Quote Originally Posted by dee, xx:39
actually, i can identify pretty well with EJ too. not so much with IJ. EP yes too. so all really except for IJ. i don't know if you read me in Ezra's typing thread:
i don't think i have Si in my ego as i'm always spaced out and day dreaming a lot, don't care about being comfortable and always sit for long periods in uncomfortable positions, i even sleep on bare wood almost (that makes me sleep better and is healthier). i don't care much about my health, unfortunately. though hoping to be improving.
the tensedness could be to do with either J or decisive, not sure. i can identify with the ENFj profile no matter what i said about me and Fe polr.
Quote Originally Posted by dee, xx:45
err.. actually no, can't really relate much.
Could you elaborate? Because it looks like you just did a complete about-face in 6 minutes.