I have a favor to ask of you guys. The recent thread on model forum members got me thinking. I certainly don't regard myself as a model of my proposed type, but I want to ask you a question and get responses as honest as you can make them. Recently, I've become kind of ambivalent over myself as an INFj. Not in the sense that I want to reject the idea completely. On the other hand, I don't want any reassurances either (though if you feel if INFj does fit, feel free to say so). Basically, the question I put to you is this:

Judging from whatever contact you've had with me, what seems out of place for me as far as being INFj?

My reason is asking is that I'm looking for secondary types or ideas to consider in my search, since day after day I realize I know less and less. Also, feel free to critique me or any sort of perceived flaws I seem to have in approaching socionic concepts, if any of you have noticed anything. That could also come in handy.