My Retelling/Sum Up/Regergitation (sp) of Model A/Soc. Model of the Psyche:

Fct 1, Leading fct, base program, accepting fct: It's "on" most of the time, it's like your operating system, everything else must "serve" it and fulfill its "agenda." Defines the ego and person in a way. Has the highest stamina. Largely defines your perception of reality, and your use of the other fcts will be colored by its perception (by its take on things).

Fct 2, Creative fct: Flickers "on" and "off" like a dying light bulb (only it never dies). Does a lot of work for Fct 1 in that it interacts with the outside world, helps the leading fct transmit and receive information to/from the outside world. Is somewhat limiting, in that it tries to "regulate" how much use of the IM element in it is "appropriate" or "reasonable." Has good stamina, but not as good as Fct 1. You tend to help others with it (though you do that with Fct 1 as well).

Fct 3, role-function: Limited use, limited desire to use. It conflicts with Fct 1. Whenever it's "on" Fct 1 will have to be "off" or at a low residual energy level. Hence the individual often isn't fond of using the role-fct. Takes a great deal of concentration to use it. It is difficult, possibly "painful," and an overall chore. Poor stamina. Often shows up as a slight background awareness, at a very low level of energy.

Fct 4, PoLR (point of least resistance), vulnerable fct: Even less use/stamina than Fct 3. Fct 2 has to be "off" or downplayed for Fct 4 to be "on." Is often a blind spot, flat out fails to pick up information, control over its use is poor and awkward. Often ignored or seen as irrelevant (that is whatever IM element is in it), it produces "duh" moments, or "what was I thinking?!?" moments, since you tend to ignore its information and then get blind-sided.

Fct 5, Suggestive Fct, Primary dual-seeking fct: Weakest point in a way. Also most sought after point. If Fct 1 is like the Sun, Fct 5 is like the moon. It's the hidden other half, complimentary to Fct 1. It lives in your mind, in your subconscious... you often imagine or see its presence within you, but it's hard to see it from outside of you. It emeges in random/infrequent spurts (in your outside activity) and then mysteriously dissipates again as though it were never present. It isn't painful to use, but sometimes its hard to summon it up to the surface, as though your activity is often sapped of its presence (like you can't find its energy/don't have the energy). Hence you seek it in others at times.

Contrasting it with Fct 3... it's almost like use of Fct 3 is draining, so you don't want to use it very often... The IM element in Fct 5 is wanted, but you find yourself generally drained of it... energy needs to be fed into it in order for you *to* use it. And you don't know where that energy comes from. It's like the inverse sort of situation to what goes on with Fct 3.

Fct 6, Mobilizing Fct, Hidden Agenda: Something you feel inclined to always keep track of/tabs on (which you sort of do with Fct 5 as well). It's not your strong suite, and you don't have a great deal of stamina with it, but it's something that is important to you on some level, so your subconscious mind keeps tabs on it, pointing out to you when something seems amiss with the information it's collecting. Not really difficult or painful to use, just you may not be as adept at it as with Fcts 1 and 2. You like to be "helped" with it sometimes, but you can actually manage it on your own pretty well.

Fct 7, Ignoring Fct: It's like the back-up to Fct 1. It's there and it's strong, and you have quite a bit of stamina for it, but it remains in your subconscious working behind the scenes of Fct 1. It's said you tend to use it a lot when alone (or in your hobbies). You find it tedious when others "misuse" it, and if others try to "help" you with it that can also be tiresome since you already get it--you just didn't express it. You're a natural at it, but not necessarily a natural at expressing it to the outside world. You rely heavily on it though: it works in tandem with Fct 1.

Fct 8, forget what it's called... perhaps Demonstrative Fct: I don't really get this one. Supposedly you make little quips about it showing how Fct 2 is better than it? I have no awareness of doing that. Anyway, you're also really good at it, have stamina with it, and it's subconscious, blah.
My Thoughts about this...

This is the problem I do have with Socionics. I mean we can divide reality up into 8 aspects if we like, it's totally arbitrary, which is why I'm fine with it. It just provides a language to work with, or one point of view to work with (which is needed, so great).

But the Socionics model of the psyche... this is what's fishy to me... yes, I can introspect and start seeing some of this stuff, but I can rewrite my brain to see a lot of things if I try, so that doesn't really mean anything about it being true. Supposedly it's based on some of Jung's work and he seemed to think he was being empirical... Or you could see if you can agree with others on it, but even if you all manage to "see" it that also doesn't mean it's true... just that you all aligned your minds to see it (which can be done if it's true or not). You can in part try to apply logic to confirm or deny it, but I think that falls short as well...

To make it worse, this is the concept behind typing people. It's like playing mix and match with the 8 IM elements and the 8 functions, and maybe if enough of us feel we "see" it or agree, then it seems to work, or at least be partially true.

Though still with any IM element, you could write a brief description of it, and every human on the planet would relate to it, because these are things all of us do. (Differing degrees aside).

Information metabolism... how strong of a metabolism is it? How easily obscured is it by other things? Does it even exist in this way? I generally just see it as a tool, its usefulness trumping whether or not it's true/has merit.

This is where the whole theory becomes very fuzzy to me. This is where it seems like a pseudo-science. This is where I use my imagination as a sort of dummy variable, and say "let's just suppose that this is what it is," or "for the sake of argument, I'll assume that Model A is the way my psyche is organized," so on. But deep down I feel that Model A is just as arbitrary if not more so than the IM elements/IM aspects. And if they're both arbitrary, that leaves me feeling quite uncertain about the reality of any of it.
