According to everything I've read on Enneagram, type 6 is a security seeking type. They are seeking some sort of guidance from some source as to how to live their lives. They usually don't have the need to figure things out for themselves, as they tend to rely on the outside source for guidance. Counterphobic 6s are not the opposite of this, despite what Strrrng tells everyone. Counterphobic 6s our anti-authoritarian, though they are not much different than the regular 6s in fear of insecurity. They are still looking for something to latch on to, they just haven't found it yet. For some reason Nick(Strrrng), thinks that everything anti-authoritarian and independent is counterphobic 6 for some reason. This is not the case.

Enneagram 4s on the other hand have a need to be individualistic. They have a need to be original and artistic. They usually have a need to make themselves different from everyone else, thus they project their "fantasy self". Usually when there is some problems with their "fantasy self" or some social experiment has gone wrong, they retreat into their imaginations,(hence they are a withdrawn type). For some reason Nick keeps saying that 4s don't have a need to be original, they just are. My question is that why would a 4 have a fantasy self if they didn't have a need to be looked at a certain way. He keeps saying that hes projecting his fantasy self, yet the way he acts is that hes just doing it for the heck of it. Enneagram 4s, despite what he thinks can be extremely anti-authoritarian, though its more of a need for independence and the creativity and change of the current state of things.