You know, the discussion over my type has been ongoing for quite a while. I've actually let it roll on, because I decided that my initial type (INTj) was reached rather too hastily, and I was over-eager. So now I've taken my time, and we've thoroughly discussed the intricacies of INTjs and INTps. We've also touched upon ISTjs and ISTps.

The trouble is, everyone's started to run out of ideas. I am too. I keep on repeating myself, asking for more information, and people now (obviously) have little more to contribute.

Now, several things have crossed my mind.

Firstly, I took a casual test called "What obsolete skill are you?" My result was this:

You are “growing one's own food”. You are guided by two words: “Live simply”. You value quality over quantity in most things, and you have little use for the materialism and consumerism of modern culture. You know the value of hard work and try to be self-sufficient as much as possible, and what you do you do well. Unfortunately, no man is an island, and you cannot do everything yourself. Your puritanical work ethic makes people think that you are weird, and not much fun. Your problem is that growing one's own food has been obsolete for a long time.

This result was really quite puzzling. I am an intellectual, or highly intelligent. Thus, how can I live simply? I would need constant intellectual stimulation. The idea of being an ancient Chinese or Japanese or Okinawan peasant or monk appeals quite a bit to me - the words sound right to my ears. But, if I was in that life, since I am an intellectual, wouldn't I grow bored and frustrated quickly? Then again, one could argue that anyone would find the life of a monk or of a peasant quite boring, since they are mundane tasks.

This is basically a question over whether I am a "true" intellectual, an intellectual "by nature", or whether I have been tricked into thinking that I am through MBTI, copying certain intellectuals, a good maths teacher and an interest in science fiction. I know that I am highly intelligent, at least. In school, I am probably in the Top Ten Most Intelligent People in my year of approximately two hundred. (Or Top Thirty, I'm not really sure.)

I can't turn to my experiences in life before MBTI/maths teacher/science fiction. I was then very interested in a career in the services (ie. military), due mainly to a person close to me (my resident ESFx) who was in the services. But, suddenly, we had a little talk and he said that the services were probably not for me because he thought that it wouldn't provide enough intellectual stimulation for me.

It's really quite puzzling. I can't be sure that I am an intellectual. I can't be sure that I am not intellectual. My apparent "intelligence" must have some substance because I am quite intelligent, BUT you must understand that I have a very good memory, that I put in a lot of effort to my schoolwork, I am very obedient and I work well in the school environment. This may contribute to me doing well at school. Plus, when I started school, I quickly applied methods that motivated me to work and seem to have become natural - this could also be a factor. Added to that, my interest in science fiction may have provided the intellectual stimulation for my mind to grow, but perhaps it resulted in my intelligence growing beyond what is natural for me? It's difficult to explain that last point in words, but hopefully you'll get my gist.

As you can see, it seems a difficult situation. Hmm...

Secondly, I would have thought now that my type would have been apparent, after so much discussion. But it isn't. Something's wrong, and I think that I may even be on the wrong track. When I first posted on these forums, I said:

Through Socionics I have got narrowed my type down to three types; INTj, ISTj and INTp. But I’m not quite sure how to finally prove, beyond reasonable doubt, my type. It seems simple but, on closer scrutiny, then problem becomes more complicated, and seems to even become something of a riddle.

Now, I can't remember exactly what happened, but I do know that I entered Socionics having identified myself as an MBTI INTJ. This could have biased me. My true type could well be a Feeling type, or an Extrovert, and possibly even a Sensor (the J-P scale isn't mentioned here because we haven't determined it). I'm concerned that we are barking up the wrong tree, or have been barking up the wrong tree.

Now, I am really sorry that this has dragged on as long as it has. I can half-imagine you groaning and saying, "Oh no, Tanzhe's got more doubts," or "Why can't Tanzhe just make a decision?" or "Not Tanzhe again." Again, I'm sorry. But I think that it would be good to go over these points to specify a few things.

Any thoughts on either of the points raised?