All this stuff is swirling in my head all night long and BAMMMM! it hits me! I'm ESE!

Take a look at my last post in What's your opinion?

"I do appreciate and like this Si stuff in the way they describe it....BUT, my mind, energy will begin driiiiiifffftttttinggggggg to the dark side, eventually.

Logically, you would think that calm=peaceful and serene. And it does for you Deltas. But for me, calm=room for the devil to come in and ZAP your energy. Not a literal devil, dark energy. Been there, no thanks.

My kind of calm is actually . When I'm stressed, yoga is not the ticket. I need hard and heavy weights, a kickass workout, where I feel strong and powerful against darkness. To fight the inner demons that I just can't get away from.

I "seem" Delta in a lot of ways because I have learned many techniques from them over the years. But, then I twist them into "my thing." I wanted/needed a huge arsenal of "things" that protect me from any and all dark energies. The ultimate is Unconditional Love and Light. And so it is."

When I "do" stuff isolated from , I driiiiifffffttttt into Ni land and IT IS DARK. SORRY! If I had Ni in my ego, I would ENJOY the dark side!!!!! BUT NO! I hate it. So I learned ways to "deal" with the dark that I felt so easily. I use my SUPER STRONG with visualization () to change the frequency within the Ni stuff to one of Light, Love, Joy!!! AND THEN I'm happy! But I have to stay vigilent. That's why my "version" of is a "positive" one.

My kind of calm is not , it's a combo of and , which, to me, comes out looking . The reason I didn't like the definition of is because it's too calm all by itself. I have to have all over the place with it.

This is so cool! Watch out Alphas, here I come! Turn up the music, I've come to dance!

Kelly Jo