(darnit I just typed this whole thing out and lost it so here I go again):
I don't know him anymore but I know enough about him to help with narrowing a type.

He's always loved motorcycles and fast cars. He had a bike back in college and it was my first experience on a motorcycle (a love I've never shaken, but enough about me). He still has one today and I heard that he took a year off from his job to travel the US alone on the motorcycle. He doesn't mind spending a lot of time alone. When he was younger he constantly felt misunderstood by most people so he chose his friends carefully. The friends he did have were always loyal, fun and fairly close to him. He felt guilty for not adopting the religious beliefs of his parents and hides parts of his lifestyle from his mother even now. He doesn't like to be tied down, never married (he'll be 39 in a few days) but I think he's been living with someone for several years. not 100% sure about that. He has a heart for the less fortunate and social issues. He used to work in a prison, teaching English. I remember one time he left the dinner table rampaging against his mother for her racial prejudice (which WAS kinda bad but I was a guest so I just sat there, not sure what to to!). He plays the saxophone and can improvise like you wouldn't believe. He used to write the most amazing short stories too and almost applied for a creative writing master's program. He could draw really well and paint also. He was interested in my photography and jealous that I could play the piano. We used to drive out to the country and take black and white photos of old abandoned farmhouses. Seemed like he always had the ideas of what we were going to do (and really cool ideas) and he'd invite me along, it was constantly enjoyable. Oh and he loved to eat! We were always always going out to eat and his mother would give him tons of money so he'd pay for both of us. LOL

I was thinking ISTp. Does that sound right for him? But then I wondered about ISTj for a brief moment because our relationship was always very good. Only I think one of his best friends was ENFp.