I'm interested in finding out whether or not 8 is compatible with LSE. I want to build up a case for and against the possibility of 8 being compatible with LSE. I'd be grateful for any input. Feel free to take me up on any of my ideas.


While 8w7s are quite naturally opposed to LSEs because of their heavy Se, 8w9s show 8s in an altogether different light, which would make them seem compatible with LSEs. While the toughness of the 8 can be conveyed through Se, it is not strong enough to be a leading function. This is possible.


The primary flaw in the idea that 8s could be LSEs is the Se issue. On the one hand, 8w9s are less tough, commanding and expansive that 8w7s, and thus their Se can easily be explained in a demonstrative rather than, say, dominant fashion. However, 8w7s are clearly by nature outwardly aggressive, dominating and imposing. And an 8w9 is, after all, an 8. 8w7s and 8w9s retain the same basic motivations. And all 8s are skilful in Se. This conflicts with the LSE, who does not place much emphasis on Se.

8s do not like rules. LSEs like clearly defined structures.

The majority of LSEs have been cited in Enneagram circles as either 1s or 3s. Al Pacino, a well-known 1, is an LSE, as was Thomas Edison (although he may have been an LIE). Jean-Claude Van Damme, Arnold Schwarzenegger and Christopher Reeve are 3s, and are also LSEs. It is perfectly plausible to argue that John Wayne, an apparent 8w9 and LSE has been mistyped in either socionics or the Enneagram.