I have noticed that an ENFp I work with seems to be actively exploring the possibility of a romantic relationship with me. All well and good, but what confuses me is she has a boyfriend that she lives with! This behavior of seemingly seeking out new romantic relationships while in a relationship does not sync with my understanding of the NF temperament.

Seeking new relationships while in one also seems to contradict what is said about the NF’s “personal commitment” to their relationships. I have read NF types seeks “all-consuming” relationships, and in bad relationships attempt to maintain them. Often “rationalizing the others behavior” and “internalize the relationship problems”. However, the ENFp may dream of “greener pastures”. I was under the impression this was an either/or behavior for ENFps: Either they are jumping from relationship to relationship unable to stay focused OR they stay with one at a time even after that relationship are bad. So, the questions are according to the theory:

A) …does the ENFp engage in fantasies of new romantic possibilities while being emotionally engaged in a relationship?
B) …does the ENFp pursue new romantic possibilities while being emotionally engaged a relationship?
C) …when engaged in a relationship, but unhappy with it, does the ENFp seek new relationships before the current one has formally ended?

Most importantly. If yes to any of these, is this not contrary to their character?