I was just thinking about how in duality relations we rely on our dual's strong functions to guide and help us cope with our weak functions- to the point where we may become dependent on our dual. IMO, this seems like a potential area of manipulation on our dual's part seeing as we kinda just take our dual's word for it- i mean, it makes sense right? We both value the same functions while devaluing the same functions, and even though our dual is competent at our valued and unvalued, weak functions, they choose to predominantly use our weak, valued functions- making us feel as if our dual's preferences were done just for us- how lucky we are! With our duals we get the feeling of playing for the same team, being on the same wavelength, being counterpoints, the yin to our yang, etc.- so of course we should trust their guidance of our weak points... right? I mean, they benefit from us in the same way that we benefit from them after all! My argument is that even though dualities can be amazing relationships, perhaps we should still concentrate on developing our weak functions so as to not completely rely on our dual for everything we suck at.

I'm reminded of the meeting in Boston and Rick's retelling of ****** (EIE) and Stalin's (LSI) non-aggression pact during WW2 where Stalin became so enamoured with ****** and his seeming loyalty to their pact, that Stalin returned to the Soviet Union praising ****** and the strength of their bond. However, when ****** broke this pact and invaded the Soviet Union, Stalin was left embarrassed and broken.

This example to me seems as if ****** used his strong to charm Stalin and reel him in by exploiting Stalin's dual-seeking function. Stalin felt assured by ******, and because he himself was not adept at and thus did not read between the lines, and was too caught up in the promise and excitement over meeting his dual- the person he thought he could depend on- Stalin ended up getting royally screwed.

That's an extreme example, but has a dual ever screwed u over? What do you think of this concept? What is the probability of such deception of a dual occurring? In what situations would this most and least likely occur? Do you think there are some duals that would be more likely for this to occur between then other duals?

BTW, sorry for shitting on anyone's idealized conceptualization of duality relations haha.