An ENFP Mind "Functioning": (Note format)

My preferred mode is looking out into the world of interactions and interconnections. I don’t actually put a name to the interaction, nor actively judge it. The interactions/connections just “are.

Familiar Patterns of interactions/connections unconsciously strengthen previous pattern associations. These are the patterns which make up my internal framework, belief systems, and sense of self.

Conflicting Patterns are brought to my attention by a jarring feeling, like someone suddenly put on the brakes of a moving car, or a crack/split feeling within my body.

Actions from here depend on the strength of the conflict feeling.

Slight Conflict Feelings will usually remain unnoticed until it occurs enough times to gain notice. I call this “limbo”.

The stronger the conflict feeling, the stronger the previous patterns have been internalized. (The more I have identified with the pattern.)

A choice must now be made:

Choice 1: Stick with the internalized pattern. Aka “gut feeling” or “I’m going with how I feel on this one.” May also lead to expressions like ‘this is how it is/should be’.

Choice 2: Attempt to understand/identify the conflict by breaking one or both patterns down into components or “blocks”, then feeling/seeing where and how the components match/mismatch. The components are actually felt.
* ie. Block A may be felt above my right shoulder forward a bit.
* Block C is behind the lower part of my left hip. Etc.
* Matches are a soothing feeling. Mismatches are another jar.

Mismatched Components are dealt with depending on ability and importance:
1. may revert to “gut feeling”
2. break mismatched blocks into further components
3. or check to see what other patterns may have matching components (system adjusts to new matches)

It is not easy going into depth regarding complex patterns.
It is much easier to follow one’s “gut instincts”.
Delving into understanding/identifying the pattern requires developing some of the following:
1. Si - to uncover where the information is stored and obtain any sensory memories needed to identify components/blocks.
2. Te - for arranging or rearranging the blocks until feels right.