthinking possibilities >> EIE (in line with the previous one).
    I explained that as I've matured, I no longer operate on the presumption that I'm more likely than anyone else to be correct. Even in this case I read the ENFj description to consider the possibility. However there is no way I have Fe abilities, it's just such a weak area for me. I feel so very inadequate and uncomfortable--at weddings, funerals etc.

    But if you choose the first option, you are adding more gasoline to the fire, because such way of thingking is anti-Te. Ti works as absolute thinking; a truth is true by its own nature.
    Thank you for articulating the main reason I admire Ti, and why I believe in many respects that it is often superior to Te.

    By the other hand, Te develops as situational thinking; there is no truth but only things that work or not according to particular circumstances. Which ends manifesting as statistical truths.
    In my particular circumstances, I had initially thought that since a rutabaga was more difficult to cut than a carrot (Te situational thinking), that it must naturally follow that it is a harder vegetable. I was not viewing the comparison in Ti terms--that an object's physical density is an entirely separate and quantifiable property.

    ...then better let's agree to disagree.
    I agree

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    Quote Originally Posted by fighter View Post
    You're wrong here.
    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    My LII mother dated an LIE for a few years. It happens. And it was probably one of her best relationships. They both tried to look fit for each other by going to the gym, they played golf together, and they debated each other.

    LIIs can pick some of the worst partners, so honestly, anything goes with them. Romance is definitely not their area of expertise, as they have this whole list thing, and you would be surprised at how often they end up in relationships with SEEs and SLIs.

    LII thinks to himself when starting a relationship: "You're everything on my list! Success!"

    LII thinks to himself when ending a relationship: "But you were everything on my list?! I don't understand what happened. This does not compute."

    LII thinks to himself after finding Socionics: "This now computes. So and so was this or that personality type. No wonder it didn't work out! Ok. Well at least now I have a reasonable explanation moving forward."

    LII thinks to himself after realizing that his dual is almost unobtainable in real life: "I can settle for this or that type. It will be fine. I just have to make sure that my list is covered AND that I stay away from SEEs. Anything can be micromanaged..."

    Quote Originally Posted by fighter View Post
    MensSuperMateriam, are you LSI?
    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    I don't think so.
    You definitely come off as a "backups needing backups", analytical, aggressor type.

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    All the "LII success" you're mentioning is only a proof that this particular individual is intelligent, not that Ti function is superior. If you have mentally stablished such correlation well... the logic of such reasoning is extremely weak (if not fallacious), and very suspicious for a supposed LIE.
    More like, very suspicious for a not-supposed LSI.

    ROFL... this shit is just too easy.
    Last edited by IBTL; 09-05-2014 at 10:14 AM. Reason: I was feeling rather creative and expressive this morning. Lucky you!

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    Quote Originally Posted by ENJoymENT View Post
    @MensSuperMateriam: If you must get me yet not get me, then so be it.
    You fit outside of some logical parameter that he has. Meh.

    I wish you would keep writing about yourself, ENJoymENT, instead of trying to satisfy MensSuperMateriam. It was so insightful, and I can't tell you how many times I've felt the same. I've done the whole, bought a card and couldn't give it thing so many times, and it's so interesting to hear that an extrovert would do the same.

  8. #48
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    Quote Originally Posted by Spider View Post
    I realize that... you had distinguished them by subtypes?

    ETA: Sorry, here's the full quote -

    So I was asking which you associated with ESI-Se and which with ESI-Fi? Interested in the ILI ones too

    You know, I'm not sure. I don't fully buy into subtypes in that format (i.e. ESI-Se/Fi, ILI-Te/Ni). But there are like subspecies within types that are easy to identify.

    Among ESIs, I've noticed the ones who pay less attention to taking care of their appearance (to the point of being kind of gross if you live with them, and I have) are also intellectual, express creativity through some hobby, usually writing, well liked by everybody, are pursuing an unusual career. I know a few like this. The other type, which looks very well put together, is more of the socialite. Pretty unoriginal, makes smart and traditional moves in career and life. Probably has been a bitch to several people.

    Maybe you can say the first is ESI-Fi and the second is ESI-Se, but that doesn't make much sense to me.

  9. #49
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    Why yelling so much, which bolded text and such?

    Quote Originally Posted by ENJoymENT View Post
    O.B. Slinko, "The key to heart - Socionics"

    Extinguishment partners are very much alike. Their interests often intersect over a very wide area. However, those functions that are in the creative block of one partner, form the Id block of another. Thus, your extinguishment partner talks about those things that you implement subconsciously and find too commonsense to talk about. This can be re-phrased as follows: extinguishment partners have opposing views on same topics. Often such a partner seems attractive; he has much in common with you, and at the same time is able to offer a fresh and very different approach. Thus, friendships and romances between extinguishment partners are quite common.
    Good, ONE source. Appeal to authority? EIEs tend to do it more frequently than LIEs.

    I also think that many big socionists quite differ which that opinion, at least in a form of gradation. I remind you once again that I have not opposed to the idea of good friendship, or a positive not too close relation. I have only said that long term romatic relationship is UNLIKELY. Shades of grey instead black & white.

    Instead citing one particular source which appartently points in your direction, I dare you to offer statistics which prove that romantic relationships between LII/LIE is indeed common. Because that's the key, statistics. and it's very rare that such "Te brain" does not go in this line. I cannot prove LII-LIE is impossible, and it has never been my intention. I am only said that odds are against it, so as this is an extraordary situation it requires extraordinary evidence. Whereas all you offer, when properly analized, points otherwise.

    All the LII success I mentioned--grades, success of investment choices, job position achieved, and earnings were listed as evidence that in this particular case, the Ti Dom outperformed the Te Dom in areas that were unbiasedly measurable.
    You cannot infer a general conclusion from a particular case (it's a fallacy).

    I repeat, all you can deduce is that this individual is intelligent, not that Ti outperforms Te or even that his Ti. Remeber scientific method? For Ti outperforming Te it should happen in the majority of cases, a sample of 1 means nothing.

    I believe that the hidden agenda of the LIE is to be wealthy. And I only chose those particular examples as evidence of the superior results of the Ti Dom, since I (apparently erroneously) assumed they would be irrefutable.
    To be whealthy (which is an oversimplification) is the hidden agenda of BOTH xIEs.

    I have yet to see any other LIE, even those who are friends with LIIs (they're of course, I've read it mentioned here several times) to speak abut Ti in terms of "superiority". But maybe I should think that your particular case is more relevant than the rest...

    I do believe I mentioned that he was my Ex.
    You also mentioned it was a LONG-TERM relationship, and you never spoke about it in negative terms or indicated any typical and repeatedly common clash which would be explectable in close distance throguth time.

    As a Thinking female, his preference for logic was a safe and reliable feature, and the main source of our mutual understanding. I also appreciated his calmness and his competence across many parameters. And his sense of esthetics was no better than mine, thus we were a couple who valued job performance over having a well-manicured lawn or flower beds. There is no way I am Fe-Dom; I run for the hills in its sugary presence. When amongst a group of animated and talkative SLEs, I can be found taking cover on the perimeter. It just seems to be trying too hard to "will" a good time, and I'm happily left on the outskirts of those who know how to Fe. The other two LTRs in my life have both been with SEES--one-on-one intense Fi is definitely what I am attracted to. If I was EIE, I believe I would have approached my neighbour (who I like by the way), to deliver the card as opposed to being denied the feel-good experience of having a part in my friend's farewell.
    More anecdotal evidence. One individual does not define the general behavior.

    First to all, I should take for granted the typings you're offering... But you're forgetting that EIEs, specially Ni variants, could be quite peculiar. There are no few examples of how many of them are quite shy, insecure in groups, withdraw, introvertized.

    Freddie Mercury, clear EIE, behaved close to an introvert outside his performances. Very timid, even paranoid, much like a introvert and nothing like a supposed Fe dom. Or the german dictator; before achieving power he was nothing like someone capable of dealing with "strong&loud" people. More like a scared (and frustrated) little squirrel.

    It could be quite easy for an EIE who is not extremely assertive in her/his personal relations to interact with a neighboring quadra whose people are more quiet (on average) and offer more security in relations.

    Straight from Wikipedia:
    "Keirsey descriptions[edit]

    Inventors are introspective, pragmatic, informative, and expressive. They can become highly skilled in functional engineering and invention. Of all the role variants, Inventors are the most resistant to doing things a certain way just because it was done that way in the past. Intensely curious, Inventors are always looking for new projects to work on, and they have an entrepreneurial character. Designing and improving mechanisms and products is a constant goal of Inventors."

    LOL, Kerisey, really? I doubt it fits as jungian typology, so correlation with socionics would be like using enneagram.

    Also, are you aware how different inventors and engineers are when compared with mechanics?. Former ones are creative jobs, specially invertor. Mechanics are not, they develop a task where a set of predefined rules & configurations have to apply.

    I said my father was adept at fixing my vehicle. I'm going to go out on a limb here and guess that there aren't many ENTj car mechanics...female ones even less so. So yes I'm saying I'm not, but aren't mechanically inclined individuals typically Ne valuers?
    Whenever a pragmatical task is required, ENTjs usually outperforms their quasis. ENTjs, even if not too happily, can if necessary emulate ESTj; ENTps cannot.

    Have you seen many others ENTp, who are irrational and Ne dom (a function which easily "gets bored") in menial tasks?. Because I don't. An ENTp will easily lost components, get distracted in the process, get bored of doing the same things once and again...

    The best mechanics are probably LSIs and SLIs, everyone in its own style.

    The only emotion I observed was your compulsion to write "Gotcha" following one of your contrast to my "so be it".
    Does it make you more "serious" than me?. I have used several times the same "so be it" expression (not here). Ludicrous. ILIs never make jokes, according to you?

    When I spoke about emotions I wasn't talking about some superficial manifestation like a short sentence or using an emoticon. I was talking about something more subtle but constant. I think you've not put too much attention to LIEs here and how they express in comparison with you, right? It's a different rythm, a different style, modulation.

    Have you think lately about your username, by the way? Enjoyment. Not too LIE fashioned, even if it contains the type. Usernames, in certain way, could be seen a bit as a projection of ourselves, alosgside avatars. Maybe your unconscious betrayed you?

    I'll refrain from "using the 'not impossible' rationale" as requested, if you refrain from using the "I have never seen it, therefore it cannot be so".
    I have never stated it's impossible. In fact, I have stated I cannot proof it's impossible, and that this was not my intention. (do I have to quote myself?).

    I am saying that odds are against it, so instead of taking your extraordinary affirmation for granted, I request extraordary evidences. Which I have yet to see; until now, only anecdotes or misinterpreted behavior-function correlations.

    I have not manifested psychological compatibility with Ti types; my father and I had a tumultuous relationship, and as I said the LII and myself are Exes. I do however admire their unique abilities.
    LIIs and LIEs are exes, but "your LII" and yourself doesn't seem to be. Yo seem to have a quick inclination for admiring Ti values, or simply Ti manifestations, that hare highly questionable for a LIE.

    Relationship with parents can become quite tense even inside the same quadra. Not too reliable info.

    I explained that as I've matured, I no longer operate on the presumption that I'm more likely than anyone else to be correct. Even in this case I read the ENFj description to consider the possibility. However there is no way I have Fe abilities, it's just such a weak area for me. I feel so very inadequate and uncomfortable--at weddings, funerals etc.
    Maturing is not exclusive of LIEs, or even more exclusive of them.

    Fi superego (and therefore still Fe valuers) are probably the types who most usually tend to feel uncomfortable (ackward) in such circumstances. Fi valuers usually know instinctively how to empathize and follow a social protocol in such circumstances.

    Nobody enjoys a funeral, by the way (well, almot nobody, escept some peculiar individuals).

    Thank you for articulating the main reason I admire Ti, and why I believe in many respects that it is often superior to Te.
    Thanks for proving how anti-Te you are. That was a description about how Ti and Te works in the sense of processing information. But absulte thinking (truth by its own nature), from the POV of Te valuers, much more if ego, and even more if dominant, it is simply fallacious. If it causes admiration to you, instead naturally thinking that such way of reasoning is bullshit (as many Te egos do), you're proving that you're heavily Ti-inclined by your own nature.

    Every comment you made enhaces your non Te ego typing. About this paragraph in particular, it's amazing you've not noticed how you were digging your own grave...

    In my particular circumstances, I had initially thought that since a rutabaga was more difficult to cut than a carrot (Te situational thinking), that it must naturally follow that it is a harder vegetable. I was not viewing the comparison in Ti terms--that an object's physical density is an entirely separate and quantifiable property.
    Don't forget EIEs have very weak Ti, whereas it's still strong in LIEs, so not using it could be more indicative of not belonging to a T type. Anyway, dont' you see how limited this example is, how many people could behave in the same way regardless the leading function, more at such age?

    I agree
    When someone makes this offer and you accept it, it's customary (and therefore expected, you know, Fi protocols and such) to just end the conversation with a more or less brief comment. But if you deconstruct my previous reasoning and argue about it, you're not making closure of this conversation.

    Anyway, I think my point is clear and it's more or less bulletproof according to the arguments I've been seen from your part (even if you disagree, which is legitimate obviously), and I do not think this conversation will progrees much more beyond this point. So I will definitely stop here, although you're free of answering again if you want, of course.
    Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 09-06-2014 at 06:16 PM.

  10. #50
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    Quote Originally Posted by fighter View Post
    My LII mother dated an LIE for a few years. It happens. And it was probably one of her best relationships. They both tried to look fit for each other by going to the gym, they played golf together, and they debated each other.
    One case does not make the general rule. Assuming you've typed both of them correctly.

    You definitely come off as a "backups needing backups", analytical, aggressor type.
    Analytical could be applied to any logic type. Agressor (behavior) is a qualifier which could be applied from "true" agressors (Se ego), to Se-HA, Se valuing, or simply strong Se, depending on circumstances. All of this only considering socionics aspects.

    If I'm a Se ego because of this, some LIIs would be Se ego, many ILIs would be, Ashton would be... What the hell, even Korpey would be.

    And do not forget that forum behavior does not always correlate with real life.

    More like, very suspicious for a not-supposed LSI.
    . I refuse to answer to this.

    ROFL... this shit is just too easy.
    In your dreams, maybe.

    If you really insist in questioning my type, which I have yet to decide, by the way (because I observe the characteristics I have, many of them contradictory, and instead rejecting the data that "does not fit" I prefer to ponder probabilities than making a final answer), please do it in its proper place. It is already available for that.

    I observe you self-type as IEI. LOL another potential clash; I'm really getting tired of this shit.
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    If you really insist in questioning my type.....please do it in its proper place. It is already available for that.
    I'm really getting tired of this shit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    One case does not make the general rule. Assuming you've typed both of them correctly.

    Analytical could be applied to any logic type. Agressor (behavior) is a qualifier which could be applied from "true" agressors (Se ego), to Se-HA, Se valuing, or simply strong Se, depending on circumstances. All of this only considering socionics aspects.

    If I'm a Se ego because of this, some LIIs would be Se ego, many ILIs would be, Ashton would be... What the hell, even Korpey would be.

    And do not forget that forum behavior does not always correlate with real life.

    . I refuse to answer to this.

    In your dreams, maybe.

    If you really insist in questioning my type, which I have yet to decide, by the way (because I observe the characteristics I have, many of them contradictory, and instead rejecting the data that "does not fit" I prefer to ponder probabilities than making a final answer), please do it in its proper place. It is already available for that.

    I observe you self-type as IEI. LOL another potential clash; I'm really getting tired of this shit.

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    Quote Originally Posted by blood moon View Post

    You know, I'm not sure. I don't fully buy into subtypes in that format (i.e. ESI-Se/Fi, ILI-Te/Ni). But there are like subspecies within types that are easy to identify.

    Among ESIs, I've noticed the ones who pay less attention to taking care of their appearance (to the point of being kind of gross if you live with them, and I have) are also intellectual, express creativity through some hobby, usually writing, well liked by everybody, are pursuing an unusual career. I know a few like this. The other type, which looks very well put together, is more of the socialite. Pretty unoriginal, makes smart and traditional moves in career and life. Probably has been a bitch to several people.

    Maybe you can say the first is ESI-Fi and the second is ESI-Se, but that doesn't make much sense to me.
    Actually, I've had a girlfriend that was just like the second, another one kinda like the first. Why do you think a subtype difference doesn't make sense?
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    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    All the "LII success" you're mentioning is only a proof that this particular individual is intelligent, not that Ti function is superior.
    I believe negativist-introverts can often come across as "more frequently right" than positivist-extroverts, simply because the latter uses a trial-and-error method in reaching life goals, whereas the former is much more careful.

    Probably the most common and successful relation between opposite quadras is superego, as temperament is shared.
    No, the best relationship is with those who have a complementary temperament, so in this case, LIE-LII. If you check out the list of reinin dichotomies, LIIs are sufficiently similar to ESIs from a mental point of view. The same reasoning applies to ESEs and LIEs.

    -Fear of choosing wrong timing or making bad decisions, mistakes >> EIE (also ILI, but in this case, EIE as not LIE).
    -Overthinking possibilities >> EIE (in line with the previous one).
    I'm pretty sure anyone can show these characteristics whenever they're dealing with a complex decision. NTR.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    I believe negativist-introverts can often come across as "more frequently right" than positivist-extroverts, simply because the latter uses a trial-and-error method in reaching life goals, whereas the former is much more careful.
    That's an aspect to consider in the whole equation. But there are others, like which tools do you have and how skilled you are with them (by default, although improvement is always possible). At the end, what matters is how good is the final product. I think your argument does not disprove my position, as you are not talking about leading function, nor you are inferring a conclusion from a particular example. I opposed mainly to the rationale used for justifying "Ti superiority", not the conclusion per se. The fact that this is true or not, is another issue, and probably a pointess discussion. I think both are necessary (Ti & Te), and my opinion about this was expressed in this thread (just in case you haven't read it).

    No, the best relationship is with those who have a complementary temperament, so in this case, LIE-LII. If you check out the list of reinin dichotomies, LIIs are sufficiently similar to ESIs from a mental point of view. The same reasoning applies to ESEs and LIEs.
    Checking in Wikisocion, both relations share the same number of dichotomies, so from that POV, they're equally similar and dissimilar. I guess you can argue that a different temperament (and cogstyle) is more important that other aspects, but I do think that it works in the opposite way. As both relationships are not good by default (opposite quadra, even if they're not as bad as they're supposed to be), sharing temperament adds additional points for understanding, which helps for maintaining the interaction, specially in the long run. Duality and activation (for comparison) are synergic by nature, so this extra help is not required.

    I have not observed stable extinguishment couples, but superego yes. If you say to me that in your experience it usually works in the opposite way, and many people agree with your observation, I will reconsider my position.

    I'm pretty sure anyone can show these characteristics whenever they're dealing with a complex decision. NTR.
    Occasionally yes, of course. But if this is your usual, natural, way of facing a problem, that is, if you show a consistent pattern of behavior, it could point (point, not determine) one type over the alternative.
    Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 09-09-2014 at 08:59 AM.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    That's an aspect to consider in the whole equation. But there are others, like which tools do you have and how skilled you are with them (by default, although improvement is always possible). At the end, what matters is how good is the final product. I think your argument does not disprove my position
    I'm not trying to disprove your position, merely stating a personal experience.

    I guess you can argue that a different temperament (and cogstyle) is more important that other aspects, but I do think that it works in the opposite way.
    You're wrong, otherwise duals would have the same temperament.

    As both relationships are not good by default (opposite quadra, even if they're not as bad as they're supposed to be), sharing temperament adds additional points for understanding, which helps for maintaining the interaction, specially in the long run. Duality and activation (for comparison) are synergic by nature, so this extra help is not required.
    Okay, well, I think you're climbing mirrors here but I respect your opinion on the matter.

    I have not observed stable extinguishment couples, but superego yes. If you say to me that in your experience it works in the opposite way, and many people agree with your observation, I'm willing to reconsider my position.
    I've observed stable extinguishment relations among friends, no experience with romantic couples. Anyway, I don't know if other people will agree or disagree.

    Occasionally yes, of course. But is this is your usual, natural, way of facing a problem, that is, if you show a consistent pattern of behavior, it could point (point, not determine) one type over the alternative.
    Allright, fair point. I hope ENJoyment isn't doubting each of her decision, it'd be a complicated way to live.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Okay, well, I think you're climbing mirrors here but I respect your opinion on the matter.

    I'm curious, is "climbing mirrors" directly translated from Italian, or is it a true English idiom? Context makes its meaning clear, but I can't find it in online dictionaries, including urbandictionary which is extremely useful in cases like this.

    I've observed stable extinguishment relations among friends, no experience with romantic couples. Anyway, I don't know if other people will agree or disagree.
    Well, I have no problem with the idea of good friendship even between conflictors (occasionally). It is in romance, due to its too close nature, where I find extinguisment troublesome. It could happen but I think it would not last and should be more problematic than positive.
    Last edited by MensSuperMateriam; 09-09-2014 at 05:44 PM.

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    I've observed stable extinguishment relations among friends, no experience with romantic couples.
    Anyway, I don't know if other people will agree or disagree.
    I can give my personal (yes--anecdotal) evidence. But I lived it, therefore I know it to be so. It operates on a premise of Duality, which is limited to two functions only. If both parties are in agreement to always value T over F, and N over S, then a spirit of cooperation and partnership ensues. Anything in the F realm--'buying her diamonds" because it's Valentines Day, is mutually eschewed in favour of putting those assets towards the pair's joint ventures..."for the cause", if you will. Likewise anything in the S realm is discounted as being of lower importance. Both parties shake their heads in amusement as the neighbour repeatedly mows his lawn 4-5 times for every 1 time the NT pair does. This allows the NT pair to allocate that home maintenance time towards activities which further the joint cause--perhaps researching some viable real estate opportunities. The NT pair would never be caught browsing in a furniture store, as it would be frivolous to invest one's time in such aesthetic pursuits.

    There is a mutual understanding not to invoke the other into using their vulnerable functions. Thus the relationship is "safe" and drama free. Mutual esteem comes from pursuing joint projects, where one party can immediately see and point out the flaw in the other's portion, thereby polishing it up to be a whole much higher in quality than either one could have accomplished on one's own. Over time, one begins to see the value in what the other has to offer, and thus a form of dependency and respect for the other form of one's Ego functions ensues.

    Unfortunately, over time the pair begins to realize that neither is willing or able to pick up the slack in the pair's weaker areas. In our case, we owned several businesses, a large amount of real estate etc. However...we never got around to purchasing dressers (I used apple boxes for years), the weeds in our lawn were as tall as I am, and I even had friends who I know don't have much money offer me their old clothes since they "thought I could use them". Haha, and I'm not even embarrassed, I just see it as having my priorities straight. Needless to say, it became clear that the joke was on us, as we weren't able to keep up with what other "normal people" did as a matter of course. When we broke up he presented me with a list of reasons and a chart of how we would handle the breakup. I found it comforting as it was so well thought and planned out...we even shook hands. And most of all, I respected the fact that he didn't bring our InferiorFi/RoleFe & InferiorFe/RoleFi into the situation.

    Allright, fair point. I hope ENJoyment isn't doubting each of her decision, it'd be a complicated way to live.
    As I remarked earlier, in a LIE/LII Extinguishment relationship, a form of Dual Dependency (limited only to the Thinking and Intuition functions) ensues. After several joint ventures, the pair both recognize the superiority of Te+Ti+Ne+Ni over either Te+Ni or Ti+Ne on their own. Thus, this is where the "second guessing" of oneself becomes a new characteristic, after the Extinguishment Relationship is over and one is using one arm instead of two so to speak.

    **EDIT-- I want to add that the collaboration portion of work is very independently handled. For instance, one's Te will be run through the Ti filter, and vice versa: "read this and tell me what you think I missed". There is a tendency not to want to hear the thought process, but rather a succinct bullet answer. Then one will retreat with it, eventually see the point's merit, and make the revision.

    Also with respect to the pair's weaker areas, there is a tendency to live in denial that one is lacking in these abilities (this relationship was prior to my discovery of Socionics...ignorance was bliss). For instance, one's Role F isn't much more lacking than the partner's Inferior F, and vice versa. Similarly, PolR hits are virtually non-existent, since it matches up with the other's Mobilizing Function, and is thus also weak.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    Actually, I've had a girlfriend that was just like the second, another one kinda like the first. Why do you think a subtype difference doesn't make sense?
    I think the question here is, why do you keep breaking up with your DUALZ ??

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    Quote Originally Posted by blood moon View Post
    I think the question here is, why do you keep breaking up with your DUALZ ??
    lol, not anymore, had the same gf for 5 yrs
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    LIEs range from self-serving, money-grubbing Mr. Burns types, to straight-laced, go-getter, workaholic, irrepressibly optimistic, without-any-hint-of-cynicism, community-minded individuals.

    Everyone likes the second type of LIE.

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    Important to note! People who share "indentical" socionics TIMs won't necessarily appear to be very similar, since they have have different backgrounds, experiences, capabilities, genetics, as well as different types in other typological systems (enneagram, instinctual variants, etc.) all of which also have a sway on compatibility and identification. Thus, Socionics type "identicals" won't necessarily be identical i.e. highly similar to each other, and not all people of "dual" types will seem interesting, attractive and appealing to each other.

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    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    -Apparently you value status-enhacing qualities > EIE.
    Gammas aren't status whores?

    "I would rather be first in the village than second in Rome" - Ceasar, ESFp
    "Greater men are allotted greater destinies" - Heraclitus, INTp

    "Using Se involves no judgments, and indeed it abhors having to intellectualize in any way since doing so misses the point: You do things to do them, not to figure out some stale theory. A natural consequence of this take-it-as-it-is perception is an emphasis on being cool, sexy, dominant, a winner, the man, the alpha, and so on. You are what you are right now, and who wants to be a loser?"

    All Se/Ni types desire to be the winners, even if they repress it and in manifests in odd ways. Also Te/Fi has a tendency towards hierarchy, as it increases efficiency when you don't treat all people as equals but as specialized parts in the machine. That's why you always hear Delta NFs railing against the machine while at the same time breaking their intellectual movements up into waves and camps and schools. Repression of the unconscious.

    So, all in all, this should actually kind of incline Gammas to be worse about whoring status than Betas.

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    -Fear of choosing wrong timing or making bad decisions, mistakes >> EIE (also ILI, but in this case, EIE as not LIE).
    -Overthinking possibilities >> EIE (in line with the previous one).
    What's your reasoning behind this? Is it some of the shared Reinin dichotomies, like the fact that they are both Negativistic Process types?

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    Appeal to authority? EIEs tend to do it more frequently than LIEs.
    This shows such a fundamental misunderstanding of the system. I think this might be your most egregious error ever.

    From Jung himself,

    Extraverted thinking, therefore, need not necessarily be a merely concretistic thinking it may
    equally well be a purely ideal thinking, if, for instance, it can be shown that the ideas with which
    it is engaged are to a great extent borrowed from without, i.e. are transmitted by tradition and
    education. The criterion of judgment, therefore, as to whether or no a thinking is extraverted,
    hangs directly upon the question: by which standard is its judgment governed -- is it
    furnished from without, or is its origin subjective?

    Te appeals to authority all the time. "This is a credible research institution" "This group is capable of peer review" etc etc. You appeal to the authority of Wikisocion just a few posts down, and I appealed to Jung just now! You can't have Te without Fi, and Fi confers respect, and therefore credibility.

    An ENFj may give you a poorly constructed rationalization for their actions, but, being Ti users, they would probably be more inclined towards arguments which are deductive and/or internally consistent.

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    More anecdotal evidence. One individual does not define the general behavior..
    You missed the key phrase here. It just seems to be trying too hard to "will" a good time.

    The actual types of the people involved aren't important, although they do sound Fe-valuing. What's important here is that the author of this prefers emotional sincerity over cohesion.

    I agree there's no way in hell she's ENTJ, but she sounds like a Fi valuing ethical, perhaps even Gamma. At least she got the right quadra/ valued functions correct.

    She's also talking in (long-winded, somewhat boring) anecdotes, which we agreed in our Feynman argument was the domain of Fi.
    If you were arguing with an ENFj, she'd be like, "ooh, don't hate me, I'm just trying to learn " More emoting, less nostalgia.

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    LOL, Kerisey, really? I doubt it fits as jungian typology, so correlation with socionics would be like using enneagram.
    I know Keirsey is an idiot in some respects, but that doesn't discredit all of his work. He said this about duality on his website, "If the couple can learn to communicate effectively, their relationship is likely to be very powerful." Also he was the first to posit that Jung was IEI, after the rest of the field (even deluded Jung himself!) maintained that he was LII.

    Quote Originally Posted by MensSuperMateriam View Post
    Fi superego (and therefore still Fe valuers) are probably the types who most usually tend to feel uncomfortable (ackward) in such circumstances. Fi valuers usually know instinctively how to empathize and follow a social protocol in such circumstances.
    Once again, you are totally off base. To go to Jung again.

    "I may feel constrained, for instance, to use the predicate 'beautiful' or 'good', not because I find the object 'beautiful' or 'good' from my own
    subjective feeling, but because it is fitting and politic so to do; and fitting it certainly is,
    inasmuch as a contrary opinion would disturb the general feeling situation. A feeling-judgment
    such as this is in no way a simulation or a lie -- it is merely an act of accommodation. A picture,
    for instance, may be termed beautiful, because a picture that is hung in a drawing-room and
    bearing a well-known signature is generally assumed to be beautiful, or because the predicate
    'ugly' might offend the family of the fortunate possessor...This kind of feeling is very largely responsible for the fact
    that so many people flock to the theatre, to concerts, or to Church, and what is more, with
    correctly adjusted positive feelings...Without this feeling, for instance, a beautiful and harmonious sociability would be unthinkable."

    Fe users at the most adept at merging with the group emotional atmosphere. Fi users emotions flow independent of this. A SEE friend of mine is going into funeral services. He's not really bothered by dead people, even cracking morbid jokes with me about pushing people around with a poker in the cremation furnace. They weren't anyone he knew or liked or loved, so why should he care? This girl is describing something similar, albeit with different emotions. She feels uncomfortable at things like weddings because, sincerely, she might not care about these people. While a Fe user wouldn't even talk about it in this subjective way, it would be more like, "The wedding was such a happy day".

    She has weak Te, and is obviously an F, but she's Fi, not Fe. She misidentified herself as her animus. It's an honest mistake.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77 View Post
    Also Te/Fi has a tendency towards hierarchy, as it increases efficiency when you don't treat all people as equals but as specialized parts in the machine.
    really? That's your take on the issue but it's definitely not a specific rule of life.
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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post
    really? That's your take on the issue but it's definitely not a specific rule of life.
    It's not my idea.

    But essentially, yes, it's just the flipside of Fi. If you use Fi, you don't see a brotherhood of man like Alphas or the saber-rattling collective like Betas. You have specific people and things (SeFi) or perhaps movements and groups (NeFi) that you are sympathetic to.This implies a hierarchy. ("I like John more than Jake" "I think women's issues are a higher priority than other human rights violations" etc etc)

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77 View Post
    Still very unconvincing.

    But essentially, yes, it's just the flipside of Fi. If you use Fi, you don't see a brotherhood of man like Alphas or the saber-rattling collective like Betas. You have specific people and things (SeFi) or perhaps movements and groups (NeFi) that you are sympathetic to.This implies a hierarchy. ("I like John more than Jake" "I think women's issues are a higher priority than other human rights violations" etc etc)
    That's just a personal preference, not an organized hierarchy - you were talking about a work-related hierarchy in your previous post.

    Quoting from your link:

    Thus we have explained the Ti/Fe axis. By contrast, if a person has a Te/Fi axis, that person will be more inclined to view each person as unique, different and very much his own person (Fi). And with this differentiation – all men being decidedly NOT cut from the same cloth – a hierarchization of people is implied (Te)
    This is really bad logic. There is no reason why viewing each person as unique leads to the formation of a hierarchy.
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    Quote Originally Posted by xerx View Post

    LIEs range from self-serving, money-grubbing Mr. Burns types, to straight-laced, go-getter, workaholic, irrepressibly optimistic, without-any-hint-of-cynicism, community-minded individuals.

    Everyone likes the second type of LIE.
    I've only known the "bright" side of the spectrum irl father being the closest to the dedicated and non-cynical extreme (even a hidden idealistic/sentimental streak). Others are more individualistic, but still reputation is very important to them. They'd always choose making fair&clean money and being respected for their abilities and sought for.

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    Quote Originally Posted by FDG View Post

    This is really bad logic. There is no reason why viewing each person as unique leads to the formation of a hierarchy.
    No it isn't. "hierarchy- a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority."

    Most Fi definitions on this site will say something about the bonds between people.

    It's not so much about seeing each person as unique, it's more about how Fi likes some people better than others. If you like Shakespeare better than Bulwer Lytton, that is hierarchy. If you have a best friend who is your most sincere confidant, who you go to first before all others, that, by the dictionary definition , is hierarchy.

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    Quote Originally Posted by Whoobie77 View Post
    No it isn't. "hierarchy- [FONT=arial]a system or organization in which people or groups are ranked one above the other according to status or authority."
    YOU were referring to work situations beforehand - "Te types like hierarchy, since hierarchy increases efficiency". Don't try to trick me.

    Besides, ranking people according to your PERSONAL preference towards them does not mean ranking them according to status or authority - both of which are completely external parameters which have nothing to do with your own attitude towards said person. If I say Marie the housekeeper is nicer to me thus I like her more than Bob the manager, Bob has higher authority and status but I still like Marie more. Got it?

    Why are you now saying that it's not about seeing each person as unique, given that the supporting source you gave actually stated that Fi is about seeing each person as unique? Do you actually read your own sources?
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    Over 10 years ago I tested as a Myers Briggs ENTJ. Yes I'm aware MB is different than Socionics, however it was my starting point. Without knowing anything about what the test was, my scores were E-18 I-11, S-8 N-12. T-13 F-6, J-19 P-7. The reason I discovered Socionics, was because I was utterly confused by the intensity of a now 5-year relationship I was having with an ESFP. I typed him and realized he was the same type as my very first LTR back in high school (with an LII Extinguishment LTR thrown in the middle). I began reading up on Duality and thought that perhaps I was an INTp, since that would explain why it felt like we were 'one'. I know I will be second-guessed that "perhaps I typed him wrong". He does match the SEE descriptions, and constantly texts me things such as "You have to live for the moment you never know what tomorrow brings", "you know I always try to stay positive", "that's just how I know me: Day by Day!" In response to my text that "Feelings are my weakness" he responded "The way you write for me is my weakness, but my heart is strong for the both of us. I'm yours forever with the good and the bad!" Smilies hearts everywhere etc.

    I did some more online testing--thinking that perhaps I had changed/grown/evolved into an "Introvert"; as I am now more reflective and humble (as a result of being with and admiring my LII for years) where I used to be aggressive and outgoing. However, Te continues to always come out as my lead function. I am aware there are several here who believe I exhibit "weak Te". I've been told my Username is "not too LIE fashioned"...and yet the very same person also made the claim that people often exhibit a different persona IRL than they do online, to selectively further one of his other points. It is way too common to see a pathetically miserable person IRL who continuously posts manic perfection on Facebook--people do not always come across in text the way they act in real moments day-to-day. We can reflect here...pick and choose our's personal time...there is no agenda or deadline, there is no personal or emotional accountability. I personally am here for self-reflection and social growth/understanding. This is a personal investment for me. I am perfectly capable of researching and citing sources--I have a business and a law degree. However I choose not to be drawn into debate where my time here becomes laden with unpaid time and research, if such is to be done solely to convert the thoughts of another whom I have little personal investment in, and also does not further my own chosen purpose here. That would only cause me stress to "take the bait" and be drawn away from my personal agenda--of joining this forum for ENJoymENT. A personal reflection I made that I can relate to the "Negative Traits of Gamma NTs" description was met with: "No you can't! You don't have Te, do you not realize how non-Te that comment was and how you are digging your own grave? You can't be E3w2 and also be a LIE since I've never seen it", you couldn't have been in a LTR with a LII". When I cite sources, they can just be creatively counter-acted with differing sources, so what's the point--going around in circles? So then I provide anecdotal experiences, yet personal experiences are discounted as being too varied and unreliable to universally describe a type.

    The "Negative Traits of Gamma NTs" description states: "LIEs often feel that they need to be 'more social', a noble sentiment that the LIE would do better to not ever attempt. Fearing boring or offending people with Te information, LIEs who embark on this task of socialization tend to talk too much and too fast about absolutely nothing. I remarked that I can relate to this. And then was told by one person: "You're too emotional to be LIE, your username choice is too happy". And then another claimed: "I agree there's no way in hell she's ENTJ, but she sounds like a Fi valuing ethical, perhaps even Gamma. At least she got the right quadra/ valued functions correct. She's also talking in (long-winded, somewhat boring) anecdotes."

    I am not here in order to BE a certain type, but to find out what type I'm supposed to BE WITH. If I am not LIE, I more than anyone has the most personally invested in knowing this. I do not want to waste my time in the Gamma Quadra threads. I know for certain I am NOT Beta--their social games exhaust me. It personally seems they can turn it on or off for anyone at random. I personally am turned off emotionally towards 90% of people, yet have an intense and deep connection with 2 or 3. My relationship with my SEE is all Se/Fi for me. I know these to be my weaknesses. After exploring and rejecting the possibility of being an INTp, I thought that perhaps I was ENTj--Ni subtype. I took an online test hoping to be Ni subtype, since I thought that perhaps that would make my Activation relationship with my SEE play out closer to a Dual one. These are my test results from 8 months ago. Is it possible to "fake" Te strength on one of these tests (especially when I was hoping to discover I was Ni subtype)? Is this particular test discredited in any way or not a reliable indicator of functional strengths? I notice Se is my weakest function...could that indicate that I'm possibly INTp even though my Ni scores as much weaker than Te? Is it possible to still be an F, like people are insisting I am in this thread, with these F scores? I am open to being convinced.

    Last edited by ENJoymENT; 09-25-2014 at 12:51 AM. Reason: clarification

  31. #71
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    Eight years ago I stopped signing into this forum, until I logged in again in July 2022. It’s because the forum began to seem like Facebook—in that it at times felt like mean girls at high school, as opposed to being an anonymous tool for self development and learning. At my high school, I chose to identify with the smoking-area crowd because they possessed a chill and nonjudgmental acceptance of others, as opposed to the complicated two-faced social games that the jock & fashionable groups apparently thrived on. The jocks thought they were inherently superior to everyone—and I wanted no part of that superficial hierarchy. And the guys in the trendy fashion-obsessed crowd used to arrive at school early in order to sit on the benches where everyone had to walk past—and they would obnoxiously rate the females on their looks and attire as they walked by. I discovered that I always felt best inside, when I defiantly placed my loyalty with the underdog—perhaps that is why I love The Perks of Being a Wallflower so much (that, and having living in Pittsburgh for 6 years). However, giving CRED to an underdog while snubbing the “in-crowd” could ONLY be effective if you could manage to get yourself into a superior position—where it could then actually achieve the desired snub. That in fact, is the reason why I exhausted myself to work two jobs (so I wouldn’t be thought of as entitled or lazy), got straight A’s and academic awards (so that I could get a higher education and thus surpass the jocks who would likely NOT end up with a professional career in sports, OR a better job than I could get), I was a cheerleader in high school and got a bronze medal at the World Baton Championships in Paris (just in order to add the sports experience to my resume… and—let’s be honest—so that I could visit Jim Morrison‘s grave in Paris), I played the piano, violin & drums (in fact this was a great outlet to express Fi in a safe, autonomous manner… but I hated it if others could hear me practice, or if someone asked that I play something on demand—that actually ruined the joy for me), I rode a motorcycle (if this isn’t Se hidden agenda seeking, I don’t know what is), AND ended up being accepted into the hard-core Toronto party crowd several years older than myself (perhaps I went a bit too far with this because I ended up with a couple friends in Satan’s Choice…but I think this was my way of ensuring that I had more street cred and was therefore tougher than the jocks or fashionistas—who naively believed that THEY were tough and at the top of the power pyramid). It’s so pathetic now when I look back at that teenager spinning her wheels, amassing credentials, just so that no one could ever call her out as fake or a fraud. If someone said “you’re stupid” I could respond with verifiable data “I’m on the honour roll, have a business degree, and a law degree from the top law school in Canada”. If someone said I wasn’t tough, I could say “I ride a motorcycle everyday in rush hour traffic on the 401, play Led Zeppelin music note-for-note on the drums, work 2 jobs, am captain of my national baton team, and have friends in Satan’s Choice”. ALL OF THIS, so that I could then establish enough credibility amongst the status quo, to then have the freedom to rebelliously reject them in favour of choosing to hang out with clever but unpopular misfits/outcasts. I think it’s also why I tried to conform to the standards of acceptable physical female beauty—in order to infiltrate, and then defiantly reject the popular and superficial status quo. It’s also why I very much admire people who don’t give a shit about all of this acceptance from others in order to authenticate their supposed power.

    Of course many things since, have taught me to become more true to myself as opposed to being a people pleaser. Actually I think “people pleaser” is the wrong term – and it’s why I initially and erroneously identified my Enneagram as 3w2. Because when you look at all of the steps I took—just in order to gain credibility with the accepted parameters within external society—how could anyone NOT say I was a 2?? But I did end up changing my Enneagram to 3w4, because the whole reason I was acting “2-like”, was actually part of a larger scheme whereby I could then feel free to guiltlessly become my true self, as a 4. I think ultimately, we all want to find our own self-acceptance and personal freedom.

    Eight years ago, I was vehemently challenged—and my sociotype second-guessed—for my statement that I admired Ti. Many felt that I was thus an EIE with obvious Ti-seeking, who erroneously thought I was an LIE. I am now offering some additional thoughts in order to clarify why I admire Ti. I think that Te is often able to achieve success that is perhaps unwarranted. And LIEs will graciously often recognize, and then rebelliously admire superior talent and skill when they see it. It is not always our fault that we will often manage to unfortunately rise higher than such superior talent—merely because we know how to extract the most measurable success within given parameters—both from the particular situation, and with the particular skills we have amassed in our arsenal.

    In business school, I was very close with an ILE. We were told to work on a particular business model in groups and he came up with a very creative way to restructure the company in one of the simulated exercises. Of course we were drinking and playing darts while we worked on it, and he passed out and then failed to complete the assignment. I handed mine in—based mostly on his drunken yet creative corporate restructuring—and my work was read aloud in class and praised. I also ended up graduating from the program, and he ended up just a few credits short because his life was in chaos. Don’t think that I don’t know which one of us is inherently more gifted in entrepreneurial business. In a way, I think that strong Te often allows its valuers to succeed undeservedly in some things—in essence Te is both a blessing and a curse. Because of all of the greatly diversified bases I scrambled to cover in my youth, I was thus mistakenly pulled towards many different directions—even if many of them were manufactured—I nonetheless achieved success in many of them. I think those who have a narrow and definitive passion in only one direction, ultimately fare better and are more satisfied on a personal level. LIEs are often able to see some things as a challenging board game where we can deftly learn the rules for success, see where the apparent weaknesses and loopholes are, and then can then end up mistakenly believing we are passionate about something, when the truth is that we just ended up with another modicum of success. But the joke is on us, because we often then get stuck in things that other people have a natural talent and passion for. And in those cases, we acknowledge our mistaken path and have to backtrack. Because, particularly for Te/Fi valuers, we ultimately desire and need to be both successful AND authentic.

    An example I can give of an LIE being able to use Te to manufacture success is when I watched my LIE son try out for a Midget Rep hockey team. They were doing one-on-one drills, and most players would just enthusiastically jump out on the ice when it was their turn. Of course my LIE son looked on the other bench to calculate that he would be matched up against the leading scorer on the previous year’s team, when my son was a first-timer and the youngest age eligible. He sat down on the bench feigning interest in his skates while a few kids in the line passed him, and then he stood up. I knew exactly what he was doing—he was choosing to go up against someone on the other bench who he knew he could easily beat. Now, the complicated question is: once he makes that team, is it a mistake that he was chosen? Arguably yes…but arguably, also no. It’s likely not a mistake to choose someone who knows how and when to pick his battles, and also this son in particular was renowned for creatively timing his emergence from the bench or penalty box to create sneaky breakaway opportunities—because he looked at where everyone else was, what they were doing, and who was the easiest player on the other team to choose as an opponent to challenge in order to overtake and thereby guarantee success.

    My ILE son has two years left to complete his business degree. He is obsessed with modern technology, the advent of self-driven cars, bitcoin, the meta-verse etc. He is Ti creative, my ex-husband is Ti leading. And here is where I am going to make my point about why I believe Ti is inherently superior to Te in terms of legitimate and credible veracity. If LIEs were in a company where this new technology was gradually developed, then LIEs could absolutely be on the top of that informational pyramid. However when it comes to something completely new where the LIE has no previous skills or experience from which to draw upon, I believe that Ti valuers can more easily walk in cold, with NO experience or previous groundwork, and adapt and grasp such new technical ideas quicker without any pre-existing foundational knowledge. In fact they thrive on that, they want to understand new systems because it genuinely tickles their passion. LIEs in contrast, thrive on knowing the given parameters, and evaluating weak points and then strategically exploiting them for personal gain. For me with a Te lead, but also being authentically Fi-driven, I admire that natural passion for knowledge for its OWN SAKE, rather than seeking knowledge in order to achieve success, money or status.

    What prompted me to resurrect this archival post is the description of Prince’s RRHF performance by @CptLandhawk in “Gamma Music”. In my opinion, Te is akin to the session musician being able to replicate Eric Clapton’s guitar solo note-for-note in the middle solo of George Harrison‘s classic While My Guitar Gently Weeps. It successfully achieves and aptly satisfies the required parameters within the given situation. In contrast, it is undoubtedly much more admirable in my opinion, to be able to creatively COMPOSE music—to not be afforded any rehearsal, and yet still kill a guitar solo as Prince did in the outro. He was able to both instinctively and seamlessly interact with the other musicians on the fly, yet at the same time lead the artistic performance to an entirely unprecedented level…all while being emotionally present, unrehearsed, and sensorially immersed in the moment.

  32. #72
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    Quote Originally Posted by ENJoymENT View Post
    Eight years ago I stopped signing into this forum, until I logged in again in July 2022. It’s because the forum began to seem like Facebook—in that it at times felt like mean girls at high school, as opposed to being an anonymous tool for self development and learning. At my high school, I chose to identify with the smoking-area crowd because they possessed a chill and nonjudgmental acceptance of others, as opposed to the complicated two-faced social games that the jock & fashionable groups apparently thrived on. The jocks thought they were inherently superior to everyone—and I wanted no part of that superficial hierarchy. And the guys in the trendy fashion-obsessed crowd used to arrive at school early in order to sit on the benches where everyone had to walk past—and they would obnoxiously rate the females on their looks and attire as they walked by. I discovered that I always felt best inside, when I defiantly placed my loyalty with the underdog—perhaps that is why I love The Perks of Being a Wallflower so much (that, and having living in Pittsburgh for 6 years). However, giving CRED to an underdog while snubbing the “in-crowd” could ONLY be effective if you could manage to get yourself into a superior position—where it could then actually achieve the desired snub. That in fact, is the reason why I exhausted myself to work two jobs (so I wouldn’t be thought of as entitled or lazy), got straight A’s and academic awards (so that I could get a higher education and thus surpass the jocks who would likely NOT end up with a professional career in sports, OR a better job than I could get), I was a cheerleader in high school and got a bronze medal at the World Baton Championships in Paris (just in order to add the sports experience to my resume… and—let’s be honest—so that I could visit Jim Morrison‘s grave in Paris), I played the piano, violin & drums (in fact this was a great outlet to express Fi in a safe, autonomous manner… but I hated it if others could hear me practice, or if someone asked that I play something on demand—that actually ruined the joy for me), I rode a motorcycle (if this isn’t Se hidden agenda seeking, I don’t know what is), AND ended up being accepted into the hard-core Toronto party crowd several years older than myself (perhaps I went a bit too far with this because I ended up with a couple friends in Satan’s Choice…but I think this was my way of ensuring that I had more street cred and was therefore tougher than the jocks or fashionistas—who naively believed that THEY were tough and at the top of the power pyramid). It’s so pathetic now when I look back at that teenager spinning her wheels, amassing credentials, just so that no one could ever call her out as fake or a fraud. If someone said “you’re stupid” I could respond with verifiable data “I’m on the honour roll, have a business degree, and a law degree from the top law school in Canada”. If someone said I wasn’t tough, I could say “I ride a motorcycle everyday in rush hour traffic on the 401, play Led Zeppelin music note-for-note on the drums, work 2 jobs, am captain of my national baton team, and have friends in Satan’s Choice”. ALL OF THIS, so that I could then establish enough credibility amongst the status quo, to then have the freedom to rebelliously reject them in favour of choosing to hang out with clever but unpopular misfits/outcasts. I think it’s also why I tried to conform to the standards of acceptable physical female beauty—in order to infiltrate, and then defiantly reject the popular and superficial status quo. It’s also why I very much admire people who don’t give a shit about all of this acceptance from others in order to authenticate their supposed power.

    Of course many things since, have taught me to become more true to myself as opposed to being a people pleaser. Actually I think “people pleaser” is the wrong term – and it’s why I initially and erroneously identified my Enneagram as 3w2. Because when you look at all of the steps I took—just in order to gain credibility with the accepted parameters within external society—how could anyone NOT say I was a 2?? But I did end up changing my Enneagram to 3w4, because the whole reason I was acting “2-like”, was actually part of a larger scheme whereby I could then feel free to guiltlessly become my true self, as a 4. I think ultimately, we all want to find our own self-acceptance and personal freedom.

    Eight years ago, I was vehemently challenged—and my sociotype second-guessed—for my statement that I admired Ti. Many felt that I was thus an EIE with obvious Ti-seeking, who erroneously thought I was an LIE. I am now offering some additional thoughts in order to clarify why I admire Ti. I think that Te is often able to achieve success that is perhaps unwarranted. And LIEs will graciously often recognize, and then rebelliously admire superior talent and skill when they see it. It is not always our fault that we will often manage to unfortunately rise higher than such superior talent—merely because we know how to extract the most measurable success within given parameters—both from the particular situation, and with the particular skills we have amassed in our arsenal.

    In business school, I was very close with an ILE. We were told to work on a particular business model in groups and he came up with a very creative way to restructure the company in one of the simulated exercises. Of course we were drinking and playing darts while we worked on it, and he passed out and then failed to complete the assignment. I handed mine in—based mostly on his drunken yet creative corporate restructuring—and my work was read aloud in class and praised. I also ended up graduating from the program, and he ended up just a few credits short because his life was in chaos. Don’t think that I don’t know which one of us is inherently more gifted in entrepreneurial business. In a way, I think that strong Te often allows its valuers to succeed undeservedly in some things—in essence Te is both a blessing and a curse. Because of all of the greatly diversified bases I scrambled to cover in my youth, I was thus mistakenly pulled towards many different directions—even if many of them were manufactured—I nonetheless achieved success in many of them. I think those who have a narrow and definitive passion in only one direction, ultimately fare better and are more satisfied on a personal level. LIEs are often able to see some things as a challenging board game where we can deftly learn the rules for success, see where the apparent weaknesses and loopholes are, and then can then end up mistakenly believing we are passionate about something, when the truth is that we just ended up with another modicum of success. But the joke is on us, because we often then get stuck in things that other people have a natural talent and passion for. And in those cases, we acknowledge our mistaken path and have to backtrack. Because, particularly for Te/Fi valuers, we ultimately desire and need to be both successful AND authentic.

    An example I can give of an LIE being able to use Te to manufacture success is when I watched my LIE son try out for a Midget Rep hockey team. They were doing one-on-one drills, and most players would just enthusiastically jump out on the ice when it was their turn. Of course my LIE son looked on the other bench to calculate that he would be matched up against the leading scorer on the previous year’s team, when my son was a first-timer and the youngest age eligible. He sat down on the bench feigning interest in his skates while a few kids in the line passed him, and then he stood up. I knew exactly what he was doing—he was choosing to go up against someone on the other bench who he knew he could easily beat. Now, the complicated question is: once he makes that team, is it a mistake that he was chosen? Arguably yes…but arguably, also no. It’s likely not a mistake to choose someone who knows how and when to pick his battles, and also this son in particular was renowned for creatively timing his emergence from the bench or penalty box to create sneaky breakaway opportunities—because he looked at where everyone else was, what they were doing, and who was the easiest player on the other team to choose as an opponent to challenge in order to overtake and thereby guarantee success.

    My ILE son has two years left to complete his business degree. He is obsessed with modern technology, the advent of self-driven cars, bitcoin, the meta-verse etc. He is Ti creative, my ex-husband is Ti leading. And here is where I am going to make my point about why I believe Ti is inherently superior to Te in terms of legitimate and credible veracity. If LIEs were in a company where this new technology was gradually developed, then LIEs could absolutely be on the top of that informational pyramid. However when it comes to something completely new where the LIE has no previous skills or experience from which to draw upon, I believe that Ti valuers can more easily walk in cold, with NO experience or previous groundwork, and adapt and grasp such new technical ideas quicker without any pre-existing foundational knowledge. In fact they thrive on that, they want to understand new systems because it genuinely tickles their passion. LIEs in contrast, thrive on knowing the given parameters, and evaluating weak points and then strategically exploiting them for personal gain. For me with a Te lead, but also being authentically Fi-driven, I admire that natural passion for knowledge for its OWN SAKE, rather than seeking knowledge in order to achieve success, money or status.

    What prompted me to resurrect this archival post is the description of Prince’s RRHF performance by @CptLandhawk in “Gamma Music”. In my opinion, Te is akin to the session musician being able to replicate Eric Clapton’s guitar solo note-for-note in the middle solo of George Harrison‘s classic While My Guitar Gently Weeps. It successfully achieves and aptly satisfies the required parameters within the given situation. In contrast, it is undoubtedly much more admirable in my opinion, to be able to creatively COMPOSE music—to not be afforded any rehearsal, and yet still kill a guitar solo as Prince did in the outro. He was able to both instinctively and seamlessly interact with the other musicians on the fly, yet at the same time lead the artistic performance to an entirely unprecedented level…all while being emotionally present, unrehearsed, and sensorially immersed in the moment.
    @ENJoymENT, I completely agree with you regarding Te vs Ti.
    In high school, I thought I was a genius, but when I stated interacting with the people on this forum, and learned the definitions of Te and Ti, I quickly realized that Ti is responsible for ALL of human inventions and ALL of science, while Te just puts random things together for immediate gain.

    I also found your history interesting. I ran track and set the city record in long jump, but I despised the jocks.
    Because my grades were exceptional, I was invited into the crowd of rich kids and the blessed, only to quickly discover that most of them were rotten to the core.

    Yes, it takes an LIE quite a while to figure out just what they should do with their lives.

  33. #73
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    Quote Originally Posted by Adam Strange;[URL="tel:1529179"
    1529179[/URL]]@ENJoymENT, I completely agree with you regarding Te vs Ti.
    In high school, I thought I was a genius, but when I stated interacting with the people on this forum, and learned the definitions of Te and Ti, I quickly realized that Ti is responsible for ALL of human inventions and ALL of science, while Te just puts random things together for immediate gain.

    I also found your history interesting. I ran track and set the city record in long jump, but I despised the jocks.
    Because my grades were exceptional, I was invited into the crowd of rich kids and the blessed, only to quickly discover that most of them were rotten to the core.

    Yes, it takes an LIE quite a while to figure out just what they should do with their lives.
    Ya but you have to admit that we’re a better version of ourselves—now that we know what we didn’t know (although perhaps both less confident and outwardly successful). However at the same time, you have to admire that innocent spunk when we THOUGHT we knew, and could successfully do, everything. But that misguided path can often lead to success in the wrong area—heartless, superficial and unfulfilling. And funny—the Se effort that was put into winning acceptance from all of the “in crowds” that were above us with their socially sophisticated games…just so that we could ultimately reject them to honour our Fi. It’s so pathetic. Socionics has definitely taught me the weak areas of our type. It’s better to know, than to be blindly naive, so it IS progress.

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    Quote Originally Posted by discojoe View Post
    ILIs, being aware of their awkwardness, tend to seek refuge in their intellectual pursuits, justifying their perceived weaknesses by keeping a self-image of brilliance and insightfulness, whether or not these are real aspects of their personalities.
    I felt this one, and I'm probably not even an ILI. Good content overall.

  35. #75
    Hakuna Matata and the cycle of Samsara godslave's Avatar
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    Quote Originally Posted by Clarke View Post

    ILIs, being aware of their awkwardness, tend to seek refuge in their intellectual pursuits, justifying their perceived weaknesses by keeping a self-image of brilliance and insightfulness, whether or not these are real aspects of their personalities.
    I felt this one, and I'm probably not even an ILI. Good content overall.
    That sounds like a textbook enneagram 5 trait to me.

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